Closing her eyes to escape the hell of prison she retreated into her mind and back to him. She could still see his sculpted features and the feel of his hard body against hers as she sat on his lap. She thought back, her hands running over his chest, lips ghosting his. What she would have given to press her firmly to his. Unfortunately that blond bitch was watching them like she owned his dick.

Pushing the overprotective twat out of her thoughts, Cat thought back to the beautiful man she wanted back in her grasp. Going after his mother had been her revenge for his deception over her father. Looking down her body at her slightly distended belly she thought back to part of the last conversation they had. "I could take your baby and raise it." She knew that wasn't exactly what he had said but it fit what she wanted to believe so she didn't really care. "I wish it were mine. We belong together." Her mind focused on those words. His words. He was hers whether he knew it yet or not. "Did you hear him baby?" Cat said rubbing her hand over her abdomen. "Don't worry. I'll get us back to Daddy soon enough."

A cough at her cell door signaled the time of 3 am and the first part of her plan was taking the bait. Smirking to herself Cat stood from her rack and made her way over to the guard standing in the hall. Biting her lip she grasped the outstretched hand of woman through the bars. Amelia Jackson was a young, petite, blond that was way too naïve to be a prison guard. Not that Cat was complaining. The dumb broad was easily manipulated. Showing her a little attention and laying on a sob story of her abuse on the woman guaranteed the guard's complete submission without her even knowing. All it cost her was the fumbling of the inexperience woman and using her own orgasm inducing skills. A small price to pay to get the man that she really wanted.

Quietly Amelia whispered, "We'll have to hurry. Jameson will be by here soon." Cat nodded demurely and lifted her shirt showing she wasn't wearing anything on her lower half. Amelia licked her lips staring between Cat's legs. Still holding the prisoners hand in one hand she reached down with the other and inserted her fingers into the other woman using her thumb on her clit.

Cat put on a good show for her patsy, thrusting her hips forward and riding her hand like she was enjoying what the little fool was doing. "I want to see your tits." Amelia whispered. Using the hands that wasn't being held, Cat unbuttoned the uniform shirt of prisoners allowing her to see her swelling breasts. Amelia's hands sped up as she captured one of the exposed nipples in her mouth sucking harshly, nipping the bud with her teeth. Cat rolled her eyes but pretended to enjoying the moronic woman's touch. Closing her eyes Cat let her imagine take over. Instead of the groping of Amelia they were the graceful and nimble hands of Dr. Spencer Reid. His mouth suckling at her breast as he pleasured her with his hands, making sure she felt just how special she was to him. In her minds eye she wasn't pulled crudely up against cell bars but pressed firmly against a wall. His need for her too great to make it any farther. Retreating into her fantasy of him was the only way to bring herself off at the woman's hands. And that was key in gaining the guards assistance. Making her think she needed her. That she was the only one that understood the horrible position she had been placed in. It was all completely bullshit, but it was working. With one last thrust of her hips, Cat fantasized about staring into his amber eyes as she came apart for him.

Pulling away from the bars she caught her breath and shared a disgustingly sweet kiss with a proud Amelia. Rebuttoning her top, Cat reached over beneath her pillow grabbing the letter and handed it to the guard. "Thank you for doing this for me my love. He's the only one that can help me get out of her. Then we can be together."

"I understand baby. I'll drop it off as soon as I leave. Get some sleep."

Watching the woman walk away Cat allowed herself a smile. 'Soon Spencey. We'll be a real family soon.'


9 o'clock the next morning found Spencer sitting in Garcia's office talking about the best of Vincent Prince.

"I agree with you Garcia. I believe Poe's Pit and the Pendulum was one of his best. I just happen to think The House of the Seven Gables is worth noting."

Nodding her head to her friend Penelope conceded his point and then pointed out the legend's greatest work. "I'll give you that, however, I believe that we can both agree that his greatest work will always be Scooby Doo." She said whole heartedly waving her fuzzy pen at him.

Reid thought on this a few moments and then nodded to the Tech Analyst. "Speaking of which did you know that there is a Scooby Doo marathon on this weekend?"

Penelope perked up. "Binge watching Mystery Inc and eating junk food with my favorite genius, sounds AMAZING! I'll supply the tv, couch, and popcorn. You bring the sour patch kids and pizza." She said finalizing their plans for the weekend. Spencer quickly agreed excited to spend time with his friend.

He had been spending time with everyone lately. After they helped him get his mother into a nice place specializing in Alzheimer's care and treatment in the DC area and working so hard to do everything they had done for them, he owed them so much. Of course they didn't see it that way.

"Sounds good. When do you want me to come over?" he asked.

Smiling at Spencer Penelope answered honestly. "Sweets you can come over when ever you want to. You know that. Sergio will be extremely happy to see you. It's been too long since he's had chin scratches from you."

Nelson walked into Penelope's lair handing her some interoffice memos and miscellaneous mail. Seeing Dr. Reid in her office the older gentleman greeted the doctor and handed him an out of facility envelope and took his leave to distribute the rest of the mail.

Glance through the mail she was just given she took a drink of tea from her octopus mug and looked over at Reid and his letter. His face scrunched up in a strange look. "What is it Spence?" Growing dread taking root in her stomach.

Spencer looked up at Penelope. He didn't really want to expose her to the graphic letter that he had just been given, but after everything he had just gone through he knew better than to hide it. If only from her. Getting up he closed her door and handed her the letter. He knew better than to tell her to remain calm. That would have just set her off even more.

Looking Reid in the eyes she took the letter from his outstretched hand and began to read. The further she got in the letter the more her hands started to shake. It was Cat again. She knew it. The bitch was obsessed with Reid. And by the contents of the letter she was now convinced that she was in love with him. She had even deluded herself into believing that he felt the same way for her. "You and me Spencey together forever. You said so. We can raise this baby together and have so many more. I won't get bored if you're there with me. You do love me. I know you do." Garcia couldn't finish the letter. Calmly setting it down she looked at Spencer then turned toward her computers.

Spencer didn't buy it. She was too calm and he knew she hadn't read the whole letter which was two full pages front and back. "Garcia, what are you doing?" She didn't answer him. Looking over her shoulder he could see her hacking into Mount Pleasant Woman's Correctional Facility prisoner's files. "Penelope what are you doing?"

"I am transferring this bitch to Guaynabo in Puerto Rico. I'm getting her the hell away from you like I should have done in the very freaking beginning."

Reid turned her chair before she could complete the unauthorized transfer. "You can't do that Garcia. You will get caught and then what will you do? Get locked up in there with her?"

Looking into the eyes of one of her best friends, she felt a rage at the woman who dared write to him of love and carnal pleasures that she wanted with him. Normally she would babble and try a pacifist approach saying the transfer being the a lesser of two evils. But looking into the face that she had grown to love so dearly, knowing that she had been a hairs breath away from never seeing him again and she snapped. Gently pushing his hair off of his forehead she said very quietly, "I would give everything I own for two minutes along with her. No cameras. No witnesses. Just my bare hands. I promise you I would be the only one walking away from that confrontation."

Reid looked at Penelope's face completely shocked by the sweet woman's words of violence. Pulling her out of her chair and into his arms Reid stared down into the eyes of his biggest cheerleader. "Penny don't say that. It's not in you to hurt someone."

"You would've been right if we were having this conversation before everything went to shit and I almost lost you. But now, I would take that pathetic excuse of woman down with my bare hands without a second thought. You're not the only one that has been changed by this."

Pulling the woman closer to his chest Reid rested his cheek on the top of her head, squeezing her tighter to him. He hadn't missed her word usage of "I almost lost you" instead of "we almost lost you". He wouldn't say anything about it at the moment, but he would keep it at the forefront of his mind and watch Garcia a bit more closely. With this thought in mind he asked his friend to keep the existence of the letter to herself.

"You're not going to tell anyone? Reid you promised no more secrets." She reminded him while pulling away from her comfortable position against his chest to look at him.

"I did tell someone. I told you. I would rather we kept this between us before sounding the alarm with the entire team."

Reluctantly Penelope nodded her head. "I'll agree on one condition. If she contacts you at all in any way you tell me immediately. This is harassment Reid and I'll be damn if she gets the chance to sink her diseased claws into you again."

"Deal." He promised. The possessive tone in her voice was evident again and he wondered if she even knew it was there. "I'll even leave instructions that if I'm off on a case that all my mail be forwarded to you. That way you can sort through it and let me know if anything else shows up."

This appeased the woman slightly. The fact that Cat Adams was contacting her sweet Reid was reprehensible. Agreeing to keep her silence and working with him on a case that may not even be a case gave her a slightly giddy feeling. Like she was sneaking around behind her parents backs. Giggling she told him her thought.

Reid laughed and leaned down kissing her forehead. That was the precise moment Agent Alvez opened the door to Garcia's Batcave. The occupants of the office continued their mutual embrace while looking towards the door and the agent standing there.

What the hell was he seeing? "Uh, we have a case." He mumbled holding up a folder.

"Okay." Reid answered grabbing Penelope's hand and leading her from the office. He turned to her and let her know that he was going to go put the instructions in with the Bureau's mailroom and he would be in the conference room in a few minutes.

Nodding she continued on her way with Agent Alvez at her side. Feeling the man's eyes on her she stopped suddenly, turned toward him with her hand on her hip, and asked "What?"

"Is there something going on between you and Reid?" he asked cautiously.

"What are you talking about? Why would you think that?"

"He was kissing you when I walked into your office Garcia. And just now walking out of your office you two were holding hands. It's not that far of a stretch to come to that conclusion."

"See this is why I still call you Newbie. You have no idea what you are talking about." She said walking through the conference room door, effectively dismissing anything Alvez said.