
It was rather rare in Konoha.

She often took the time to spend rainy nights thinking.

Or going out of her way to bring extra candles into her room so that her father wouldn't complain about the lights being on all night.

Or, taking parchment from the storage to write or draw until she fell asleep.

The gentle pitter-patter of the rain against the glass panes a comfort to her.

Soothing her.

Distracting her from the vexing mess that was clan politics.

Not tonight, though.

It was strangely difficult to think back to a time before she'd started to spend her nights together with him.

He was sweet, and his taste reflected that.

He was warm, his bare body against hers was proof enough.

He was strong.

His arms, tight around her waist, holding her close to him while they lied together beside his bed, could attest to it.

The two of them had been that way since they'd fallen from the bed in the middle of playtime.

Neither of them had finished, but here they were, cuddling on the carpet floor, both laughing at the other's off-handed remarks.

Teasing one another between falsely pure pecks.

Her kissing his chest.

Him kissing her neck.

Her nipping at his shoulder.

Him licking her cheek.

They were a mess.


No, that wasn't accurate.

She was normal.

He was a mess.

He was her mess.

She loved her mess.

Even as she wiggled free from his hold, crawling over him and pulling on his shirt.

A promise of her return escaping her lips as she slipped out of his bedroom, giddier than she'd been when she'd gone in.

And she would go back to him.

She always did.

Even in the rain.