Author Note: So Sorry for taking a while on updating but school is making it difficult and there have been other Anime I been watching so I been distracted.

My next update should be either this week or next week if something doesn't come up and hope you guys continue following this story.

If you guys have any questions or want to leave a opinion then feel free to leave a review.

That will be all enjoy this chapter!:)

Also I will try to make my chapter longer in the future...

Disclamer: Do Not Own Hakuouki

Chapter 1

"The Deal"

"Chizuru I will be gone for while for some business in the Capital." my father announced standing on the front porch as I stopped what I was doing to look up at him.

He had his back toward me as he gazed up at the sky but I could tell from the stiffness from his shoulders that he was tensed.

I was nearly 16 years old so I could understand he was worried about leaving me alone for some business especially to go to Kyoto which was a great distance from Edo but I knew how important his job was as a Western Practitioner so I had to convince him he was doing a good thing in going.

"Don't worry father I'll be all right, just make sure to be careful in the capital alright I heard it can be dangerous there.." I said just as he turned around to flash me a kind gentle smile.

"Rest easy my child I will and will promise to write to you often so you won't worry."

I believed him when he said those words to me and he had for the most part kept his promise for a while as he sent me letter by letter.

But then all a sudden the letters stopped coming causing me to be concern.

At first I brushed it off thinking he was simply busy so I wasn't worried the first month.

But then 6 months have gone by with no word of him so I tried contacting Matsumoto, a work colleague of my father in case of a emergency, but unfortunately received no word from him so I took matters into my hands and decided to head toward the capital in search for him.

Taking some advice from some women in Edo I disguised myself with male clothing from my father and brought my family heirloom Kodachi with me in defense, from there I made my way toward Kyoto.

Slowly regaining consciousness my eyes began to open as I tried to remember where I was.

My memories of being attacked by rough Samurai and being saved by three strange men began to come back as I tried getting up with a start only to find out I couldn't as my hands were tied behind my back as well as my feet.

"Mmmmmm!?" I tried to shout as I saw to my horror I was gagged with a piece of clothing.

I was so absorbed in breaking out of my restraints that I wasn't aware I had company till I heard a light chuckle coming from the room, instantly causing me to look ahead of me and saw the blond hair man by the window gazing out at the night sky with a pipe in his hand smoking.

"I see you're finally up which is good since I have some questions for you..." he said analyzing me curiously as I simply stared at him blinking.

I wasn't quite sure what he meant by questions but I did know I had to get out of these restraints as soon as possible before he or any of his companions could kill me.

If not I would had risked my life for nothing in finding my father...

Fidgling I tried to losen my restraints only for it to be pointless as I only made it worst as they tighten causing me to wince in pain.

The crimson eye man let out a sigh and shook his head slightly at me.

"You'll only make it worst if you keep trying to do that so let's make a deal before you end up twisting your arm."

Surprised I looked straight up at him and found he was no longer there.

Confused I suddenly felt two hands lift me up in a siting position.

"I'll untie you and take the fold off your mouth if you promise not to make any noise and listen got it?." He said as I felt the heat from his glare burning into me in which I had no choice but to nod.

Satsfied he began to untie me just as the door in the room flew open revealing the two men from earlier entering.

"Great she's awake now we can get this business over with!" the purple haired man said as the older male simply took a seat near the window watching as Kazama freed me.

Once he was done and I was freed to move my legs and hands as well as speak, I automatically reached for my short sword only to find it missing.

Panic began to fill inside me as I searched everywhere for my sword.

The blond hair man seemed amused by this as he went to sit by the window.

"Don't worry your sword is safe but unfortunally I won't be returning it till you answer some questions wheather you like it or not."

I sighed in frustration but bowed in polite.

"Ok I'll answer some questions but in return you must answer some of mine."

The blond one obvious seemed like the leader since he raised a eyebrow at me.

"Hmph...depending on your answers we'll see..."

I beyond frighten as I stood facing my three kidnappers but I had to be brave in order to get out here alive so I was more than willing to comply.

"Before you passed out you said your name was Chizuru Yukimura correct?" The red hair asked as I nodded not sure where this was going.

All three of them shared a look.

The blond hair lifted something from the ground and found to my relief it was my sword.

"This sword you carry is it yours?" he questioned.

I nodded.

"It's a family heirloom that has been passed down from my family generation to generation at least that's what my father has told me..." I repiled as he seemed satsfied.

"Tell me child do you know anything about Oni?"

I stared at him a little surprised but shock my head.

"Oni aren't nothing but false stories from what I heard so no I don't...why?"

I could had sworn I saw the purple hair Oni upper lip twitch in amusement but managed to keep a straight face.

The blond one sighed.

"Because all three of us are Oni including you" he stated as he closed his eyes and opened them to reveal golden eyes causing my eyes to widen.