(OK, starting off, this is my first fanfic. I will be very open to criticism and also would love any tips or help that may come with it, so...go easy on a guy, please?)

Warnings:Mild swearing and sexual humor from time to time. Will loosely follow the anime/manga. OOC characters run rampant. Spoilers for the game Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

I own nothing. If I did, I would pay someone to write this fic for me because I'm too nervous.

Chapter One:The Beginning of Justice

It was a cold day down in the winter of Musutafu. A young man no older than 15 born with dark green hair, wearing a black long sleeve vest and matching pants and black shoes, has continued his walk back home after a faithful encounter with a villain he has never faced...nor ever will face, he believed. For unknown to many outside his family and a few others, this young man was born without something.

A quirk.

Such as the life of Izuku Midoriya. In his time, about 80% of the world's population are born with something called a quirk, basically a super power. He however, was part of the smaller percentage. At least for now.


It started out as any normal day, being bullied by his classmates and a equally uncaring teacher. He had grown accustomed to this lifestyle, at least he had one person who had his back no matter what there, his best friend and childhood companion, a young blonde man named Katsuki Bakugo.

It seemed that no matter what, Bakugo would always be right there by his side, he had grown up with Izuku after all and today was no different.

"Come on, you dumb nerd, you can't just let those idiots walk all over you all the time. I am NOT going to be able to have your back 24/7 like this forever...What if I'm in the bathroom?" The blonde said, with a sort of sad smile. Recently, he has been trying to enroll in one of the top schools around, U.A High.

"I know, Kacchan, it's just that...I can't seem to stand up for myself. No matter what I do, I judt get beat down..." said Izuku, a huge hint of loss in his words. Both of them knew that when Bakugo is gone, their time together is going to be cut short.

At that moment, Izuku's childhood friend had a great idea, which later both of them would come to regret alot. "Hey, listen, I got a idea that can put that joy in your voice, just like when we made it to that final boss in Strangesword Stories 2. Let's hit up that shop you like, ya big dummy. My treat," he said with a sort of fanged smile.

"Haha...Alright, but don't go dine and ditching on me, Kacchan. I still remember last time." Izuku said, with a joy that it seemed only his one and only friend at the time could bring out.

After finding a decent table close in walking distance from the main shops, the 2 finally got to the food shop. Katsuki watched in mild horror and humor from watching his best friend, who was so skinny you could mistake him for a twig if he hid in a tree if it weren't for his...stupid, stupid red shoes, scarf down 4 bowls of Katsudon like nothing.

Bakugo laughed, "Chill out, dude, it's isn't going anywh-" he had been cut off mid-sentence by a very powerful shake. "Earthquake, get down!"

However, it was not a earthquake. Rather, it seemed that a villain who's body seemed composed of mainly slime had come out of the sewers, causing the ground to shake. His mere emergence had begun to break a few underground gas pipes, unknown to many.

"Kacchan, we got to go, that guy looks seriously dangerous!" Said the green haired lad. "Right behind ya, let's go!" replied his best friend.

Just as they were about to make their escape from the rampant villain, something had grabbed onto Bakugo's leg, making him stop in his tracks.

"What the fu-" Katsuki was cut off, getting almosr engulfed in slime.

"Heheh, this kid's gonna do nicely. Let's see what you can do!" The slime monster had tightened it's grip on Bakugo, making his quirk trigger. When Bakugo received his quirk, it seemed to be a rather powerful one;The power of explosions. He could trigger them almost at will.

For as long as he could remember, he wanted to use his quirk for 2 reasons, those being protecting his friend and becoming a hero, but now...it seems to be causing only damage as the explosions begin to light the gas around him, causing massive fires to break loose.

"K-Kacchan!" Izuku screamed, for his friend for almost his entire life was right there, mere feet from where he stood. "I-I'LL SAVE YOU!" As if his legs started moving as soon on their own, as the sludge monster turned his head, he began his charge, trying his hardest to claw his best friend out of the grasp of the villain.

"Midoriya...go...save yourself, please..!" And with that, Bakugo was engulfed in slime. "N-no, KACCHAN!" It was too late to get him out by himself.

The Slime villain, finally rearing his head, looked at Midoriya. "2 for 1 special, huh? I can't wait to make off with 2 powers today. Say goodbye to your free will, kid..."

Just then, a very muscular figure, who almost seemed to have descended from the heavens like some sort of Angel Professional Wrestler, began to cast a shadow over the villain. It was All-Might, Izuku's childhood (and still current) idol!


The sludge villain looked up, in horror.


Everything went white for Izuku after that. As he fell, a strange gemstone that came from a equally strange gem shop that was ran by a very old man who looked like he seen better days was stabbed into his chest, unknown to even him at the time. Izuku had passed out.

*end flashback*

"I guess it's true...I have no chance..." When Midoriya had awoken from his faint, he was 'greeted' by 3 Profession Heroes, one of them being his idol. With a heavy heart and a already broken spirit from almost losing his friend, he had asked his idol if...he had even a glimmer of a chance of becoming a hero, even being quirkless. To his surprise, even All-Might, the man he looked up to more than anyone, had turned him down, telling him he has no chance of becoming a hero. It would have hurt alot already if he told him face to face, but in front of other people destroyed him.

He ran, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him home. Not even the calls from his best friend could stop him.

"Gah, what's with this stupid itch?" He tried scratchimg at the source of the itch, but to no avail. It seemed that the gemstone had went so far in, it felt like it was a part of him.

"HEY, that sludge guy was pretty tough, huh? Good thing that blonde buff buy came to save us. Truly, he wields the hammer of justice!"Izuku nodded to himself. "Yeah, no ki-wait...who was that? Hello? Anyone?" But no one came. "Weird..."

Izuku had finally made it home, alresdy psssed his regular sleep time. His mom had gone away for a bit, seems like she was doing overtime to get some more yen.

"Strange, I feel kinda...cold, all of the sudden...It must be the weather." Grabbing the nearest warm blanket he could, he made his way to his desk. For some reason, he felt the desk wss more comfortable than his bed. As he started to fall asleep fully, wiping away the saliva from his mouth, he gave the origin of the itch a rub to try to calm it for the night, falling asleep mere seconds later.

Unknown to him, however, this triggered something. His heart began to glow, reacting to the saliva, his own DNA, in a strange way. After a admittedly dull shine, a diamond like gem formed in front of his chest and fell to the ground, causing it to shake.

After a few minutes of shaking, them gem began to float and shine behind Izuku, with the shine taking shape of a muscular enough man with orange hair and hazel eyes, dressed in what looked like armor infused with the power of ice coursing through it. The figure just stood there, watching Izuku.

"Well...Goodnight, Creator..or dad...or whatever I'm suppose to call you."The Gem had done something that would soon end in both joy and regret from Izuku; His own quirk. It's name...


And it's first creation, the being known as...


(Long, I know, I may continue it if I get any good feedback Heck, even like 2 positive bits of feedback it would make me somewhat happy enough to make another chapter. Until then, this is TheKingofBubbles, popping out intil next time. Peace out.)