Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. J. K. Rowling does.
It was a quiet and peaceful Sunday. A man was sitting on a couch, cradling a baby about a half year old in his arms.
"Too bad that your Aunt Ginny and Nana Tonks have to go out for birthday shopping today, leaving you with me here. What do you want to do now Ted?" The man asked Ted.
"Dada stowy " Teddy replied. "You would want to hear about your mom and dad alright" said Harry, with a sad smile.
Yes. It is the very famous and well known Harry James Potter aka...The Boy Who Lived, the saviour and all the other titles you may know, who just turned 18 and his godson Teddy Remus Lupin, who was nearly six months old, on July 31st to be exact while others are preparing for a surprise party at the Burrow.
"Just a few more minutes before they return. Then I will have to go to Gringotts to get my inheritance test, leaving you with them. Now about your parents..." said Harry as it was cut off by a silvery cat which had come in, causing Teddy to giggle.
"Mr. Potter, you are requested to come to the headmistress office at Hogwarts along with your godson immediately." a stern female voice said and vanished. "And I was hoping for a peaceful birthday today" thought Harry and sighed as he cast out his patronus to Ginny and Andromeda to tell about the recent developments.
"Let's see what Minnie wants with the two of us now shall we?" said Harry, picking up the babbling Teddy, who was constantly changing his hair colour before settling at a light sandy brown colour with bubblegum pink stripes.
Harry then flooed to the office which had been unlocked and dusted the two of them as he stepped out and turned to the lady standing there. "Long time Professor McGonagall. Hope all is going on well" he greeted.
"All is going well with me Harry. Just go meet Albus there. He was the one who called you here. Hand Teddy over here though. He seems very excited to see me here" she said as she held out her hands to carry the baby.
Harry just handed over Teddy who was constantly babbling "Minnie...Minnie" to the professor and headed towards the portrait of the former headmaster. "Good afternoon professor Dumbledore... What is the new mission for me today?" greeted Harry as he stood in front of the portrait. It was very common for Harry to receive minor missions from him very often and this was no exception.
"Ah...nice to see you again my boy and just call me Albus while we are alone alright. And yes... I am giving you a very important mission... A mission where the two of you get to see your parents... a mission to change the future..."he said.
"Prof...Albus, you are not joking right? Asking me to time travel to the 1970s and change the past... won't it disrupt the whole timeline?" Harry asked.
"About that my boy... I've devised a plan with Snape over here. You are to let every thing happen and should not prevent major events like the death of your loved ones, freeing Sirius, exposing whoever played a major role in the rise of Voldemort... but you are free to make minor changes helping out your younger self in their times of need by giving small clues of the future or saving Regulus Black and such..." explained Albus
"But how does it change the future when everyone dies like now?" asked Harry, confused. "As I said earlier Harry, Severus and I have found a solution for that. Come here" he said and spoke in hushed voices about the solution.
"Be careful though Harry. One step goes wrong... everything goes wrong. Be careful while doing it" Severus said and Harry just gave a two finger salute and said "Don't worry sir nothing will go wrong. See you when you are alive again" causing Snape to give him an unnoticeable smile at the teen's antics.
"Then I will thank you in advance for saving my life and reducing the antics caused by the Marauders and your trio" Snape said and closed his eyes.
"You know that it is very difficult to make Snape say thank you right?" Albus asked.
"I've been known to do the impossible sir. But about identities and explanations sir? And why must Teddy come?" asked Harry.
"Ah! I was coming to that part now. Teddy can be a easy convincing factor and can also help you with Remus. I'm sure an infant will be allowed with his 11 year old god father when he is an orphan with only you as his only living relative. As for the cover story... I think Minerva will explain it better than me. Though I will recommend a particular spell for which even I don't know the counter curse..." Albus said.
This is when Harry gets suspicious of Albus but nods anyways. But one thought was running in his mind. 'When he is said to be the leader of the light, how can he not know the counter curse of a spell? While everyone here depends upon him for everything...he does not know one simple counter spell? And to say that every spell is thought with a counter spell even when invented, it is not given out without knowing the counter spell. Is this a trap?' he thought.
"You may go now my boy but remember to be here by 11 to collect the time turner and the other information before your departure. But this remains between the 4 of us only. If Ginny asks, just say that you can't contact from where ever the mission is taking place and convince 'Dromeda that Teddy is a must. And do mention it will take a long time to complete it. Happy birthday to you Harry." he wished as he dismissed the Harry.
Harry went to Minerva and held Teddy back in his arms as he told whatever Dumbledore told him till then. Professor McGonagall seemed to think about it and said. "Let's go to my office and talk about it."
Entering the office, she cast a lot of privacy and silencing charms and also swore the portraits to secrecy. She then said "Harry, it is obvious that Dumbledore knows the counter curse as he was the one who taught it to me. And I've also noticed that he has been playing with your life since you were young.
"And one thing that he forgot to mention is that it is a one way journey and that there is no way you can come back after you change the past as you would have created a completely different dimension and time turners won't work in places where there are multiple changes in time. Just tell Ginny and Andromeda the truth and tell them it is necessary to make this sacrifice for a better future.
"I also suggest that you take up your inheritance test toady before you come here so that if he had blocked any abilities, you can unblock it before you start the mission. Come here after you speak with Dumbledore so that we can discuss more about this before you leave. Its time to part now though. Happy birthday Harry" said Minnie as Harry stepped into the floo, going to get ready for his trip to Gringotts. Its time to unveil some secrets...
A/N: Hey there guys! So...this is a time travel fanfic dealing with Teddy and Harry travelling through time to fix a few things but with a few twists. All comments and criticism accepted. And feel free to point out any mistakes. Hope you all enjoyed it!
Thank you all for reading
Rasi10 signing off
Published on 28 July 2018