Dear readers, I'll try to keep this brief.

There won't be any updates in any close future, possibly even in this year. This summer wasn't an easy one for m and my family, since because of the job, my dad had to move to a completely different city and he is only around for weekends. This has been a stress for both me and my mom, and unfortunately it has also affected my writing.

Along with that, the next university term, starting September 3rd, promises to be the hardest one yet. Because of all this, I'll need to focus up on my studies more and helping out my mom. I am deeply sorry to all of you for this dissapointment. I know how much you like my stories and how much you want me to continue them, but simply have neither time now because of prep up to university, and the stress my family is expriencing.

I will not forget any of you, and if I am able, I will try to update in free time, but I can't promise you regular updates.

Again, I am deeply sorry to all of you.

Yours truly,
