Hey Everyone, thank you so much for your reviews. I feel it's important to answer a few questions which keep coming up.

Will there be cheating/breaking up? - No. I don't plan for either Jughead or Mary to cheat on one another, there will of course be drama and they won't always agree with each other but I do not plan for there to be any cheating or over the top break ups because they annoy me. I also plan for Mary and Betty to have a very strong friendship so the idea of Jughead cheating on Mary with Betty was instantly a no gamer.

Do Mary and Emily have face claims? - At this current time no I don't have face claims in mind but if you have any suggestions for them please feel free to suggest.

What are the other pairings? - Mostly they are the same obviously Betty is currently without a pair and if you have a suggestion for it then let me know. I have a few ideas but right now I'm mostly focusing on Jughead/Mary and Dean/Emily. Is there anyone you would like to see Betty with?

Anyway thank you all again so much for your support, this is amazing. Enjoy the next chapter :D

Jughead woke up to Dean shaking his shoulder. "What? What is it?"

"Wake up kid we've got a case." Dean told him.

Jughead sat up with a frown of confusion. "Case?"

"Yeah buddy of ours sent Sam a text needs help, you want in?" Dean asked him.

Jughead got up off the couch. "Sure." He pulled on a t-shirt. "Is Mary coming with?"

"No, we thought we'd make this a guy thing." Dean shook his head. "Meet you outside in ten." He turned and left the living room.

Jughead left the house nine minutes later and walked over to the Impala where Sam and Dean were already inside waiting. He climbed in the backseat his heart pounding nervously at the prospect of spending time with his girlfriend's dad and uncle and hunting some monster in another state.

There Are No Happy Endings

Mary woke up the next day and found a note on her pillow. She frowned and picked it up.

Your dad and uncle invited me on a case and I thought it might be good for me to learn some stuff from them and get to know them better. I'll see you soon. Love Jughead x

Mary sat up in bed her heart suddenly pounding. Jughead had gone on a hunt with her dad and uncle… Without her?

"Shit." She jumped out of bed. "Mum!" She called out.

Emily poked her head out of the office. "What?"

"You let dad and Sam take Jughead on a hunt?" Mary exclaimed waving around the note.

Emily bit her lower lip. "We thought it would be a good idea. He wants to know this stuff Mary, he needs to be prepared and who better to show him the ropes?"

Mary ran a hand through her hair. "We're supposed to be meeting Betty in an hour." She glanced at her watch.

"Betty, your cousin Betty?" Emily frowned.

"Yeah." Mary bit her lip. "Right I didn't tell you about that. Er… So we're kinda, sorta friends. She's helping with the Jason Blossom investigation. She's actually really nice and I know Alice is a major bitch and everything but Betty is nothing like her." She shook her head. "She's actually really nice."

Emily smiled. "I'm glad you two are bridging the gap."

Mary nodded. "Well I suppose I should get ready." She poured herself a mug of coffee and turned, heading back into her room.

Inside the room, the first thing Mary did was checked her phone and saw there were no new messages. Sighing Mary tossed the phone down on the bed and turned to her closet pulling out the new black dress she'd bought for the occasion. Her old one was now attached to one of her happiest memories and she couldn't bare to then dirty it with more sadness. She took a quick shower and pulled on the dress. It was simple, black, skater dress with short sleeves and a high neckline. She matched it with a pair of black knee high socks and her black converse. Then checked her phone again. Still no new messages. She quickly typed a message to Jughead.

Jughead let me know you're ok. Mary x

Mary stared at her phone before sending a message to her dad.

Dad, please don't get my boyfriend killed. Be careful, love Mary x

Mary chewed her lip in worry. "It's fine. Everything is fine. He's with dad and Sam…" She shook her head. "It's fine." She shoved her phone into her bag. And sat down at her desk looking at the mirror grabbing her tiny makeup bag. Her short, dirty blonde hair was growing out and she realised she'd need to cut it again. Mary pushed her fringe out of her face and sighed. Her green eyes sparkled as she applied black eyeliner around her eyes.

Standing up from her desk. Mary fixed her burgundy beanie on top of her head and stretched. She grabbed her bag and headed out of the door. "Mum I'm heading out." She called out to the house.

"Ok, I'd say have fun but…" Emily shrugged.

"Yeah not much fun to be had at memorials." Mary smiled. "Later." She turned and left the house, climbing into Baby 2 and headed off towards Betty's house.

To avoid being seen by the lovely Alice, Mary parked one street over and headed around the back. Betty had told her which window was her room and the teen climbed up into the room. "Hey, ready to enter the belly of beast?" She smiled at her cousin.

Betty turned around from where she was getting ready at the mirror and smiled. "Hey, you look nice."

Mary shrugged. "Best I could do. You look nice too."

"Thanks." Betty glanced around. "No Jughead?"

"No, he's er… Gone on a fishing trip with my dad and uncle." Mary sighed.

Betty frowned. "Wh…"

"Don't ask." Mary shook her head. "So I guess it's just us doing the sleuthing today."

Betty smiled. "I couldn't think of anyone better to sleuth with."

There Are No Happy Endings

At the memorial Betty and Mary sat down behind Archie, Kevin and Val. Mary checked her phone again and felt herself panic a little that there was still no word from Jughead or her dad or uncle. She turned off her phone and put it back in her bag.

"Are you ok?" Betty asked her.

Mary nodded. "Yeah."

Just then everyone turned around and Mary glanced over her shoulder to see Cheryl walk into the room dressed in a white dress.

"Oh my god." Veronica whispered.

"Yes." Kevin grinned.

Mary sank slightly in her seat, clearly shit was about to go down.

There Are No Happy Endings

Jughead shifted in the backseat of the Impala and rubbed the back of his neck. "So we're dealing with a ghost?"

"A poltergeist." Dean glanced back at the kid. "A nasty one too from what we've been told."

"And how do you fight a ghost?" Jughead asked.

"Find the bones and salt and burn them." Dean explained.

Jughead nodded. "So we have to find who the ghost is first right?"

"Right." Sam nodded. "You see Jughead, ghosts are held here by something. It's usually a trauma or unfinished business but the longer they stay the worse it gets."

"Until you're living your very own version of the Conjuring." Dean added.

"Right." Jughead shifted in his seat. In his pocket his phone vibrated and he pulled it out to see a text message from Mary.

Jughead let me know you're ok. Mary x

Jughead went to reply when Dean pulled the Impala to a stop in front of a house. Dean turned around in his seat. "Ok, so just stay back and observe while we talk to the family."

"Sure." Jughead slipped the phone back into his pocket, completely forgetting about Mary's text message.

There Are No Happy Endings

Mrs Blossom ended the service quickly after Cheryl's speech inviting everyone into the summer lounge for a light supper. During the movement of the crowd Betty and Mary stole their chance and headed upstairs, slipping into Jason's bedroom.

Betty shivered as she entered the room. "Did the temperature just drop in here?"

Mary felt a slight tingle run up her spine and glanced around. "Yeah. Creepy." She should have brought an EMF reader with her, of course there would be a high possibility that Jason Blossom would return as a ghost.

"Where would a teenage boy hide things?" Betty glanced around the room.

Mary rubbed the back of her neck. "Er… I don't know. Under the mattress, in the closet, loose floorboard." She moved around the room pulling open the closet while Betty went for the chest of drawers.


Both girls jumped and turned around to see an old woman in a wheelchair sat in the corner of the room.

"I'm so sorry, we were just leaving." Betty gasped.

"Oh." The woman smiled at Betty. "It's you." The woman wheeled her wheelchair closer to the two girls. "How lovely to see you again. Come closer, I want to get a good look at you."

Betty slowly walked towards her.

"Come closer Polly dear." The woman motioned her forward.

Betty glanced back at Mary who shrugged, inching closer too. "It's nice to see you again too." Betty perched on the edge of the trunk at the foot of Jason's bed. "I'm sorry it had to be under such terrible circumstances."

The woman reached out and took Betty's hand. "Well of course you're not wearing it. Oh bless."

Betty frowned. "Wearing what?"

"The ring Polly." The woman gave her a stern look. "That ring has been in the Blossom family for generations." She pointed a finger at Betty. "You keep it close to your heart always. But don't tell Penelope I gave it to you. Or she'll likely come and snip it off your finger." She made a snipping motion with her fingers.

"I won't." Betty glanced back at Mary.

"Such a shame. Your wedding was the last thing I was living for. I lost a grandson but you, you've lost the love of your young life. Poor child."

Betty jumped to her feet, tears welling in her eyes. "Excuse me… I… I can't." She ran from the room leaving Mary alone with the woman.

Mary quickly hurried after Betty not wanting to be alone with the strange woman. "Betty." She caught up with her cousin downstairs. "Are you ok?"

"No." Betty shook her head. "I… I don't… I have to find my dad."

Mary nodded. "Ok, I'm going to leave. This place gives me the creeps."

Betty nodded and hurried off.

Mary took her phone out of her bag and checked for messages of which there were zero. She huffed out a breath and shook her head. "Damn it dad." She turned and left the Blossom house getting into her car and driving off.

A new chapter to come with more of what's happening with Jughead's first hunt. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.