Rewriting Harry Potter and The Philosopher Stone

May 2nd, 1998 Limbo, King's Cross Station

"I have to go back, haven't I?"

"Oh, that's up to you".

"I've a choice?

"Oh, yes" Dumbledore smiled at him "We're in King's Cross, you say. I think you if so desired, you'll be able to board a train".

"And where would it take me?" Harry questioned.

"Well, there are two platforms going to two different directions. One train will take you on" Dumbledore said thoughtfully "Whilst the other will take you back".

"What do you mean back, sir?".

"You can go back to the beginning think of it as a second chance to set things right and perhaps more than one innocent life can be spared".

"Professor, what am I suppose to do?".

"It is not my choice to make".

Harry considered his options before making his final decision on which course of action he would take next "I know what I must do Professor" He said as new determination rose within him "I'm going back to change the future for the better" He declared.

Dumbledore patted Harry on the knee as he rose "I wish you good luck with your endeavour and a word of caution that by your choice, Harry millions-billions-of lives will be altered, caught up in a chain of events begun by you this day".

Harry nodded and rose as the train pulled up to the platform in front of him. "Goodbye Albus, until we meet again, old friend" He embraced his old headmaster and without another word, walked silently to the train. As he boarded, he looked back at Dumbledore, and saw a proud, yet sad smile stretch across his face as he raised his hand and waved in farewell.

Harry stepped inside the train and into one of the empty compartments, he had just sat down went he felt the train lurch and begin to pull out of the station and into a tunnel. The darkness obscured Harry's vision and when Harry did finally open his eyes, he didn't quite know where he was.

1st August, 1991, 4 Privet Drive, Little Whining, Surrey

The bed springs dug into his skin and creaked loudly under his weight as he sat upright. The last thing he could remember was boarding a train and then nothing more.

Swinging his legs around to the side of the bed. Harry stretched over and turned on the lamp and grabbed his taped up glasses from the bedside table. He puts them on and blinks as his atrocious eyesight somewhat had improved.

The room was very basic, it looked almost bare. There was a large wooden wardrobe that has a built-in mirror panel, an old writing desk with a three legged chair and the bed he was lying on if that is what you could call it. The bed was one of those folding spring beds with a thin single mattress.

Harry knew exactly where he had ended up 'I'm back at the Dursleys. I must be in my old bedroom'

He looked over to the calendar and saw that it was the first of August, 1991. He then looked over at the alarm clock and saw that it was 7 o'clock in the morning.

Harry decided it was no time like the present to get prepared for what was awaiting him at Hogwarts, this year and with that in mind. He went to the bathroom for a quick wash and then got dressed leaving the Dursleys a note that a wizard visitor had called by to check on him and had taken him out to finish off his school shopping and that he had gone out and would be back later and if the Dursleys had a problem with that they could speak to the people watching the house.

Harry went outside and noticed the dark grey clouds covered the sky, only letting a few rays of feeble sun slip past the barrier. The monotonous sound of raindrops beating on the side walk blended in with the occasional whoosh of the breeze through the treetops. Everything was bleak, grey, and dreary even the atmosphere. Down the street was a bus stop that Harry walked over to and summoned the Knight Bus to The Leaky Cauldron.

As the bus materialized into view and the conductor who Harry didn't recognize stepped out to greet him "Hello, my dear and welcome to the Knight Bus. I will be your conductor, this morning".

Harry stepped onto the bus and flattened his hair down to cover his famous lightning bolt scar before taking a seat on the nearest bed closest to him. He was tempted to use a sticking charm on himself, but then remembered that he wasn't supposed to use magic outside of school.

The conductor came over to him "Now, where did you say you were headed, dearie?".

"I'm headed to The Leaky Cauldron".

"That'll be eleven Sickles, my dear".

Harry rummaged in his pocket and pulled out the correct amount of change and he was handed a ticket.

After a thankfully short journey, Harry came to his stop and stepped off the Knight Bus and headed into The Leaky Cauldron.

Harry managed to slip by unnoticed and headed straight for the courtyard. When he got to the courtyard he tapped his wand on the bricks and stepped through the archway onto a cobbled street which, is twisted and turned out of sight. 'Diagon Alley, it looks so different from how I remembered it. The last time I was here the streets stood virtually empty with the few shoppers staying together in groups; "Wanted" posters with my face plastered the fronts of once-bright shops. That is what the future holds for Diagon Alley, if I don't act fast' He mused sadly to himself.

He made his way to Gringotts taking in the sights as he went along. He then, climbed the stairs up to the grand entrance doors. The uniformed guard at the door bowed to Harry as he walked inside. He dodged around the people milling around in the lobby and went up to a rather bored looking clerk who was eyeing Harry, with a look of disdain.

Harry cleared his throat.

"Yes," The goblin asked with a rather sinister looking smile.

"I need access to vault 687" He then proceeded to hand the goblin his gold key "I'd also like to inquire about obtaining a bank draft or card if that is at all possible".

The goblin reached down underneath the counter and pulled out a bank draft book and proceeded to explain how it worked.

Afterwards Harry followed the goblin down to the carts and enjoyed the ride down to the vaults. The cart soon slowed down at Vault 687 and came to a stop. The goblin hopped out and opened the vault. "Here you are, Mr. Potter" He said with a small bow.

Inside were mounds of gold coins. Columns of silver. Heaps of little bronze Knuts.

"How much is here?" Harry couldn't help, but ask.

"Currently this trust vault has 1460 Galleons, 324 Sickles and 1000 Knuts, which is approximately £7375.81".

"Wait do you mean to say this isn't all of it?"

"Didn't you get the Gringotts information package that explains all this to you, Mr. Potter? You should have got one sent out to you when you turned eleven".

"I didn't get it. I believe that either my Aunt must have discarded it or I suspect that it was redirected somewhere else".

"I shall have a replacement sent out to you, Mr. Potter. However, to answer your question this vault is merely a trust fund set up by your parents to be used for educational purposes. The main vault cannot be accessed until you are of age at seventeen or have been granted emancipation by the ministry or in rare circumstance magic itself" Explained the goblin.

"I see…" Replied Harry as he quickly calculated how much he could afford to spend.

The goblin, then handed Harry a bottomless money pouch, which he shovelled money into.

When Harry resurfaced from the underground vault. He left the bank a good deal wealthier. He went over to Gringotts exchange to exchange some Galleons into Muggle Currency in order to purchase a new wardrobe of muggle clothes later on.

His first stop was to Madam Lux opticians. He went and got a full check up before picking out two new pairs of glasses that were better suited to his needs. He was glad to finally be rid of his old taped up old fashioned glasses. And for an added fee Harry also had several enchantments placed on them. So, that his glasses were now unbreakable, resistant to all summoning spells, waterproof and with a tap of his wand his glasses could be made invisible which was an added bonus.

Afterwards, Harry stopped off at Weeoanwhikser's Barber Shop, for a haircut. He was hoping that the barber would be able to tame his dishevelled mop of hair. Once the barber was finished, Harry couldn't believe the difference that a haircut and new glasses could make. He was happy with the result and hopefully his aunt would be too now that his hair had been tamed after half an hour using several spells and a lot of hair product.

He then went to Ollivander's Wand shop.

"Good morning, Ollivander" He greeted the wand-maker.

"Mr. Potter, what can I do for you?" Ollivander asked curious "Your wand is still in working order, is it not?".

"Yes, sir. I forgot yesterday to buy a wand polishing kit and a wand-holder".

"It's good to see a young wizard taking an interest in looking after their wand. Nowadays the young, don't appreciate their wands as much as they used to" He said with a small sigh and asked "What sort of wand holder were you looking for?".

"I'm not sure to be honest with you, a decent one, maybe dragon-hide or perhaps even a standard Auror wand holder. Do you have any of those left in stock, Mr. Ollivander?" He inquired.

"Hm, let me go take a look in the back" Ollivander replied.

When Ollivander returned he had two wand holders with him "You're in luck, Mr. Potter. I have one of each left. I would personally recommend the standard Auror wand holder it has more security than a dragon hide wand holder does".

"It does?" Questioned Harry.

"Yes, the standard Auror wand holder prevents someone trying to steal your wand. Whilst the only benefits of a dragon-hide wand holder is that it is more resilient and resistant to fire damage. The standard Auror wand holder is a little on the pricey side, but in my opinion it is worth every Knut".

"Then, I would like to purchase the standard Auror wand holder, please".

"That will be nine Galleons for the wand holder and one galleon and five sickles for the wand polishing kit, Mr. Potter".

Harry paid Ollivander in full and the old wand-maker helped Harry put the wand holder on his arm and said to him "Take care of your wand and you'll have a life-long partner that will never fail you".

"I will" Replied Harry and left the store with his purchases.

Harry then went into Knockturn Alley in search of a few books and artifacts that could help him in future against Voldemort and his Deatheaters. He had learned a long time ago that dark magic wasn't inherently evil and light magic wasn't necessarily good it was mostly down to someone's intent. In Harry's opinion dark magic was no worse than any other magic if properly used.

Harry ended up purchasing a stack of books on varies branches of magic and subjects that had piqued his curiosity or interest. He also had purchased a genuine stolen time-turner that someone had swiped from the ministry and sold to Borgin that Harry had snapped up for a fair price.

He made a pit stop at The Hopping Pot for some breakfast before heading over to Stowe & Packers Magical Trunks.

Harry had found the trunk that he had been looking for; A lovely large antique steamer trunk with wooden slats and leather banding which has a vintage padlock that is immune to unlocking charms to prevent any sort of thievery and if anyone dared to try open the lock without using his blood to unlock it. They would end up getting their finger trapped and the only will to be released was either to wait for Harry to release them or lose a finger. The trunk also was built with a shrinking and enlargement charm, which meant that Harry could take his secret trunk wherever he went.

Once, Harry was finished with shopping, he summoned the Knight Bus and reluctantly headed back to the Dursleys.