Ciel eyed the royally sealed envelope in his butler's hand as he used the letter opener to slice it open. Sebastian skid his eyes across the writings before passing it along to his master. Ciel wrinkled his forehead in hesitation. He could not defy the queen's orders, though he severely wanted to. The butler disappeared for a brief moment leaving Ciel to think and twirl in his oversized chair, until returning with his young master's afternoon tea. The room was left silent as Sebastian placed the tea near his seat along with a small pastry to satisfy his masters sweet tooth.

"Young master, what are your feelings regarding the content of the request?" Sebastian asked though he knew the answer. Ciel, as a child, of course wouldn't want to be put in a defenseless position.

"You know I don't want to go. A place where children are to behave and slave over adults or be abused…" Ciel was speaking of Turmel. He had never been but of course had heard the terrifying stories. "How am I too conduct research and figure anything out if I have to obey and cater to people? Why do we have to go undercover…"? Ciel spoke mono-toned, though Sebastian could clearly tell he was pouting.

A sly smile crept up on Sebastian's face as he bent forward to look at his master. "I assume that once we arrive you'll better behave, like the young noble you are." Sebastian teased Ciel leaving his face bright red. Ciel kept his mouth shut. "Well young master, we'll make sure to get an early rest tonight and rise early to head out."


The next morning Sebastian gently awoke Ciel by opening the blinds and calmly calling out his name. Ciel rolled around in bed for a moment before stretching and slowly pulling his self-up to sit at the edge of the bed. Sebastian stopped and stared at the boy for a second.

"What are you staring at?!" The boy snapped.

"What happened last night, you look like you haven't slept at all."

"Nothing." Ciel coldly spoke.

The rest of the morning was quiet as the young master kept nodding off. Eventually the clock struck noon and it was time to call the buggy. Sebastian quickly grabbed the suitcases and met the young master at the bottom of the stairs to escort him outside. Ciel stomped his feet as he walked passed his butler and jumped into the buggy, watching as Sebastian loaded it before jumping in as well.

Ciel quickly nodded off.

"Ahhh! I'm sorry! Please!" A child scream woke Ciel up, who jumped at hearing it.

"Sebastian! What's happening?" Ciel worriedly looks around. His heart was pounding heavy and Sebastian could feel how nervous he was.

"First calm down, young master. You need to recompose yourself. Remember where we are." Sebastian was worried for his young master. He had a hot temper and a spoiled mentality. Eventually Ciel looked out the window to see a young boy, being stripped of clothes and whipped publicly. He was probably only ten. Ciel shut his eyes and put his hands over his ears, trying to ignore it and make the sound of screaming and crying disappear.

Soon after he felt Sebastian's hand overlap his and pull them away. "Relax young master. Nothing will happen if you act accordingly. I'm here so nothing severe will happen."

Ciel immediately calmed down though he couldn't stop thinking of Sebastian's careful use of words. That nothing severe would happen, which meant something could possibly happen. Soon after arriving Ciel and Sebastian stepped out of the carriage to be welcomed by a large man with two small children standing besides him. The children quickly grabbed their bags, making sure not to make eye contact and scurried back to the mansion to set them down.

"Hello, Mr. Nies, It's a pleasure to meet you." Ciel went to shake his hand only to be harshly stared at.

"Excuse me, Mister. I know you're from a different place with different rules but here children cannot speak openly to adults. I'll give him a warning however since he didn't know." The fat man leaned over, "Here this boy, you get a warning. Remember how nice I'm being." Sebastian watched his young master carefully making sure the man wouldn't put a finger on him. He was already shaking in fear.

"Well now that everything's established let me show you to your rooms." Mr. Nies quickly shouted for more children to appear and guide the two to their bedrooms, which to Ciel's happiness were next to each other. As soon as they were left alone, Sebastian walked over to Ciel's room to comfort him.

"Young master are you alright?" Sebastian asked.

"No. You should have come alone. I can't even speak. I hate this plac-!" As soon as Ciel began raising his voice Sebastian clasped his hand over his mouth. Ciel frowned.

As soon as the clock struck eight Ciel and Sebastian were guided to the mess hall for supper. The children served them. To Ciel's surprise the young boy who was whipped publicly upon his arrival made an appearance.

"Boy you're late!" Mr. Nies yelled. The boy flinched though still walked closer. "I'm sorry papa…" The boy stared at the ground and took a seat next to the other children and Ciel. The adults ate away from the children. Ciel stared irritated at Sebastian who was having a conversation with the adults while he had to stay quiet.

Thirty minutes into dinner, Mr. Nies stood up looking at the children. "Alright children go off to bed."

Ciel stood with the other children, confused. He had hardly eaten and was still hungry and Sebastian wasn't coming with him. He walked back to his room, alone. After an hour of staring at his ceiling Ciel could hear loud party music from downstairs. He peaked his head out of his room. The hallways were pitch black and eerie though he slowly made his way to Mr. Nies's sons room.

"Hello…" Ciel quietly whispered as he creaked the door open. The boy laid in his bed staring at the wall. He immediately got scared and jumped up as Ciel came in. "What are you doing? Get out!" The blonde boy whispered. "You'll get me caned!"

"Who would do that?" Ciel asked.

"My father. Who else?" The boy answered as if Ciel was dumb for asking. "Now leave!"

Ciel made his way back to his room and sat on his bed.

The next morning Ciel woke up to the sound of a loud bell, followed by the sound of children's footsteps marching through the hallway. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. "Sebastian…" Ciel whispered. But he didn't come. "Sebastian." He spoke a little louder. Still nothing. Ciel felt his heart begin to beat, where was he, why wasn't he coming? "Please…"

Soon Sebastian walked in and rushed to his master's side. "What's the matter?"

"Where were you? Why didn't you come immediately?" Ciel asked insecurely.

"Young master, I couldn't rush to you. That would have looked suspicious." Sebastian answered. "I apologize."

"Don't leave my side today!" Ciel cried out sounding desperate. Sebastian smiled and nodded his head.

"You've been doing well. I would have imagined you getting punished a lot by now." Sebastian teased.

"Don't jinx me."

At breakfast however, Sebastian and Ciel were once again separated. The young earl felt like a peasant. The children again ate in silence. Until a girl seated next to Ciel started crying over being picked on. The tiny blonde blue-eyed girl quickly threw her hot oatmeal at the boy, causing him to scream in pain. The entire room got silent and all eyes were pointed on the children.

"What in the bloody hell happened!" Mr. Nies screamed and charged over to the little girl who threw the oatmeal, grabbing her arm and ripping her up off her seat.

"Wait! Uhm…" Ciel regrettable spoke up. "I – uhm, threw… the oatmeal. I'm sorry."

Sebastian quickly got up to get to his young master. "I'm so sorry si-" Sebastian quickly got cut off.

"This feral child!" Mr. Nies screamed as he lifted his arm up to strike the boy and threw the tiny girl aside. Sebastian quickly grabbed his hand.

"My apologies. But I'd like to deal with his behavior myself if allowed. We can negotiate terms on the punishment." Sebastian negotiated as he stood in between Ciel and Mr. Nies. Ciel looked to the ground nervously shaking not listening anymore.

"Come with me." Sebastian grabbed Ciel's wrist and pulled him upstairs to his room before shutting the door and locking it. "Young master, why would you say you did that. You knew what would happen." Sebastian lectured. Ciel confusingly looked at him.

"It just slipped out… but it worked out nothing happened." Ciel took a deep breath. "Weren't you listening? You are getting punished, right now, Young master." Sebastian watched as Ciel's face turned from relieved to complete horror in a moment.

"Wait… no!" Ciel screamed in refusal. Though he knew he wouldn't be able to run away from it. Sebastian took a hold of Ciel's wrist again as he flailed to get free. "Don't! Come on, please!" Ciel tried to beg.

"Young master! I have reduced your punishment substantially compared to what they would have done to you. Please cooperate, I don't want to do this either." Sebastian, for the first time actually yelled causing Ciel to stop throwing a fit and look at him wide eyed.

Sebastian gently began removing the young earls' clothes. "What are you doing!?" Ciel again became restless. "Why do I need to be unclothed!?"

Sebastian sighed. "I'm sorry young master." Sebastian apologized before lifting the earl over his knee and pulling his clothes down to his ankles. Ciel immediately grabbed Sebastian pant leg. SPANK! Ciel bucked forward. It stung. SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! The smacks were loud as the sound radiated off the wall. SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! "You're hurting me! Stop! Stop, please!" Ciel already had enough. His face was bright red from embarrassment and to make matters worse his back end was already becoming sore.

SPANK! "Sebastian!" Ciel screamed. Sebastian's hand had already landed twenty-five times and the young earl couldn't help but wiggle and kick the air.

"Young master we're a quarter of the way done." Sebastian announced. "What!? I can't! Let go!"

SMACK! SMACK! "Ow!" Ciel forced his hands back to cover his cherry colored butt. "Sebastian!" Ciel cried out as his hands were removed and put back in front of him. SMACK! SMACK! At smack forty-six Ciel began wailing and whelping in pain. "WAHH! Put me down!" Ciel screamed and kicked his legs hard trying to get up.

Sebastian pinned his legs, placing his leg over. "Young master, your being difficult. I know it hurts. Hold out a little longer." Sebastian tried to stay calm, but he could feel his young masters pain through the contract. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "I want to go home!" Ciel sobbed like a child. At seventy-two Ciel's cries went quiet as he buried his head in Sebastian leg, soaking his pants with tears. Sebastian stopped early at eighty and quickly stood Ciel to his feet.

Ciel hid his face as he continued to bawl. Sebastian's felt sick to his stomach. "Come here." Sebastian pulled Ciel close. His young masters back end was bright red and radiating heat. Sebastian quickly hugged him to give him comfort. "It's okay, young master. Give me one more day. I'm close to figuring it out." Sebastian rubbed Ciel's back as he cried. He knew this would be too much but failed to negotiate any further. "Sleep in here tonight…" Ciel demanded as he wrapped his arms around Sebastian for the first time.

To be continued…