A/N: And so we come to the end. Yes, folks, this is the last chapter, despite the title.

I appreciate all of you who have read this story through. I appreciate your reviews, your comments, and even your critiques. But mostly I appreciate the questions. Through them you pointed out inconsistencies in the story and helped me tighten everything up.

The next story out will be Runaway, which is, of all things, a Katlin and Harry story. And although it may not seem like it if you chose to read it, the story was written as a lark. It is purely for fun. Nothing ominous to look for. Everything you are told is straight forward. No hidden meanings. I felt you guys deserved a break after this one.

If you didn't get all the little subplots and hidden agendas in Enemies, don't feel left out. I doubt anyone really got all of them. Especially (if you even recall it) the fact that the one thing that started it all was never resolved. You were never told who really killed Orion's contact in Austria. Nobody even questioned me about that.

I didn't just get bored with the idea and forget it, folks. It was purposefully left out. The answer to that, while in this story if you look things over and think about it, will be spelled out more clearly in Family Ties, the third installment of the Family's story arc. Yes, indeed, it all ties together.

Also, just curious, but did anyone else notice in my last A/N, the word 'fanfiction' is missing? Perhaps we need to spell it fan-fctn or so now.

And oh, look, still a forty-nine chapter story!

And now,

as always,


Disclaimer: If you're still trying to prove something at this point, you have way too much time on your hands. Go get a hobby, for heavens sake!


Orion wished he could say that everything settled down after he had told Katlin about the attack on the lair. Once he had told her the truth and she had agreed to stay married to him, he couldn't get down to the records office fast enough to file their license. Now he had hoped finally they could start their life together as husband and wife. More than anything else he was looking forward to coming home to her each day. To starting each evening with a peaceful drink before a cozy, cheerful fire. Then on to a leisurely dinner as he talked over the days events with her. And finally then to bed, sent off to sleep wrapped in the warm, affectionate arms of the woman he loved.

A scene that was as far from reality as anything could get at the moment.

Instead Orion arrived home most evenings so utterly exhausted he wouldn't have much cared if Tets had roasted and served him for dinner, just as long as he was allowed to sleep. But Tets always managed to get him to eat something, even if it was just a cold sandwich before he labored up the stairs to bed. A bed that was too often cold and empty.

This was not married life as he had envisioned it. Even his parents, both Aurors, had found a way to work a family life into their time. Surely he could do as much.

But his wish seemed determined to elude him as he apparated into the foyer. He gave a heavy sigh as he dropped his briefcase in the foyer and shrugged off his coat. It had been an unusually hard day at the Ministry. Three attacks in one day by the Deatheaters. They were getting far too active for his liking as of late. Attacks escalating. Getting bolder.

Something was happening.

And it wasn't anything good.

Orion had resolved that day that he was going to broach the subject with Katlin. If she refused to answer, he would let it go at that. But if there was a reason for the unusual increase in the Deatheaters activities, he wanted to know. Were they planning for the war Bale felt sure was coming, or was this something else? Some other plan Voldemort was working on to rub his growing support in the Ministry's face.

He knew just starting into such a conversation with her was risky. And he would, as always, back off if she ask him to. The few times he had seem her over the past few days had been brief at best. She never even mentioned anything going on at the lair. Not even what Treaks was up to.

He had hoped to ask her over dinner. She was usually a lot less volatile when she was eating. But by the time he finally was able to apparate home it was already well past midnight.

Things were not working in his favor at all.

"Katlin." He called into the silence that greeted him. "Are you home, Love?"


Well, that certainly solved the problem of whether or not to talk to her tonight or not. It was very hard to carry on a conversation with someone when they weren't there.

With a quiet sigh, Orion climbed the stairs, ready to simply head off to bed. If she was gone this late, she may not come home at all. Not an unusual situation over the past several days. More than once he had woken up only to find all he had was her pillow for company.

Tonight would likely be one of those nights.

Maybe her absence had something to do with the escalations in the attacks. Maybe there was a meeting about it. She hadn't given the slightest indication anything had changed at the lair. Or that Voldemort was changing his tactics. Maybe the escalating attacks were by some overly ambitious lower ranks, and the meeting that night was to reign them in.

Orion shook his head as he opened the door to their bedroom. 'Time to put it away for the day.' he told himself. He was devoting far too much time to the Deatheaters these days.

Orion walked into the room and walked over to the bed. He had just started to take off his shirt when he stopped abruptly.

Standing by the window facing towards the back of the house, a lone figure stood silhouetted in the moonlight, it's arms folded in front of it.


Orion slowly walked over to her. For all the world she acted as though she had no idea he was there. He half expected her to jump when he wrapped his hands gently over her shoulders.

But she didn't so much as move.

By her reflection in the window, Orion could see the trail of tears down her cheeks.

"Love," he ask softly, reaching up and brushing one line of tears off her face, "what is it? What's wrong?"

Katlin lowered her head as she closed her eyes.

"Today.......," she began in an almost normal voice, but one that faltered quickly as she fought to regain her composure, "this evening.............there was an attack." She stopped again as she slowly shook her head. "I didn't know." she practically wailed as her composure began to collapse again as she hugged her arms tighter about herself.

Orion slowly wrapped his arms about her. For several minutes he just held her that way until she gathered herself back together.

Whatever had happened, he would let her tell him in her own time.

For several minutes he could feel her fighting to regain a grip on her emotions.

"There was an attack." she started again. "Voldemort led it himself." Again her composure broke even as she fought to hold onto it. Her voice fell to a whisper. "He never told me."

Orion tightened his arms about her. He had never in all their time together seen her so completely devastated. But until he knew what was wrong, he didn't know how to help her.

Katlin lifted her head as she stared out at the moon lit yard through fresh tears. "I'd have stopped him." she said through a quiet, hollow voice. "I'd have told him not to go. It was too dangerous. Something would happen. He should have just left them alone. They weren't that important. Just......just some....just some stupid wizard and his wife and their child. What did they matter? Why were they so important?" Katlin all but collapsed in his hold as she broke into a flood of tears. "Why did he have to go?" She moaned in a soft cry.

Orion turned her about to face him and pulled her to him. She buried herself in his arms and howled as he felt ever muscle under him tighten against the pain.

What in Magic's name had happened?

"Katlin," he ask softly, gently stroking her hair as he tried to calm her down a little, "Love, please, tell me what's wrong?"

He wasn't going to force her. He needed to know what had her so upset, but he would stand there all night if he had to if that's what she needed.

"Voldemort..........," was the first coherent word he heard after several minutes. But she faltered again and fell silent in his arms.

Orion sighed as he continued stroking her hair. "What about Voldemort?" he ask gently.

Katlin slowly pulled back from him. It took her a few moments before she turned her tear-stained face to him. Her voice was so soft and quiet, he could barely hear what she said.

"Orion.............., he's dead."

Orion was absolutely sure that nothing in the world she could have told him could have shocked him more.

Voldemort was dead?

It wasn't possible. He would have known. The Ministry would have known.

With complete confusion and disbelief he stared back at her. "Dead?"

Katlin nodded as she lowered her head again and folded herself back into his arms. "He led an attack on the house of James Potter."

James Potter! Orion's eyes snapped open. That was Sirius' friend.

Orion's eyes quickly narrowed in thought. James Potter was a competent wizard to be sure. But to have managed to kill Voldemort?

"James Potter killed Voldemort?" Orion ask.

Katlin shook her head. "No." she said in a whispered voice. "Voldemort killed him."

Orion thought. Potter had a wife. What was her name?

"Lily?" Orion ask as the name came to him.

Katlin shook her head again.

Well, who did that leave? Surely not...........?

Orion suddenly grabbed Katlin by the shoulders and pulled her back to face him. Who else would have been there? Who was always at that house. Nearly since the day James and his wife had brought their new son home. Who had nearly taken up residence in their house since then?

"Katlin........," he asked slowly, "Katlin, it wasn't my brother, was it? It wasn't Sirius?"

The panic in his voice was as clear as her pain. Anyone facing Voldemort, win or lose, was not likely to be in good shape afterwards.

Orion steeled himself up to hear the worst. But Katlin's reaction was the last he expected.

She laughed.

But not just a laugh. It was more of a giggle. As thought he had just told her something very funny.

Katlin shook her head as she giggled. "Harry." Was all she managed to get out.

Harry? Who was Harry?

He didn't have long to ponder the question as Katlin went on, still with that half-insane giggle.

"He was killed.........," she staggered getting it out, "by Harry."

Orion stared back at her. "Who's Harry?" Was the only thing he could think to say.

Katlin giggled again, but this time with tears in her eyes once more. "Harry," she explained, "is James and Lily Potter's son."

Orion stood in shocked silence, staring back at her.

Their son? Harry?

But, James Potter's son was...........what had Sirius last told him.........just over a year old?

"But Harry's a baby." Orion stated in disbelief.

Katlin nodded past a sniffled giggle. "Yup."

Orion stared back at her harder. "You're telling me................that Voldemort.....the dark lord of the Deatheaters..........was........"

".....snuffed by a baby." Katlin finished for him past a gushing of that insane giggling.

Something here just wasn't right. Orion stared back at her. "Katlin, how do you know this?" he ask.

Abruptly her whole expression shifted before him. Her face hardened and her eyes narrowed.

"How could I not know!?" she stated in a surprisingly clear voice. "I was closest to him. I knew him better than anyone else." Her expression suddenly melted back into its grief. "I felt it." she whispered. "All of it. The pain. The fear. Just...........it was like a at me through the night. I could almost hear it. It was like his last breath seeking me out. Telling me what had happened."

Orion didn't doubt her words. But she knew too many details to just be basing everything on a feeling.

"Katlin," he ask slowly, "if you felt all of this, how do you know it was Harry that killed him?"

"Others." she whispered, "There were others there. They told me."

Of course. She was head of the Elite.

A sudden thought struck him.

She was also likely now their leader.

If Voldemort was indeed gone, leadership of the Deatheaters would fall to Katlin.

Orion stared down at the woman curled back up in his arms.

At his wife.

Leader of the Deatheaters.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked her slowly.

Katlin shook her head. "I don't know."

"With Voldemort gone, you are now their leader." he added.

Katlin nodded as she slowly pulled back from him. "I know. They've already come to me, asking what to do."

Orion tried to keep any sound of excitement out of his voice. A pack of directionless Deatheaters, looking to her for purpose.

Their new leader.

His wife.

"Katlin," Orion stated quietly, "don't let this escalate. You have to stop it."

Katlin looked up at him from where she stood against the window with her arms folded in front of her. "Stop it?" she ask in a toneless voice.

"Katlin, they are going to look to you for direction now. For their purpose. You are their new dark lord. Don't let them keep on in the madness Voldemort was leading them into. You can stop it. You..............."

"Madness!?" The word was like a slap in the face to Orion. "What madness?"

"Katlin, the man was killing people. Witches and wizards. And who knows how many muggles?"

"He was dealing out justice to those who sought to expose us to danger." she replied in a voice very unlike her own. "He protected us against those who were trying to expose us. Who were too blind to see what their actions would ultimately lead to. He was fighting for his people. For his race."

"By killing them?"

"The insurgents had to be dealt with."

"You are not that blind! You know better than that!"

Katlin narrowed her eyes at him. "I know better than you, Auror."

"If you did then you would see just as clearly what he was leading you to."

"I know what he was leading us to. To a better world for our kind. Safe from those who would use and manipulate us. He was trying to help............."

"By killing a little, helpless baby, Katlin?"

"And you don't know what rea.................." But Katlin stopped abruptly. Her expression changed in an instant from one of outright anger to one of utter surprise.

Orion stood staring at her, unsure of what had caused her to stop so abruptly.

"Katlin?" he ask.

But Katlin didn't seem to even hear him. Instead she was now standing with her right arm out, her left hand wrapped about it as she held it up, her open palm facing her.

"It can't be." she whispered.

Orion hurried over to her. He wasn't sure what to see that she was staring at so intently. He half expected to see some remarkable, noticeable change in the dark mark on her forearm. The permanent reminder to him that she was forever Voldemort's subject. His willing slave.

With all his heart he hoped to see the mark gone.

But it was still there. As clear as ever.

But he could see no other change in it, or what had attracted Katlin's attention so suddenly.

"Love, what is it?" he ask, wrapping an arm about her waist as he studied the mark for anything he was missing.

But Katlin only shook her head slowly. "He's not dead." she whispered. A smile crept slowly over her lips as she stared intently at the mark.

"He's not dead." she whispered a second time Abruptly she threw herself into his arms. "He's not dead! He's not dead!" she sang out with a sudden, overwhelming joy in her voice.

Orion had to fight for his balance as Katlin bounced about in his arms, reciting the same phrase over and over.

"He's not dead!"

Regaining his footing, Orion eased her back. "Katlin.........,"

But Katlin cut him off quickly as she held out her arm. "He's not dead, Orion!" she cried happily. "He called me. I felt it. He's alive!"

Orion looked at the mark again as she held it up to him. But to him the mark remained as it had been. There was no change at all that he could see.

"Love, it looks the same as always." he commented carefully.

"No. I felt it." Katlin cried out in the same exuberant voice. "He called me. He's alive."

Orion gave her a worried stare.

"I felt it." Katlin answered the look. "He is alive." A look of sudden determination came to her face. "He needs me. He wouldn't have called if he didn't need me." She was already headed for the closet to get a robe. "I have to go to him."

Orion grabbed her arm and stopped her. She was in no condition to be running about the country side. "Katlin. Wait."

She tried to shake off his hold. "Orion, I have to go to him. He needs me."

Orion tried to keep his expression neutral. Trying not to show his concern. "Love, you just got done telling me he was dead. Now you're running off to some meeting with him?"

Understanding brought a quick frown to her face. "I am not insane." she stated firmly. "I felt him call me, Orion. He's alive. And if he's alive, he's likely hurt and needs help. He needs a healer. That is why he called me. The call wasn't that strong. But it was there. I did not imag........." But Katlin stopped abruptly again. This time gripping her arm in pain. She quickly turned back to Orion.

"He needs me." she stated fiercely. "Now."

Orion grabbed her arm again, stopping her. "Katlin, if he's alive, the Ministry has to know. They'll want to know where he is."

Katlin stared back at him, her expression utterly defiant. "And you'll never find us." she stated resolutely. "I'll hide him if I have to."

"And if he's alive, I have to report it to the Ministry." he informed her.

Katlin's expression hardened deeper. "You think I would tell you such a thing?" she all but hissed at him. "You would even dare to ask it of me. That I betray him in such a way? When he is most vulnerable?" Tears slowly came back to her eyes as she stared up at him. "How could you even ask such a thing of me? How?"

Orion stared down at her, the tears slowly brimming over and rolling down her cheeks. It wasn't 'him'. It wasn't Voldemort who had caused her pain this time.

This time he could claim that right all to himself. Her husband. Without thought, or caring, he had ask her to do the one thing he knew she would never do. Betray the man she loved. Who she worshiped. Who she looked to for so many years as mentor, friend, and guardian.

And he had wholly, callously expected her to do it. Without thought or question.

He hadn't cared how she felt. What it meant to her that Voldemort might still be alive. He had only thought what it meant to him. To his being. His title.

His Department.
'Stop being a damn Auror for once', he admonished himself harshly. 'Try instead just being her husband'.

Orion reached his hand out to her. "Katlin......."

Katlin pulled back from him, the anger still glowing brightly in her eyes.

"Katlin, listen to me, Love." he said gently, still holding his hand out to her. "If you need.....anything.......you know you need only call me. I will be here for you."

Katlin paused, staring up at him. Slowly the anger in her eyes melted, finally reflecting only the tears. She quickly ran into his arms. She gave him a tear stained kiss, and then apparated out of his embrace. A whispered 'I love you' filling the space where she had last stood.



I took you by surprise? GO ME!!!!!!!!

The big consequences come later, Dear. Keep in mind what the ramifications of using 'The Power' are on the one who uses them. And destroying the lair was a bit more than casual usage. That was full, all out manipulation of 'The Power'. It was no cute, cuddly little playtime with our favorite boggart. That was 'The Power' in all of its glory. So don't think for one minute Orion escaped unscathed. There is a price to pay for what he did. And in Family Ties, Orion will learn what that price is.

Unfortunately, Freesher holds his liquor like a glass bottle holds gin. Very well. But as I said, the fact he never said Katlin's name was more my oversight than the poor Justice Of The Peace. But the Memory Charm took care of his recalling any of it.

I don't think there's much question Voldemort is a dark wizard. And based on your logic, I'll concede the Deatheater question to you.

As I said, I think whatever form of telepathy a boggart possesses, it is very basic at best. Though I still would hesitate to call it telepathy and not just an innate ability.

Bo meeting with Dumbledore? I'm afraid what you saw of such a meeting in this story is about as far as I ever take that, Dear. There's really no point. I think the best way to describe that situation is to say that Dumbledore knows what Bo is, but I wouldn't say 100 that he understands what he is. No one outside of the Black family can really do that.

I do hope to see you back for Runaway.

I enjoy your reviews immensely.

Yes, Dear, finally married.

'Bout time, too.

No, no, Dear, they are 100 legally married. The license has been filed and they are completely legal as of this chapter.

Katlin probably knows more about Orion right now than Charly does. A fact his partner is aware of and one that sits none too well with him.

Yup. Still on chapter 49. Funny that.

Why are your glands swollen, Dear? Did PAR miss something?

Freesher seemed 'hammered'? That's not a term I'm familiar with. I hope it's not a terribly bad thing.

Glad you enjoyed the chapters, Dear. Hope you enjoyed the story.

I definitely hope to seeing you back for Runaway.


Sorry, Dear. I just went shopping and 'tis the season'ed myself out.

But..........since you are so wonderful with your review............I will give you this. (And it's more than I probably should, knowing me and deadlines.)

Before Family Relations comes out, Runaway has to come out first, because it deals with the relationship between Harry and Katlin, which is part of Family Relations. (Consider it. Based on this story, what is Katlin's relationship to Harry now?) The one thing you have to remember about the that story, is it is very appropriately named. It isn't so much a story about Harry and Voldemort or any of the other characters as is it a story about the relationships between them. And as someone once ask me, 'Is there any bonding in the story?' Oh yes. But I'll bet my whole month's salary it ain't the ones you're thinking of. But based on the current timeline I am working with, I hope to have Family Relations started by Spring.

You're dreading terrible things? Well, yes and no. Family Relations is written in exactly the same vein as Family Life. It's not overly serious. I mean, it has a plot and all, but it's more of a 'summer on the beach' kind of read. I want my readers to enjoy themselves. Not bite their nails off to the quick. And as an added consolation prize, I will throw in that it will likely be longer than Family Life.

An English Major? Oh, good for you, Dear. Especially if you have aspirations of being a writer. Editors just love English Majors!

You respect my crazy RL? What crazy RL would that be, Dear?

Now you're just pressing your luck. Another preview chapter? Well........, maybe. Since your review was so nice and I am so easily swayed by nice reviews lauding praise on me, I'll see what I can do. And if I do put up chapter four, I'll make sure everyone knows they have you to thank for it and your nice review.

Harry is most definitely going to need to rely on both his godfather and his would-be uncle to make it through all he'll face in Family Relations. But Harry'll be relying more Orion than Sirius, since, as I have often said, Sirius is not in Family Relations a great deal. But Orion makes a nice contrast to his brother's often over-indulging nature.

Hope finals went well.

Literally, I must have gotten off the internet and you posted your review. That's the only way I could have missed you last time.

It would not have mattered to Treaks to see Katlin's face. He was not marrying her for love, but for the power he would gain by being her husband.

I appreciate your concern, Dear. PAR has Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in both her hands. If you're not familiar with that (or if I spelled it very wrong), this is where you suffer bouts of numbness in your hands. Mine is to the point the numbness is so bad it is painful. My hands often feel like they are on fire. So far shots have curbed the pain. But I am afraid it may have gone beyond that and I may need surgery. Thankfully the surgery is very common these days and very safe. In fact, one of the men I work within my office had the procedure done last week. I am eager to see how his surgery came out. Sometimes, for some reason, the procedure does not work and it does not relieve the pain at all. Always a possibility. We'll just have to wait and see.

Never apologize for being late, Dear. I'm the last one that can criticize someone for that.

Orion is making plans what to do when the war starts. It goes something like this, 'Protect you and yours'. That always is and always will be his first concern. His family. Being the oldest, he has that nasty over-protective tendency that annoys the c--p out of those of us who are the younger members. (PAR is the baby in her family!)

I think a lot of people forgot about the lair, Dear. Just as most people seem to have forgotten about a dead currier.

There is NO WAY this would have gone as well had Katlin learned the truth from someone else. But that chance was slim at best. No one knows Orion was the one who destroyed the lair. There are those who suspect, but they have no proof.

Bale kept Orion by his side because Orion is his best agent. Sort of his second-in-command. If anything happened to Bale, the others would look to Orion for leadership. Bale knows this and wanted to make sure Orion was appraised of everything that was going on should he have to take over.

Hope you enjoyed it, Dear.

Hope to see you back for Runaway.



No, Dear, that was the end. PAR does not 'discontinue' stories. Once I set the course, I stay on it until it is finished. I don't do that 'I got bored so I dropped it' thing. Go read the Bio page.

Yes, the 'Remus' error was caught by many people. I never prided myself on my spelling ability. Again, go read the Bio page.

So glad you enjoyed it, Dear. And such a nice review.

Thank you.



Thank you. Rotten summaries are a pet peeve of mine. After reading numerous summaries that just made me grind my teeth, I felt I needed an outlet for a lot of pent-up frustration. This little prose seemed the perfect way.

So glad you enjoyed it.

Reviews are as of 12/04/2004.

And remember;

Trees deserve a merry Christmas too. Go artificial this year. Start a family tradition.