Hey guys still alive. any way I want to apologize for this chapter. Not just for it being shorter but also not getting it out on time. I am not going to lie, it is all my fault. I really didn't have an idea for this chapter aside from a little bit of interaction between Naruto, Porlyusica, and levy. But then I decided that was to little and tried to revise it and that just screwed the whole flow of the chapter. So I decided to take some time away so I could refresh my mind. Then life hit me. Then I started writing again and screwed it up again. So I am just going with the original idea.

Anyway sorry again for the short chapter. Next story is fairy dragon, after that is reflections of insanity prologue which I want to come out on my birthday.

Chapter 8 the reunion of family

"Naruto," Erza said.

She didn't get to say much more before Naruto rushed over and knocked her out. Gray was about to yell before Naruto quickly went and did the same to him. He then sighed before beginning to toss all the unconscious fairies over his shoulder. He paused after filling up one arm before reaching out and a golden ripple appearing around his hand and once it disappeared he had his hat in his hand before putting it on, hiding his face once again. He then picked up the rest before disappearing in a burst of speed.

Outside/remnants of fairy tail guild.

Markarov was feeling better. He had been taken out after their failed counterattack. But luckily one of the S class mages, Mystogan, had gathered up magic power to help accelerate his healing. However by the time he washealed up enough to aid in the battle it was already over. All he even knew about how the battle ended was that the same person who supposedly helped levy had charged at phantom lord's guild hall and had managed to bust end. Then after a little while they all felt a massive surge of magic, shortly before they all saw a giant pillar of fire emerge from the mecha monstrosity. He had many questions but no real answers.

He was the surprised to see a man suddenly appear just a ways in front of him. He couldn't make out any facial feature, even if he tried, but he was more focused on the numerous scars than were all over the mans body. Some looked like they were at most only a year or two old but the rest looked to have been inflicted at least a decade ago with them have become distorted with the man's growth to adulthood. Markarov honestly wouldn't have known about how scars distorted as people grow older if it hadn't been that as a guild master he had seen numerous children get scars when messing around with unstable spells. And if what the young mages said is to be believed then all the scars on the man's front pale in comparison to the large one on his back. It was honestly a wonder how even a mage could have survived whatever hell this man had went through.

"thank you go-," Markarov began before the man disappeared in a plume of black smoke leaving only the member of the guild that fought in phantom lord's hall on the ground.

A short while away, forest.

Naruto appeared in a puff of smoke panting lightly. It was times like this he was grateful that he paid attention to Shisui when he was with Itachi. He managed to get away from fairy tail without any major confrontation. Add to the fact that only two people saw his face, odds are that most people will discard the thought it was him and with levy knowing the truth she can actively discourage the idea so his identity was mostly safe.

Naruto attributed his easy escape to Shisui. After all, he was the one who explained he basics of shunsin to Naruto. In fact Naruto had learned that even though shinobi teach that substitution is one of the basics, shunsin is in truth far simpler being compared to tsunade's legendary strength. Both were derived from the simple usage of chakra to strengthen the body, but requiring immense level of control, dedication, and mastery over the technique before being very useful in active combat. Also both techniques are pretty much something that every shinobi would learn pretty much on accident, hence why the academy figured might as well teach them something they wouldn't learn without some form of assistance such as a teacher or scroll.

As Naruto was going over these seemingly random thoughts, he arrived at a house. Steeling his nerve, he knocked on the door.

"don't you humans know when to quit I just heal-," Porlyusica started before stopping her rant completely upon seeing Naruto. "Naruto," she exclaimed happily before hitting him hard over the head with a broom. "what the hell were you thinking wandering off like you were. I thought you were dead, no note, no letters, nothing." Her voice was angry but Naruto could easily see the tears in her eyes.

"I am so sorry granny. I was just so upset that I didn't think about it," Naruto said. He would have said more but Porlyusica waved him off.

"I understand," she said with a loud sigh. "besides I have someone else who wants to talk to you" she said before turning and revealing levy sitting on her couch.

Naruto could only stare surprised. "how did you get here so fast?"

She blushed a little, "when you entered their guild hall I rushed over here cause I knew you wouldn't stick around fairy tail longer than you had to and Porlyusica is someone I could almost bet on you visiting."

Naruto could only blush and scratch the back of his neck with a sheepish grin at being so easily read.

"now why don't you start by telling us what you have been doing the past few years." Said Porlyusica.

"well I got a job as a investigator for the king of fiore," he said before chuckling at the girls bewildered expression. " I have gotten a lot stronger since I left. Plus it was the easiest way to guarantee that I had the resources and information to get back to my family and establish a way back and forth."

"back and forth," levy questioned with a small smile.

"yeah, after all I have you guys as well as my other friends here, and I just can't abandon you all, not again at least," he said with a slightly remorseful smile. "plus, she would kill every one that got between me and her." He said under his breath. Luckily no one heard him.

They continued like that for a while, trading stories back and forth until Naruto got a call.


"Naruto come fast the king has something to tell us" Koan said over the lacrimia.


The call ended and levy had a small but sad smile on her face. "so I guess this is goodbye for now."

Naruto frowned before creating another golden ripple and pulling out two communication lacrimia. "this will let you call me any where on this continent,"

With this levy smiled and her and Porlyusica sent him off.


Also slight note he also put his armband on while walking in the woods. Also set up another obsessed character in addition to Cana so look forward to that. Anyway will work harder and update more often. I WILL FINISH THIS STORY. Just might take a while.

Dragoone out.