A/N: Gi suilon! :) This is the second of the Quests of the Nameless trilogy, Darkest Before Dawn :) I've written some other stories for other shows and movies, but this is my attempt at trying to incorporate an original character into LotR. This story will not be an Aragorn/Arwen story but an Aragorn/OC fic. I would recommend reading the first story to learn more about Menna, the OC, her personality, past, the meaning of her name, and how she ended up as an unofficial member of the Company :)

As I mentioned in the first story I wrote for the Fellowship (Thief in the Night), I have read all 3 books in the Trilogy, as well as the Hobbit, seen the movies, and I've also had the pleasure of being able to take a college seminar on Tolkien. That said, this story will focus mainly on the events of the movies with a few changes here and there to remain closer to the spirit of the novels. If I do get anything completely, glaringly, can't-be-ignored wrong in the course of posting this story, please let me know and I'll do my very best to fix it! Though I will warn, there is a character in this story that, with the OC involved, events were changed and said character survives, that is one thing I know is 'wrong' from the book standpoint, but the OC existing in this story-universe changes things so I hope you'll still give this story a change ;)

This story will be about 10 chapters long and will be updated on a rotating basis between this fic and 4 other stories I'm posting, on Monday/Wednesday/Fridays. So, for example, I post it today, a Wednesday. There are 4 other stories I'll post on Friday, then all of next week, so the next chapter for this story will be not next Monday but the one after ;)

A short description of my OC, Menna: She is a young woman with blonde hair the color of pale straw which she wears in a braid, with brown eyes. She typically wears dark, worn, brown trousers with dark boots and an olive green shirt. She is lightly tanned in a more peach tone. She wears a necklace of a crudely carved horse which the Company has come to learn was nicked off a Princess of Rohan. She also has a skill with throwing knives due to a life in the woods and with more than enough time to teach herself how to use them. I picture Menna to look something like Miranda Raison ;)

I hope you enjoy :)

~8~ is a scene break

Disclaimer...I don't own Lord of the Rings...or we might have had a few more women taking part lol ;)


Giving Chase

Menna slowly stepped back into the makeshift camp that what was left of the Fellowship had set up. They hadn't moved too far from their original spot, nor did it appear that the Uruk-Hai who had attacked them were coming back to finish the job. It had not even been that long since everything fell apart. Frodo and Sam had departed with a small boat of their own, clearly intending to finish the quest by themselves. Merry and Pippin had been apprehended by the Uruk-Hai, stolen away by them and dragged off. Boromir had very nearly lost his life, an arrow had ended up embedded in his chest, from what Legolas had said it was a mere inch away from his heart. Clearly the Uruk who had fired at him intended for Boromir to suffer and not to outright die. It had wanted to fell him but only so Boromir would have to watch as those he was protecting were taken from him, to watch as he failed.

Legolas had managed to heal Boromir, using her last stores of kingsfoil, but he survived. She could see Boromir from the tree line as she stepped back into the camp. He was sitting up against a tree, struggling to put on his shirt, Legolas had recently changed the dressing on the wound in his chest. It was wrapped in bandages, but there was no red soaking through it like there had been moments after he had been healed. The Elf Prince had clearly outdone himself, had poured as much magic and energy as he could into the process. Even Aragorn was surprised by the state the man was in so soon after the healing had finished. Mere hours later he was awake, hours after that he was sitting up. And now he was moving on his own, looking somewhat pale, but far better than he had been.

Gimli was snoring slightly, curled up by a boulder. He had been keeping watch all through the night and was taking a few short moments to rest before they were to move out. She herself had gone to refresh their water supply and freshen up somewhat in a nearby stream. She also needed to wash the remnants of the salve Aragorn had used to tend to her own injuries off. While they had worked when first applied, and her left arm was no longer as swollen as it had been, the salve had left something of a crust along her shoulder and she could not stand it any longer. It also gave her a chance to test her wounds as well. For as much treatment as Boromir had gotten from Legolas, she had gotten the same from Aragorn. She had woken to find her head resting on Aragorn's shoulder, the man not having moved at all during the night just so she could rest.

Her ribs still stung, but a tight wrapping would help ease that discomfort. She would likely not be able to use a knife in her left hand for a few days more, her wrist still quite painful to move from where Boromir had slammed it against the stone of the ruins. But her shoulder could be rotated, it was still somewhat stiff and tender, but she could move it if she needed to. It would still be best to let her arm rest in the sling Aragorn had fashioned for her until it was necessary to defend herself once more. She could see that the side of her face was no longer bruised, the salve Aragorn had made for her had done its job there as well. It was still red and just a bit puffy, but the bruising had receded, leaving a faint yellow hue that signaled healing. There was no discomfort or pain in her face though, she could move her jaw, she could eat, she could drink, she could speak.

All in all, the Fellowship was not in as dire straits as they had been only hours ago, and none of them could abide resting there any longer, not with Merry and Pippin's lives hanging in the balance, their fate in the hands of Uruk-Hai. Boromir felt it was his duty to save the two Halflings, for he had been the one who failed to protect them in the first place. He could not be placated in resting longer, Menna could see he was already trying to fix his sword belt onto his waist once more. Nor could she stand staying there any longer, she had come to care for Merry and Pippin a good deal since the quest began.

She caught sight of Aragorn and Legolas speaking the quietly by the shoreline, the Elven Prince murmuring something to Aragorn and nodding his head before he turned to make his way back to camp. She was sure it was to examine Boromir once more, to ensure he would be ready to move out. It would not do for them to have to heal him all over again and risk Legolas expending that energy. They had had to rest overnight, but they could not risk resting any longer.

"We are to depart soon?" Menna asked as she approached Aragorn, the man looking across the waters at where Frodo and Sam's boat was still resting, deep in thought.

"Aye," Aragorn agreed, looking over at her for a moment, his gaze flickering from the wounds that had been on her face to her arm and back to her eyes, "Legolas scouted the surrounding area, he has spotted village not far from here. It should take no more than two days to reach."

Menna blinked as she looked up at Aragorn, "I was up the impression that we would not be heading towards a village but after Merry and Pippin."

"Yes, we shall continue the quest to bring Merry and Pippin to safety."

"Then what care would I have for where a village rests?"

Aragorn sighed and looked back out at the water, "You and Boromir are the most injured of..."

"You mean to send Boromir and I away?" Menna questioned, a note of indignation in her voice.

"It is for your own protection, neither of you are in any state to fight."

"We may need a day or two more, but the chance of us catching up to the Uruk-Hai before Boromir and I are ready to fight is slime and you know it. We shall not be leaving the three of you alone to face an army of Uruks!"

"You do not get a say in this, I was tasked by Gandalf to lead the Fellowship to see the mission through. And I am commanding you..."

"You are NOT my king," Menna repeated, her voice so firm and growing steadily more angry that Aragorn's attention moved back to her from the water, "You may be able to command Boromir, but you cannot me. I am not even a part of your Fellowship to order about. I will not leave, I refuse."

"It is not safe for you any longer."

"Any longer?" she let out a scoffing laugh at the words, "It was never safe to begin with. What makes you think whatever we shall face in the future will be any more dangerous than what we have already encountered?"

"There will be less of us to protect you."

Menna gave him an unimpressed look, "Yes, because four Halflings truly make the difference in terms of battle plans."


"We are no worse off than we were before, if you wish for Boromir and I to depart you will need a better excuse than that."

Aragorn had to look away once more, a tension radiating through him, a bolt of some emotion he couldn't quite name churning in his gut. It was enough of an excuse, in his mind. To him, it didn't matter whether the four extra members of the group were Halflings or not, it was four more people. He has not been able to keep her safe. Her or Boromir, when they had been at their full number of nine members. HE had not been enough to keep her safe, she had gotten hurt, she could have been killed just being in the woods trying to look for Sam.

And that was on him, it was his duty to keep the company safe and he had failed. He had failed and she could have died, he could have lost her...he could have lost her and Boromir.

"Boromir refuses to leave us unless it is under your command," Aragorn told her instead, not even noticing that the hand that had just been resting on the hilt of his sword began to clench as he spoke.

"I know not what you mean by that," Menna frowned, shaking her head, not quite understanding if this was Aragorn's way of giving her yet another excuse for why she should go, "I have no say over Boromir's will. For all your claims, YOU are his King."

"Aye, but it is to you he owes a life debt."

Aragorn's grip on his sword tightened even more as he thought back only hours ago. Gimli had been a short distance away from the camp, keeping watch while Legolas rested in something of a restorative trance. Menna had been sleeping soundly against his shoulder but he could find no rest himself. The night was cool yet he had felt too warm, and while a part of him knew it had something to do with the body resting next to him, a larger part of his mind refused to let his thoughts venture down that path. Instead he had turned his attention to Boromir, watching the man intently as he slept, the rise and fall of his chest to ensure nothing happened to him in the night.

At some point Boromir had woken, seeming quite surprised he was able to wake, that he was still alive, which Aragorn could not fault him for. He had done his best to calm the man down when he began to move and squirm, as though trying to push himself up but the injury to his chest, the pain that radiated from it, kept him from moving too much more. It was only once Boromir had looked over to him, and seen Menna resting beside him that the man seemed to slump in relief.

They had spoken for only a few brief moments, Boromir still clearly very worn and exhausted from the earlier events. But what had been said was something that had replayed in his mind over and over throughout the night. Boromir had asked about the Hobbits, of course, and seemed very disheartened to learn Merry and Pippin had still been taken, that the rest of the Fellowship hadn't been able to keep them safe. Then, in a surprising moment, he had asked of Menna, of whether she was badly injured. He had asked, once he had been reassured she would be well, if she had been the one to throw the knife that felled the Uruk-Hai who had been about to end him. Boromir had fallen silent after Aragorn replied that it had been her indeed.

The next thing Boromir spoke was to announce he now owed a life debt to Menna.

He had looked to Aragorn, tears in his eyes as though his king would be angry with him for it.

And Aragorn could understand why he might fear that. A life debt was the only thing that could come above an oath or fealty sworn to a king or kingdom. To owe someone a life debt was to bestow them everything you were, your sword, your loyalty, everything. For all of Boromir's talk of how he would have followed his King into anything, Aragorn knew the tears in his eyes were because he could no longer hold true to that oath.

He owed Menna his life, and would not be parted from her until he had repaid it in kind. And Aragorn could see, in that single moment where Boromir looked back at the sleeping Menna, that he would be the most dedicated, loyal, and protective guard the woman could have ever had. Boromir would truly lay down his life if it would keep her safe, he would fight all his battles for her, he would do whatever she needed of him. And then the man had looked at him, still begging for forgiveness that the object of his loyalty had changed. He felt as though he were betraying his King with his new debt.

He had only been able to tell Boromir it was a worthy cause before the man had drifted back off to sleep, appearing reassured by his few words. And he had been left to the silence of the night and the thoughts running through his mind.

Now, in the daylight, he refused to give any credence to where his mind had drifted in the shadows. Now, in the daylight, with Menna beside him, awake and looking at him, he refused to give name to the emotions that had plagued him as he watched her rest, telling himself he was only watching to make sure she experienced no discomfort from her wounds in the position she rested in.

A small voice in the back of his mind that sounded quite a bit like Gandalf murmured that all his efforts would do would be to cause those same thoughts and those same emotions to come up when he least wanted them to. That to try and ignore something would only serve to make it more obvious with time.

He quickly pushed that thought to the side, refusing to let his mind drift in that direction.

Whatever qualms he had seemed to develop with Boromir and his new role in Menna's life would be nothing in the grand scheme of the quest they were on. Now was not the time for strife, now was not a time for them to be divided even more. Right now he needed to be the leader the company looked to him to be.

"He owes me no such thing," Menna's voice spoke, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"He would disagree with you on that," Aragorn replied, only just barely keeping the note of resentment that seem to want to slip into his voice out of it.

Menna, however, rolled her eyes, "I am sure certain this quest done nothing but prove Boromir and I will constantly disagree about many things."

Aragorn felt his lip quirk up in a smile at her words, "If we have learned nothing else..." he agreed, "But even if you try to release him from it, his honor will not allow him to accept. He will not have felt as though he had earned it, as though he had repaid what you have given him.."

"I gave him an Uruk with a knife in its head, nothing else. If he owes a debt to anyone it would be to Legolas."

"Who would not have been able to heal him as he had were it not been for your Athelas."

"Well he is not a very good Elf if he couldn't heal without kingsfoil," Menna muttered under her breath, sounding quite displeased with the situation, but understanding now why Boromir seemed to believe it was to her he owed anything.

They were silent for a long moment, both of them looking out onto the water, hearing the faint rustling behind them of camp being packed up. It was another minute before she spoke.

"I cannot ask him to leave the company," she told Aragorn, though the way the man stood it was as though he already knew she would say such a thing, "If he is honor bound to me, then it is my duty not to take advantage or to cause him harm because of it."

Aragorn looked over at her for her words, but she didn't appear to notice, still looking out at the water though she had begun to fiddle with the necklace she wore.

"I will not see him become less than who he is because of a debt he owes to one of the Nameless..."


A small, rueful smile grew across her face as she looked up at Aragorn, "I know what I am, and I know what I'm worth, and neither of them is deserving of a life debt from a man of as noble standing as Boromir."

"You have more value than you realize," he told her, with such an earnest tone in his voice that Menna had to look away.

She shook her head gently, in thought. Her name was attached to nothing and no one, displayed no family legacy, held no meaning to any, had no meaning beyond being just a word. To be Nameless was a punishment assigned to those who had done something monstrous or traitorous, whose name had been so tarnished it was stripped from them, to be cast from a family and have nothing and no one to their name. They were worth nothing to anyone.

She was worth nothing to anyone, she was not worth a life debt.

"I will not pull him down to my level," she continued to speak, "Boromir swore an oath to help Frodo destroy the Ring. He fought to keep Merry and Pippin safe. He is unable to see the first done, but he can still succeed in the second. I will not ask Boromir to stand aside while all of you go and rescue those he failed to protect," she looked at Aragorn, "He, out of all of us, deserves to see Merry and Pippin safe."

She gave him a firm nod, turning to head back to the camp to gather the last of her things, when Aragorn called out, stilling her.

"You speak of your worth as one of the Nameless," he began, "But your wisdom, and your heart, their worth cannot be measured."

Menna closed her eyes for a moment at his words, her back still to him, before she took a breath and continued on to camp, trying to do her best to ignore the men around her. She had had more in-depth and meaningful conversations on this Quest than she had ever had in her life. She was not sure she could handle another.


Menna had tried her best not to notice how the dynamic of their small group had changed. It felt like years ago that she had joined them on their Quest, that she had dealt with the animosity of almost everyone except for Gandalf, Aragorn and Frodo. She had never expected so much could change so quickly. But yet there she was, rushing across the grass plains of Middle Earth, following Legolas and Aragorn as she had been for days now, with Boromir matching her stride only a few paces to her left, Gimli struggling to keep up behind them.

They trusted her now.

It was a startling thought, a bracing realization, but she could tell that they did. Living life the way she had, she had needed to be able to understand the people around her, to know who was a threat and who would be an easy target to pickpocket. She had needed to know which people had their guards down, and which were just too alert and suspicious of everyone. It has been very easy to tell when she first began to travel with the Fellowship which ones didn't trust her, which ones were starting to, and which ones never would.

She had felt as though Sam would never trust her, though it didn't appear he truly trusted many in the group besides Merry and Pippin, not with the safety of Frodo. Merry, also, did seem a bit more like the sort not to trust any who was not a Hobbit, though the way Pippin had started to trust her seemed to sway Merry just a little more. Gimli perhaps was also one of the few who had started to trust her. But it always seemed as though Legolas and Boromir never ever would.

So it was that much easier now to see how differently they treated her, how differently they looked at her even. There was a trust there that had not been. While she could understand Boromir's, for the man was clearly set in his ways of thinking she had saved his life, though she was sure it was more Legolas than her, she had not anticipated Legolas to trust her as he had come to. It felt like only a day ago he had looked at her with suspicion and even irritation. In fact, it had been only 4 days ago. But that animosity was gone now. The only thing she could think of that had earned her his trust was how quickly and easily she had handed over her entire store of athelas to him for the sake of trying to save Boromir. Legolas had healed the man and gone to rest and woken up trusting her. So it was the only thing she could think of.

She was not about to complain of finally gaining the trust of the Fellowship, it just felt odd. So much of her life been dealt distrusting of everyone, of always being distrusted. You can never trust a thief. She had never expected to actually gain their trust in the first place, so now that she had it it was...so very odd.

It felt it was glaringly obvious she now had Boromir's trust. He had said nothing to her of life that he owed, or felt he owed, but she had noticed a specific shift in the way he acted around her. He seemed more considerate, more helpful when she struggled, he seemed keen to stay paced with her as opposed to rushing ahead beside his King, he stayed closer to her, and she caught him watching her a time or two. It was utterly bizarre.

So she tried very hard not to think of it, she didn't like this idea of anyone owing her anything. But Aragorn was right, it would take something more than her just saying he had repaid the debt for him to actually believe he had done it. She just had to figure out how...

Aragorn held up hand, slowing in his run, pulling her thoughts and attention back to the present as he moved on to his knees as they caught up with him, laying his ear down onto a rock embedded in the ground, closing his eyes, listening.

Menna looked over as Gimli jogged up to them, the Dwarf seeming rather out of breath. Boromir himself seemed a little more pale and worn, but he had kept pace and he had endured.

"Their pace has quickened," Aragorn informed them after a moment, opening his eyes and looking up at them, "They must have caught our scent. Hurry!" he jumped to his feet and ran, leading them in the direction he had heard.

Apparently the Uruk-Hai that had attacked them, according to Legolas with his Elf eyes, had thought it would take them longer to get on their feet, and so had not pushed themselves as fast as they could go. They had not gone as far as Aragorn had feared, but now he was in quite a rush as the Uruks seemed to be picking up the pace.

"Come on, Gimli!" Legolas called, looking back at the huffing Dwarf before he bolted after Aragorn, Menna and Boromir rushing along.

"Three days' and nights' pursuit," Gimli grumbled to himself as he caught more breath, "No food. No rest. And no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell."

But he was not to be outdone by two injured humans, and so he ran as fast as he could, sprinting across the land after them and rolling his eyes every time Legolas peeked back over his shoulder to make sure he was still keeping up.


"There!" Menna shouted suddenly, pointing to something she had seen glinting in the sunlight, rushing over to it. She picked up one of the clips that Galadriel had given to them with their cloaks when they departed Lothlorien. She might not be as expert a tracker as Aragorn and Legolas were, but she knew shiny things of great value, and a jewel in the middle of a field would not escape her eye. She was sure Gimli would have spotted it too...had he been closer.

"Not idly do the leaves of Lórien fall," Aragorn murmured as they all gathered around Menna to see what she had found.

Boromir let out of breath of relief when he caught sight of it, for clearly it had not just fallen off of a cloak, it had to have been pulled off and left for a reason, "They may yet be alive," he realized.

Aragorn nodded, looking towards the distance, "And less than a day ahead of us. Come!"


The valley they had been sprinting through began to increase in elevation, moving more into rolling hills and smaller mounds of rock. It made it a little more difficult for Menna and Boromir to keep up with men as light-footed as Aragorn and Legolas, but at least they were still faring better than Gimli. Menna looked over her shoulder when she heard a grunt, to see Gimli appear to have stumbled out from behind a set of rocks and roll to the ground. For a brief moment she considered going back to help him up, but realized, by the time she actually made it to him, he would be on his feet already and racing after them once more.

"Come, Gimli!" Legolas called, having heard the grunt as well with his Elf ears, "We are gaining on them!"

Gimli's panting could be heard even by the humans a good distance ahead of him, "I am wasted on cross-country! We Dwarves are natural sprinters! Very dangerous over short distances!"

"Prove it!" Menna called back to him, "Imagine this a series of sprints!"

She couldn't muster many words past that, her lungs starting to burn as her legs were from the constant running. While Aragorn and Legolas seemed to keep a more sedate pace the first day or two they had been going after the Uruk-Hai, when they realized she and Boromir were more than capable of keeping up they began to push the pace even more.

They raced up a hill where Aragorn and Legolas had come to a stop, gazing down across the plains.

"Rohan," Aragorn told them, seeing familiar landmarks that of kingdom's territory, "Home of the horse-lords."

Menna let out of breath at that, her one hand flying up to the necklace that she wore, and quickly moving to tuck it under the edge of her cloak so it wouldn't be seen. That would be all she would need, for the wrong person to see her necklace and ask her where she had gotten it. She was quite certain she would end up in a cell.

"It should not be possible for the Uruk-Hai to have gotten this far so quickly," Boromir spoke with a small pant to his voice, trying to gain his breath, though not able to take quite as deep breaths as his chest was still tender from the wound he sustained.

"Aye," Aragorn agreed, "There is something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures, sets its will against us."

"Do you see anything Legolas?" Menna looked over at the Elf as he move to jump onto a boulder nearby, squinting out into the distance.

"The Uruks turn northeast," he reported, "They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!"

The entire company tensed at that information, looking to each other with mounting dread for the fate of Merry and Pippin...for Isengard could only mean one thing.

"Saruman," Aragorn breathed.

This time, when Aragorn turned to rush off in that direction, Menna and Boromir were expecting it and rushed off with him.


The pace had never been so quick, trying to reach the Uruks before nightfall, but they could see the sun starting to set in the sky, and they feared they might have to set up camp this night. As Gimli had said, days without food or rest, they would not be able to keep up their march much longer. If they were to encounter the Uruks that had seized Merry and Pippin, they would need to be at full strength to battle them and see the Hobbit safe. It seemed to be an unspoken agreement that this one night they would set up camp and rest truly for the battle that was to come.

"Keep breathing!" Gimli panted behind them as they tried to cover as much distance as they could while the sun was still up, "That's the key! Breathe! Ho!"

"They've run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them," Legolas warned.

"It is the foul magic of Sauron," Boromir told them.

"Aragorn," Menna called out to him, "We cannot keep pace much longer."

And, indeed, the fact that they had managed to keep peace for so long was a miracle in and of itself.

"Just a little further," Aragorn urged.

But Menna shook her head, knowing that if they allowed it, it would always be a little bit further and a little bit further, with no end in sight, "We make for the stones," she shouted to him, gesturing in the direction where a mound of stones was visible in the distance, "And then we make camp," she looked at the others, "Agreed?"

It was no surprise to her when the first person to agree with her plan was Boromir. Gimli followed close after, but Legolas turned to Aragorn as though waiting for his approval. Aragorn looked at them, at the state they were in, and nodded, "Agreed."

Menna gave him a grateful smile and a nod of thanks, before they all braced themselves and ran for that final distance.

A/N: My thoughts on Boromir's status. In the Hobbit movie, when Tauriel healed Kili, he had endured his wound longer, it was poisoned, and he was near death. Boromir, while injured and near death, the wound was not in his heart but close to it. If someone shot in the leg could be healed by a Silvan elf and ready to trek to a mountain the next morning, I feel like it's not unreasonable that Boromir could be fit enough to go with the company after being healed by the Prince of Mirkwood himself.

But hmmm…Boromir owes Menna a life debt now? Aragorn doesn't seem completely pleased with the situation… };) I'm honestly not sure how a life debt would work, I've read a few different interpretations of it, so I tried to keep it true to what I felt might exist in Lord of the Rings and fit with Boromir's personality and sense of Honor :) I think it'll be quite interesting to see Boromir interacting with Menna with that in mind while Aragorn seems to be starting to come to a few realizations about feelings... :)

And I just want to say thank you all to those who followed the last story and enjoyed it, I really love you all so much and I cannot thank you enough for your support and patience. It means the world to me that you liked Menna and her slow start with Aragorn and I look forward to giving you more moments between them here :) I always feel like it's not till you almost lose something that you start to realize its significance to you, and Aragorn had quite a fright in the last story, so I am very excited to explore that more here :)

Lastly, just putting this here because I've promised my sister I would tell people about it, I made a page called ko-fi, where people can show support of a person by contributing a 'cup of coffee' to them. It's not a real cup of coffee, it's a donation that is roughly the cost of a cup of coffee, or about 3 dollars. The link is up on my profile or on my tumblr's LINKS page if anyone is interested. There's no obligation, requirement, or commitment, it just sort of feels to me like a little 'let's talk about your work over a cup of coffee' ;)

Some notes on reviews...(from the end of TITN)...

Menna returns today! :D I plan to try and start the new stories of LOTR when the next chapter of it would normally occur. So today would have been the next chapter of TITN had it not finished, so it's the first chapter of this one :)

Boromir is definitely going to be trying to find his redemption, as for canon, I can't say what might change or what won't. As far as some people are concerned, given what they saw, there's no way Boromir could have survived and word might spread fast about things that aren't true any longer, we'll have to wait and see ;) The next story is up now :)

Not so much an announcement, I do try to post the cover of the story on my tumblr for more information and FF usually sends things out automatically, but I hope you enjoy the story :)