The 5 am alarm going off was an unfriendly reminder that the work day would be starting in four hours. Penelope growled at the offending object and ducked her head under her pillow to drown out the sound. Reid chuckled at her theatrics and reached over to snooze the alarm.

"I told you it was a bad idea for me to come back here last night. We have to go to work today." he said as he began running his hands over his bed partners curves.

"I didn't hear you complaining about the time once we finally made it to the bed." Penelope reminded as she turned her body to allow Spencer more access.

"I'm a genius remember. What kind of genius thinks about time when a beautiful woman has his cock in their mouth?" He began running a finger through the folds of a very interested Garcia. Grinding his erection against her ass, Reid made his intentions for early morning sex clear.

Rolling over with an grin on her face, Penelope reclined on her back and reached for her lover. "Mmm that was fun. But if you're insisting that we go to work today, we may need to stick to the basics so that we can get a shower and still be there on time."

Looking over at the clock before climbing between Penelope's legs Reid took in the time once again. "It's only a quarter after 5. We have some time."

"Oh sweet baby genius there's never going to be enough time for everything I want to do with you." Capturing his lips in a deep kiss, Garcia wrapped her legs around his waist as he sank into her once again.


It was a fairly slow day at the BAU. No new cases were being presented as of yet so the team was seated at their desks in the bullpen catching up on paperwork and consults. Spencer was so tired, like bone tired and it was only 11. A smile couldn't help but appear on his face when he recalled the reason for his fatigue and the two quarter size hickeys that he was trying very hard to keep hidden. Letting out another yawn and trying unsuccessfully to hide it, JJ looked over at her friend.

"Long night Spence? Did you and Garcia binge Doctor Who on a school night?" she teased.

"No. Just didn't sleep well." Which technically wasn't a lie since every time either he or Garcia dozed off the other one was pouncing, ready to dive into another activity of carnal delight.

"Everything okay man? You having nightmares?" Matt asked worried about his friend and team mate.

"No, I'm good. Just some things on my mind. Nothing of concern really."

The only concern he currently had was how damn sore he was and how his cock was unbelievably sensitive. He honestly couldn't figure out if that were a good thing or not. Thinking back to the night before, specifically Penelope kneeling in front of him, his back against the same door that he had taken her against, her lips and tongue working over his dick like she had an agenda. That was a memory that he would treasure for the rest of his life. Feeling a stirring coming from the region of his groin, there was apparently something else that would always cherish that memory as well.

"Okay, but know that if you do start have more symptoms of PTSS you can talk to us." Tara ever the psychologist. Smiling at his caring and wonderful family, he merely nodded his acknowledgment and ducked his head back into the file he was working on.

Alvez showing his support clapped the man on the shoulder as he was walking by, dislodging the collar of Reid's button down shirt and giving a small glimpse of discoloration on his neck. Luke smiled to himself having a very good idea why Spencer was so sleep deprived. Interested in seeing if he was correct, Luke grabbed the file that he needed a certain someone's consult on and headed towards her office.

Garcia was exhausted. It was official that she wasn't nearly as young as she thought she was. Oh but the night before had been so worth it. The feel of Spencer's hardness penetrating her over and over was something that she would never get tired of feeling. Her hands clenched as if remembering how they hung onto his shoulders as he pounded into her. The memory had her face flushing and moisture pooling between her legs. Clamping her legs together to try and relieve a bit of tension, Penelope picked up her cellphone and texted her favorite Boy Wonder.

"Hey handsome. What are you doing all the way in the bullpen?"

Spencer looked up from his file when his phone lit up, already having an idea who was texting him. Another smile graced his face as Penelope's name came across his screen. Opening his text messages he eagerly replied.

"Trying to get through my consultations but keep getting side tracked. I can't get last night out of my mind."

"Me either. My panties are paying the price for my wonderful memory."

Spencer shifted slightly trying to stop his erection from achieving full mast knowing damn well that he wasn't going to be able to stop it from happening, so he figured he might as well torment Garcia a little. "Are you getting wet for me Penny? Are you sitting at your desk thinking about the way I felt inside of you? Or are you thinking about one of the positions that we did? Tell me which one was your favorite? When we barely made it inside your apartment and fucked against the door? Maybe it was when we made the pitstop at the couch and I had you bent over it and I was taking you from behind. Or even this morning after your alarm went off and we made love for another hour before getting ready for work. Which time are you thinking about?" Reid regretted the text as soon as he typed it out. Looking at his lap he hoped like hell no one was going to need him to stand up anytime soon and then sent the message.

Garcia stared at her phone. Oh that was low. He wanted to play did he? Oh she could play. She'd start by sending him a picture of just how wet her panties were and then continue by describing in great detail what exactly she was wanting to do on their lunch break. Standing up she headed over to her door, not wanting to get caught taking risqué pictures with her door wide open.

Luke was just walking up when he saw Garcia at her doorway and smiled at the analyst, taking in the dark circles under her eyes and the radiant glow that seemed to radiate from her. Much like the one Reid was sporting at his desk. "Hey Garcia. Got a minute? I have a consult that I'm going to need your help on. It's partially a cyber-crime case." Luke explained.

Deflating a bit, Garcia gestured the newbie into her lair and took the file from him. After reading a few lines she couldn't help but yawn, covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she did. Garcia didn't realize that she had inadvertently gave Luke a few seconds to read the text message that Reid had sent her.

If he hadn't been sure before he was absolutely positive now. Alvez was truly happy for Reid and Garcia. They both seemed so lonely at times, even more lonely than he could ever remember being. And if they could find happiness which each other, he would gladly support their relationship and do what he could to help it thrive. Even if that meant keeping their secret without them even knowing that he knew it.

"Tired Garcia?"

"A little. Didn't get much sleep last night." Penelope replied while sitting back in her chair, face still stuck in the case file.

"Reid either apparently." Luke almost laughed out loud at the way Garcia's head snapped towards him. "Don't worry. He said that it wasn't nightmares and that he would let us know if he started seeing signs of PTSS." Luke said in an effort to make her believe that he thought her reaction was due to her concern for her friend's mental health, and not because she was acting like a school girl with a crush.

"Right. Good. I'm sure he will. He's a big boy after all."

Luke wasn't really sure he wanted to know why Penelope was grinning the way she was when she said that so he just let it go. Watching her eyes race across the pages of the file Luke addressed different points of the case that he did genuinely wanted her help with. Penelope listened intently commenting here and there on different aspects and points from a hackers perspective. Pausing briefly to acknowledge Nelson as the older man stepped into the office to deliver the mail.

Smiling pleasantly at the gentleman Garcia inquired after his wife and daughters and even asked about his grand-daughter's dance recital. Listening intently to what he said, Penelope requested an invite to the next performance and received one with grand flourish but only after Nelson was assured that he and his family would be told when Garcia next performed on stage. That information threw Luke as he had no idea of Penelope's acting abilities.

After Nelson had said goodbye to the tech analyst and the agent and continued on with his rounds, Penelope continued to read the file. "I really don't think that the LEO's should concentrate on any hackers. Well not major hackers anyway. All of the things that were done are fairly easy for someone with any real software experience and if this was someone looking to do some real damage they wouldn't have stopped where they dd. They would have transferred a majority of the company's assets to an off-shore account that was untraceable. It's difficult but can be done." She finished handing the file back to Luke.

"Thanks Garcia. I'll make sure I pass what you said along. Hopefully that will put some minds at ease." Luke said standing to leave.

"No problem. Oh would you mind shutting the door? I have to work on some sensitive material."

"Of course." But just as Luke was leaving the office and closing the door behind him Reid came up behind him almost running into his back. "Hey man. You okay?" he asked looking over at Spencer's flustered state.

"Yeah I'm okay. Is Penelope in her office?"

"Yeah she just helped me with a consult? You sure you're okay? You know you can talk to me right. I'll help you in any way I can." Luke was starting to get concerned about Reid. Starting a new relationship, even with someone that you had known for as many years as he had known Garcia was nerve wracking. But the agitation coming off of Spencer at that moment was on another level.

"It's nothing. Just something I need Penny to look at. Thanks though." Reid replied sidestepping Alvez and closing the door behind him.

Garcia looked up when she heard the door close and startled at Spencer being in her office. "Couldn't stay away could you?" she flirted.

Spencer immediately pulled her from her seat, took her in his arms, and kissed her deeply. Very deeply. Penelope instantly became frazzled at the intensity of his kiss. Pulling back slightly from her lover she looked him over. That's when she noticed the letter in his hand. Looking into his eyes she nodded her head towards the piece of mail. "Do I already know who that's from?" Reid nodded his head handing her the recent letter from Cat Adams.


Cat lay in her rack staring at the ceiling imagining what her and Jr's life would be like after Spencey came and got her out of the hell she was in. Would they live in his apartment or would they buy a house to raise their family. She was fairly certain that Spencer would want them to get a house, maybe even a dog. She liked dogs. Had never really had one of her own but they seemed like something that a kid should have growing up.

Closing her eyes, Cat envisioned a brick one story with a white picket fence and a swing set in the back yard. Spencer would come home from work and dinner would be on the table as soon as he walked in the door. He would wrap his arms around her and tell her how much he loved her and how long the work day had been without her by his side. Then he would call the children to dinner and they would all sit down as a family.

Cat began to doze imagining the Donna Reid fantasy. A sudden flash tore through her dream of a man propositioning her for sex and money to kill his wife. A fat, balding man that was nothing like her beautiful Spencer was pawing at her, thrusting into her telling her how good she felt compared to his old prude of a wife. Another flash and another man. This one taller, leaner, but shallow and sweaty. Blood pouring from the knife wound in his neck. Another man followed that one. Dark skin, light eyes leering at the cleavage she had on display. "How much for a little something extra?" Her voice responding, "$500 for all this. You know how much for the rest." She remember watching the poison slowly work it's way through his system until he was foaming at the mouth dead on a hotel floor.

Coming back to herself Cat opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling again. Rubbing her hand over her belly she began to think about Spencer and all of the wonderful things they would do as soon as he came for her. And he would come for her. They were meant to be together after all.


Reid sat in Penelope's chair watching her pace around her office muttering angrily at nothing. "It didn't say anything that it didn't say before. What has you so freaked out this time?" he had a fairly good idea why she was more emotional this time. After the night before it was a fairly safe to bet they were an item and Penelope didn't like Cat writing sexually charge love letters to him.

Penelope stopped and stared at Spencer like he had sprouted another head. "I was pretty freaked out last time. You where just gone and didn't see the aftermath the other letter had created. God I hate this crazy bitch. How could she think that you would want anything to do with her after the shit her and Lindsey put you through?"

"And you. Don't forget what she and the dirty dozen did to you." He said walking over to her. Cupping her jaw lightly, Spencer gently placed a sweet kiss to her lips. Pulling away Spencer looked down at the woman that he had wanted longer than he cared to admit. "When I think back at how terrified you had been, part of me wishes I had actually choked her." he confessed.

Penelope stared at Spencer. "You don't mean that Sweetness. You're too good of a person to do that. I on the other hand have decided to take on a new violent persona. One that will rip the face off of any little skanks that are currently trying to get into your pants via letters from prison." Penelope declared while tracing his cheekbones with her fingertips. "Every time I think back to when you had to see her in that damn room and she squirmed all over your damn lap it makes me want to jab her in the eye sockets with a spoon."

Reid blinked. Leave it to Penelope to come up with the strangest form of torture. "Spoons in the eye sockets?"

"I'm only turning over the new violent lease on life. Give me time to adjust."

Spencer smiled down at Penelope. "I like you just the way you are. Non-violent and all."

Returning his smile Penelope leaned up and kissed him. "We're going to have to have a long drawn out conversation about what our relationship is now and all of that aren't we?"

"We don't have to." Reid replied keeping his arms wrapped around her. "We can just say what we want and leave it at that. If you want to just remain friends that have sex occasionally, or constantly, we can. Or we can take this to a new level." He wanted to make sure she knew that he wouldn't push her to have a relationship if she didn't want that. He knew that she was who he wanted as his partner, but refused to influence her either way.

Penelope's eyes narrowed. "Oh nuh uh buddy." Penelope said with a jab to Spencer chest with her finger. "You sir are mine and I am yours. I waited way too damn long for last night to happen and I'll be damned if I don't get to experience the full Reid effect."

"If memory serves the Reid effect made children and animals uncomfortable and most cry."

"That Reid effect has been null and void for quite some time now. I'm talking about the boyfriend Reid effect. That's what I want to experience." Lacing her fingers in his hair Penelope gazed up at him. "And I want this bitch to go away. I'm not sharing you with a crazed lunatic that wants to have your babies."

"What do you think of me writing her back and explaining that I am not in love with her and that I will not be coming to get her out of prison. I doubt it will make her stop completely but at least I will have proof that I tried to convince her that she was slipping from reality."

"Oh let me write it. I'll make sure that she understands that you are taken and not by her."

"I do have to admit I am liking this jealous side of you. Makes me feel wanted." He admitted with a smirk while running his hands over her hips.

Leaning towards Spencer's ear she whispered, "If you really want to feel wanted you should feel how soaked my panties are." Spencer groaned and proceeded to slip his hand under Garcia's skirt.


The next day

"Mail Adams." the guard on duty called while slipping the letter through the bars of her cell.

Getting off of her rack Cat picked up the letter that had fallen to the floor and opened it sure it was from Spencer. He was writing her to tell her when he was going to have her released and then they could go home and start their life together.

Sitting on her mattress Cat began to read:


I'm not entirely sure as to what reality you have slipped into but to say your imagination has taken you on an adventure would be an understatement. In the letters you have sent me, without provocation I might add, I have gathered that you have somehow convinced yourself that not only are you in love with me but that I return your feelings. This is not true. As a matter of fact it is the furthest thing from the truth that one can get. Let's examine why.

You teamed up with a group of assassins to kill one of my best friends and lover.

You held me at gun point in a restaurant full of innocent people. Anything could have happened and someone could have been hurt or killed.

You partnered up a mentally unstable woman who stalked me for months, had her frame me for murder in Mexico, had me imprisoned, and had the prison guard there constantly keep me in danger, and then kidnapped my mother and tried to have her murdered.

You got pregnant with the intent on making me believe that your girlfriend had been able to steal my sperm, (which if she had it would have been sexual assault in case you were unaware), and that you were actually pregnant with my child without my consent.

I was going to include more to the list but isn't this really enough? Stop writing me Cat. I don't want you. I don't love you. I don't desire you. I have a girlfriend and I am happy even with your attempts to make me into a miserable person like you. I'm not. And it's because of her.

-Dr. Spencer Reid