A week later I was studying in the living room when there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I announced and opened the door to find Jasper.
"Hey." He said, and I couldn't help but smiling.
"Hey Jasper, can I help you?"
"Sure thing, sugar. I was wondering if you wanted to come on a date with me?"
"When?" I asked.
"Now." He smirked back, and I smiled softly.
"Dad, Jasper asked me out, can I go?"
"Of course, hon." He said smiling slightly.
"I'll go get dressed and come back…actually. Where are we going?"
"Lunch." Jasper replied, and I nodded and ran upstairs.
. . . .
Jasper's POV
Well, I think that went well, until…
"Hello, you must be Jasper. I'm Charlie."
"It's nice to meet you again, sir. Um, we aren't having that kind of talk, are we?" I asked dreading the answer.
Charlie chuckled playfully. "No, I don't think its needed. You see, you hurt my daughter and she'll hurt you." He said, and I legitimately laughed.
"I've noticed. She's a firecracker."
"You're Rosalie's twin, right?"
"Yes, it was amazin' how quickly Rose and Hermione became friends." I said.
"It's like they were soulmates, but friends. Hermione had trouble making friends when she was younger…"
"Okay, dad. Can we stop story time, please?" Hermione asked and walked into the room.
"Wow." I said, she looked beautiful, like a goddess. I think Hermione noticed me looking at her because her cheeks coloured beautifully. Charlie smirked. Hermione was wearing a black, off-shoulders maxi dress that was shirred at the top and flowed down. She wore some pretty flats, minimal make-up and a bracelet.
"Alright kids. Go have fun." Charlie told them.
"Thanks dad." Hermione said and kissed him on the cheek.
. . . .
Hermione's Pov
So, are we really going to the diner?" I asked.
"I said nothing about a diner, I said lunch." Jasper replied, I tilted my head in response. "Just wait, we'll get there eventually." He said. Eventually they drove up to a path.
"Where are we?"
"It's a secret." Explained Jasper. "You see Edward has this meadow he likes to go to go to be alone with his thoughts, and I understand that. This is where I go when everyone's emotions are getting to me."
"Jas, this is a path." I joked.
"We aren't there, yet." Said Jasper. "Now, come on and get on my back!" Jasper said.
"What?!" I asked exasperated.
"Hermione, we can't drive there, you can't do that witchy thing because you don't know the location. I can run there, so climb aboard." Joked Jasper.
"Jas, you're not a train." I said but smirked at him anyway. I walked towards him and he helped me climb up onto his shoulders.
"Don't let go." Whispered Jasper.
"Never." I affirmed.
Then, Jasper took off it was faster than I had ever gone before. Now, just because I didn't like flying, didn't mean I hated going fast, I was speed maniac. With brooms, I was just scared I would fall off. Although, I knew I would never fall off Jasper. Eventually, after 20 minutes of running. Jasper slowed down gradually and stopped. I let go and landed on the ground.
"This is beautiful." I said. "Where are we?"
"In the middle of the Olympic National Park and Forest. Impossible to get to for humans. This is my sanctuary." Jasper said.
"It's amazing." I whispered, stuck gazing at the beautiful place Jasper had. There was a massive waterfall and lake that cascaded down two cliffs.
"Come on, there's more." Jasper said and picked me up with ease and put me on his back. He jumped out the cliff to the meadow below, where I saw candles and a picnic blanket in the middle.
"Wow." I whispered.
"I did have help, I had to tell Rose and Em about my special place, and I'm fine with sharing this with them. Oh, and I can't cook, so everything you eat is made by Harry."
"Mm, it'll be delicious then. Jasper, thank you. This is beautiful." I said and I sat down on the blanket. He followed and sat as well. He picked up a champagne flute and poured some champagne in them.
"You know I'm underaged, right?" I told him.
"In America." Replied Jasper. "In the Wizarding World, you aren't." He said and I smirked and accepted the glass as Jasper popped a strawberry in it.
"You're spoiling me." I told him
"So, my sweet tooth. When's your birthday?" Jasper asked.
"It's coming up. September 19th."
"Really? That's not far away, only a few days." asked Jasper and I nodded in confirmation. "What do you want to do for it?"
"Well, I was thinking dinner, with my family and friends." I admitted.
"Where would we hold that?"
"I have no idea." I replied.
"Okay, it's your birthday. I'm sure that all your friends and family can think of something." Jasper said.
"You're the best." I said shyly.
"I know." Said Jasper cockily which made me burst into laughter. "Now, I think you've told me about our favourite pie? Pecan pie, right?"
"Of course." I replied as he pulled my favourite pie from the picnic basket and set it on the rug before cutting and giving me a piece.
"Oh, Harry is amazing. He's such a great cook."
"I know, I had no idea how to cook anything, so he offered to help."
"He's a good friend." I admitted after taking a bite. I moaned. "This is so good."
"I'm glad you like it."
"So, there's something I've wanted to ask you, you might not like it. I keep hearing about Alice. What was she like?"
"Alice? Well, I wasn't with her for long, but she was always lovely. She loved to shop, we had to stop in every big town, so she could add to her wardrobe, she also tried to change my clothes as well. I think she was a bit of a control freak that way. But she was kind to those less fortunate, she helped where she could. What she could see helped her help others. But she was gone too soon." He spun the story.
"She was killed by James?"
"Yeah, Vicky told you about him?"
"Kind of, it wasn't a good story."
"No, I didn't think it would be."
"Was she your mate, and because you died you got another one?"
"I don't think that's how it works, beautiful."
"But Luna said I'm your mate, so which is it?" I asked uncertain. He walked towards me and grabbed me in a hug.
"I don't know beautiful. But I feel this connection with you instantly. I didn't get that with Alice, which makes me think it's you. Alice thought she was because of her seer ability, maybe it wasn't her though. I don't see how she could make that mistake, but I don't know any other answers."
I took a little step back and looked up at his face. What he said about me was lovely, and I felt a connection to him as well. I peered up at his face and stepped forward and kissed him. He deepened the kiss and wrapped his hand loosely in my mass of curls. I stood on my tippy toes before he picked me up and spun me around as we kissed. It was an amazing feeling, like sparks flying. It was like I could see my entire life with Jasper, he was my mate and I was his. We were destined to be together. Then the kissing stopped, and I was put back down.
"Did I do something wrong?" I asked uncertain and a little scared.
"What? No, of course not. I'm sorry, I just…I'm scared I'd hurt you, even just through a kiss. If I lose myself, I could kill you. I would never want that to happen."
I understood, but also didn't. "Jasper, I understand that you feel that way, but you're my mate, I know you felt what I did in that kiss. You could never hurt me, not even in a kiss."
"But I could."
"Jasper, you have to understand that I really like you and I trust you. And you're not the only one that can cause damage, even though I can mostly control my accidental magic, there are still time that I lose control of it, when you're feeling a lot of certain emotions. So, if you can't control yourself during a kiss, then neither can I."
"Hermione, it's different, I could kill you with just my hands."
"Hon, I'm a witch, did you forget that I can literally create fire from nothing? And a witch protects herself, so even if you lost control and tried to hurt me, my magic would react and stop you from doing it to protect me. Please Jas, I'm not saying go all in, but you can still kiss me." I told him and he looked uncertain.
"Hermione, you aren't as dangerous as I am." Jasper told me, and I got angry and whipped out my wand and pointed it at him. I cleared my head for a moment before lowering my wand.
"I'm sorry, Jasper, I shouldn't have pointed my wand at you. I'm sorry, but you have to realise this isn't a supernatural competition, we are both dangerous things, but the difference is, we are kind and we wouldn't use our powers to hurt humans or the people we love. I'm a good witch, and you're a good vampire. I can be dangerous and kill people, and I have. But I can also be caring and gentle, and I know you can be the same." I told him softly.
"I get it, I'm so sorry. I could never hurt you, and whilst I think we should still take precautions. Even while lost in the feeling of kissing you, I could never hurt you." Jasper told me and I smiled at him, happy that he got my point. I reached up and kissed him again, he responded again. It wasn't like me to be so defensive over his point just about a kiss. I think I'm falling in love. That is also not like me, I take my time to do things like love, I don't just jump in. It took years for me and Ron to get together. It was like my magic pushing me because my magic agreed that we were a great pair, that we were meant for each other. The kiss stopped again, and I was brought from my thoughts.
"You ready to go?"
"Yeah, I'll miss this place, though. It's beautiful."
"You can come back whenever you want, you know. Oh, I need to hunt. I'll drop you back off to the car and get some…"
"Pop me in a tree, I'll be fine." I said. "You don't need to run back to the car and back for me."
"I know, but if I'm far above you and I use a spell I've invented so you can't even smell me, then I'll be fine. You won't even know I'm there." I told him and started climbing the nearest tree, which I failed at and slid back down. "Um, some help would be appreciated." I said and saw him giggling at my attempt to climb a tree.
"Hey genius. I always stay down here to hunt. I'll pop you at the top of the cliff."
"Oh." I said, and he laughed loudly. "Shush you."