Sorry that I've been holding this out on you guys so long. School became a big pain in the butt, and of course, I've been focusing more on Iron Rose.

I'm considering cutting down on the classes if possible to see if I could focus on this more(I've already dropped D2 just so I could continue this stuff, been binging on Byf.).

Life stuff aside, lets start on the reviews:

OPP & Marcella:Barloc being Cayde's secretary sounds quite interesting.

I found it a very dynamic duo indeed. A overly serious warlock with a joke name to him with Cayde just sounded perfect for Iron Rose.

Remember, however, that he's still from SOFI, but not directly tied in to Ptabs's Remnant-verse. Which... well, I won't say.

BlackWing:Dr Merlot gonna die. That's a fact.

Well yes, but it actually won't go out the way you think. Despite Barloc's cynical attitude, he's still a guardian, and still feels obligated to spare humans, as well as faunas by recent extension, unless he absolutely has to kill them.

Does that mean Barloc isn't going to kill off the grimm and Merlot? Or use them for something else, and still kill them? I'll leave you on the thought.

With that said, and without further ado,

"So Barloc, you've been pretty inactive towards us the last semester." Kane started off, staring at me from his seat. "And also haven't ever been showing up to the cafeteria or dorm. Do you have a place of your own, or have been living in the wilds?"

My and I team were currently in the cafeteria, after finally having gotten hold of me to come over for a minor reason.

I sat opposite of Kane and Augustus, ignoring my food as Sterling calmly ate her toast and eggs. "Both. I live in my airship."

"A... airship?" Kane said slowly with a raised brow, Sterling and Augustus doing the same. "You have one of those?"

"I use it as housing, yes." I responded pragmatically. "The need to stay indoors rather than fighting grimm is unimportant to me. I'm only here at your request, as I have duties to maintain as team leader." He crossed his arms. "Is there an actual need? Like grimm threats around the school? Struggling in the classes?"

Sterling shook her head, and swallowed the food in her mouth before speaking. "Well, we kinda just figured a team leader would be more... active around his team. To build teamwork and such."

I shook my head in kind. "Then you should see me in action. If I wanted, I could raze whole armies of grimm, but the battle that I need to stop is more within humanity and faunas alike." I showed this by idly summoning a solar grenade, throwing up and back down into his palm in a relaxed gesture, repeating the process as the grenade hasn't been armed, until the grenade disappeared. "Grimm are just the more accessible way of assisting at the moment. My company is fortunately able to hold up the mission I left them."

"Comp-" Was all Augustus was able to let out, before the sound of something heavy being slammed down on a table next to them followed by silverware clattering made itself known. The whole team looked to the noise.

I stiffened at the sight of Ruby Rose. Even though she was going on about some sort of list for 'the best day ever' and kicking the semester off with a bang, I didn't have a backup plan setup for this scenario. I kept my attention on her, but made no move as I opted to quickly make up a plan to stay out of sight.

"I always kick my semester off with a Yang!"

Then I promptly slammed my head into the table, groaning as Sterling chuckled at the bad pun. "Oh by the Traveler, she has one of those on her team..."

"What's wrong with a bad pun every once in a while?" Sterling asked, before grinning. "There's no need to turn white as the moon to somebody like that."

"I know what you said, and my respect for you is now completely gone."

"Worth it."

"What's with being so tense anyhow?" Augustus said, noticing the apprehension on I's form. "It's like you fear them or something."

"Not them, especially with my own sister in the mix. Her." I pointed to Ruby, making sure none of her team was able to see. "She's an anomaly with those silver eyes. I don't like anomalies. They scare me more than anything else ever could."

The four were surprised at the fact. "You know, she's been trying to reach you ever since she got her hands on that book of yours." Kane pointed out.

"For what reasons may I ask?" I said, a tint of edge to my tone. She can't be that curious or distrusting of me... could she? If not, this could complicate things.

They looked to each other for a moment, before Sterling spoke. "She wanted to know as to why you've been avoiding her of all people. You've been coming over to visit Weiss and Blake occasionally, but act as if talking to her is a big deal."

Ah, that explains it then. A mere imbalance of time spent. Nothing that I can't-

"Also, can you not ditch class by leaving these 'decoys'?" Sterling added. "We're getting tired of having to clean up after you when you're out slaying."

I grit my teeth from under my helmet, flushing in partial embarrassment. "W-well I... his classes are just that boring! And I'd rather be-"

I then saw a pie fly past my face, and I followed it, watching as it flew right into Weiss's face.

Pretending to forget about the conversation, I looked to where the pie came from, and saw one of the members of team JNPR looking surprised, and guilty of the act. It was the redheaded one, who tried to pin the blame on the albino pink eyes, whilst the other ones were left shocked.

Narrowing my eyes, and acting as if I was greatly offended by her throwing a pie at my sister, I looked to my own food, which was a plate of spaghetti, before lobbing it straight at Nora's face, followed by Weiss throwing her mash potatoes at her as well.

I then stood up on his table, derailing everything with a single shout. "THE HOUNDS OF THE FOOD WARS ARE UPON US!"

All of the students stared at me for a few seconds.

Then Nora fired back with a soda can set to explode on me, but completely, and hitting a man with skin between light, to medium brown skin tone, a shaggy head of dark chestnut brown hair, and hazel eyes… hunching over a rather expensive looking slice of now destroyed cake.

The man looked to Nora with eyes of fire.

And the mayhem started in the cafeteria.

Food immediately went flying everywhere as all teams split, with some students running out of the building as fast as possible in order to protect their food, while the rest participated or hid within the chaos. I did the latter as mu teammates fled the scene, slipping deep within a cluster of tables. I carved a small hole out with my sword on each of the tables and watched the chaos unfold. "And so does this unintentional chaos truly unfolds… I'll make my escape later." I muttered, watching as RWBY, JNPR, Sterling, and-

His eyes widened at the sight. "The fox girl with the eye semblance is here?!" He took a moment to process this. "Well, I'd better hope she gets knocked out then… or Ruby. Silver eye data is needed after all."

"THAT WAS A HANDCRAFTED DELICACY YOU RUINED!" The brown skinned young man shouted as he began lobbing soda can after soda can around Nora, the last of which had a soft blue glow which soon caused it and the previous cans to rupture violently.

Nora giggled maniacally, as she aftly dodged the soda cans on top of a mountain of tables. "I'M QUEEN OF THE CASTLE! I'M QUEEN OF THE CASTLE!"

Sterling looked to be enjoying the chaos, using her bow to shoot leeks and milk cartons at the fox girl. Said fox girl was clearly enjoying the mess just as much as Sterling though was also making a show of it, dodging at the last second and even going as far to catch a leek mid-flight and taking a bite out of it.

Sterling looked at her as she took a bite out of the leek, before a determined grin befell her features, eyebrows narrowing. "You cheeky little fox girl…" She said as she slung her bow on her back, now looking to engage in melee with a breadstick, smacking Cardin in the face, tilting her head slightly to avoid the spaghetti he tried to lob in her face.

"JUSTICE SHALL BE SWIFT!" Ruby called out to Nora, crushing a milk carton. "JUSTICE WILL BE PAINFUL!"

"JUSTICE SHALL BE SWEET!" The still angered man bellowed as he began to throw donuts as if they were shuriken, a jelly donut hitting Ren's face as team RWBY released a warcry along with the man.

I stared outwards with a flat face. It was just unbelievably corny to me.

"Very inconspicuous tables by the way boss!" Kane said from above him, causing him to look up. Apparently, Kane was fighting off the other members of Cardin's team. "I'll be sure to come here with a meatloaf afterwards!"

"I'll have you know, I have better things to do than-" I was interrupted, as Kane pulled him out.

"HOUNDS OF WAR WEAKSAUCES!" Kane yelled as he threw me out into the open, leaving him confused, and right into the warpath of a barrage of watermelons.

Quickly utilizing my void light, as he knew this fight was definitely non-lethal, I teleported out of the way at the last second, letting the barrage hit RWBY. He then growled in frustration. "Fine! I'll participate in this blunder." He said in annoyance, picking up a breadstick as I looked to the fox. "Sterling! This one's mine, help Kane!"

Sterling nodded, and jumped away, heading over to Kane. I wielded the breadstick like he would a normal sword, staring down the fox girl.

"So we meet again at last." I said with a tint of excitement trickling in, his helmet concealing his face. "The lizard got me too excited last time, but I'll have better chances doing this in person now with a straight head…"

Right as I finished my speech, the fox makes a full turn to face at him with her cannon lifted up… with a large watermelon sticking out of the barrel. Already charging a blast.

I merely went into a defensive stance, ready to deflect as his light moved to the sword. In the background, Ruby slid across a table full of left behind plates of food "Just like the training, Radegast taught you…" I muttered to myself.

I blanched and froze in place. "The training I'm using for a food fight, where have I gone-"

"Ya going to keep talking like that?" The fox interrupted and stuffing a melon into her cannon again while holding a leak and chewing on said vegetable. "Ah seem to remembe' this being a warzone." She taunts a bit while charging up another attack and firing the melon straight at him.

"No talking during a fight!" Sterling reminded him with a smirk on her face, kneeing Cardin in the chest as she slapped him with a breadstick.

I looked on nonplussed with the pink on my visor slowly coming off on it's own, and teleported behind the fox. Much to my dismay, the man from earlier barely just managed to block the breadstick slam at the last second. Riding the impact down, the man spun down and rolled away, once again righting himself as he stared down I.

"You want Stella, you go through me," He declared as he pointed a chili flake spiced breadstick at I. "Now stand your ground."

"My hero…" The now named Stella mutters with a roll of her eyes, taking another munch of her leek. "Hm, these are pretty good…" She said, as my right eye twitched underneath the helmet.

"TRAVELER DAMN THESE INSUFFERABLE WHITE KNIGHTS!" I shouted out in frustration, utilizing my light to do a powerful dash into the man with my breadstick, sending him back. Somehow, the man not only kept his footing as he slid back, he had kicked up a turkey and headbutt the baked fowl into my face, it bouncing off my head.

"NO! ONE! HARMS! MY! TEAM!" He shouted as he broke off his breadstick over my piece by piece.

Sterling had apparently heard that, and immediately quit focusing on Cardin's team to take a snipe at Stella. "Are you sure about that hunter boy?" She muttered to herself as she took aim.

I did the same to the man in kind as he dodged hits, wanting to get the man out of the way. He notices a soda next to a table near him, and scoops it up, utilizing his glide as he jumps into the air to throw it down at the man, a grape-flavored explosion covering the man. I then utilizes to grab a set of pancakes, throwing them like discs toward Cardin and his team, sending a couple to Stella as well.

She steps to the side of a pancake, sharing an unamused look to me. "Truce?" She says in a deadpanned voice while jerking her head in the man's general direction. All the while, loading in another melon into her cannon while sticking the leek into her mouth like a cigar.

Just as she said that, a leek hit the back of her head. Sterling laughed a bit in victory. "I harmed your team!" She taunted at the man, before quickly loading up an apple aimed directly at Dove Bronzewing's waist.

"Sterling, quit sidetracking!" I yelled at her, before switching my focus back to the two.

Stella, watching this just picks up the new leak and puts it in her mouth. "There's a joke to make here…" She says, adjusting their positions. "Shame I suck at jokes!" And with that, she charged back in. "LEEROY!" And fires the melon away.

"Throw the CHEESE!" the man proclaimed, somehow finding the time to quickly rig several trebuchets armed with cheese wheels, a block of swiss in his own aura covered mystical bear arm. A rain of dairy had soon befallen the battlefield.

I ducked under a table as to avoid the blast. Bending over to balance it on my back to make a protective shell, I went over to a relatively big pile of cans, and threw a few of them at the two from under the cover. Quickly following up my assault, I slid out, gathering the cans in one fell swoop, and mimicking the hunters of old, jumped up into the air to release a soda barrage onto the two, using a magnet on my gauntlets to grab more midair to throw both above and straight at the duo. The result of the assault caused the battlefield to also rain soda.

The man only tilt his head back, mouth agape as he drank in the carbonated beverage. "You call that soda!? This is soda!" Pulling a glass bottle of electric blue liquid, the man began to violently shake the bottle and aimed the nozzle at me and popped the cap.

I grit my teeth, desperately holding the table against the ensuing blast of soda, efforts proving fruitless as I was sent flying into a wall, table still in grasp. I got up as the stream died out, and was about to continue my assault.

The sound of a pillar breaking, however, caught my attention, and I looked to see that Weiss was sent flying into a pillar, Ruby catching her before she fell and got crushed. It did nothing to stop me from pausing for a long period of time in shock, however.

"Weiss! Weiss! Don't leave me Weiss!" Ruby shouted overdramatically in worry.

I knew my sister was stronger than that. Yet, as I watched the pillar fall, a burning desire to enact vengeance ignited from within, and I forgot about the fox girl entirely for a moment. I looked to JNPR, as arc light crackled in my hands.

"This. Ends. Here." I said, as he looked back at the two. Looking back at my own pile, I grabbed several and threw them into the air at the duo, ending the barrage with an arc charged soda hitting the set of sodas I sent forth. The arc charge set off the rest, and created a devastating bolt of soda chain lightning that splashed the whole cafeteria, announcing my presence for a moment as everyone looked at me.

"Hold this?" Stella asks, suddenly at his side with a very polite tone as she hands him a large gourd.

"If you'd mind, I am-" I then looks at the gourd. "Impossible…"

It was of the impossible proportions.

And glowing.

And on fire.

I half expected it to be a legitimate bomb, but it turned out to still explode gourd all over me. I merely responded back by charging another soda can, throwing it at Stella. The soda explodes, shooting out its contents in beams that pulsed. I then charged another, and spun it as I threw it at the man, aiming off to his side. Not even bothering to dodge, a green ethereal bear head appeared over the man's own and clamped down on the now exploding soda can, soaking him in carbonated goodness.

"I love explosions~!" They hear as Stella, covered in soda, yell out in excitement somehow managing to turns Tomatoes into fucking grenades and was tossing them around.

"Sing it sister!" Nora happened to be nearby when Stella cheered.

"Then you'll love this!" the man added, his bear hand snapping as the cheese from before began to rupture like C4.

Kane, Sterling, and CRDL had stopped their fighting to look on in absolute confusion, none of what was going on actually making sense.

"Is he seriously throwing lightning soda?" Kane asked, looking at me in disbelief.

"Forget that, how skilled of a chef do you have to be to make tomato bombs, with the explosion size of a hand grenade?" Sterling asked, unable to see how any of this is supposed to work, as team RBY dealt with NPR.

"This guy really likes his cheese…" Augustus chose to comment from the doorway of the cafeteria, CRDL and his team now noticing him.

The boy had been standing there stacked with pizzas and other such delicacies. He then turned to look at the six, a amused expression. "Were you looking for these perhaps? Sorry, mine now." He said as he surrounded them with a storm of leaves.

"AUGUSTUS, YOU TRAITOR!" Kane yelled after him in betrayal, attempting to find his way out of the storm, CRDL doing the same to attempt to get their pizza stack back.

Blake then sent Nora flying into a set of soda machines, causing a massive pile of soda cans to pour out. Stella was nearby and had grabbed a soda that was still intact and popped it open and set it next to Nora before trying to slide away.

Only to slip and end up falling onto her arse. "Yip!" She squeaks out loudly, having landed cheek first onto a cup.

I didn't waste a moment, and released a massive arc charge into the ground all the soda was at, creating a massive explosion of soda that made waves one would only expect from an ocean. It pushed everyone back to the walls, save for Ruby, who jumped up into the air to avoid the attack.

With almost everyone down, I took a moment to survey the destruction. I couldn't help but feel a slight amount of remorse for the lost food the students of Beacon had lost. All this food... wasted. So many lives that could've walked away with a full stomach. The stomachs my teammates could've walked away with. Stomachs full of pizza, cake, maybe even pies and meatloaves... I am truly a monster for causing this war. I should've never started this...

I then perked up, hearing something in the distance. What's that noise?

I turned around to see that Ruby took action, using her semblance to fly forth with her speed boost, pulling up a rainbow colored tidal wave of soda in her wake from the end of the cafeteria. I stared on in disbelief.

"Impossible…" I let out. I then recalled everything. "It's all impossible!"

"The goddess of sugar cares little!" Stella cries out, striking a pose while still on the ground. "The impossible means nothing!" She finishes with a loud, bombastic laugh.

"But how?!" Was all I was able to let out, as a even bigger wave crashed upon everyone again, this time forcing the cafeteria doors open as the liquid pooled out, everyone rolling out onto the grass .

"Huh. Well ain't that a hole in a boat…" the man muttered, body idly floating upon the sea of carbonated sugar.

Stella was giggling madly, wiping her eyes as she tries to stand up. When the soda finally even out she gets up, walks on over to Ruby, grabs her wrist and puts it into the air. "Goddess of Sugar wins again!" The cannoneer cries out jokingly.

"I still want my cake!" the man shouted, not even bothering to move as he had landed on a patch of grass.

All I could think of was how impossible it all was... until Ozpin stood over me with a grin.

"Had some fun now did you?" Ozpin teased.

"I was just attending a meeting there when things got out of hand..." I muttered to myself as I stood up, witnessing Glynda using her telekinesis to set everything back into order within the cafeteria.

"You're not a very good liar despite your age and occupation." Ozpin noted.

I crossed my arms, glaring at him from under the helmet. "My main goal is to kill off grimm, and send humanity into a golden age. Not babysit a bunch of kids."

"And you will in time." Ozpin said in response, drinking his coffee. "But for now I think you should learn how to be human again. You'll thank me for it once everything is done."

I bit my tongue, holding down my tone of voice. "I do not think you know why I'm trying so hard. If Remnant is not prepared for the future, it shall fall into darkness before it can save itself. I need to do all I can to push humanity forwards, even if it means harming myself for it."

Ozpin seemed to notice my concealed harshness, yet made no move to show any care for it. "Then maybe you should look at who else you're harming as you do this. Especially those close to you." He said, as he walked away.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Who could I possibly be harming other than me? Nobody should care about my duty, not even Weiss. I made it abundantly clear that I will do my guardian duties as necessary.

"Hey Barloc!" Ruby said, tapping my shoulder as she came up behind me, causing me to jolt. "That was a pretty fun food fight wasn't it?! I didn't even know soda cans could do that!"

"Y-yes, that was a fun food fight Ruby..." I said as I turned around, shifting my posture and voice to look relaxed. "I'd like it if we could do it again, but obviously Glynda wouldn't want to keep cleaning up after us."

My eyes then widened, as I realized the wording unintentionally made me say I wanted to spend more time with her. Traveler dammit, I was only planning on doing small interactions!

"Well, why not do something else?" Ruby offered, before getting a bit nervous. "I've heard from Weiss that you're quite the experienced gunsmith. Think you could teach me a thing or two?"

"You'll have to catch me during grimm slaying." I said as I pulled out a list of things to do today, most of which consisted of extermination missions, the list so large it hit the grass. As she looked it over, I crossed out the meeting I had with those three for today.

Ruby stared on in disbelief. "But where's the time for classes?"

I simply went back to going on extermination missions, ignoring Ruby's calls for me to return.

I pulled the sword out of the last Goliath, having recently decimated a herd through sheer persistence, as well as causing the goliaths to attack each other. I jumped off as it fell to the side, already turning into smoke as I leapt on top of one of the many ruined buildings of Mt Glenn. I looked to the horizon.

The sun was beginning to set, meaning it was time to turn in my daily set of completed mission reports back at Beacon. It was then I remembered Ozpin's words.

Then maybe you should look at who else you're harming as you do this. Especially those close to you... I furrowed my brow in thought. By what does that man mean? I had never had anyone close to me in centuries. Not since the Great Disaster, and guardians never have families. We have ghosts and fireteams...

I stared out at the horizon, as I thought about it for a little longer.

Ruby has been looking for me... but why? I know autobiographies tend to catch people's attention. But she didn't seem interested in the book when she finally got the chance to talk to me, rather opting for casual weapon talk.

I sighed to myself in frustration, watching as the light from the sun dimmed. Whatever. I still have a future to build. A future that I'll give my all to make, just like how the Traveler had. And this humanity shall be enveloped in a golden age, with Weiss and those I deem worthy leading my charge. Even if-

"Hey Barloc."

I turned around in surprise, pausing for a few moments. It was Ruby. "I see you remembered one of my now recently completed extermination missions."

"Yep!" She said with a smile. "So, what have you been up to? Aside from slaying grimm of course."

"Thinking. Plotting." I started off immediately. "As you have no doubt learned from Weiss last semester, I have a plan to make humans and faunas dominant in Remnant, free of grimm suppression. Which often takes up all my time."

"Yet she hasn't been let on all of it." Ruby pointed out. "She seemed fine with it, but I wanna know why she doesn't."

I nodded. "It is important. Classified. My plan runs on a very thin line of secrecy." I said as I turned around. "One knowing push from the enemies I have, and it will fall into abandonment, with massive consequences to follow."

My jumpship then flew before me. A reiteration of the Arcadia class jumpship I had, except large enough to account for my armory, guest space, and of course, scientific equipment. I jumped onto it, and opened the cockpit. I looked to her.

"I assume you have a bullhead of your own that transported you here?"

She shook her head sheepishly.

I sighed, and moved the ship closer to her. "On. I have mission reports to file."