A plot idea has been gnawing at me again. I'm going by the anime time line. The manga is still ongoing, but I wish they had continued the anime. I'm skipping a little ahead though, so the filming of Dark Moon is done.

I do not own Skip Beat!, characters, etc. (except Kaede). If I did own this, there would be a second season by now, there's more than enough material for it.

All belong to Yoshiki Nakamura .

Kyoko tapped her fingers on her lap as she glanced at her watch for the tenth time in the last twelve minutes. She sat on a park bench waiting for someone as part of yet another Love me assignment. Once again, she had to fill a temporary manager position. The President seemed very particular about this one. Then again, when was he not when it came to the Love Me department?

"Her name is Kaede Inoue. She made a big debut about three months ago, but has no manager assigned to her right now. I'm making it your job to help her adjust Mogami-kun. I should warn you now though, she is a bit odd."

Kyoko gulped at the thought of what the President could find "odd". She checked her watch yet again, huffing a bit. She checked the paper the President had given her with the meeting place written down. Kyoko read the paper twice before letting out a scream. The directions were actually across the street, by a statue. She scanned the area to see a figure standing a few inches away from the figure. Mortified, Kyoko soared and stopped short by the woman. She appeared to be in her twenties. The sharp honey colored eyes widened and did a once over at the pink enigma that manifested next to her.

"Um, by any chance…are you Kaede Inoue?" she mumbled the question, hoping deep down that she was not. Even Kyoko herself was aware that the hope was in vain.

The seemingly older woman in question nodded. Kyoko bowed, apologizing repeatedly, bracing for scathing complaints. Fear seized her at the thought of the actress reporting her to the president for her incompetency after giving her what was due to her for making her wait. She felt that this was going to be an incident of her second Love Me assignment all over again.

Kyoko didn't hear a response and looked up, expecting to see nobody there. She was sure the silence meant the woman had walked away. Instead, Kaede was looking down at her, the apathetic face void of any annoyance or anger and she in turn bowed her head. Kaede gestured with her hand that Kyoko should follow her before walking off.

The Love Me member rose with hesitance, walking to catch up to her new charge. She soon saw her standing by the open door of a cab. They both stood still for few seconds before Kaede with a slow wave of her hand conveyed to Kyoko that she should go in first. The amber orange haired girl rushed over and slipped in and the taxi took off without any seeming instructions.

As they rode on, Kyoko grew more nervous now that they were in an enclosed space and Kaede had yet to even speak to her.

'Maybe she's mad and she's just going to deduct points once the assignment is over? What if she already called the President and made a complaint?!' her thoughts were spiraling further into worry that she didn't take note of the depressing aura she was releasing, causing the driver to glance at her through the back-view mirror and Kaede to raise an eyebrow in her direction.

Her wallowing was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. She turned abruptly. Kaede jumped a little from the quick action. At some point unaware to her, they had gotten out of the cab. Horror once again filled her at not only getting the meeting place wrong and being late, but she had completely spaced out. And she had yet to even introduce herself!

She was once again bowing, but the apologies weren't as long. Silence had Kyoko rise from her incline sooner this time to see Kaede was still just…staring her. She then flipped the backpack she was wearing and began to rummage through it. As Kyoko straightened herself, she was startled to have a book being handed to her. It bore the similarity to what Yashiro carried around. By the time she made this observation, Kaede had already walked away. She caught up to her and, wanting to make sure, but still feeling silly asking, she finally piped up:


Kyoko was waiting to be ignored. Instead, Kaede stood right at the entrance of the building to turn to her.

"Would this have your schedule for the week in it?"

She nodded.

Kyoko responded with nodding, entering the building with the fellow actress.

She initially thought that it was simply Kaede ignoring her because she found Kyoko a burden she just had to have around. However, it wouldn't explain the little things Kaede did: holding open doors for her, finding places for her to rest while she worked, the actress even went out to buy lunch for them both, though realizing only after she ate that that should have been her job.

Speaking of job, their destinations only confused her more. Though she was sure the president said she was an actress, most of the locations Kaede took her seem to be in recording studios. The Love Me member would be placed in a waiting room, sometimes two hours or more. Then she would come out of the studio alone and would take out her phone before gesturing toward the exit with her head. The first day passed in this quizzical silence.

As the evening of the next day settled, Kaede's last job for the day was not in a place where Kyoko had to wait in a lobby. It appeared that she was starring in action film that was coming out next year in the fall. The young actress looked around this movie set with a warm nostalgia, remembering the time spent in "Dark Moon", her first big role.

Unfortunately, these happy musings were disrupted. A heavy-set man appeared and, to her surprise, all but knocked Kaede to the ground with a clap to the back. Kyoko was even more amazed to see the first noticeable change in Kaede's face since she had met her. The thin mouth turned a fraction, resembling a frown.

"Oh, some expression I see…" the man said with a teasing humor, bent over with Kaede to get a better look at her face.

The movement only remained for a moment; soon she was back to her 'normal' expression. The man's dark eyes narrowed and a sly smirk stretched on his wide face. His attention then turned to Kyoko. Even with becoming accustomed to people deriding her Love Me uniform, embarrassment still managed to make itself evident as she watched his eyes bug out at her jumpsuit. Lucky for her, he also seemed to possess the tact not to mention it.

"You must be her substitute manager." He said with an amiable smile, holding out his hand. After a pause, Kyoko took it and he shook her hand with such warmth that she couldn't help but smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm the director, Masaru Akiyama. I'm more inclined to western culture so you'll have to excuse me if I seem forward." He introduced and explained before slapping Kaede on the back again. "Well, Inoue-chan, ready to meet your co-star?"

She said nothing and probably never would have as the director turned at the sound of the studio door opening.

"Ah! Speak of the devil and he shall appear! And in the knick of time too. I was just talking about you!" he yelled across the space, walking over to the two men who had just entered.

"Is that so director?"

Kyoko's head shot up. She knew that voice. That same voice had taunted her from the minute she stepped into LME, wanting to enter showbiz. She stood wide eyed as Ren Tsuruga sauntered over to them, Masaru on one side and Yashiro on the other.

Their eyes met and Ren's eyes widened upon spotting her. The director put any question on his lips on hold as he introduced the taller woman beside Kyoko, who had witness their reactions to one another.

"Tsuruga-kun, I'd like to introduce you to your co-star, Kaede Inoue. Inoue-chan, Ren Tsuruga. I hope that the two of you will work well together."

"Nice to meet you, Inoue-san." Ren bowed, charming gentleman smile ready and in full effect.

Kaede bowed in return, remaining silent.

Yashiro, Kyoko, and the director stared at the actress, amazed to see her not turn shy, happy, nervous, or any other range of emotions many other expressed when finding out they were working with Japan's number one actor. Masaru had gone through all the trouble of not telling her until this moment just to see her reaction. Yashiro was shocked the most of all to see that her face did not even flexed, knowing from numerous experiences how women and girls alike swooned over Ren's smiles.

Masaru got over his surprise first, shaking his head with imperceptible gravity before asking all the other actors and actresses to gather around while he gave final details of tonight's plan. Kyoko sought a place beside Yashiro while others got ready or looked for seats. The capable manager, always happy to see her, was overjoyed to hear she was to be Kaede's substitute manager for the duration on the filming. He chuckled in his mind at the thought of how much fun this was going to be. The two talked for awhile until they saw the group disperse and watched as Ren came over to them.

"Hello Mogami-san." The tall man smiled, real and bright.

Kyoko was sure she was going to see green spots for the next two days. She wondered if she could still be an actress even if she ended up becoming blind.

"Hello Tsuruga-san." She bowed.

"You have another Love Me assignment?" it was more of a rhetorical question, but he asked regardless so he wouldn't have to make eye contact with his manager at that moment. He could feel the teasing grin rolling off the older man.

"Um, yes for Inoue-san." She said dropping her eyes.

She tried to lift them, but her head locked in place. The rehearsal session that she and Ren went through for Katsuki still flashed across her memory. In addition to all the things that happen during filming, Kyoko wasn't sure when she was going to be able to look Ren in the eye again. She was beginning to like the director even more, when he called Ren over, effectively ending the conversation.

The cast adjusted their costumes accordingly as they poured out of changing rooms. Women on the set admired Japan's top actor come out in green sleeveless top, exposing his well built arms. He also wore cargo pants with multiple pockets. Army boots adorned his feet, a tag necklace around his neck, and hand woven bracelet on his wrist. The bracelet he found to be a mismatch.

His character Akira was rugged and unrestrained man who practically raised himself in a jungle type-setting of seclusion. So why would somebody of that demeanor wear a lavender colored bracelet woven out of leather. The director seemed to expect his confusion.

"Nice bracelet, huh?" Masaru asked with a smile seemingly too innocent.

Ren looked over at him, having a feeling he wasn't going to get simple answers out of him for the remainder of this movie.

"It's a gift." The director stated, as if that was all the information Ren needed to figure it out.

"From who?"

"Why, Natsumi, of course."

Masaru swept his hand to Ren's right. He turned around. Walking towards the two was Kaede in a dark green crop top with a tan button down that was knotted under her chest, giving her a midriff. Her bottom half consisted of cargo shorts and dark brown combat boots. She also wore thigh stockings, stopping a few centimeters from her shorts.

"Perfect!" the director yelled as he walked up to her, making a square with his fingers. "Just as I pictured it. Your shape and build coupled with your tan is plausible to pass off as a foreigner."

He circled her, nodding from time to time in approval of her outfit accentuated her figure to his liking. Ren expected her to be uncomfortable, but could only blink as Kaede didn't seem to register that the director was basically checking her out.

"But can you move easily…?" Masaru mumbled as he made another circuit. He stopped in front of her and pointed down, assuming the tone of a photographer talking to a fashion model to pose, "Let's see a spilt."

She complied in an instant, dropping to the ground sideways, running the small shorts even higher, gaining a few lingering glances from the male crew who happen to be nearby.

"Good." He nodded; she rose up as the director questioned Ren about his mobility in his outfit.

Ren assured the older man that he was comfortable with a smile, his mind wandering to the thought of whether Kaede was a person. Both Kaede and Ren got unto a set and listened as the director explained the fighting sequence he wanted to get together.

"Now," he announced as he backed up into his seat, "first test run: fight each other."

Ren's eyes became larger while the actress next to him didn't even blink.

"…Excuse me?" Ren managed to get out.

"I just want you two to start fighting." Masaru repeated, waving with the command of a king wanting entertainment to commence. "Not hit each other. Just a few punches and kicks at one another, make it look real." He elaborated, making some odd gesture with his hands as a picture seem to play in his head that he was enjoying immensely.

The two actors on the set looked at each other. Kaede barely shrugged before walking to the other side of the set. The director appeared to be quite fluent in interpreting Kaede's actions. He smiled and yelled, "Now Tsuruga-kun, I'll warn you now, don't think of going easy on her because she's female!"

Ren found himself stuck. He looked over to where Kaede now stood, stretching her arms, in seeming preparation to fight. After some deliberation, he then assumed a fighting stance. Some of the crew members were surprised that he was actually preparing to fight a woman, but it went unnoticed by the director.


Kaede was first to move. Charging Ren, who braced himself as she approached; she threw a kick at his head which he barely missed. The actress then backed up and began to throw a volley of punches at him. He dodged or blocked them. Her face showed she was making a great effort to hit him, but the punches and kicks that did connect when he blocked were light. The pattern went on for awhile: Kaede attacking and Ren blocking, until the director, tired of Ren being on the defensive, bellowed in frustration, "Come on! Fight back! She's not made of porcelain you know?!"

Ren's eye twitched, glancing at the director. The best tactic he could employ for now was to restrain her. Kaede threw another punch for his abdomen. He caught her by her wrist, intending to lower her to the ground but she twisted her hand against his thumb. Instead of retaliating, she jumped back and then remained where she was, to Ren's surprise. He hadn't heard the director's call for them to stop.

"That's all right for now!"

They rehearsed several more fight scenes, all while the crew, Kyoko and Yashrio watched the actor and actress with amazement. It was hard to believe they had only just met each other. The interaction during rehearsal was striking contrast to the duo off set. Namely, they didn't say a word to one another unless it was a greeting and farewell. Even then Kaede only stiffly bowed instead of actually talking. Ren thought at first she was simply against socializing, but then her curtness was disconnected to her treatment of Kyoko. Granted she wasn't very outspoken with her either, but her actions weren't as lifeless with her.

The overall aloofness didn't deter the Love Me member. Whether it was getting her water or constantly offering to carry her things. Kyoko did her best to do her part as a manager. The actress in turn would do little things, finding her places to sit, coming up to her during breaks to check on her, even when one or two new job offers appeared, Kaede would hand Kyoko the phone and walk off. It was these gestures that conveyed to Kyoko that Kaede didn't intend to disregard her and it helped her make it through the verging uncomfortable silence when left alone with her quiet charge.

The next morning director then began directing the scenes needed before they headed out to their main location. He called on the set of actors portraying the younger version of Akira and Natsumi. Ren and Kaede stood by their managers, watching the scene of the children unfold.

Young Akira came out of the adjoined room, scratching his stomach under his shirt and plopped into his bed, wrapping the sheets around his slim frame. He seem to fall asleep instantly, but immediately jump straight up in his bed upon hearing the creaking of the bamboo-like door that allowed entrance into his bedroom. He cracked his knuckles, preparing to fight when his eyes widened to find a pair of big brown ones stare up at him, filled with tears. They stared at each other for awhile...

Ren eventually glanced at his co-star. Kyoko had disappeared. He looked around the set and soon spotted the Love Me member talento walking over to Kaede with a bottle of water in tow. He watched her take a deep breath before standing in front of Kaede and bowing, the bottle in her hands extended before her like some sacrifice. His eyes flickered up to Kaede.

The stone stillness was disrupted by her eyebrow raising a fraction. She put her hand on Kyoko's forehead and raised her from the bent position. Once they made eye contact Kaede shook her head. She raised Kyoko to her full height and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. She took the bottle, nodding a bit before downing the contents in one setting.

The director called cut and shouted for Ren and Kaede to get on set. The previous scene had ended with a young Akira and Natsumi asleep in the former's bed. Now a shot was necessary for the time lapse. Kaede removed the beige button down and was given a large t-shirt to wear. She took her boots and socks and folded them before handing them to one of the staff in charge of costume. Ren had to disrobe as well, ending up shirtless and barefoot. The two then climbed into bed and were in their character's respective positions before the director could say action. The female crew on set watched in envious silence as 'Natsumi' rested her head on 'Akira's' arm, their bodies barely touching.


Once the scene was over, Kyoko and some of the crew stared as the actress passed by to change her outfit, the expression and natural movement while she acted was a strange comparison to how little her face moved in between scenes. As soon as the word cut left Masaru's lips, all the animation seem to leave her and she was back to barely blinking. Her overall expression looked resigned. Kyoko was quickly learning not to determine her charge's mood by her face.

Another scene was to be shot after lunch. Kyoko managed to get the bento boxes before Kaede could retrieve them. The actress bowed in thanks to her before they headed to room where chairs and tables were laid out for everyone to eat. When they entered, Kyoko golden eyes unconsciously sought out Ren. It was almost of reflex now, one that she was ashamed and wished to get rid of. Even with the feeling, the pair of eyes met and both Ren and Yashiro gestured the duo to join them at the table. They had come just a few minutes before Kyoko and Kaede, hoping to secure a four seat table so that they could eat together.

Kyoko reasoned it would be rude to ignore her mentor after they had sought her out so she led her silent charge to the table. But she made sure to sit next Yashiro. Ren noticed this. So did his co-star, but she said nothing as she sat beside him. Kaede opened her bento, giving a silent thanks for the food as though she were sitting alone.

Ren was trying to find a topic to talk to about while Kaede fiddled with her chopsticks. She seemed shaky as she handled the wooden sticks, using a lot more concentration than was necessary.

She snapped the chopsticks. The break was uneven and he watched in surprise as she stared in something like silent horror before she got up and bee lined for the utensil cart at the other end of the room.

Yashiro and Ren blinked twice and automatically looked to Kyoko. She shrugged.

"Inoue-san is a little….superstitious."


Kyoko nodded.

"I saw her hiding her thumbs when we passed by a hearse yesterday."

Ren and Yashiro exchanged a look before they allowed a small smile.

"This isn't your first day?"

"Oh, no, I was assigned to her a day ago, but she hasn't spoken to me at all yet."

Ren's lips twitched.

"She doesn't talk to you?"

"Not really…" Kyoko mumbled. "but she's isn't rude or mean! I think she's just a quiet person."

Ren glanced back over to the actress heading over to the table with chopsticks and her phone in hand.

"If anything happens, don't be afraid to let me know, ok Mogami-san?" he added softly, lowering his head and looking her in the eyes.

Kyoko repressed the cold feeling threatening to envelope her. She couldn't even refuse with the intensity Ren was gazing at her, waiting for her response.

"O-ok, I will Tsuruga-san.

He gave a short nod and straightened up in time as Kaede sat back down, her new set of chopsticks evenly split apart.

There was an hour break after lunch, thanks to Kaede and Ren acting with no retakes necessary, so both stars went to their respective dressing rooms to relax. Kyoko strove to do her job as a manger, hurrying down the hall with two bottles of water. Her plan was to get them while shooting commenced, but she once again became so engrossed in their acting that her memory only deemed the task significant after the director yelled cut. When she reached Kaede's dressing room door, she halted in front of it to catch her breath. She reached for the knob, the door barely gaped. But she then heard a voice. One that was rough and raspy, like one suffering from a cold. Her hand paused on the door knob, her eyebrow going up in question.

'Who is that?'

Kyoko's confusion only grew to hear the voice cease and then another voice begin. This one sounded quiet and soft, she could barely hear the words clearly. The young girl wondered if she should leave. She wasn't sure how, but if Kaede managed to receive guests then she felt shouldn't intrude. Then she heard someone take a deep breath. A small pause followed before a slight shuffling could be heard and the sounds of a body plopping into the leather couch that was situated in the middle of the actress' dressing room.

"You can come in, Kyoko-san."

Kyoko backed away from the gaped door as if she had been shocked by an electric current into the wall opposite. It was the first time Kaede had said her name. The panic settled in as the words dawned on her.

'She knows as I was listening?! What if she complains to the president?!' Despite the silence, Kaede had been the most comfortable Love Me assignment she had in awhile, minus being Ren's substitute manager. She dreaded how the actress would treat her now she had been caught doing something so intrusive. She clutched the bottle tighter.

Slowly, Kyoko walked back to the door and pushed it open. Kaede was sitting on the couch, her toned arms spread across the headrest and her legs propped on the table in front of it, crossed at the ankle by her script. The Love Me member wasn't sure whether to be relieved or more scared by her lax pose. When Kyoko finally mustered the courage to look Kaede in the face she thought she saw a twinkle in the sharp eyes. That just confused her. Kaede extended her hand for the water, which Kyoko unsteadily gave. With the bottle at her lips, the actress gestured her to come closer. Kyoko obeyed, albeit inch by inch, and she was startled to see Kaede pat the part of the couch next to her. That's when Kyoko flat out refused to move. The silent woman put down the water bottle and sighed.

"Please sit. I'm not upset if that's what you're thinking."

Kyoko flinched, but soon she sat down at the other end of the couch instead of the middle where her charge patted. She kept her head down and her fist in her lap, bracing for the coming onslaught for eavesdropping.

"Are you okay, Kyoko-san?"

The question was so unexpected that Kyoko's head shot up before she could stop herself.


"Is it okay if I call you Kyoko-san?"

Kyoko nodded slowly. She seemed fixed on the titled head before her. She noticed now that Kaede didn't look angry at all. She was…smiling? Or at least it looked like a smile, her thin lips barely curved up.

"Did you enjoy my practicing?"

"Practic….all those voices…were you?"

Kaede nodded.

"I do voice acting roles too, in addition to acting."

Suddenly all the places they had been going made sense.

"Oh. I thought you were a musician."

Kaede shook her head.

"I apologize for not addressing you before. I wasn't too sure what to call you. The president didn't give me a last name."

"Oh no, it's okay, it's fine." Kyoko held up her hands in front of her.

Kaede nodded again and the smile got wider. Kyoko shifted a little before hazarding.

"How long have you been voice acting?"

"Not long. I took one gig as a favor to help out someone who needed a substitute and I liked it, so I decided to try out for other roles. But I do that under a different name."

'I didn't know you could do that…'

"Are you an actress as well?" Kaede asked.

"Oh no! I'm just a talento! I'm a complete newbie in acting!"

Kaede's sharp eyes narrowed, but Kyoko wasn't sure why. The taller woman shifted her body to face her.

"Have you had a debut?"

"Huh? Oh yes. In a Kurara soda commercial."

"Have you had any roles after that?"

"Uh, yes. One for a…promo" luckily Kyoko managed to stop herself from mentioning Fuwa's name. That would not have ended well, "and Mio for Dark Moon."

The silence that followed after her response made Kyoko's shoulders hunch. Kaede was just staring at her. Soon she moved closer and Kyoko eventually had to back up. The tanned woman was almost three inches away from her face when she spoke again.

"You are an actress. Don't let anyone take that from you. Not even yourself."

Kyoko was in such shock that she could only nod. Kaede moved away and smiled, her eyes crinkling.

"I hope we can work well together, Kyoko-san."

The orange-haired girl stood up and bowed, startling her charge.

"Please take care of me!"

When she finally stood up straight Kaede patted her on the shoulder before walking past her. She stopped by the door and turned to her. It was then Kyoko realized that she was waiting for her and she rushed up to her before they both headed out to the set.

Kyoko was beginning to understand what President Takarada had meant when he referred to Kaede Inoue as "odd".

And first chapter done. Reviews and criticisms are encouraged; though go a bit easy on me as I am a delicate soul.

Love and Peace.