Chapter 1- One Strawberry Cream and a Cinnamon Coffee Frappuccino

"You can't wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep"

This quote struck Marinette as quite odd, scrolling through her Instagram feed. Her eyebrows furrowed and she scowled in confusion. But it was just a random quote, right? Even though it made no sense she bookmarked it into a new album of many under, "'idk Quotes'". She smiled and continued to scroll through her friends and idols recent posts, swinging her legs in the frail breeze. This Friday morning was a fair one. Not too cold (and surprisingly), not too hot either.

It wasn't often she would wait for Alya before school but the red head insisted that today should be different. And considering it was the last day of the school year, Marinette didn't see it was a problem, she needed an excuse to get up early anyway.

Mari double clicked her home button and swiped the three tabs she had open away and checked the time; 08:10. For once, Alya was the late one.

Just as Marinette was about to call her friend, a familiar voice echoed through the tranquillity of the park. The young designer looked up with a grin pushing her cheeks high on her face.

"Hey Marinette!"

Marinette giggled hugging the blogger tight in her arms, "ten minutes late I see."

"Not twenty minutes late I see." Alya looked the other girl up and down, mocking her friend's usual tardiness, smirking all the while.

"Hey! I can get up if I feel it's important enough!" Mari tilted her head high and crossed her arms only looking at the other teen in the corner of her eye.

"I am flattered Miss Dupain-Cheng! You? Making time in your busy, busy schedule? Just for me?"

"Meh. Don't think you're that important…"

Alya rolled her eyes, "Gee. I'm really am flattered. Thanks."

Both girls burst out in a wave of laughter after a few seconds of staring each other down intently.

"Come on, I actually want to get a morning frappe today!" Marinette nudges the other girl and the two begin to stroll out of the green scenery, down a few grey streets with the large light of the sun brightening up the dull walk. Alya and Marinette just chatted about what they were going to buy at the Starbucks. The regulars; Mari with a Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino and Alya with her signature Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino Blended Coffee.

The café sent a cold shiver up the smaller girl's spine, the chilling aircon blasting a jetting stream at her through fans. They both ordered swiftly and waited patiently for their names to be called out.

"Anyway," Marinette switched away from their previous conversation, "what was so important that you wanted to meet me before school?"

Alya paused, wracking her mind for a few seconds, "oh yeah! You're asking out Adrien today."

"wHaT?!" Marinette squawked bringing an embarrassing attention to them from the other customers in the shop.

Alya opened her mouth to explain as the man at the counter called their names. She left a gobsmacked Marinette to collect the cold beverages, taking a relaxed sip from her own. Marinette slammed her own received drink down on an empty table beside them despite Alya ignoring her signal to stop and carried on towards the door.

"What do you mean I'm asking him out?! I never agreed to this!" Mari stumbled out the shop to catch up with the smug girl slightly in front at a faster pace.

"Alya! Wait! What do you mean?!"

"Exactly what I said. You are asking him out girl!"


"Oh, come on! Why? You've been talking so much recently! We've all had so many lunches together, hung out after school-"

"But I haven't ever hung out with him alone unless it was for a school project!"

"What about the gaming tournament?"

"School project."

"Fine, being your translator!"

"You made him!"

"He almost kissed you Mari!"

"That was acting!"

"He didn't mind it!"

"I wouldn't mind if I had to kiss Nino or Nathen if it was for acting! Because I'm their friends!"

"He took you to the cinema! You hid in a fountain together!"

"We bumped into each other, Alya. It's not like he asked me!"

"Okay then. But you can't deny the fact that he asked you to dance at Chloé's party."

Marinette stopped at this and broke her eye contact with her friend, stirring her drink with the dark green straw, speechless. Her mouth twitched into a smile, recalling the memory of his arms around her, his strong aftershave and the way they swayed together in such an in-time rhythm.

"But that was only once, Alya. I bet he didn't mean anything by it."

She placed her drink down on a bin next to her, looking back up to Alya staring on in disbelief, eyebrows raised, mouth slightly hung open.

"Are you sure about that?"

Marinette paused once again, "yes, I'm sure."

The girl with glasses took one big slurp of her drink and grasped Mari by the shoulder in a one-handed hug.

"Remember that you're sure that Chat Noir is better than Ladybug so…"

"Stop it!" Marinette giggled sweetly pushing off her best friend.

"But I really don't want to do this, Alya… We're just better off as friends."

"Ugh." Alya rolled her eyes still smiling and began to run. "Bet I can race you to school!" She bellowed back.

"Oh really!" Mari loudly chirped, taking off forgetting about the Strawberry and Cream Frappuccino left on the dustbin now far behind her.

Authors Note: New fanfiction, new fandom- we've all been there ;) I've actually been in this fandom for almost a year now so…

Anyway! This my new Miraculous fanfiction guys! This chapter is sort of a prologue though it can still be classed as a basic chapter I guess. Tell me you thought about this! I haven't had any reviews on my stories for months so I would be very grateful xx


-L.E-Rae _x_