In the forested area of Konoha close to the walls three individuals could be seen. One was injured and leaning on to a tree while one had been beaten into a pulp and had knocked unconscious.

"Well done Naruto" The injured figure said slowly as his spine had been damaged by a giant fuma shuriken

The boy Naruto had just failed his genin exam once again but today he had learned a secret to why he had been disliked. 'A vessel to a monster that is what I have been cursed to be but these people gave me no good for this, a thankless job for no reason.' These thoughts churned inside his head once he heard the conversation between Iruka and Mizuki.

His face was darkened in confusion and betrayal of all his beliefs, the people had lost all his trust and everyone who knew as well but even then he was good so he saved his benefactor who tried to also help him even when it was such a late moment.

"Don't talk Iruka" Naruto said with care holding back his other feelings

Iruka didn't seem to realize that Naruto dropped the teacher title from his name, "Come closer Naruto."

Naruto as he was told so that Iruka wouldn't talk more and he realized that Iruka had given his headband to him.

"Why? Didn't I Fail?"

"Because you did a good job and it was your wish to wear it" Iruka muttered through haggard breaths.

"Thanks but please stop talking" Naruto said as he covered the wound and fortunately the ANBU arrived on the scene taking into custody Mizuki while taking Iruka to the hospital.

"Uzumaki Naruto, please follow us to the Hokage" One of the Anbu demanded of him and he complied as he knew this would happen

In the Hokage's office Hiruzen Sarutobi was sitting behind his desk looking at Naruto with warmth while hoping nothing went wrong like everything else today. 'I have fallen so far to let such a disaster happen, how can I face them now?'

Naruto sat in the chair with an abnormal silence as he would usually be animated instead of just sitting quietly.

"Naruto, how are you feeling?"

"Okay, it's just a lot to take in" he muttered with his head between his hands facing down so that Hiruzen wouldn't see his expression when he spoke.

Hiruzen felt the pain in his heart hearing Naruto's cracked voice, he knew this was bad. So he tried to make him distracted from such negative thoughts.

"How about I make you genin?" He said with forced exuberance

"No thank you, Grandpa I would like to find a new path. Being a shinobi doesn't suit me, I don't want to see people die." Naruto said with tears running down his face, the betrayal of all his beliefs was heart ranching. The people that he thought cared for him didn't even actually try to correct his position and could have done much more if they wanted when the problem wasn't him.

'How could I serve these selfish people who would wish for my death, for what? What have they actually down for me, I have no friends and no family other than Ichiraku's.'

Hearing Naruto break down into tears made Hiruzen feel the regret of his decision's and shock at Naruto giving up on being a shinobi. He walked towards him and hugged him to his chest to calm him, "It's okay Naruto, I am sorry that I couldn't do more. I am okay with you choosing any other path but you can't leave Konoha ever."

Naruto cried in his chest for some time until he got up and with red eyes visible from the crying he nodded and left towards his home to rest.

"I have failed myself and his parents with my actions." Hiruzen slumped into his seat and took some puffs from his pipe to help his anxious mind.

"They know about me but treat you like the monster, how tragic?" a deep voice echoed inside Naruto's mind

Naruto ignored it and walked towards his small apartment to rest his body and soul from the fatigue.

"I know you can hear me boy. You could have been living a happy life if you had not been sacrificed by 4th or if the people actually treated you like their hero for holding me back. Don't you feel the resentment inside your heart growing; listen to it because you have been wrong for your whole life."

"Shut up" Naruto screamed putting everyone on the street on defense while the Kyuubi laughed in amusement.

Naruto looked around at the people showing him disdain and fear, "Damn you all, what are you looking at?" He screamed as he ran home not liking the looks which made him angry now that he knew the reason.

He shut the door behind him and quickly lay on the bed to shut out all the bad thoughts.

"By closing your eyes and not seeing things doesn't mean that it would disappear." The Kyuubi's voice echoed out from the seal making him think once again about today.

He moved in the bed as the thoughts f the future haunted him, "What should I do now?"

'Working at the ramen stand is bad for the only people I care for so I need to think of something else.'

"I will think about it later by roaming the village again to look for a job who knows I might find someone." Naruto said out loud as he felt his body feeling the energy drain away

The next day he woke to the sun shining through the window directly above his bed which woke him up.

"Damn sun" He muttered as he stretched his arms above his head and went to freshen up. He felt a lot better than yesterday now that he had rested and took a shower, only dull feeling inside his heart but he did his best to move on from such a path.

'Will never serve anyone else with my life unless they are people I care for' e thought as he walked out of his apartment

He walked through the streets with people ignoring him like always and after going around for some time he came across a blacksmith shop which was hiring part timers.

He didn't hold up any expectations and entered the shop which was empty at the moment, "Hello, anyone."

Naruto heard some noise from behind some shelves and a large man with a buffed form came to greet him.

"What is it boy, do you need some gear?"

Naruto had better impression of him as he didn't feel those eyes on him, "I would like to apply for the job."

"What can you do?"

"I have no experience but I have strength and stamina to endure hard work. Please give me a chance I will do more than anyone." Naruto knew the man wasn't bad so he showed his desperation of finding his path

The man looked at him with an analyzing look and touched his arms and legs, "I feel sorry for you, kid. So I will give you a month to prove yourself or else."

"Thank you" Naruto said with a smile, he really was the type to forget grudges and pain quickly

"What do I do now?"

"Come along, I will put you to work inside the workshop." This was the best he could do as it would affect his business if the kid was visible at the reception

Inside the workshop, Naruto felt uncomfortable heat that he took down his clothe to his waist.

"Oh yeah, forgot to introduce myself kid. The name's Joe Higurashi. Now you are going to be hammering at these pieces until they look this thin with this hammer." Joe said as he showed him how it was done while the other workers continued their job.

"You were a shinobi and have high chakra more than the citizens so after you have proved yourself we can utilize your chakra capability for shinobi weapons." Joe spoke with excited tingle in his eyes at thought of a chakra battery helping in the making of weapons.

'If only the kid had basic knowledge of the subject we might have already started.' He was almost drooling at the idea of making high level crafts.

"Hai" Naruto nodded and got down to business, he hammered away at the pieces of iron or other metals like a machine without stopping until Joe held his arm.

"What?" He said in confusion

"It's already been 4 hours kid; go your time is done."

Naruto nodded and walked out of the shop heading towards Ichiraku to get a meal with the money he just earned. While Naruto was thinking of the food, Joe was amazed at the strength and endurance the kid showed today.

'Didn't even realize the time had finished, he is going to be beast in this field.' Joe went away as he thought of ways to improve the kid's skills.

'The girl Tenten is talented but she became a shinobi, what a shame. I can't wait for her to retire as life and death are unknown.'

"Hey Naruto, how you doing boy?" Teuchi said as he looked towards him

"Got a new job and I am very tired, hit me with something good." Naruto muttered tiredly but even then he realized that his body was feeling warm and the pain was receding.

'It must be the Kyuubi, is it really bad as they say or it was all a lie.'

"Eat up Naruto" Ayame put a bowl of ramen and warm meal In front of him as he looked extremely tired and Ramen wouldn't provide enough to help.

Naruto looked at the food and felt tears of joy in his eyes that there were people who still cared, "Thanks Ayame and Teuchi-ji, I love you guys." He said as he started eating, his heart felt warm from the emotions.

"Are you feeling okay Naruto? You seem weird today." Ayame looked at him carefully as he seemed to have changed since yesterday

Naruto smiled at her, "Nothing just feeling the need to say my feelings out loud." Then he went back to eating as he was starving because his body needed to compensate for the energy used.

"We love you too" They both said as they shook their head at the lovely kid, who like a small brother to Ayame and a son to Teuchi.

After eating and saying good bye Naruto wandered on the streets wondering what to do as it was still before sunset and long before his sleeping time.

'The graduates should have their real test by now as I heard' Naruto thought about the information he heard at the blacksmith shop

As he was walking went towards the practice ground where he always went to, it was abandoned as ever.

"It really is the best place, no one to disturb me" Naruto looked forlorn when he said that which had an intruder rushing to him.

"Naruto-kun don't kill yourself" The intruder had tackled him down to the ground and when he looked up he saw that she was one of his class mates.

"Hinata? I am not killing myself, I am here to practice."

"Really, really" She looked at him seriously, her spirit had strengthened up to make her do such a courageous act to jump in for his life so she wasn't back away until she was sure.

"Haha, yes. Uzumaki Naruto doesn't do such acts." Naruto laughed as he felt happy that someone actually from his class cared

She stared for awhile then stood up letting him go, then backed away and screamed in embarrassment at what she just done.

"What happened?" Naruto looked at her with confusion as she backed away

"NN- Naruto, sorry about that" She answered while stuttering while cursing her shyness within as she only had trouble talking with Naruto. 'Why dammit'

"I don't mind, so did you pass the test." Naruto said as he dusted his clothes

"Yes" She looked happy at his interest

"That's good but do you really want to be a shinobi?" Naruto looked at her seriously

Hinata felt pressured as she only became one to help her clan change and was forced by circumstances.

"You will have to kill, are you ready for that?" He continued as he looked away and threw shurikens at the targets

Hinata sat down on the ground as she was filled with the negative thoughts and felt worse with Naruto being the one to questioning her choice. She felt tears flow as she felt helpless but a hand touched her face and got them out of the way.

"Don't cry, I only meant for you to be safe as the job is very dangerous and you can't hurt others." Naruto felt guilty for making her cry but he would feel bad if she died.

She could stare into his eyes without being able say anything and her face became red, it seemed like steam might come out of her head.

"Are you alright?" Naruto asked as he saw her face become red and she wasn't speaking

Hinata jumped away with finesse and managed to mutter, "Sorry about that and thank you for considering my safety."

On the other hand Naruto was really impressed with how she moved and it was faster than his eyes could keep up. 'She is stronger and faster than me' was the thought inside his head at the moment

"No problem, umm. We may not know each other well but would you mind training with me." Naruto said with embarrassment asking someone who he doesn't know much about

"You want me to train with you" Hinata said with astonishment which showed how much she depreciated her own worth

"Why not? You are a Hyuga that means you are good at taijutsu and you moved really well just now. Don't show such a face, you are strong and you only to believe in yourself to get even stronger along with hard work. The way you are going is only self destructive, how you can improve if you don't even believe in the possibility." Naruto said as he felt what kind of person Hinata was and it made him annoyed.

Hinata hung on each of his word and it resonated with her and reminded her of what Kurenai had said, she felt frustrated for not being able to believe in herself but the circumstances were making her push herself towards becoming weaker so that Hanabi would not be branded.

But was this really right, should she really give up her life for her sister. Would she even appreciate her efforts and was this what her mother wanted?


'She wanted us both to be happy. What I have done is disservice to mother and Hanabi, and to myself. He will not accept a weak girl like me, I need to change.' A fire had been lit in her heart as she the words triggered many other connected scenes.

"I will do it" She said while holding back her anxiety

"Thank you Hinata" Naruto smiled and took a stance which Hinata found very weak and filled with holes but she knew already as this was all he could learn from the academy which won't provide anything high level.

Most shinobi just fought with their own self made style after going through many battles, this was for the normal ones and only clans had their specialized fighting styles.

"Fight me seriously" Naruto said as he rushed her and was promptly put on his back and Hinata let go of his arm as she retreated back

"Do not rush, watch your opponent carefully" She said while looking down at his feet as Naruto got up

Naruto felt a smile spread on his face as this was the only time someone time took their time to teach him and he felt his fighting spirit rise.

He watched Hinata carefully as she took a stance with one of her arm starched forward and the other one below but near the waist. Naruto ran around and came from the side but Hinata moved like she was dancing and her palm hit him in the sides as he was passing by.

No time to react and he was hit more than once pushing him away as he felt his ribs tingle with pain but he knew he was not able to push her to use everything. 'The difference between a real fighter and brawler, huh now I can see it.'

Naruto got up as he felt his body pain heal and continued to try fight Hinata for two hours, the sun had set and Hinata was tired. Naruto stopped his attack which would have connected but it would be cheating as Hinata had pushed herself to fight him for so long with her low stamina. She dropped to the ground filled with sweat and took deep breaths.

Even Naruto was feeling the strain as he took in painful breaths as he was bruised all over, a total beat down for 2 hours but he had improved though this session more than he ever did.

"Hoo, thanks Hinata. Let's do this again sometime, if you are free." He said as he sat down on the ground

Hinata lay on the ground and only managed a, "Hai'. Even if she had to push harder than ever she would help him and change herself, giving up was something she could not do or else she would everything.

Naruto lay on the ground to watch the night sky and he asked something that had been on his mind, "Hinata do you know how the shinobi walk on the walls."

Hinata was surprised at the question but then she remembered how backward the academy was and that it didn't teach such 'an advance technique'. She really felt like rolling her eyes at the stupidity but forgot about it and answered, "Yes, and it isn't hard. You should be able to do it easily as well after some practice for two or three days."

"How?" Naruto got up into a sitting position as he felt excited by the possibility of learning the ability

"It is simple, just cover the bottom of your foot or even hand to stick it to a surface but the chakra needs to be balanced or else you will not stick or just blast the surface." She explained slowly as she thought he might have trouble with it.

"Can you show me?" Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his head

"Yes" Hinata said with a joyful smile as she felt appreciated especially by Naruto and stood up by reinforcing her body with chakra which made it easy to move. She walked to the closest tree, "Watch" she said as she showed her footwear which was slowly coated in a purplish sheen which was the color of her chakra.

Then she put her foot on the tree and slowly she walked up the tree while he watched with excitement.

"Did you understand?" Hinata asked from above

"Kind of" He said as he wasn't really sure until he tried. He walked to the tree and watched his foot as he covered the bottom with golden chakra, and put on the tree but it just slipped while damaging the tree slightly.

Hinata watched him carefully and realized that he was not focusing his chakra on a single point and most of his chakra spread apart, getting lost in the world. She opened her byakugan, "Naruto do it again but this time I will tell you when it's right."

"Okay" Naruto nodded and continued doing the task for an hour until he could walk up the tree with slow movements but he would need more training.

"Thank you for the help Hinata, I am really grateful." Naruto said as he hugged her and left to his apartment to rest, he was stumped.

A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment.

This story will move from the consequences of the change and to the future where the boruto story takes place. With Naruto, Hinata, Shino and ? they will be in the future but it won't be there future as their world already changed.