Getting Peter to come for a visit was easier said than done. James, immediately after Hermione had informed Sirius and Remus about Peter's future betrayal, had sent an owl claiming it had been so long since they'd all caught up. The reply was far from instantaneous and after a few hours Remus and Sirius had floo'd home and Lily, Hermione and James had gone to bed. In fact it wasn't till later the next day that James owl had returned tapping on the kitchen window. The reply was short, agreeing that he hadn't seen his friends in a while, but listed excuses to why it wouldn't be possible that week. Peter had written that he was looking after his sick mother, a common answer when he was invited to catch up, but he also listed a new mysterious girl. Thankfully he did say he'd have time the following Thursday; unfortunately the following Thursday was 9 days away. Knowing it would seem a bit suspicious they decided to wait and not make up some urgent rouse to get Peter to visit any earlier and instead by their time.

Due to the delay Hermione did have a fair bit of it to kill. James was often on Auror shifts while Lily was studying to be a healer and seemed to mostly ulternate between classes and holing herself away with her textbooks. So while her two housemates were busy she actually ended up spending a lot of time with Sirius and Remus. Sirius, despite not actively engaging with his family for a few years, still had access to a fair bit of their vast fortune and decided to bum off the money. Remus however desperately wanted to work but due to the terrible prejudice against werewolves, and the idiotic rule where all creatures must be registered and forthcoming about their condition, he was having no luck actually finding a job in the magical world. He had resorted to an occasional shift at a muggle bookstore, but the work was only ever a few hours a day. Therefore the two were often free and spent time with the marauders resident time traveller.

Hermione was grateful for their company for a variety of reasons. Firstly, they were pushing her for information about the future. They had spent hours helping her list important details of the war and asking her about particulars she may have forgotten about otherwise. Secondly they treated her as a friend and helped her ease into this new life of hers in the past. They had taken her into Diagon Alley to set up a bank account at Gringotts, which she deposited the money tucked away in her beaded bag, as well as grab a few necessary items. She was rather apprehensive to head back following the incident on the night of her arrival in the 70s but the pair had stuck with her and had given Hermione a real sense of safety. They'd also dragged her to muggle London to get her more clothes that suited the time period, although her wardrobe had come along with her for the ride according to Sirius it made her stick out like a sore thumb. However the third reason, and most important, is that they made her feel like she was home. Although younger and less scarred these were two men she grew up with. It was comforting when they spent time with her and the fact that they never treated her with pity and instead teased and joked like she was used to made her feel almost normal.

Honestly Hermione just enjoyed being in their presence. Remus of this time is a much more confident man than his older counterpart. Sirius is as well but maybe that's not necessarily a good thing, he's still a little immature and holds the idea he's invincible. Of course he is like many 20 year olds in the aspect. The best part about the two was how happy they were together. Their relationship had come as a shock, the hints were there but they had never explicitly mentioned it in her time. She wondered if Sirius didn't go to Azkaban how long they'd have stayed together. If she went on whar type of couple they were now and how they acted with each other she'd bet they'd be together their whole lives. Despite all the teasing and petty fights, mainly due to Sirius' previously mentioned confidence issue, they obviously were very seriously in love and obviously happy together. She was honoured she got to witness it as she noticed in public they tended to act as friends, probably due to prejudice they'd experience in its variety of forms. She wished that didn't have to be the case.

While spending most of her days with Remus and Sirius, Hermione was holed up at night with James and Lily. The couple were very welcoming to Hermione which she was eternally grateful for seeing as she wasn't sure she'd do the same in that situation. Over the week they'd settled into an easy routine. They'd all congregate in the early evening for dinner after whatever day they'd been having. James surprisingly was the better cook which left the girls on clean up duty. Like with Remus and Sirius she spent time going over key events from the future, often jotted down thanks to her time with the boys. They'd then move on to something more lighthearted like the television, board games or reading before heading to bed. Hermione was surprised at how easy and comfortable living with James and Lily was, but she was having trouble not thinking of herself as a burden. So one week after her arrival, on a rainy Monday night, she decided if she was going to be stuck here she might as well assimilate. It was time she contributed to the household and got a job!

Hi all, sorry about the wait! I don't know how I feel about this chapter, it seems to be a bit of a filler and the tense sort of jumps around. However I wanted to get this out to you all and set up Hermione's life with the marauders in the 70s. Next chapter we will meet Peter! See you then.