NEW STORY! This one just came to me tonight as I was reading some of my other stories…..Have no idea where it came from, but here we go.
From all of you who are so great at giving me ideas, tell me where you'd like this story to go. I am going to use you as my muses!
No copyright infringement intended. All characters belong to CBS and the Hawaii Five-0 writers…so just enjoy and give me reviews/ideas. THANKS!


They were at a standstill in the case and it was tearing Steve up inside. Four girls had gone missing in the last ten days and they had no leads. Every tip they had investigated turned into a dead end and they had just reached the end of the list of anyone to talk to for information.

It didn't make any sense. No one had ever gone so completely off the grid that Five-0 and all their resources were unable to find them in this amount of time. They had unlimited resources at their fingertips but nothing and no one had produced any credible leads.

It was unacceptable.

Steve could feel the tension in his team as everyone stood around the smart table looking at a picture of the man who'd been their last chance.

He'd been found dead… apparent suicide which they all knew was a façade, but there was no evidence to lead them to the real killer.

"So what now?" Danny asked. "I mean, we have no where else to look…..No one else to talk to…..and these girls are still missing!"

"We have to be missing something," Lou commented in frustration. He was still thinking about the abduction of his daughter a couple of years prior and feeling the pain of not knowing what to do next.

"We need a profiler," Steve said after being noticeably quite for several minutes.

Tani shook her head, "We already tried that…..I mean, Dr. Brown tried and even she couldn't get us anywhere."

Steve was shaking his head, "She's one of the best…I agree…but I know someone better."

Every eye turned towards him but he offered no explanation before turning around and walking into his office where he closed the door.

Lou, Tani, Junior, and Jerry turned towards Danny who put up his hands as if in "surrender".

"Don't look at me. I have no idea what's going on."

Several minutes passed before curiosity got the best of him and Danny decided to walk into Steve's office. He was the only one brave enough to do so since they all knew a "closed door" was equal to an Enter at Your Own Risk sign posted on the door.

Entering the office, he found Steve on a video chat with someone.

"Wow, must be awfully difficult for you to call me for help, Commander."

The sarcasm in her voice was evident causing Danny's curiosity to grow even stronger.

"Let it go, Livie. Okay? Just cut the crap. Will you help us or not?" Steve spat.

"Charming as ever I see," she said before sighing. "You're even falling back on the name only YOU called me."

They were both silent before she spoke again, "Okay fine. Yes…..I will help you. But understand that I'm doing this for the girls. Not for you."

"Whatever," He said before thinking better of it. "Sorry…What I meant to say was thank you. I mean that, Livie. How soon can you get here?"

By now, Danny could see her face although he was still far enough away that she didn't know anyone else was near Steve.

Long brown hair fell in soft curls around her face. Her eyes appeared to be a piercing green color… bright of a green as Steve's were blue. She offered Steve a small smile but there was no mistaking the pain he saw in her eyes which made him wonder how she and Steve knew each other.

"I'll be on the first plane out. I'll let you know. See you soon, Sailor."

And with that she ended the call.

Even though Danny was standing behind Steve and had tried to make his entrance into the office as quiet as possible, it was obvious Steve had heard him enter.

"What do you want to know, Danny?" Steve asked without turning around.

Danny put his hands into his pockets and walked around so he was facing Steve. Then he shrugged. "What do you want to tell me?" Then he pointed towards Steve's laptop. "Livie? You two obviously have some history. Wanna tell me about her?"

Steve turned around and put his face in his hands as they rested on his desk. Then he looked up at Danny with pain in his eyes.

"She's Joe's daughter," he said quietly.

Danny took a seat in front of Steve's desk.

"Joe? As in Joe WHITE?"

Steve shook his head, "Yes… Her name is Olivia Grace White. Named after both of her grandmothers. But I've always called her Livie."

Danny tried to tread carefully sensing there was much more to the story.

"Okay, so tell me what's going on."

Steve stood up and started to pace before walking towards the small refrigerator he kept in his office and taking out two beers: One was his favorite brew and the other was Danny's. Seeing as how it was early afternoon, Danny was understandably perplexed but he took the beer Steve offered him, opened the bottle, and waited for Steve to elaborate.

Steve took a long swig of his beer and turned to Danny.

"She was my first love."

Danny took a drink himself. "Ok….So Joe White's daughter was your first love. Not surprising, buddy, since he is your surrogate father…or uncle…or whatever you call him ."

"It's more than that, Danny." Steve's voice sounded so sad it made Danny sit up straighter.

"Want to elaborate? Or you gonna keep me hangin'?"

Steve sat down in the seat beside Danny.

"We were kids. I mean, we were both 16 years old when Dad sent me to live with Joe. Livie was living with her Mom…who is Joe's first wife, by the way….but we still saw each other from time to time. She was the only person I had to talk to back then. I mean, we'd grown up together and I felt like she was the only friend I had."

Danny stayed quiet hoping Steve would continue.

"We fell in love…..Or as much in love as anyone can at that age," Steve said although the frustration in his voice was evident. "I mean, at that point in my life, I honestly thought the sun rose and set on her. She was everything to me."

"So how did Joe feel about that?" Danny asked.

Steve shrugged. "He was okay. I mean, I think he was…because he was always okay with us spending time together even though he would grill me after every date." Steve smirked and took another drink. "Which I completely understand, by the way. If I ever have a baby girl, I will do the same."

Danny understood better than anyone. Since Gracie and Will had started dating, the amount of antacids he chewed on a daily basis had increased exponentially…..even though he loved both kids very much.

"We got pregnant, Danny." Steve's voice was low…..and resolute…..and sad.

"What happened?"

Steve sighed…..again. "She told me she was pregnant. We were both 18 and I had already enlisted with the Navy. Joe and Melissa knew about it."

Danny stayed silent.

"So, I was ready to marry her. Honest to God, I was ready to do it…and I think Joe and Melissa would've been okay with it because they loved both of us. Besides, Joe knew I would take care of her and the baby no matter what. But fate had other plans."

"What plans?"

Steve took a drink of his beer and Danny was surprised to see his eyes fill with unshed tears. "She lost the baby," he choked out. "She was eleven weeks pregnant…Almost into the second trimester which is supposed to be the 'turning point'…..and we lost our baby."

Danny scooted up on his seat to reach over to Steve. "I'm sorry, buddy."

Steve sniffed and let out a cough before rubbing one of his eyes, "It's okay. It was a long time ago…but after that, things kinda fell apart. I went into the Navy…Then got into the SEALS….and we grew apart." He shrugged again before taking his last swig of beer, "It happens. Ya know?"

Danny shook his head in agreement. "Yeah…..I do know."

Steve turned back towards the laptop which no longer had Olivia's picture on the screen and seemed to space out.

"Can I ask you a question?" Danny asked.

Steve only shook his head affirmatively.

"When she miscarried…" Danny said gently….."Did you know the baby's gender?" Then he paused. "And it doesn't matter…but I only ask that because I know when Rachel was pregnant both times, we knew what we were having by the 10th or 11th week."

Steve's head dropped. Then he took a deep breath, swallowed, and looked at Danny with tear filled eyes.

"It was a girl, Danny…a baby girl who would've been 21 years old by now."