Of course Jason was a virgin. Not that Dick man whore Grayson needed to know that. Dying and then coming back to life as a confused rage filled monster didn't leave a lot of room for trying to hook up with anyone. Plus he didn't even know if he was a tit guy or a dick guy. He was pretty sure though that if he was a dick guy it wouldn't be Dick's dick that got him off. Wow. There were too many thoughts about dicks and Dick's dick bouncing around in his head. Not to mention the anger of being embarrassed that was starting to consume any rational thought. He couldn't deal with this right now. He was a second away from lashing out. If it was any other batbrat, he'd be more than ok with laying them flat, but this was Dick. He still wasn't sure if he wanted to hurt Dick as much as the other bats.

A furious little growl escaped Jason as he picked up his discarded handgun. "You need to fucking leave. I'm not your friend and I sure as hell am not going to be your lover. Get the fuck out." He aimed the gun directly at Dick.

Dick arched a brow. He held up his hands in defeat. He was pretty sure that Jason wouldn't shoot him. Well old Jason wouldn't have, but this Jason was kind of new territory and he had already shot Timmy, Cass and Bruce a couple of times. "Ok Jason. You win. I'm leaving, but this isn't over. I'm not giving up on us. I'm not going to give up on you. I know you're still in there Jay. You can't hide from me."

"Get. Out." Jason growled between clenched teeth and pulled back the hammer of the gun.

Dick gave him a sad little smile and wave as he slid out the window into the night. Jason let out the air he had been holding and flopped down on the couch. Dammit. Now he would have to ditch this safe house. He picked up the discarded takeout boxes and scarfed down the food before he got to work packing up and bailing.


Nightwing sighed heavily as he sat on the ledge of a building. It had been about a month since the first time he tried to woo Jason and it hadn't been going very well. First, he had no idea where Jason's new hidey hole was. The bastard was being pretty damn careful about leading anyone to it or them. Who knew how many safe houses the Red Hood had around the city? Second, every time Nightwing would try to flirt during run-ins, the Red Hood would growl and shoot at him. Of course he never landed a hit on Nightwing. The other bats weren't so fortunate. Dick still felt bad that Robin had tried to break up one their heated struggles and the Red Hood shot him in the leg for it.

That was a whole different problem. Dick couldn't stand the thought of his family getting hurt and the fact that Jason was doing it drove him fucking batty. Yeah Jason was his family too, but it appeared Jason didn't think so and didn't want to be his family. Ugh. Just straight up frustrating and confusing. Where, oh where, did his little wing disappear to?

As time progressed, Dick lost a little more hope that his little Jaybird even existed anymore. This Jason, this Red Hood, didn't care about family. He was too lost in blood lust and revenge to see that he was still cared for. Hell even Bruce cared. He just had a weird way of showing it. Meaning he only confronted Jason as the Batman and then pummeled him a little…or a lot. Depending on how difficult the Red Hood was being at the time.

Nightwing was on another patrol one night debating whether it was time to bail on Gotham and head back to Bludhaven for good. It wasn't like he was doing any good with the Red Hood being here and his own city and day job needed his attention. He was mid-swing between two buildings when a distress call from Robin rushed over his com. It was garbled and poor Robin sounded panicked.

Nightwing changed directions instantly to go help his little Robin. He knew Batman and Batgirl were also on their way and hoped that one of them would get there in time. Robin didn't sound like he was doing to good and had been shot with a dart. Some kind of drug or poison was already working its way through his system.

Nightwing and Batgirl landed roughly at the same time and rushed towards the burning warehouse where Robin had last communicated with them. Both froze mid run when the door burst open and out emerged the Red Hood with a little Robin slung over his shoulder. The Red Hood marched straight towards them and dropped Robin to the ground without a word.

Oh the Red Hood had a lot of things he wanted to say, but he was really just not in the mood. He had been tracking those thugs for weeks and this dumb fucking Robin had to go and screw it all up. Worse yet was that for some God awful reason, he had felt the urge to save the little dipshit. He turned on his heel and started marching away from Nightwing and Batgirl, who was currently fussing all over drugged up Robin. He groaned when Nightwing followed after him. Of course he would. Dammit.

"Red…Hey slow down" Nightwing said as he followed the Red Hood up into the night sky.

Nope. The Red Hood was having none of this shit tonight. He landed on a rooftop and let Nightwing join him. He knew trying to outrun the bastard would be pointless. "Oh for fucks sakes just leave me alone."

Nightwing just smiled one of those dazzling smiles at him as he swayed closer. Yes swayed because Dick Grayson was a fucking graceful beast. "Nuh uh uh Red. You can't pretend to be an asshole anymore. You just saved Robin. I knew you still loved us."

The Red Hood groaned. "I do not fucking love any of you. I just didn't feel right about Robin dying like that. If anyone is going to kill the little shit, it's going to me and it's going to be a fair fight."

Nightwing's smile grew wider and he reached up to trail his fingers against the red helmet. He made a humming noise. "You should take your helmet off. For me. I want to see your face when you try to lie to me."

"No" The Red Hood growled as he shoved Nightwing away from him. Oh at least tried to. Nightwing danced out of reach.

"Come on Hoodie. I promise to make it worth your while and I won't stop pestering you until you do" Nightwing purred as he swayed back up into the Red Hood's personal space.

"Fine! If you promise to leave me alone afterwards."

"I promise."

With one more little growl, the Red Hood released the catch of his helmet and took it off. He was just about to let out an angry little retort when his angry little mouth was invaded by a wet warm tongue. He made a surprised choking noise and tried to step backwards, but Nightwing stubbornly kept their mouths attached. Jason growled and tried to push the invading tongue back with his as his hands went to work trying to detach Nightwing from his person.

Dick moaned lowly into Jason's mouth. It tasted kind of ehh, but at the same time it was fucking delicious. He jumped up and wrapped his legs around Jason's waist. A small smirk lit his face as Jason's hands automatically caught his thighs. The red helmet's hit on the concrete echoed around them.

Eventually Jason was able to break the kiss by shoving a hand between their faces. He breathed heavily and then glared at Dick. "God fucking dammit. No. Stop doing this to me."

"Stop doing what?" Dick said playfully as he nipped at Jason's fingers. He squeezed his legs tighter around Jason's hips. "Come on, just give into me once. If you don't like it, I promise to stop bugging you."

Jason growled and tried to sort through his jumbled thoughts. This was getting downright ridiculous. "Fine."

Dick leaned back to look at him closely. "What was that little wing?"

Jason huffed. "I said fine. You have one night to rock my world and then this stupid little game is over." Jason tried to ignore the tingle that ran up his spine as Dick's smirk grew predatory.

"So where are we doing this thing?" Dick asked as he bit playfully at Jason's ear.

Jason had to really concentrate as Dick's pearly white teeth started to bite him. He shuddered and felt Dick smile against his neck. "Fuck. Just stop for one damn second. You can follow me to my safe house."

Dick released Jason and watched hungrily as Jason scooped up his helmet. He placed it back on his head covering those adorably pink cheeks and started off into the night. Dick was quick on his heels.

Jason wasn't sure how he got to this point as the details were a little fuzzy. The point where he was lying on his bed naked with Dick Grayson once again sucking on his junk. He was propped up into a reclining position so he could see everything. His eyes were currently feasting on Dick's fingers working himself open. A groan escaped him and he buried his fingers into Dick's mussed up hair. He tugged at said hair getting a delicious groan out of Dick's hot mouth. The groan vibrated through him and Jason's eyes fluttered shut again. He let out a noise of disappointment as Dick released him with a noisy pop.

Dick bit down hard on his thigh and Jason jerked in response. He glared down at Dick and was met with twinkling sapphire eyes looking up at him innocently. The smirk on Dick's soft lips however was far from innocent. "How do you want me Jaybird? Do you want me to ride you? Hmm? Or should I get on my hands and knees for you? Or maybe you want me on my back with my legs spread wide?"

Jason couldn't stop the twitch of excitement his body made at any and all of those suggestions. Hell this was probably the sexiest way he was ever going to lose his virginity and Dick was letting him decide. He licked his lips as Dick slithered up his body nipping as he went. His own fingers were pulling painfully in Dick's hair not that it seemed like he minded at all. Dick bit down on his neck and Jason groaned.

"I know the decision is hard" Dick whispered in his ear as he ground his hips against Jason's letting their hard lengths tease each other. Jason groaned again and grabbed at Dick's perfect ass. "But…we can eventually do everything…If you still want me after tonight…which I think you will…"

Jason whined. Fucking whined. What the hell was that? He had a feeling though that Dick was right. He wanted Dick so fucking bad it hurt. He wanted him in every sense of the way. He quickly shied away from the little voice that popped up in his head that he loved Dick Grayson. He did not want to touch that idea with a ten foot pole. He groaned again as Dick moved on top of him.

"What do you want Jaybabe…? I'll give you anything."

"You. I want you" Jason replied with a growl and rolled them over caging Dick beneath him.

Dick smiled and wrapped his legs behind Jason's back. He arched and grasped at Jason's back as Jason pushed into him. Jason groaned and gripped at Dick's hips as he slid home. After a tranquil moment of getting used to the sensation, Jason shattered it with a quick slam of his hips. Dick cried out and his nails dug into Jason's shoulders. Jason bit down on his shoulder in retaliation and his movement didn't let up for a second.

Dick was frantically clawing at anything as his mind and body were screwed into oblivion. Jason was hitting that lovely spot inside of him dead on with every thrust. He was actually quite surprised that Jason was this damn good on his first go, but didn't have a lot of time or energy to dwell on that particular thought. He whined when Jason sucked on his neck hard. He couldn't take it. He was so damn close. He slithered his hand between them and started taking care of his aching problem. Jason growled and grabbed his wrist pinning it to the bed. Dick whined at the need of friction, but after a couple more minutes it didn't matter anyways. He was arching and crying out as he painted their stomachs. Jason groaned into his neck as his hips slammed back in one last time.

Jason collapsed next to Dick as they both breathed heavily. Neither said anything for quite some time. Eventually Dick rolled onto his side to study the man next to him. Jason was so beautiful and Dick just couldn't get over the fact that he was here with him right now.

Jason felt the stare without even having to open his own eyes. Damn. He was screwed now. He would never be able to move on from Dick. Apparently he was a dick guy. At least when it came to Dick's dick. He sighed and finally looked over at the sexy man next to him. Dick gave him a small smile and scooted closer to cuddle. The moment was perfect and Jason didn't know how to handle it. Nothing had been perfect in his life for a really long time. He didn't say anything though and just tried to absorb the feel of Dick's warm body wrapped in his arms.

Both instantly tensed when they felt the additional presence. Their two sets of blue eyes looked towards the door only to be met with the stony glare of the Batman. Jason growled and covered himself up quickly. This was the absolute last thing he wanted. To be naked and exposed in front of Bruce. Dick slowly sat up and waved.

"Hey." Dick greeted awkwardly. "So how's Robin?"

Batman gave Dick an icy little look. "You would have known if you hadn't ran off to sleep with a criminal."

"I am not a criminal" Jason growled and fished around for the gun he had stashed next to the bed. He was just pulling it out when a batarang flung it from his hand.

"Really?" Batman said neutrally. "You were really going to try and shoot me while you were lying in bed naked?"

Jason shrugged as he rubbed his sore hand.

"So now that Jason and I are a couple, can he come over for dinner tomorrow night?" Dick asked innocently. He smiled his dazzling smile and ignored the two sets of incredulous stares directed at him.

author note - yeah, so I know that this wasn't as gritty or time accurate as the actual story, but meh. I just wanted to play around with little Jabybird and Dickiebird. Fluff my feathers a tad bit to see if I could do it. Thanks for reading.