"...and that's how you get a look that tells everyone you could totally kill someone. Make sure to subscribe for more videos like this one!" Galinda finished off her latest video, ending the recording and letting out a deep sigh of relief. Doing these got tiring. She wanted to do another art video, perhaps something to do with architecture but those never got many views. Maybe she'd do an art video with some dress designs she's been thinking about lately.
A quick glance at the time told her she needed to hurry up if she wanted to meet with Pfannee and Shenshen in time. She quickly got to work getting rid of her current makeup and putting on makeup more appropriate for what she was planning to do next. She hadn't had a chance to talk with Pfannee and Shenshen in a while, so the three had planned to meet up and just...catch up. She was looking forward to it.
With a final swipe of mascara, she was ready. She grabbed her purse and headed out. The place they were meeting - a small little cafe - was within walking distance, so it was convenient. It wasn't long before she got there. Pfannee and Shenshen were already there, so she hurried over to the table they had claimed.
"Galinda! There you are! Took you long enough to get here," Shenshen smirked up at her. "Video take longer than expected?"
"Yeah. Was also a pain to get the makeup off. But hey, I'm here now! What's new with you guys?"
Pfannee jumped in, starting to talk about something Avaric had (or hadn't) done. Galinda was barely listening. She smiled and nodded at the right parts. It was all automatic. While Pfannee and Shenshen talked, she thought about what she'd do for her next YouTube video. She really wanted to do an art video. It had been a while since she last did one. There was a reason for that, but she ignored it. She wasn't just a makeup tutorial account. It was her account, and she'd post whatever she wanted.
Then again, if she wanted to become one of the best...perhaps she should just stick to makeup.
"Galinda! Hey, Galinda!" It was then that she snapped back to attention, realizing her friends had been trying to get her attention.
"Oh, sorry! Lost in thought. What was that?"
"We were just asking about Fiyero. How is he? Are you still seeing him?" The words tumbled out of Pfannee's mouth.
"He's fine. He and I are no longer a couple. Decided it wasn't the best for us to be one." A pause. "Also, I'm pretty sure he was cheating. Or getting ready to." Whether or not he actually was, she didn't know. Still, it was enough for her to get a little pissed at him, and they broke off their 1-year long relationship.
"Oh yeah. Wasn't he talking with that one green dude? I forgot his name." Shenshen paused, as if trying to wrack her brain for their name. Galinda knew she didn't really care about the name.
"Something like that, yeah. I still don't believe he's actually green, but Fiyero always insisted he was." She's never even seen a picture of them. Nothing. Fiyero seemed determined to keep the two parts of his lives separate. She didn't even know if he was dating what's-his-name.
"Oh! Wait! I almost completely forgot! His name's Elphaba. I was scrolling through Fiyero's YouTube account and I came across his. And oh, my god. His videos! They're just rants. Purely rants. 30 minute long rants about this and that. Usually social rights stuff. Animals and gay rights and shit. I can't believe Fiyero fell for him. And not just because he's a dude."
"He's ugly too. I'm not even sure if he is a dude. He's got long hair, but also this super masculine body. But there's almost something feminine to him? I don't know. All that matters is he doesn't look good, and Fiyero's just wasting his time," Shenshen scoffed.
"Okay, you've got to show me a video." Galinda was intrigued, perhaps more so than she'd dare to admit. Pfannee scrambled to get her phone out, quickly pulling up his YouTube - AnnoyedAtTheWorld? What kind of YouTube name was that? - and clicking on what looked like one of the shorter videos. It was still over 20 minutes long. She couldn't get a glimpse of the title in time, but it looked like it was something about Animal rights.
The video started, and the first thing Galinda noticed was that Elphaba was, in fact, green. And it didn't look like makeup. They were a genuinely green person. Which lead to another thing. She couldn't tell what gender they were. For some reason, calling them a guy didn't seem right. But they didn't seem like a girl, either. Galinda had done a bit of research in the lgbt+ community, but never strayed very far into the gender part of it all. She was female, and quite content with that.
As she watched more and more of this video, Galinda couldn't help feeling almost drawn to them. Their voice certainly didn't help. It was low and almost gravelly. She wasn't really sure how to describe it. But she kind of liked it, though it seemed Pfannee and Shenshen didn't. Their hair was indeed long, and a black that looked darker than any hair she'd ever seen. Was that natural? She idly wondered what it felt like. As the three listened to the video, she pretended to agree with what the two were saying. It was something about how "he is way too into this. Who cares that much about Animals?" and "How does he have so many subscribers? His videos aren't that good." Eventually, Pfannee said she couldn't take it any more - they'd barely watched 10 minutes - and closed it. Before she did, Galinda got a peek at how many subscribers they had and was shocked to find Elphaba had almost as many as she did, roughly 200k. Seems like a good number of people cared about this kind of thing. She was, however, pleased to note she did have more subscribers than them, albeit not much more. She wondered if them being green deterred any potential subscribers.
"Okay, enough of that. We still have a lot of catching up to do!" And from that, the conversation shifted from Elphaba into other things. Like makeup and boys. That was something she could talk about without a problem.
It was a couple of hours later that Galinda was able to escape to her apartment. She was intensely glad she didn't have a roommate - perks of her parents having a decent amount of money - and immediately flopped on her bed. After a moment, she picked herself up and headed over to her vanity, quickly removing her makeup. Once that was done, she collapsed on her bed again and pulled her laptop over to her.
It was time to watch some of Elphaba's videos.