Izuku Midoriya woke up with gasp and he sat up to see that he was in the nurse's office, he looked down to his body wrapped in bandages before grunting as his brain registered the pain he felt from the fighting in USJ

'That's right the villains!' he realized 'what happened to the rest of my class?!' he gripped his head in slight panic 'did they get hurt? Were they able to get back together during the villain attack?'

During his mental questioning, Izuku didn't realize that the door was opened by Recovery Girl and some faculty with to check on him

"Looks like our third patient has woken up" the support hero smiled "albeit with some bruising"

"Your quirk is a truly helpful" Cementoss commented

"Now we can ask him about his actions against a villain back at USJ" Snipe hummed

But before the teachers could make their questioning... the students of 1-A burst in,pushing the teachers aside, and went to their classmate with worry/interest etched on their faces


"Oh man you really got us scared Midoriya!"

"I can't believe that you acted like that!"

"You truly have manly qualities Midoriya!"

"Oui, Kamoshida... monsiuer Midoriya has quite a bright glow on him"

As the the rest of 1-A talked in a ramble, Deku smiled a bit at seeing most of his classmates showed concern of his being. His life now getting much better after enrolling in UA

'I'm glad that they care about me' he smiled before clapping his hands getting the class' attention "It's nice that you all care, but please..." he spread his arms around Recovery Girl's nurse office "can you give me some peace and quiet? I'm suppose to heal up after the incident today"

Just then a curtain moving was heard and they saw Necrom, with a sling for his broken arm, sitting on a bed with Eraserhead on the next bed beside him

"The boy's right kids" he then gestured to their other teacher "and you're all lucky that he's sleeping through the ranting earlier or he'd put you in detention for disturbing is rest"

The class gulped believing that... they knew how he cou;d get them in line faster than any teacher they've seen

"Now run along kids" he shooed them "let us rest while helping the police investigate this incident"

"Yes sir!" Tenya spoke before turning to his class "you heard our teacher! Let's leave them to rest!"

As the class rep of 1-A got his classmates out the teachers, nurse and Izuku breathed a sigh of relief

"I'm glad that was settled" the green-haired boy scratched his head "I haven't this kind of rush since the surprise media going the gate the other day"

"And with your uncle awake" Cementoss interjected "you would won't have to worry about questions from us"

"Thanks for telling me" he smiled before passing out on the bed again as he realized that his body needs more rest

"Now Necrom" the cowboy hero started

"I know, I know" the controversial hero stood up "what do you want me to answer first?"

While that happened some UA students were answering questions to the police with the faculty

"Are we in trouble for participating in this incident?" Eijiro gulped "cause we don't want to be in trouble this early..."

"No, no young one" the officer assured with a smile "we just need some personal wording to make this report believable, since the villains focused on this school in particular"

While the students told their experiences against the villains... A certain gravity girl was looking worried about her friend

'Please feel better soon Deku...'

Another student, Katsuki, was looking out the window seeing the law enforcement patrol the grounds after answering their questions

'Grrr...' he balled his fists tightly 'you better not die' he gritted his teeth 'I'm supposed to kill you and become the number one of the world...!'

While the students were answering the questions some heroes checked the USJ area to see the damage done by the villains at the moment

"Some heroes we are..." Vlad crossed his arms "a villain was able to breach our grounds and almost got a victory against us"

"Now, now" Midnight raised her arms in assurance "don't put yourself in negatives, let's be grateful that the 1-A students were able to get us before things went bad"

"Quite" Nezu responded as he looked at mess being cleaned up "right now let us clean up the mess and gather what information we have on the captured viliians"

"Yes sir!"

Meanwhile Toshinori was with his detective friend, Naomasa Tsukauchi, from the police force giving him the report about the nomu in their custody

"It's surprising that this creature is cooperative after being captured" he said to his friend "then again, being experimented to have multiple quirks makes the brain submissive to anyone..."

'Just like him...' the blond scarecrow thought as he looked out the window 'was he able to survive from our battle that day...?'

While that happened, Tomura Shigaraki and Kurogiri were on the ground looking defeated with a tv screen on but no picture was seen

Only voices came from it...

"This is absurd!" "my creation was strong enough to face against the number one hero that is All Might!"

"Yet that hero was able to beat it without losing much of his resolve" a second voice mocked

"Don't you mock my work!"

"Now, now" All For One's voice spoke stopping the argument "we should have expected that All Might can break the intended expectations that was set before him" he then chuckled slightly "after all... he was the one that forced me into hiding"

"Master..." Tomura decided to speak "there's something that you should know about..."

"Speak Shigaraki"

"During my wait for my nomu's battle with All Might in UA" he then balled his hand tightly "I met a kid who's quirk was like big brother's"

That made another argument with the tv voices


"To think such a person can carry a quirk like his is ludicrous...!"

"Enough" All For One spoke again stopping the bickers "we ourselves have time to study the differences and similarities of quirks" he breathed in a bit "so it makes sense that there would be a hero that will have a similar quirk"

The atmosphere turned silent as the man's words started to sink in. If there was a villain with a quirk that was acknowledged by the S-class villain, then there is no doubt that the number one hero would find one similar

'Damn it!' Shigaraki shook with anger 'this game has now gotten tougher, big brother was my ally. And now there is an enemy like that I have to fight against to get to All Might...!'


The hand villain stopped shaking upon hearing his father-figure

"I want you to remember what your big brother said when he has to leave you"

Tomura breathed calmly as remembered his big brother. Other than his master his brother-figure was the other being that he didn't want to destroy

"I can't be there for you all the time little brother" he said remembering that memory as he went to stand on his knees "if you want to have fun, then you must experience things you don't like without too much help"

"Yes" All For One hummed "he knew that I would make sure you will keep trying, but he wants you to learn the frustrating parts in your life to be stronger" he then chuckled "I also got his call before you went to UA today"

"He did?!" he looked at the tv "what did big brother say?"

"I will visit you when your destruction has purpose" All For One replied "he will be informed when you become stronger Shigaraki, after all... he wants you to become the best like I do"



"Sir?" the warp gate villain struggled to stay on his feet

"After you recovered a bit of your strength, help Shigaraki to his room" the villain hummed "he's going to need rest after what happened today"

"Yes sir"

Back at the UA academy it was now night time with most of the students going home after such a hectic day for them only a couple decided to stay in school and keep an eye on Izuku Midoriya as he recovered

And speaking of said student...


Izuku sat up feeling a little sore from his healing by Recovery Girl's quirk but still had low energies since the incident made him really tired

"What a crazy thing I just did today..." he scratched his head

"Yes you did nephew" Mark's voice spoke in a delighted manner

"Hi uncle" he waved and saw the man looked okay "I see that Recovery Girl's quirk fixed you up"

"Yep" the man smiled "and since you woke up there's some people that stayed to see if you're okay" he then turned to the door "you can come in now!"

The door opened to reveal Momo and Toru walking in

"Yaoyorozu, Hagakure...?"

The creation girl simply smiled in relief at seeing her classmate look fine, the invisible one stayed quiet after finally seeing her friend.

"Hagakure...?" Izku blinked at his invisible friend

She remained quiet for another second before walking to Izuku...and slapped him!

He and Momo were caught off guard by such an aggressive move by someone who's nice and shy

'Okay, I had that coming...' the boy rubbed his cheek 'uncle did say hero work is dangerous upon fighting villians'

His thoughts were cut upon feeling a weight on his person and hearing a sniffle. He looked down to see his invisible classmate cling into him with her arms

"Stupid..." she whimpered "you almost lost your life" her hold on him tightened "what if you can't be come a hero after being badly injured back there...?"

Izuku sighed before patting her invisible head "I know Hagakure" he replied "but being a hero isn't supposed to stay behind and let those guys hurt our teachers carry the pain a lot" he then looked at his uncle "and we chose this course to prove ourselves right?"

"That's right nephew" Necrom nodded "heroes shouldn't become prissy because people know them, they should find danger and stop it from spreading around the world"

Momo watched the scene before her and hummed in thought 'at least this proves that hero career isn't fun and games' she remembered a time before enrolling UA that people thought that career is getting things easily 'I'm thankful that UA was my choice' she smiled 'because I met some people who will prove that'

Her thoughts stopped upon seeing a flash of light in front of her and blinked at what she saw

"Okay that's new..." Necrom spoke in the girl's stead

"What is?" Toru questioned since she wasn't paying attention due to her worry toward Izuku

"You may want to look at a mirror" Momo spoke getting her voice out at what she was seeing in front of her

The invisible girl did that and her breathe hitched at what she saw...

She saw herself visible!

"B-but how...?" she touched her face as she was still shaken that she became visible

"I think I got something" Izuku spoke getting their attention "my quirk activated when you expressed your feelings to me" he then looked at his hand "and since you wanted to be visible upon our first talk... I ended making your wish come true"

"But that's impossible!" Momo objected "I mean, quirks takes heavy effort to make such an ability possible...!"

"True, but remember what I said when everyone in our class asked about my quirk" Izuku raised a finger "I told them that I can communicate with spirits and become them" he then turned to his now visible classmate "but since Hagakure was the one who reached out to me. My quirk responded to her soul"

"Hooray...!" the still visible girl jumped in joy

"But!" he interjected "from what I'm seeing right now, that is only temporary..."

"What do you mean Midoriya?" Momo blinked

"Look at your hands Hagakure"

The girl looked and her eyes widen to see that they are starting to fade, meaning that she was turning back to normal

"Midoriya..." she squeaked at her friend

"Don't worry Hagakure my ability is only short timed since I let you do" he smiled "And like I said to Asui when I made my stuff invisible, I needed concentration when I try to affect things, and now people, with my quirk"

"Oh" she then breathed in relief "if you did concentrate Midoriya, how will I stay visible?"

"About a minute or two" he responded "after all, my quirk only works well on me and what hold..."

Momo hummed in thought at what she learned now 'it's true, he can only keep Hagakure visible if she allows him to keep his hand on her' she then looked back to her invisible classmate 'unless you have him look like a pervert then you have to wait on becoming visible Hagakure'

"Alright that's enough for visiting time" Necrom clapped his hands "thanks for checking my nephew girls but you have to get home now"

The girls looked at the clock and saw the time was already late, they gave aquick bow and left the room to go home leaving the uncle and nephew alone

"At least this day wasn't so bad" Necrom sighed in relief

"Care to elaborate uncle" Izuku was still focused on his new ability on making people visible and invisible

"Well for starters... you and the class were able to handle a villain attack for the moment" he then chuckled "and there was also the fact that you, my own nephew, struggled to keep fighting against the monster that beat Eraserhead and I when we were facing the large group of villains at the open square"

"Oh yeah..." the boy shivered a bit "I hope my teacher won't be too strict with me when heals up"

"Don't worry Izuku" his uncle assured "I'm sure he would just give you a cold stare to simply remind you once in a while that you're still a student not a licensed hero"

"Okay that's fair" he nodded 'although what about the media?' he thought 'no doubt the government will try to cover this up' he shook his head 'I just hope that this won't get too much credit...'

"C'mon Izuku" Necrom stood up "I'll change out of my costume and drive you home today"

"Okay uncle I'll just wait for you to come back case I've got to think on what to say to mom when I meet her again"

"Alright" Necrom walked to the door "I'll see you in a few minutes nephew"

At finally being left alone in the room, Izuku thought on what happened to him recently

"I can't believe this happened so fast" he shivered slightly "...my first taste of a villain attack and in school no less...!"

He started mumbling to himself at how everything from today would be a challenge to overcome for his dream to become a hero

The mumbling stopped when his uncle Mark tapped his head signalling him that it's tine to go home

Author's notes:

Okay that ends for my Deku the Ghost season 1 part of the story

But before the next update, I plan to put this story on hold since it's the new year right now and I have to get back onto my other stories

Now for questions:

Why did Izuku say he his ability to make people in/visible hard?-if you recall the aftermath of the hero vs villain simulation he can do that with objects but requires concentration. People on the other hand is much harder since he is using his quirk on another soul and since the soul is has emotions it requires a sense of trust to make it work

Will Izuku be overpowered?-this is one is no. He still needs to know what ability to use first before using his quirk, only when he transforms will it be natural for him to feel like he's overpowered

I hoped you like the story so far and give reviews on this one if you enjoyed it