The Alien Princess
Xiomaria, Zarthurian princess from the planet Zathura was investigating Mars as a suitable place to be colonized by her kind. Her ship gets attacked by an unknown enemy and she crash lands on Earth where she meets the Autobots and the members of NEST. While her ship is being repaired the young Zarthurian decides to experience Earth's culture. Who is the enemy that attacked her? And will she be able to go home?
Author's Note: Yo! Time for another Transformers Fic! Now I don't know what made me think of this but those damn Plot Bunnies wouldn't shut up unless I wrote it down. So here it is, Enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: Nothing in here is mine except for some OC's.
NOTE: I actually started this about a year ago (around the same time I started "Survival of Extinction") but have been so busy that I didn't post them up until now. Plus with work and certain things going on my life has been a bit hectic. I will finish my other stories whenever I have the spare time. :3
=Speaking Cybertronian=
{Speaking Zarthurian}
Chapter 1: Crash Landing
Universe: Endless, ever expanding...
Space: Filled with beginnings of life anew...
Cosmos: Vastly unknown, filled with wonder...
Planets: Life giving, Barren wastelands, yet beautiful like a sparkling gem...
A strange alien spacecraft hovers over the red planet Mars. It gathers samples and energy readings from its barren surface. Inside the ship is a young humanoid woman that is analyzing the samples and taking notes. The female has light brown skin with strange crystal-blue like markings all over her body. Her hair is a light violet color with highlights of royal blue. Her clothes seem to be a one piece suit that exposes her sides, shoulders, elbows, her upper thighs, and even partly exposes her breasts, yet they are still modestly covered. Her eyes are most unusual but are the norm of her species. A light purple surrounding the dark royal purple of her eye. The iris is diamond shaped and is able to turn into slits whenever someone of her kind gets angered. A golden necklace with sky-blue gems surrounds her neck. She wears a matching crown with the same colored jewels adorning it. The strange alien beauty runs test after test on the soil and mineral samples from the red planet. A computer in front of her then shows the results of her tests.
{Hmm... 5.10% Sulfur gasses, 20% Magnesium, 38% Iodine, 67% Hydrogen Oxide, and 79% Carbon Dioxide...}
The alien slid her chair over to a desk that had small packets of seeds inside them. Taking one seed out, she slid back to the soil samples and put it inside. Then she added a few teaspoons of water and waited. Suddenly the seed absorbed the water and some of the surrounding dirt, then it sprouted blue-green foliage that kept growing until it stopped. Inside the little tube was a strange alien plant with a mixture of blue and green leaves. Then it started releasing a strange sweet smelling gas. The Alien woman took a sample of the air surrounding the plant and put it inside a test slot on her computer. After a quick calculation the computer beeped and showed its results on screen, shocking the alien.
{By the Gods! This air is almost 99.9% pure Oxygen! The plant absorbed the minerals and carbon dioxide in the soil and created oxygen as a result!}
She started laughing and spun in her chair, seemingly happy with these results. She got up and looked at a holographic projection of Mars, a smile on her face.
{This is the one! This will be the planet that we can colonize and call a second home! Oh I can't wait to tell father about this!}
She quickly typed up a report of her findings and saved it inside a small USB like disk. Then she walked where the main controls are to her ship and put in the sequence to return home. As she sat down and got ready to go into Hyperspace a loud explosion rocked the left side of her ship. Startled, she screamed and held on as another explosion shook the ship. Warning sirens blared as she looked around, wondering what happened.
{Oh Goodness! What on Zathura was that?! Zuma! Status report!}
The ships main computer scanned the area they were in as a screen popped up. It spoke in a deep masculine voice {My Princess, we seem to be under attack by an unknown spacecraft. Damage is 30%}
The Alien looked on screen and saw a strange metallic ship right behind them. She screamed when another explosion occurred this time towards the right side of her ship. {Why are they attacking us?! This planet has no traces of life on it-! AHH!}
The foreign spacecraft kept up its assault, firing its weapons on the much smaller ship. The alien woman quickly typed in some commands, eager to escape this unknown attacker. {Zuma! Prepare the main engines for Hyperspace!}
{I am sorry Lady Xiomaria, but that last attack damaged 3 of the 4 Hyper Drive engines. My nanobots are working to repair them as we speak but we are in no condition to enter Hyperspace.}
The Alien, Xiomaria was getting scared. The main engines used for traveling in Hyperspace were damaged, and the unknown spacecraft was still going on full assault. She quickly scanned the area again when a blue planet appeared in front of Mars. It had an atmosphere and plenty of places to hide from her attackers.
{Prepare a course for that blue planet! We have to hide from them!}
{Plotting course now, we will reach our destination within 4 minutes your highness.} The A.I called Zuma steered the ship away from their line of fire and used its thrusters to propel the ship, moving closer to the blue planet. The other spaceship, bigger and more powerful than the smaller craft, shot off three more blasts at the retreating ship. Two of the attacks missed thanks to the ship maneuvering around it but the third hit the ships main power core, damaging it and causing it to steer off course. The A.I seemed to have grunted in pain before speaking.
{Princess! My-My Power Core has been damaged! Please hold on as I prepare for an emergency crash landing!}
The young alien screamed as her ship entered the planet's atmosphere, the gravity pulling it down for a not so soft crash landing. The unknown alien ship that attacked backed away from the planet and turned around, heading towards the planet Jupiter.
Three hours later the young Alien woke up and held her head in pain. She opened her eyes and gasped as a dark reddish liquid dripped in her hand. She was bleeding and had small cuts on her body. She slowly stood up and looked around her ship, everywhere was damaged and some parts were melted off thanks to the enemy's blasts.
{Z-Zuma? Are you alright? What's the d-damage report?} she asked.
Zuma's voice was filled with static as it tried to speak. {I am-am al-al-alright Princess... The total damage-damage-damage is 89%... My sys-systems are work-working to repair as-as we speak...} She stood up and wobbled a bit and leaned on a console, then quickly typed up a message.
{This is Princess Xiomaria... Of the Royal Zarthurian Family... I-I've been attacked by an unknown alien spacecraft, damage high... P-please send help...}
She sent the distress signal along with the message back to her home planet Zathura. She coughed and clutched her side in pain. Lying down on the floor she heard the A.I speak up.
{My lady, scans in-indicate that you-you have 3 broken-ken ribs, a slight concussion, and-and numerous las-las-lacerations on your b-body. It's best to-to rest while your regener-regenerative powers h-heal you...}
She nodded and closed her eyes, attempting to relax while her powers regenerate and heal her.
Meanwhile 3 huge heavily modified C-7 Cargo Planes flew across the sky at a fast pace. A man on board detected a signal coming from Yosemite National Forest. In one plane was 4 vehicles that were strapped down tight to prevent them from being jostled around too much. One of the vehicles, a huge Peterbilt 379 with red and blue flames spoke up.
"Major Lennox? Are you sure you can't tell whether the signal was Autobot or Decepticon?"
William Lennox, known as Will or just Major Lennox shook his head. "No, the signal was strange. The Energon detectors couldn't tell what it was. All we know is that it's some sort of distress signal with an unknown language."
"Let's just hope whoever it was that crash landed is friendly, if not I got a present with their name on them." said Sargent Epps as he cocked his weapon.
A black GMC Topkick grunted in irritation. "I can't stand being on this plane! When are we going to arrive at our destination?!"
"In ten minutes Ironhide. Just calm down." said an Ambulance.
A Lamborghini snickered. "What's the matter? Little pussy Fraid' of heights? Hahaha!"
Ironhide revved his engine and squirmed a little. "Just keep talking Sideswipe... One more word out of your mouthplates and I'll shove my cannon down your throat!"
The Lamborghini Sideswipe only laughed as the Hummer Ambulance, named Ratchet sighed. Some of the human solders snickered at their banter. Major Lennox walked up and rubbed Ironhide's hood. "You are grouchier than usual Hide'. What's going on?"
"Nothing Will..." said Ironhide.
"I know why he's cranky! It's because he pissed off Chromia last night and didn't get any nookie! HAHA-OWW!" Sideswipe felt a small electric shock and growled at the Hummer Ambulance in front of him. "Ratchet what the Pit?!"
Ratchet groaned, tired of hearing his friends bicker. "Oh shut up Sideswipe. If Ironhide here attacks you and shoves a bullet where the sun doesn't shine then don't come crying to me."
"Pfft! I'll shove that bullet up his aft!"
Ironhide made his engine growl as a warning. "He's not talking about your aft Sideswipe..."
Sideswipe shut up after that, not wanting his manly bits to be shot off by an angry Weapons Specialist. The solders at this point were trying their best to not laugh, they only shut up when they heard Ironhide roar his engine. Will chuckled and whispered to him. "Don't worry, whatever you did I'm sure Chromia will forgive you... Eventually."
"Like that makes me feel better..." he grumbled.
Optimus kept quiet even though on the inside he was trying not to laugh. Then everyone heard the pilot's voice on the loudspeaker.
"Everyone we'll be landing in 50 seconds. Stay sharp and alert for any possible Decepticon attack."
Soon the three large planes landed and all the solders marched out. The restraints on the 4 Autobots were taken off so they could move. After leaving the plane everyone split up into 4 groups, each with an Autobot with them, and moved inside the Yosemite National Forest. Luckily the tourist attraction was closed for today, as it was a holiday and no other people were around besides them. Ratchet's team was looking in the deep part of the forest when his scanners picked up on something unusual. He stopped and let some of the soldiers who hitched a ride out so he can transform. Sniffing the area using his Olfactory Sensors he smelled a strong scent of blood. But it wasn't human or animal blood. Following the trail he came across a sight he'd never seen before and called the others.
"Everyone! I found something!"
Once all the solders gathered around they couldn't believe what they were looking at. A huge crystal-looking spaceship was sitting near the lake. It had bad damage on it as some smoke could be seen emanating from it. Figrosa, known as Fig looked up at Ratchet with wide eyes.
"I-Is that a Decepticon ship?" he asked.
Ratchet shook his head. "No. No Cybertronian ship is made with Crystal..."
"Then... Is that another alien ship?"
Ratchet glanced down at the solder. "I have no clue, It's one I certainly don't recognize..."
The medic walked towards it, being careful and on alert just in case. A few of the solders including Fig followed while the rest opted to search the area and to be on guard. As they approached the ship Ratchet noticed that it was half the size of the Xantium yet its doors were human sized. He crouched down, transformed into his alt mode and activated his holoform, the form looking like some sort of army doctor with dirty blond hair and glasses, he wore a doctor's coat with a mix of army clothing underneath. His eyes still were a piercing bright blue. After scanning the door for explosives he quickly hacked into it and watched as it opened up, allowing him and the solders to walk inside.
"Be on guard everyone, who knows what may be in this place..."
The solders nodded and proceeded inside the strange ship, being cautious and not letting their guard down. Inside the main control room Zuma sensed something enter the ship. Using his cameras he searched for the disturbance and came across the planets native life forms. Scanning each of their faces he stored them in his databanks and kept up watching when he noticed that all of them had weapons. This wasn't good for the A.I, if these beings were hostile then he had to warn the Princess. He'd take care of them himself but most of his weapons were offline or destroyed by the sudden attack on them.
{Princess? Princess Xiomaria?}
Xiomaria stirred in her sleep, the injuries on her body slowly healing up. Zuma tried to wake her again but after doing another scan on her he realized that she was running a fever.
{Oh no... That's why she's not waking up, she has a fever... I just hope whoever these lifeforms are they are friendly...}
Zuma decided to access this planet's Internet System, downloading everything about this planet into his CPU. Soon as he did he ran a search on the lifeforms invading the ship, turns out they were called Humans and are the dominant species of their planet. Checking his inner cameras he saw them making their way towards the main control room. Even though he was an A.I he prayed to the Goddess Zathura that no harm would befall the Princess.
Inside the ship Ratchet and his team made their way to the control room. They saw that it was a mess, like someone or something attacked it. The Medic walked in first and scanned the area when he came across something lying on the floor. Taking a closer look he gasped and ran over to the still form of an alien girl. Using his medical scanners he performed a quick scan and cursed under his breath.
"Everyone! I found someone and she's injured!"
The solders ran inside to see who was injured and stared in shock. The alien looked like a human but with strange markings on her body and even stranger hair color. They also noticed that she was the most beautiful alien woman they've ever seen. Ratchet began to check how serious her injuries were when he felt the hair on his Holoform's skin stand on end. He was being scanned by something. Quickly turning around he saw a large screen that was cracked in some areas and saw a blue-gold orb sitting on top of it. Ratchet noticed that whatever it is it was scanning him and the solders. He slowly got up and walked to the computer, deciding to speak in Cybertronian just in case it knew the language.
=You there! Are you an Autobot or Decepticon!?=
When Zuma saw the Humans enter and surround the Princess he got worried and preformed another scan. He watched as one of the humans, who was dressed differently from the others looked up at him and walk towards him. He heard the human speak in an unknown language and ran the speech in his Processors. None of the known languages on this planet, known as Earth, matched up with this strange dialect. Zuma also noticed that this particular human emitted a different energy than the others, yet couldn't pinpoint the cause of it. The A.I doubt that they would know Zarthurian language so he quickly downloaded the most common language Humans spoke in. His nanobots healed his voice modulator so he was able to speak more clearly without static.
"Are you friend... or enemy?" he asked.
Everyone looked at the computer as Fig spoke up. "It knows English? Ratchet I think that's an A.I."
The medic stepped forward and switched back to using English. "I think you're right Figrarosa..." He adjusted his glasses before speaking. "Listen whoever you are, we mean you no harm. Now tell us your designation."
The A.I spoke calmly to them. "I am the Zarthurian Universal Machina Autosphere, ZUMA for short. I was created by one of the top scientists on the Planet Zathura to be the Royal Princess's guardian and personal transport."
Everyone was silent for a few minutes as they absorbed that information. Suddenly one of the solders spoke up. "You mean... That you're an alien? And that girl is a Princess?!"
Zuma hummed in acknowledgement. "That is correct human."
All of the solders started talking excitedly with each other. They couldn't believe it, another alien species besides the Cybertronians and they just met one of them! Ratchet, satisfied with his answer went back to the unconscious girl and looked over her injuries, seeing them already starting to heal at a rapid rate. "Hm... Her injuries are healing faster than a normal human..."
"That is because Lady Xiomaria and others like her has the ability to regenerate. Be it minor or severe she can regenerate her injuries faster than a human." said the A.I.
Ratchet nodded, now understanding why she's healing so quickly. He felt the A.I scan him again and turned his head to look at him. "Why do you keep scanning me and the others?"
The solders looked up at Zuma before he spoke. "Due to a surprise attack that damaged my weapons I am just keeping an optic out for the Princess, as it is my duty as her Guardian to keep her safe."
"Wait, what surprise attack?" asked Fig.
The rest of the solders looked at the A.I as he explained why they were here. "We were on the red planet known to you humans as Mars collecting samples to see if the planet will be suitable for colonization by our species. To be a second home if you will. As we were preparing to go into Hyperspace we were attacked by an unknown spacecraft. The attack damaged me to the point where I had to make an emergency crash landing here on your planet."
Everyone looked at each other then at Ratchet who spoke up. "Zuma? Did the spacecraft have a symbol like this?" He held up his hand as a holographic projection of the Decepticon symbol appeared. Zuma analyzed it and made a sound similar to a human's sigh. "I saw nothing of the sort on it, I was too busy escaping and making sure the Princess was safe."
"Hmm... Alright then." Ratchet bends down and looked over the girl's injuries again. Even though she was healing at a rapid rate he couldn't move her like this. He pointed to two of the solders. "Ricky! Gavin! Get my stretcher out of my alt mode, hurry!"
While the two solders ran to get the stretcher Zuma spoke up. "Out of all the humans here you are the only one to emit a strange energy. Plus that foreign language you spoke does not match the known languages of this planet. Are you a visitor to this world?"
The medic looked at the A.I and nodded. "You have a good optic for noticing Zuma. I am not a human, my name is Ratchet and I'm a Autonomous Robotic Organism from the planet Cybertron. Me and my kind came here to find an ancient artifact called the Allspark and hoped to bring it back to heal our planet. It was ravaged during a Great War caused by the Decepticons. Me and my comrades, the Autobots fought them for millennia and lost our home thanks to them. Their leader Megatron wanted the Allspark just so he could control everything and make us and any other lifeform out there into slaves. We couldn't allow that so we had no choice but to destroy the very thing that gave us life. All that's left is a shard."
Zuma listened to his story until he went silent. How tragic that their species had no home to go to thanks to these Decepticons. "So you and these Autobots have made home on Earth?"
Ratchet was wiping down the girl's forehead with a cool cloth. "That is correct. Even though the war is over there are still Decepticons out there, and it's our duty to make sure they are stopped from causing any more damage."
"I am sorry to hear that you lost your home Ratchet..." said Zuma. Ratchet smiled at the A.I. "Oh, it's alright... If we can figure out how to regenerate the Allspark shard then we'd be able to restore our planet."
Zuma was about to say something when the two humans came back in with a wheeled stretcher. Three other solders carefully lifted Xiomaria and laid her on the stretcher, with Ratchet wrapping straps around her to keep her from falling off. He ordered the two men that brought in the stretcher to take her inside his alt mode, then turned around to look at the A.I.
"Zuma, I'm the Chief Medical Officer for the Autobots. A Doctor in human terms. I will make sure that Princess Xiomaria is carefully taken care of."
The A.I hummed happily. "Thank you Ratchet. I trust you to heal her."
Ratchet smiled a little. "No problem. And don't worry, I'll alert my friends to everything that's happened and get you transported to our base of operations."
"Alright... My recharge batteries are dangerously low... I am going to shut down while the nanobots in my systems repair everything. Ratchet, I trust you to keep the princess safe..." Zuma then deactivated everything on the ship and slipped into stasis. Ratchet walked out of the spaceship and after making sure the Princess's fever was low, commed the rest of the Autobots.
::Ratchet to Autobots, you are not going to believe what we've found...::