Danny woke up as he did every day his sister Jazz knocked on his door to wake him up but he stayed in bed anyways. Later she came in to his room and shook him to wake him and if he knew that if he didn't get up then she would come back with a bucket of cold water and pour it on him so he got up, out of bed and got ready for school, ate breakfast and today Jazz drove him to school because of their parents blabbering about something called the Jack o' Nine Tails.
However Danny didn't notice that there was another Danny under his bed still asleep when he left.
Danny woke up in a dark space in an uncomfortable position. His first thought was he was kidnapped but he threw that idea out the window when he got up (through his bed) to find that he was just sleeping under his bed. He looked at his alarm clock which showed that the time was 11:17am.
"I'm late for school! how come Jazz didn't wake me!?" thought Danny
"Goin Ghost!" said Danny as a white ring appeared around his waist and split into two transforming him into Danny Phantom. Danny then flew out his window towards Casper High.
Sam was listening to another one of Lancer's boring lessons on poetry, when suddenly her ghost sense went off. Sam raised her hand which Mr. Lancer noticed immediately due to the fact she did that almost every lesson.
"Yes Mrs. Manson?" asked Mr. Lancer
"I need to use the bathroom!" said Sam
"Why do you need to use the bathroom almost every class Mrs. Manson?" questioned Mr. Lancer
"Uh... I have a small bladder?" replied Sam even though it was more of a question.
Mr. Lancer sighed then said " Fine but take no longer than five minutes or I will give you detention for skipping class yet again."
Sam then rushed out of the classroom and into the janitor's closet. A white ring appeared around her waist and split into two replacing her usual dark goth outfit with a black hazmat suit with white gloves, boots, and a white stripe around her waist. Sam's eyes and hair also changed, she had snow white hair and glowing green eyes. Sam transformed into Sam Phantom.
Sam phased through the janitors closet's door to find the ghost that set off her ghost sense, phase through the ceiling and floating off the ground saying "Aw man I am so late." to himself just then a puff of blue air came from his mouth like Sam's ghost sense as he looked around cautiously.
"Hey!" shouted Sam to get the ghost's attention.
The ghost turned to face her. He had snow white hair, glowing green eyes and an outfit similar to Sam's except he had a strange "DP" emblem on his chest.
The ghost also looked like Danny but it couldn't be him because Danny wasn't a ghost or a half ghost like her.
Danny's day was bad enough being late to school but having to fight a ghost to. And what was really weird is that the ghost looked like Sam but couldn't be her because Sam wasn't a ghost or a half ghost like him.
"Ugh not today ghost I'm already super late and I don't have time for you." grumbled Danny
The ghost looked shocked as if she wasn't expecting that response and then her face turned to a scowl and she said " Well you'll have to make time for me because I am not letting you get away with whatever scheme you have planned!"
"Scheme what are you talking about?" asked Danny
"Don't play dumb with me ghost the only reason you would come here is to fight me or take control over the school or Amity Park with some crazy plot that would never work." replied Sam who then shot an ecto blast at Danny.
The blast hit Danny in the chest and knocked him into the ceiling. Danny flew back down till he was floating a few inches off of the floor
Danny's eyes glowed green with rage "You want to fight fine!" growled Danny as he returned an ecto blast at Sam.
Sam dodged and fired an ecto blast again but Danny placed up a force field to block it.
"Really are ecto blasts the only power you have?" taunted Danny rhetorically while he lowered his force field.
"No their not!" growled Sam as she charged towards Danny. When Sam hit Danny she went intangible and phased them through the wall and into Lancer's classroom.
Sam threw Danny onto an empty desk in the classroom gaining the attention of everyone there.
"Amityville Horror! Class Dismissed everyone go home immediately!" ordered Mr Lancer who made a run for it followed by all the students in the classroom except (Human) Danny and Tucker.
(Ghost) Danny got off of the remains of the desk. His eyes glowed icy blue and he fired ice blasts at Sam.
Sam managed to dodge most of them but was hit in the arm and frozen to the wall. Before she could go intangible and get free (Ghost) Danny fired more ice blasts until she was completely frozen except her head.
"Ugh Ungh!" grunted Sam as she tried to escape
"Sam go intangible!" shouted Tucker.
"Can't too cold" shivered Sam
"Tuck why are you helping that ghost and..." (Ghost) Danny paused as he saw the other him. "Who are you!?" demanded (Ghost) Danny pointing to (Human) Danny.
"Me I'm just Danny Fenton... now uh could you let my friend go please?" asked (Human) Danny.
"Your not Danny Fenton! So who are you!" yelled (Ghost) Danny completely ignoring (Human) Danny's question.
"I am Danny Fenton! Who are you?!" replied (Human) Danny.
"What do you mean you don't know who I am I'm Danny Phantom!" exclaimed (Ghost) Danny.
During the somewhat of an argument between The Dannys and Tucker Sam figured that she could melt the ice with her ecto blasts and was slowly doing so to break free.
"Never heard of you dude." said Tucker
"What?" replied (Ghost) Danny in shock.
"Yeah never heard of you." stated Tucker again.
"Me neither." added (Human) Danny
"What uh but wha..." (Ghost) Danny was speechless.
"Gotta keep stalling for Sam to break free" thought Tucker to himself. (Human) Danny also thought the same thing.
Sam finally melted the ice enough for herself to break free. As soon as she got free the ice shattered gaining the attention of the confused (Ghost) Danny.
(Ghost) Danny turned towards Sam but was too late as Sam flew straight into Danny throwing him into the chalkboard.
"You guys ok?" asked Sam as she hovered above the floor.
"Yeah we're fine are you?" asked (Human) Danny
"Yes just a bit cold and we- gahhh!" exclaimed Sam as she was shot by an ecto blast onto the floor.
(Human) Danny and Tucker turned to see that (Ghost) Danny had gotten back up and was floating above Mr. Lancer's desk with his hand glowing a flaming green.
Sam got back up and fired more ecto blasts at (Ghost) Danny who just dodged or went intangible.
After a few shots Danny decided to try a different tactic and duplicated himself into four clones. (Human) Danny, Tucker, and Sam were astonished by this for the only ghost they saw that could do this was Vlad Plasmius.
All four (Ghost) Dannys fired ecto blasts simultaneously at Sam.
Sam was too astounded to react in time and was blasted by all four of them and sent crashing into the wall. She tried to get back up but was only blasted again and again every time she tried to get back up until Tucker threw a chair at the Dannys but missed.
However the chair got the Dannys attention and they stopped firing on Sam who was now covered in injuries and bruises and with a suit that was torn and damaged.
"You got a lousy aim." said (Human) Danny to Tucker
"I definitely need to work on that." said Tucker
The Dannys merged back into one and were unsure of what to do now until Sam shot up and blasted (Ghost) Danny back into the chalkboard.
That just infuriated (Ghost) Danny who fired several more ecto blasts back at Sam. Sam tried to dodge them but was too injured and exhausted to move in time and was hit several times.
Sam them passed out and a white ring appeared around her waist and split into two transforming her back into Sam Manson.
"Sam!?" exclaimed (Ghost) Danny
Sorry this took so long to update. Explaination for this is on my profile page if you guys want it. I hope too update soon but doubt I can or will cause I have other things to do. But I will update I promise!. Anyway see you guys next chapter and take a look at my profile page for an update log and estimated release dates for future chapters.