Seth Rollins smiled as he and his wife walked into the doctor's office. They were there for their monthly check up on their unborn baby. He and Mallie were expecting their first baby in a month.

"How are we today?" Dr. Eva Orton said to them. Eva had been Mallie's doctor for years and they had know each other since they were fifteen.

"Good." Mallie replied.

Eva looked at her. "Anymore bleeding?"

"Quite a bit." Mallie replied.

"Alright, let's do an ultrasound."

"Wait, what bleeding?" Seth asked his wife and the doctor.

"I've had some bleeding recently."

"Is it serious?" He asked the doctor.

"Placenta Previa can be dangerous. That's why she's been resting more and why she has to have the c-section." Eva replied. "But let's do the ultrasound."

Mallie looked at her husband. "I'm not worried. Everything is fine." He nodded.

"Alright." Eva said as she moved the probe around Mallie's stomach. She looked at the screen. She looked at Mallie and Seth. "Alright, everything looks okay despite the placenta previa. Mallie, I want you to rest more and we will schedule the c-section. I don't think the bleeding is serious right now. But I don't want to wait to do the c-section."

"Alright. When do you want to schedule it?" Mallie asked her.

Eva brought up her schedule. "How about Tuesday?"

"Alright." Mallie replied. She looked at Seth. "Is Tuesday okay with you?"

"Yeah, I can arrange time off with Hunter and Roman can cover if need be." Mallie nodded. Seth was a security consultant with Helmsley Security.

"Okay, then Tuesday it is." Eva replied. "I will schedule it." Mallie nodded.

After the appointment, Seth dropped Mallie at home and then headed to work. He wanted to get the time off for the birth. He headed to Hunter's office first.

"Seth, what can I do for you?" Hunter asked him.

"I wanted to ask for Tuesday off. Mallie is having the baby."

"Yeah." Hunter replied. "Let me check who can cover." He brought up the schedule on his computer. "Alright. I can have Roman cover."

"Thanks." Seth replied. "I appreciate it."

"No problem." Hunter replied. Seth nodded and headed to see Roman.

"Hey, man. What's up?" Roman asked him.

"Can you cover for me on Tuesday?"

"Sure. Why?"

"Mallie is having the baby."

"Congratulations." Roman said hugging his friend. "Have you guys finally decided on a name?"

"Daniel Zachary Rollins." Seth replied.

"I like it." Roman smiled.

"Thanks." Seth laughed. "It took a lot to come to an agreement."

"Because Mallie is use to getting what she wants." Roman laughed. "And you always give in to what she wants."

Seth laughed. "Yeah I do." Seth knew it was true. Mallie had him wrapped around her finger the moment they met. He knew immediately she was the one he wanted to spend his life with. They were introduced by Roman and his wife, Serena. Serena and Mallie worked together at the hospital. Seth asked her to marry him six months after they met and they were married three months later in a simple ceremony in Jamaica with immediate family and close friends.

"Everything is going to be fine." Mallie said as she was on the phone with her sister as she made dinner.

"Are you sure? Because I can come there." Jamie said to her over the phone.

"I will be fine." Mallie said again. Her sister Jamie was in Ireland with her husband, Drew. Drew was helping to run his father's company there and Jamie didn't want to be away from him. "This is normal for someone with placenta previa. Everything is fine."

"Alright but if you need me, you call me and I will be there in an instant."

"Thanks." Mallie laughed. "I will keep you updated and make Seth call you when the baby is delivered."

"You better." Jamie replied. "Love you sis."

"Love you too. Talk to you later." Mallie said before hanging up. She looked at the time and finished up dinner. She knew this was going to be one of the last days she and Seth would have as just them. Soon, their son would join them. She couldn't wait. She knew the baby would look like Seth.

Tuesday came and Seth and Mallie headed to the hospital. She was admitted and taken to labor and delivery first where she was prepped for surgery. Once her iv was in and she was given the medicine, she was taken to the operating room. There her stomach was scubbed down and she was given an epidural.

"Alright, Mallie, I'm making the first cut." Eva said as she made the incision on the stomach. She made the other cuts and was soon at the baby. "Alright, guys, let's get your son." She said as she gently took the baby from Mallie.

"Is he okay" Seth asked.

"He's perfect." Eva said and handed him to the pediatrician to check him out. Once he was, he was handed to Seth.

"He's perfect." He said smiling and showed the baby to Mallie, who smile.

"I think you have family out there wanting to see that little guy." Seth smiled and kissed Mallie on the head and headed out.

"There is a lot of bleeding." The nurse said to Eva.

"Increase the iv and give her blood." Eva said as she worked on stopping the bleeding. "How is her blood pressure?"

"High but not extremely high." The nurse replied. "But her pulse is very fast."

"She's compensating for the blood loss." Eva said as she continued to try to stop the bleeding. "Her blood isn't clotting like it should." She gave her some medicine and continued. "Alright, it's slowing down." She said. She continued to try to stop the bleeding.

Seth smiled as he walked out of the room with the baby in his arms. "My son is here." He smiled at his family and Mallie's family and their friends.

"He's cute." Serena replied. "He looks just like you." She laughed.

Seth laughed too. "Yes, he does." He smiled as everyone looked at the baby.

"Is everything okay with Mallie?" Her mom asked.

"Yeah, they are just closing the incision." He replied. She nodded. "Well, I should probably get him back to Mallie. I'm sure she wants to see him." They nodded as Seth walked back to the delivery room where Mallie was. He saw that the doctor was still working on her. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just a little more bleeding than I like but it's under control." Seth nodded and walked over to Mallie.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Yeah." She said slowly.

"Alright let's get her to recovery and that baby to the nursery." Eva said. She wanted to keep an eye on Mallie. She was concerned about the excessive bleeding but she figured it was because of the placenta previa.

Seth sat by Mallie's bed in the recovery room. She was awake but not saying much. He looked up as his family and hers came in. "There's the new mom." Her mom said with a smile. "You did good."

"Did good." Mallie repeated. "Thristy." She said then.

"Nothing for twenty four hours." Seth said taking the cups of ice chips. He gave her a few.

"We'll leave you guys and be back tomorrow." Seth nodded and watched as they all walked out. He looked at his wife. "Mal, are you okay?" She didn't say anything and it worried him. "Mallie?" He said again. When she didn't answer him, he pressed the button to call for the nurse. She rushed in. "She's not saying anything. She was just a few minutes ago."

The nurse checked her and the pressed the call button and asked the doctor to come to the room. "We have a situation." She told her.

"What's going on?" Seth asked. "What's wrong with her?" He asked as Eva came in.

She did an exam and sighed. "Lets get her to CT." She said the nurse. She looked at Seth. "I think she might have had a complication. I will let you know when I know more." She followed the bed out and to CT. She wasn't sure what was going on but she was very worried about her friend.