Author's Note: revised as of (1/14/19)

Fixing a lot for this story. Mostly grammar and accuracy of stuff. I realized that a lot of stuff doesn't make sense as I continue with the story? I thought I had my research down but I didn't realize how much digging I had to do just to be properly accurate. But anyways hope this is better the 2nd time around.

- idk lol. I know I'm not a great writer, and my grammar is all over the place, but this idea is stuck in my head and I really just want to try and execute it. So uuuh, this is a Peter/OC story and it will be, for the most part, semi-slow burn. It'll cover events prior to Civil War, Civil War, and then hopefully Spiderman: Homecoming. I'm undecided about Infinity War for now, but we'll see how it works out. I don't think I'll have a set date or schedule for updates. Let's all just pray that I even update lol.

Please enjoy and please read and review! If you don't want to that's cool too.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from the plot and my characters. Everything else is owned by someone else or whateva.

Cast (as of the prologue):

Alyssa Andrade - Gabbi Garcia
Angelo Andrade - James Reid

Peter Parker - Tom Holland
Ned Leeds - Jacob Batalon

"No friendship is an accident." – O. Henry

May 2013

In the summer of 2013, Alyssa was 12 years old. She would officially be a " teen" that coming November 15. She stood at 5'1" with skinny limbs and baby fat still in her cheeks. Her brother Angelo, or Leo, was 2 years her senior and was currently a Freshman in high school. The summer between 8th grade and his freshman year, he had gone through a growth spurt that would put him at the whopping height of 6 feet. She envied his height; I mean c'mon, he was a whole foot taller than her. The older Andrade currently attended Midtown School of Science and Tech; the very same school Alyssa and her friends would be attending in the fall of the next year.

At the moment Alyssa attended Midtown Middle School with her two best friends Peter Parker and Ned Leeds. Alyssa and Peter's parents had introduced the two children when they were only toddlers; their parents knew each other though work, and in the beginning of kindergarten they met Ned. From then on the three were inseparable.

Despite only being 12 years old, Alyssa had so far lived an extraordinary life. It was safe to say that living in a New York, which was a magnet for heroes and geniuses, it was bound to be exciting, albeit a bit dangerous.

She could remember an event 2 years ago, where her and her best friends Peter and Ned, had seen Iron Man, aka Tony Stark up close and personal. She had cried that day because she thought she was going to lose one of her best friends due to his bravery (or was it stupidity). Ned thought it had been awesome. Peter agreed wholeheartedly.

Then a year later, a giant hole had appeared above New York City and aliens proceeded to ransack the place. Of course, she had been fortunate enough to witness the actions of the newly formed band of heroes, called the Avengers, alongside her two best friends. She could remember her mother crying that day when they had reunited. Alyssa had gotten separated from her family when Peter grabbed her arm and ran as fast as he could away from the danger, dragging her with him and in the opposite direction of her family.

So much excitement occurred in her life and she yet could always remember Peter Parker and Ned Leeds being by her side through it all.

Yet for this final round of middle school, Alyssa can only pray for an easy, hero free, alien free, year.