
Sanji limped his way over to Zoro, he knew what Zoro was about to do could cost him his life. He has to stop him.

"Zoro don't! You'll die!" Sanji shouted..but it barely came out a whisper. He was to injured to move. But he pulled his way to Zoro and put his hand on his shoulder. He would shake some sense into him. The moment Sanji put his hand on Zoros shoulder, Zoro turned around punched him in the stomach.

Sanji felt his body get heavy as he lost consciousness "You bastard" he whispered before he passed out.

Just before he passed out he saw Zoro nod at Kuma and follow him off somewhere.

*One Month Later*

The crew stands there solemly looking at the display case Franky had built. Sanji was nowhere to be seen.

Moments later Sanji comes dragging out of the lower level and stopped short, wondering what everyone was staring at. He moves a little more and sees the display case. His face falters. Zoros swords...

it's been a month since Zoro died..