There wonce was a bagel.
It ownwed a coffeee shop.
On theat cofee shop anohwrr bagel qorken.
ANd tath bael loved a nother bagel gthat came in everhyth day.
THAe bagel that came in every day was named akko.
Sjhe loved Dianan the bagel that was always on duty.,
A d dIa na loved was alway s so pretty and kiind and liked to aks her what she felt. And so they began a rfinedship. anAD THAT DFriendshp[ developed int o a blossonming flower tat Diana didn't nitica until it was too late and she loved akko.
And then she realized she oculdnt live without akko. And akko ditdnt visti the sshpp for some reason andn diana was sad.
When diana was sad she spent the tiime thinking 0fo akop. And hoe she would like to cheer her up. And so when she wans allowed she tarakced akko down and kissed her. ANd she kisedher a lot. And akko was convinced htat diana loved her.
And since diana lvoed her she felt ab le to axk her t a date. And hre date was very good.
Ahdn since yyhr dfate was good
TYhey kissed at the nd. And bagels kiss by sibvvdlign up to each other and touching theiir doughy exteriors to each other. If u touch full on with the hair then u are having sex and gthtat is not allowed
Sunce their date was very good. GThey decided to ahve another datemand tatrh date was very good. They sat clse to each other and talked ab out their love for each other.
The thired date gtheuy had didfficulty. Diana confessed thatr her famihy wuld not apprive of akko and akko did not like his. Akko was so updet she wanted diana to apologize. FInaa refudsed to apoloigixze for her famiy since she could not control gyhem. And so akko was sasd and refused fourth darte. And so Diana was rediuced to drastic measures.
The drasticv measure were that Diana avoided akko and her entourage. So Akko was forced to confroont her. BAd congfrot her. And Akkop Did..
The confrontatioj led to their first taste of each otehr where Diana iinsisted hat she was not cincerwd with akkos social sanding. And fo akoo kissed her and convinced er with her loce that akko was ready to face their future together.
And so they made bagel s do. WIht lots of kissing and care,
And they loves asch other so much that theyu were bmairried onlyu days later and akko and Diana lived happily every after.