Silence, thick and heavy, laid in the Saunteff Clausen, allowing the sound of the harsh, howling winds that crash against and rattle the windows to be heard by all. Outside, in the cold, snow fell in a steady and continuing stream, the light of the timid sun reflecting off the snowflakes every so often.

Had it been any other normal occasion, Jack Frost would've currently been outside in that snow, flying along the wind and playing in the snow either with some animals or kids, not caring whether or not they believed in him. Alas, he knows that if he were to go to them right now, his mood would only serve to make him even more annoyed.

And so here he is, sitting on a comfy sofa in Santa's Meeting Room along with the other Guardians, all whom are still trying to process Manny's words from last night.

Fluttering about the room along with Baby Tooth, Toothiana wrings her hands and bites her lips, her confusion as clear as glass on her face. Across from Jack, North sits on a recliner chair in front of the fireplace, his bushy brows furrows as he trails a hand through his white beard. Bunny and Sandy were in front of the only window in the room, and from the sound of the Bunny's hushed whispers and Sandy's frantic dreamsand shapes, Jack can only guess that they are still in the middle of their argument.

Out of all of them, Bunny is the one who appears to have the most trouble with what Manny revealed to them, and he's very, ah, vocal in stating his displeasure.

"Come on, mate," He groans, raising his voice. "This is 'im we're talkin' about!"

Sandy shakes his head, and above him, the golden dreamsand takes the shape of the round moon. The moon disappears, and then the clear silhouette of Pitch Black appears beside an okay sign.

Manny said that Pitch is good.

"Manny is playin' a prank on us!"

Jack, even though he still has trouble believing that Pitch, their supposed enemy, has only been keeping the balance instead of trying his luck on world domination, still disagrees with Bunny. He hardly doubts that a being such as Manny would actually take joy on playing pranks, of all things. Especially ones that include Pitch.

Jack stands up from the couch before Sandy can shape his thoughts, catching their attention. Biting his lips, he speaks: "Perhaps we should just go and ask Pitch?"

Bunny splutters and Sandy literally beams up at Jack; North and Tooth only share a glance.

"I mean, if Manny is correct, then Pitch wouldn't attack us, right?" Jack grins, blinking innocently at the withering look Bunny sends his way. He twirls his staff and bounces on the balls of his feet, and in the back of his mind he takes notice of the calming wind outside.

"Is. . . . not bad idea, actually," North finally muses, and even Jack can see the shining glint in his eyes.

(He rememberes how two weeks after the disastrous Easter, North had admitted that perhaps, just perhaps, Pitch's attack wasn't entirely the darker spirit's fault. That perhaps, the Guardians' constant attempt at keeping him locked up may have been a mistake.)

"Are you sure, North? I mean I understand it's Manny, but. . . ." Tooth says while cradling Baby Tooth in her hands and Bunnymund nods with her, glad that someone is taking his side.

"How about you and Bunny stay at the Pole, and Jack, Sandy, and I check on Pitch?" North suggests, standing up. "If we do not come back after hours, come for us."

Bunny and Tooth share a wary look before Bunny sighs, his ears twitching in annoyance. He already knows that there's no use in fighting against North— very rarely does the old Bandit backs away from a decision, and this time is no different, especially since both Sandy and Jack also support him.

"Ugh," Aster rolls his eyes at the grinning Jack and shining Sandy, both happy for two very, very different reasons. "Alright, but be careful, mate. It's still Pitch we're talking about."

Oh my god im so excited for this. But like seriously, should I continue this? Does it sound good?