Hello readers! Thanks for clicking on this story - I really hope you enjoy it!
This is one of the original stories I started and published on another site that I'm coming back to and changing some, so bear with me!
My OC Sarah is inspired by Sophia Bush and Christy is inspired by Emma Stone, so now you have faces to match the names!
It's a work in progress!
"Noah! Don't forget to brush your teeth!" Sarah yelled up the stairs to her son as she bent over to help her daughter, Olivia, put her shoes on. The TV was on in the background turned up pretty loudly by Olivia who loved to play with the remote. "Olivia, honey," Sarah said, "please don't play with the TV remote, okay sweetie?"
"Sorry Mommy!" she said as she grabbed her favorite stuffed animal - her beloved bunny - hugging him to her chest. Sarah brushed her hand over her daughter's pretty brown curls, then walked over to turn the TV off when she saw the story on the news.
"...and in New York, there have been some strange happenings. The NYPD reports that there has been an influx of calls to their 911 dispatch, stating that people have been attacking each other in a cannibal-like fashion. They are currently investigating this outbreak which appears to be caused by drug-use..." The news went on to show a street with brownstones, where multiple bodies were laying under white sheets, covered in blood, and police officers walking around them. Sarah shook her head and turned off the TV.
"There's never any good news on anymore," she said under her breath. "This is why I watch HGTV and not much else."
Noah made his way down the stairs. "Mom," he said, "don't forget I have my field trip to the zoo next week. I have to bring my signed permission slip today."
Sarah nodded. "Already in your backpack, Noahbear. Now, go get your shoes on so we can go."
After gathering backpacks and keys, they finally headed out the door. Sarah dropped the kids off at their private school in record time and headed toward the office when a special news bulletin interrupted the music on the radio.
"Officials in Washington DC are concerned about the nation-wide outbreak of cannibalistic violence occurring around our nation. Initial reports indicated that it was a reaction to drug-use, something brought on by using a new form of laced-drugs called Sprinkle, but officials at the CDC have released a statement saying that this is some sort of virus, spread through contact with an infected person. Government officials are warning people about coming into contact with the infected, and say that if you think you have been exposed, you should go to your local emergency room..."
Jesus, Sarah thought to herself. She hit the blue tooth button on her steering wheel and said, "Call Mom."
It rang four times before her mother picked up. "Hello?"
"Mom! Are you watching the news?"
"Yes sweetheart. I was just about to call you. Are you on your way in to work?"
"Yeah. I'm seeing patients at the hospital this morning, making rounds for Dr. Jones. Mom, with your immune system - "
"Yes, I know. I am staying in the house today. Megan brought all my groceries for the week yesterday. So I'll just hunker down here at home, watch some TV and rest."
Sarah gave a relieved sigh. "Thanks Mom. I just want to keep you safe and healthy." Her mom just finished chemo for breast cancer and was still at the stage of low immunity, so she wanted to be sure she didn't get whatever virus was going around. "I'll give you a call on my lunch break."
"Okay, sweetie. You be careful and have a good day."
"Okay. Love you."
"Love you too, sweetie."
Sarah hung up and made the turn into her office parking lot next to the hospital. She glanced over at the hospital and saw that the parking lot was more full than usual for early Monday morning.
She grabbed her briefcase, locking her doors on her way into the building.
"Good morning, Karen," she said to the front office manager.
Karen nodded not giving her the usual perky hello she was used to from her.
"Karen, what's wrong?" Sarah asked as she stared at her computer.
"Have you been watching the news?" Karen asked as Sarah made her way around the desk to look over Karen's shoulder. The video she was watching on CNN showed a lot of general chaos going on in New York City.
Suddenly, a man with yellow eyes and wounds on his face and shoulder grabbed a young woman standing just behind the reporter and tackled her to the ground. And what happened next made both women gasp: the man sank his teeth into the woman's neck, ripping muscle and flesh, blood spurting everywhere. The camera started shaking as the cameraman and reporter ran inside a building and the feed went black.
Karen paled. "What the hell?" she asked, her hand over her face, looking like she was gong to be sick.
Sarah swallowed hard in disbelief, totally unsure of what was going on in the world.
Dr. Jones came flying in the door. "Sarah! I've been paged to the ER and they said they need all the help they can get. Come on!" Sarah nodded, but turned to Karen before walking out the door.
"Karen, whatever is happening, please be careful." Karen nodded, looking terrified. Sarah tried to give her a reassuring smile as she turned and followed Dr. Jones. On the walk over to the ER, Sarah wondered what the hell was happening. This just wasn't normal.
"Dr. Jones," she said, quietly as they walked, "what do you think is going on here?"
He looked grim. "I have no idea. The last I heard from the chief of staff is that it's some virus."
"What virus have you ever heard of that causes a person to become a cannibal?!"
He shook his head. "In my 30 years of practice, I have never seen or heard of anything like this."
They arrived at the ER to complete pandemonium.
Doctors, nurses, and other staff were running in and out of patient treatment rooms. The waiting room was full of people with big gaping wounds, held up by family members or friends as everyone was screaming for help or moaning in pain.
Sarah jumped into action as she saw a patient slumped over against the wall by the nurse's station that was covered in bright red blood and looked like she was about to pass out. "There!" she yelled to him and she and Dr. Jones ran to her side. Sarah grabbed some gloves from her pocket and threw a pair to him, pulling her own gloves on while grabbing a random towel from the counter.
"Sweetie," she said to the patient, "my name is Sarah and I'm a PA. This is Dr. Jones. We're going to try to help you, okay? What's your name?"
"Maddie," she said weakly, grimacing in pain. She moaned and her head fell back. Sarah saw the huge hole in the side of her neck where blood was coming out like a waterfall, as well as the blood from a wound on her exposed calf.
"Dr. Jones - put pressure on her neck wound!" she shouted out as he applied pressure to the wound on Maddie's leg and tried to asses the damage. As blood quickly soaked the towel, Sarah felt the heat radiating from the patient's skin. "Doc, she's burning up. Her temp has to be well above normal. We need to get her into a room and get her started on IVs, stitched up, blood transfusion and antibiotics."
He nodded and together they picked her up and placed her on a gurney in the hallway. "We need to start an IV. I haven't done one in a long time, so maybe you should try, while I continue to try to get this neck wound to stop bleeding."
The patient looked at them, terror in her eyes, as she started to convulse. "She's going into shock!" Sarah yelled.
"She's lost a lot of blood! I can't get this neck to stop bleeding!" The patient's eyes rolled back into her head and she stopped moving. "SHIT!" Dr. Jones screamed. "Maddie? Sweetie, can you hear me?" He asked. He moved to her mouth to listen for breathing, while Sarah climbed on the gurney and started compressions.
They did CPR on the patient for about 10 minutes, when Dr. Jones hung his head and motioned for Sarah to stop. She climbed down, covered in blood and feeling defeated. The chaos around them was still happening and getting worse as he looked at the clock. "TOD 8:55 am." Sarah stepped back, shaking from her adrenaline as Dr. Jones grabbed the sheet to cover the patient.
Before she could register what was happening, the patient's hand reached up and grabbed Dr. Jones' arm. Her eyes shot open and Maddie let out a guttural moan, as she sat up and bit a chunk out of his arm, blood, fascia, and muscle spewing everywhere. Dr. Jones screamed. Sarah closed her eyes, feeling bile hit the back of her throat and opened them again, wondering if she was really awake or having a terrible nightmare.
A second patient came out of the room behind them dragging his feet in a shuffling gait, blood covering his face and shirt. He grabbed Dr. Jones around the waist and bit into his neck. Sarah couldn't look away as Dr. Jones' screams intensified, sending goose bumps all over her body. She could feel the tears streaming down her face but stood stock still watching this terrible turn of events unfold - she was so confused and terrified that she couldn't move a muscle to try and help her boss and mentor despite her internal voice screaming at her to run.
Then she watched in horror when she saw a nurse come out of the room where the second patient came from, covered in blood and clearly dead, yet walking in the same fashion as the patient.
Dr. Jones slumped to the floor as Maddie fell off the gurney on top of him. She and the other two dead corpses continued to eat his flesh. She turned her head away, shaking out the cobwebs as her internal voice kicked her into gear. With one last glance at the gruesome scene in front of her, she turned and ran from the ER as fast as she could, suddenly very thankful that she was an avid marathon runner. Another dead nurse reached out for her, narrowly missing her arm and Sarah screamed and dodged more patients as they too reached out.
She got to the parking lot as she saw more sick and injured patients making their way to the door and kept running, making it to her suburban in time to see Karen coming out of the office. Karen looked horrified to see Sarah covered in blood, her usually neat hair a mess around her face and a crazed look across her beautiful features.
"KAREN!" Sarah yelled, out of breath as she kept seeing Dr. Jones being eaten alive by the walking corpses.
"What the hell is going on?" Karen yelled, making her way over.
"I don't know!" Sarah replied as Karen ran over to her. "But, those people, they got Dr. Jones! This patient, she was injured and we were helping her - and she died - but she didn't really die! Karen, she came back to life and attacked Dr. Jones! She bit right through his skin and muscle on his arm! Then more people came..." she took a deep breath. "Karen, they ate him! I couldn't stop it...I couldn't help him. He's gone..." Tears filled both of their eyes. "Go home! Stay there with your kids and lock the doors!" She pulled her in for a hug. "And please, be safe!"
Karen squeezed her hard and backed up. She nodded, wiped the tears from her eyes and ran to her car. Sarah jumped in to her own car and they both drove away from the horror at the hospital.