Through the lens of his rifle's scope, Garrus could see clearly the massive hangar where the scientists stored the old Japanese weapons system Serizawa had mentioned. The hangar was shut tight, and was heavily guarded by a full platoon of Cerberus troops, including an Atlas mech.

Garrus, Shepard, and Liara were hunkered down behind a pair of concrete barriers. Between them and the fortified hangar was a large, flat area consisting of several landing pads for Alliance transports. There was little cover, meaning that a direct assault against such numbers would be suicide. Garrus scanned the area across all directions and discovered to the west a couple of fuel tanks kept behind an enclosure, across the way from a spotter's tower currently occupied by a single Cerberus trooper.

"What are you thinking, Garrus?" Shepard asked.

The Turian folded up his rifle and slung it behind his shoulder, the weapon adhered through the use of a magnetic seal. "I'm thinking we need a distraction."

Shepard nodded and asked, "You want to blow up those fuel tanks?"

"Yes," Garrus replied, "I'll sneak over there and set charges on the tanks. I've got a couple of proximity mines that I can detonate from a distance with my rifle. I'll do that from that spotter's tower, after I've taken care of the guard."

"What about us?" inquired Liara.

Garrus thought for a moment, then said, "You'll wait for a detachment of troops to break off from the main group guarding that hangar. Then, you should be free to focus on that mech. Don't worry about me. The tower will provide a height advantage, just like when I was on Omega, dealing with Aria's mercs."

"Alright then," added Shepard, "We'll attack on your signal."

Garrus nodded and left his two companions. There wasn't much cover, so the Turian crawled on his belly a bit, before reaching another piece of concrete barrier. He looked over his shoulder. Nobody had noticed him yet, which was good. He would need every advantage if he was going to pull this plan off.

Shepard and Liara waited in silence. Both of them were wondering what Serizawa was keeping behind that hangar bay. If it was a weapons system, perhaps it was something they could against the Reapers.

Garrus reached the fuel tanks about five minutes later. He melted a gateway through the chain-link fence using his omni-tool and planted the proximity mines on two of the four fuel tanks. He planted them facing the tower but was careful to not be spotted by the idling trooper standing on its zenith.

"Here we go…" Garrus muttered to himself as he began to climb the tower a few moments later, slowly ascending as not to make any noise and alert the guard prematurely. Garrus heaved himself up below the lip of the tower's cabin, taking a quick peek before pulling out the throwing knife kept hidden in his boot. He didn't get the chance to use it very much, but a wise Turian never wasted any hidden crevices in his armor.

Pursing his avian mouth, Garrus whistled, grabbing the guard's attention. The guard turned around, only to be rewarded with a long, metallic knife twirling through the air and sticking him through the helmet. The guard slumped to the ground, leaving Garrus free to crawl up into the tower's cabin.

Garrus unlatched one of the tower windows. He pulled out his rifle again and set up the bipod at the window's edge. He took careful aim over the proximity mines, one claw-like finger hovering above the trigger of his rifle but careful not to rest upon it.

"Shepard," he whispered over the communicator, "You ready?"

"Roger," Shepard replied, "We're ready."

The Turian took a deep breath and waited until his body was completely still. Then, with flawless precision, Garrus took out the proximity mine from over sixty meters.

All four of the fuel tanks went up in a cloud of heat and flame, red-hot pieces of metal ejected across the air in all directions. Instantly, the attention of all the Cerberus personnel guarding the hangar was caught, and a Cerberus officer commanded about two-thirds of the troops to follow him and check it out immediately. They complied, as usual, leaving about nine or so troopers, as well as one Atlas mech, by the hangar bay door.

"Big party headed your way, Garrus," Shepard said, "But we're on the move."

"Copy that," the Turian replied, "I got'em."

Shepard and Liara broke from cover and made a mad dash for the Hangar, Liara using her biotics to rise into the air and fall back down with a powerful area attack, her clenched fist releasing a wave of biotic energy that knocked out three of the Cerberus troops guarding the landing pads. Shepard's sidearm was out, and he was taking quick, suppressing shots as he moved forward across the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Garrus had begun to take out the Cerberus troops coming towards his position. One by one, they fell down onto the tarmac with smoking holes left in their foreheads. Garrus was on a roll, missing not a single shot as he found himself entering a rhythm of holding his breath, taking a shot, popping the thermal clip and letting it fall to the ground with a sharp clang.

"Scoped and dropped!" Garrus hollered. Shepard couldn't help himself from grinning, even as he took out two Cerberus troopers with his hand-cannon. Garrus couldn't resist a good fight, especially when it let him show off his skills with a rifle.

The Atlas mech turned its attention to Shepard as the Commander slid behind a metal shipping crate for cover. Quickly, Shepard switched his ammunition from standard Mass Accelerator rounds to Disruptor rounds, a type of ammunition designed specifically to assist in taking out heavily shielded enemies. The Atlas Mech also had strong armor, but that was why Liara was here.

Leaning from cover, Shepard released a volley of rounds at the Atlas. Its forward shields took the brunt of the damage, and immediately the mech arched back in response, preparing to fire a missile from its right arm. Shepard ran in the other direction, feeling the heat as a missile struck the shipping container, passing right through and scorching up the concrete.

Shepard performed a side-roll maneuver before firing upon the Atlas again. This time, the shields fell down and Shepard called to his companion, "Liara, use Warp now!"

Liara curtly nodded, having just dispatched another pair of Cerberus troopers nearby. She charged Biotic energy through her implants and cast out a crushing wave that seized up the Mech and began shredding its armor through the use of rapidly contracting and expanding mass effect fields that bent metal and tore circuits.

Shepard primed a thermal grenade and tossed it at the mech's block-like feet. It blinked for a second then exploded, causing the Mech to go into critical shutdown and explode itself, leaving no trace of the pilot inside. Shepard and Liara took cover to avoid being harmed by the shrapnel, which took out the remaining Cerberus troops that had been behind the lumbering mechanical behemoth.

"Not bad," Liara said wryly, "Now let's see about getting this door opened."

After taking out the last of the Cerberus troopers, Garrus hustled over to the Hangar bay.

"You alright?" Shepard asked. The Commander and Liara were standing by an access terminal, which Liara was attempting to bypass via her omni-tool.

"Yeah, I'm good. What about you?"

"We'll be fine," Shepard placed his hands on his hips and surveyed the massive structure before them, "Whatever's inside has to be massive. This place is over a hundred and twenty meters tall."

"There," Liara interrupted, "the door should open now."

The huge door barring entry to the hangar's interior began to rise up, sliding into a deep groove on the ceiling with steel latches emerging to hold it in place. What held the squad's attention however, was not the mechanism but the contents of the hangar bay. Placed about thirty meters apart from each other, attended by all manners of scaffolding and heavy equipment were a pair of massive, lustrous robots.

The one further away from the squad was much smaller than its sibling, rising to about sixty meters. It possessed a round, barrel-shaped chest and tubular arms. Its head was needle-shaped with a pair of dormant yellow eyes. It seemed to have a somewhat malevolent expression on its face, and Garrus noted, "Shepard, that robot has teeth!"

Shepard nodded, "Indeed. That robot was the first Mechagodzilla. It was built by a race of aliens looking to conquer the Earth in the 1970s. The United Nations recovered its body after it was defeated by Godzilla and studied it, so when they made their own, they could improve upon the alien design."

Garrus turned to the right and looked at the other Mechagodzilla in the bay. It was far leaner, with sharp, bulging chest plates and short, stocky arms. Its neck was longer, and it was much taller than the first Mechagodzilla, measuring in at over a hundred meters.

"Incredible," said Liara, "I can't believe that humans built such powerful weapons of destruction in the past!"

"Well, I doubt Mechagodzilla could stand up to a Reaper," Shepard said thoughtfully, "Still, Cerberus could cause a lot of mayhem if they installed modern tech on its platform. But come on, we better get up to the roof and turn on that signal, before it's too late."

Liara nodded and follow Garrus and Shepard to the elevator. They slowly began to ascend, and Garrus began to reminisce about all of their elevator rides they took back in the day, when they were hunting the rogue Spectre agent Saren Arterius.

When they reached the rooftop, Shepard ordered Liara and Garrus to take cover as the doors began to open. There were no Cerberus troops, only a relay dish, a command console, and a strange box-shaped device hooked up to the dish via large cables. On the adjacent wall was a large array of monitors depicting all of the monsters found across the planet.

"Look," Liara pointed out, "this is how they track the monsters."

"Indeed," said Garrus, "Shepard, it looks like two monsters are heading towards the main colony. I don't know their names."

Shepard turned to face the array. On the table beneath was a three-dimensional holographic map of the entire planet, with the monsters' locations and names displayed in glowing red light. Shepard saw a lot of familiar names, and some that surprised him. But as Garrus said, two red dots were approaching the nearby colony of Elder's Valley.

Shepard zoomed in on them. "Looks like it's the Gargantuas, Sanda and Gaira."

Garrus asked, "Who?"

"Giant, man-like creatures descended from Frankenstein's monster."

"Oh," the Turian replied, more confused than before. "Well, let's turn on that signal so we can turn them around."

Shepard agreed and after a brief overview of the controls, managed to figure out how to put the signal back on. "EDI, are you reading the signal?"

"Yes, Shepard," the AI responded in his ear, "But it's corrupted. The signal now resembles something similar to the signal used in indoctrination, but far less subtle."

"Shepard," Garrus interrupted, "those Gargantuas aren't straying from the course."

"EDI," Shepard ordered, "Can you find the source of the corruption?"

"Yes, it's coming from the Cerberus device in that room. It's being broadcast across a two-hundred-kilometer radius, to all of the monsters in the vicinity."

"Alright, Garrus, unplug that cable."

Garrus did as he was bid and severed the connection between the indoctrination device and the relay dish.

"EDI?" Shepard asked, "Is the corruption gone?"

"Yes…Shepard, a QEC call is attempting to reach you in that room. There's a module right behind you."

Shepard turned around and saw a blinking light on a console by the indoctrination device. Shepard approached the console and accepted the call. Emerging as a form of blue particles was a tall, middle-aged man in a fancy suit with cataract-ridden eyes.

"Shepard," the Illusive Man drawled, before taking a shot of gin, "I should have known you were responsible for deactivating my signal."