I must say, I never thought I'd ever do a Zelda fanfic, but here we are. This is actually my way of celebrating something. Just recently I completed one of the first Zelda games I ever owned. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. And by complete, I mean 100%. Heart Pieces, the horse race even all 100 of those lousy Gold Skulltulas. It was the first time I 100% a Zelda game. So here's a little something about my favorite game in the series. This will be short though. Five chapters. I do hope you all enjoy, regardless.
Saria. She was just a normal girl. A Kokiri with a fairy in the forest. And right now, she was the only one awake in the village. She was up and early, running towards her destination. There was a reason why she was up this early. She hurried over to the tree house at the bottom of a small slope.
"You know he won't be awake yet, right?" her fairy asked.
"I know, Adnim." Saria, replied as she climbed the ladder. "But I can change that the way I always do."
She made her way to the top and walked inside. In the lonely house, Link was sound asleep. As soon as she stepped in, she could hear him snoring and giggled. Tip-toeing her way to his bed, she knelled down and whispered into his ear. "Link. Link, wake up."
"Mmmph…" The Boy simply rolled over on the bed.
Losing patience, Saria started nudging him gently. "Come on Link. Rise and shine."
The boy groggily lifted his head enough to look at her. "Ugh…Saria? What time is it?"
"Almost seven I think."
"What? It's too early." The boy sighed, laying his head back down.
"Oh, don't be lazy!" Saira pouted. "Well, only one thing to do!"
Without warning she ran her fingers across the young boy's sides. He immediately started squirming. "Hey! Ack! Ha, ha, ha! Saria! S-stop that!"
"Up and at em, lazy bones!"
Link just laughed himself silly. Saria started laughing herself as she tickled him. Soon Link's laughter died down as he went limp on his bed breathing heavily.
"Uh…Link? You alright?" Saria asked.
Saria's fairy flew next to her. "I think you went too far."
"Whoops." Saria giggled nervously.
"So, now what?"
Saria stood up and turned around to look at her fairy. As soon as she did Admin, saw Link slowly roll over with a wicked grin on his face.
"Watch out!"
Link wrapped his arms around Saria's waist and pulled her down.
"Ha! Let's see how you like it!"
The female Kokiri's eyes widened as she felt Link's finger tips dance on her sides. She broke into giggles as she tried to get out of his grip, but he held firm.
"LIIIIIIIIIINK! AH, HA, HA, HA! Nohohoho!" Saria fell over to the floor, and tried to cover her sides, only for Link to get up from the bed and kneel to tickle his best friend further.
"And you think I'm ticklish!"
"I'm sorry!" Saria screamed while laughing. "You win! You win! I surrender! Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha! M-mercy heh, heh, heh!" Link smirked as he withdrew his hands. The girl went limp, giggling still. "Ah…ha…no fair…"
"You started it. What did you wake me up for, anyway?"
Saria needed a minute to catch her breath before she spoke again. "I…I wanted to show you something…if we leave now, nobody would notice us leave."
"The Lost Woods."
"The Lost Woods?! What do we need to go there for?!"
"You'll see. Don't worry, I promise we won't go far. And I know the place like the back of my hand, we'll be fine!"
Link sighed as they got up. His memories of the Lost Woods weren't to pleasant. For one, the first and last time he was there was when he was trying to get away from Mido and ran into the woods. He just kept running until he was too tired to run anymore. Then he realized that he was lost. He kept wondering around fearing that he may never find his way home. Luckily for him he ran into Saria, who showed him the way out. "Okay. If you say so…But you never told me what you were doing in there last time."
"Oh well…I have a secret place I like to go to. It's really nice. I hope I can show you someday. But for now, we'll just go halfway. That way we don't wake anybody up."
"I think you two tickling each other and laughing like maniacs woke up everybody in the village already." Adnim said.
Link and Saria laughed as they hurried outside.
Saria guided Link through the Lost Woods. They kept going until they stopped in one of the many branches in the path that looked the same. She stopped them in the middle of it.
"What did you want to come here for?"
Saria took something from her pocket. Link saw her with it many times. It was a Ocarina. "I wanted you to be the first to hear it. I've finished the song I've been working on."
"Yes. Please listen carefully."
She put the tip in her lips and slowly blew into the instrument. The sweet sound of music filled Links ears as he listened to the melody she played. It put him at ease. The next five minutes were just Link and Saria, standing there in the woods listening to the music that Saria played.
"There…well…what do you think?"
"That was beautiful." Link smiled. "I loved it."
"Really? Thank you!"
Link smiled as they sat down. "I wish I could play that well. Maybe if I got an Ocarina of my own some day…"
Saria smiled at the thought. "Yeah…I'd love to play alongside you someday."
"Me too…Though more than anything…I'd like to have my own fairy someday."
Sari sighed at the though. Mido and a few of his friends were the only ones who really gave him trouble for it, but being the only one in the village without a fairy really got to him. "That really has you bummed out, huh?"
"Saria…do I belong here? Am I…a freak?"
That question nearly split her heart in two. "What?! How can you say that?! Did Mido tell you that? If he's being a jerk again, I'll-
"No, it wasn't him…this time. I just…don't know if I belong here. I'm so different from everyone here." Link said with sad eyes.
"Link…everyone is different in one way or another. That's true for all living beings."
"But I…"
Saria wrapped her arms around him. "It's okay Link. I will always be your friend even if you never get a fairy. No matter how different you are from everyone else."
Link smiled and hugged back. "Thank you, Saria."
The next time they hugged was a few days after. It was on the bridge that separated the forest from the field. But this time neither of them smiled. Because this was goodbye. Link was leaving the forest. While hugging Saria, he held the Ocarina she gave him tightly. Saria could no longer hold back tears.
"Goodbye Saria…"
They slowly let go. Link took a few steps back, burning the look of her into his mind. He whispered "I'm sorry." Before turning around and running out of the forest. Tears of his own, slipped from his eyes as he left.
Saria's own tears continued to fall. "Goodbye Link…"
I plan on putting up one chapter a day. So look forward to more, tomorrow.