Real quick, I want to let you know that in this story, the Wario bros are the cousins of the Mario bros. I'm not sure if they actually are in canon or not (I've gotten both answers), but regardless of the answer, they are cousins here.

Chapter 1: From Good to Bad

Mario pulled up to the house around lunchtime, his kart full of groceries. He grabbed a few bags and went inside, leaving the door open so he could go back out and get the rest.

"Hey, Luigi! Come and help me with these groceries!" he called upstairs to his brother while setting the first of the bags on the kitchen table.

He paused when he didn't get a response.

"Luigi?" he called again.


Confused and slightly worried, the red-clad plumber started up the stairs to his brother's room; but stopped when a bump came from the kitchen. He looked down the stairs, then back up to Luigi's room. If Luigi was up there, Mario would rather leave him up there and protect him from the intruder downstairs. As the red hero slowly made his way back down, another, louder bump sounded; followed by someone saying "Ouch!" in a slight whisper. The voice was familiar, however; and Mario was able to relax and walk down the stairs to see his brother in the kitchen, trying to take all of the sugary treats the elder had bought.

Mario crossed his arms and smiled. "Put those back." he said, slightly chuckling. Startled, Luigi dropped all of the treats, except for the one he'd already put in his mouth. He quickly ate it before turning around.

"Hi!" he said with an innocent smile.

"Just what did you think you were doing, Weegie?" Mario asked, still smiling; hands now on his hips.

"Come on, bro, you know I can't resist those treats." Luigi said, picking the rest of the treats up off of the floor; the plastic wrappers crunching loudly as he set them on the table.

"I know, I like them too. Now then, help me bring in the rest of the groceries." Mario replied, walking out to his kart.

When they finished putting the groceries away, they spent the rest of the day playing games, battling each other with power-ups, and simply doing what they haven't been able to do in a while: spending quality time together as brothers.

Eventually, the day came to an end, and the two worn-out brothers crawled into their beds; but before the lights went out, Luigi spoke.

"I wish we could have days like today more often." he said, pulling his covers over himself.

"Yeah, me too." Mario replied. "I'm sorry I don't spend time with you often enough." he continued, feeling a bit guilty for not making that wish come true.

"Hey, it's not your fault Bowser likes to kidnap the princess all the time. Bowser just has a terrible obsession." Luigi said, laughing. Mario laughed with him. That statement was so true.

Once the laughter ceased, Luigi let out a large yawn. "You're the best brother ever." he said after.

That statement made Mario smile bigger than he thought was possible. He rolled over on his side to say something, but stopped himself when he noticed his brother was fast asleep. The elder got up and walked over to the green bed and brought the covers up more onto the younger before reaching to turn his lamp off.

"Sogni d'oro, fratello." he said quietly as he flipped the switch. He then turned off his own lamp before joining the younger in Dreamland.

The sun shone brightly through the window as it rose, waking the older brother from his slumber. The first thing he did was stretch his limbs, then quickly changed from his pajamas to his signature red shirt and overalls. He was going to wake his brother next, but soon realized he wasn't in his bed; which was neatly made. Thinking the green-clad man was already downstairs, the red-clad man zoomed out of the room and down into the kitchen.

But just as he entered, something caught his eye.

He immediately back up to look at the coat rack, and spotted Luigi's green, lucky hat hanging on one of the hooks.

"That's strange." Mario said, walking over and picking it up. "Luigi never leaves the house without his lucky hat." he continued. He thought for a moment before jumping to a conclusion.

"He probably just forgot it. I'll call him and let him know." he said, pulling out his phone. He dialed and put it up to his ear, but nearly dropped it when he heard a phone ring from upstairs.

Luigi's phone.

Mario ran upstairs and saw the phone on his brother's nightstand. The words 'Big Bro' glowed at the top of the screen, and its vibrations shook the whole stand. When the vibrations stopped, a missed call notification appeared over his background; a picture of Daisy.

"What's going on here?" Mario asked himself. He was starting to worry now; the two most important items that Luigi always had with him were here…

…but where was Luigi?

Mario quickly grabbed his bro's phone and went out to search for him.

He searched all around their house; nothing.

He searched everywhere in and around Toad Town; nothing.

He searched every inch of the neighboring meadow and forest; but still nothing.

His cape disappeared as he landed on the ground at the border of the meadow and forest, panting and sweating from flying around so much in the heat. It reminded him of the first couple of times he had to rescue the princess. Oh, what he would give for a water level right about now.


The princess.

"That's it!" Mario exclaimed, snapping his fingers. "The princess! She'll know exactly what to do!" he continued, smiling hopefully.

"I gotta get to the castle!"

Translation: "Sweet dreams, brother."