I do gotta say, sorry for such late updates. I got promoted again so I'm much busier now and I've been super tired too because of it. Once we get back into main-line canon things will roll out quicker and we'll push through season two of the anime pretty quickly. Expect roughly a month between updates but I'll aim for around 20+ pages per chapter. I HAD written nearly 20 pages but didn't like how things shaped out so I deleted most of it and recreated this. No beta still so please excuse any grammatical errors.

Jeanne's age has been shifted a few years back for later on story sake and a few other things I have planned. It isn't a major shift but I'll leave a list here for a few characters so everyone gets a decent picture of ages.

Jeanne- 25

Mercury, Reina- 21

Fin- 23

Naruto- 20

Class 1-A- All around 15

Chapter 6

"Tough times never last but tough people do" ~ Dr. Robert Schuller

Jeanne sat at the dining table that had been fixed into its proper standing position. Her face was schooled even as Naruto and the girl known as Himiko Toga sat across and beside her respectively. Toga had since been dressed in a plain blue t-shirt of Jeanne's and white short shorts. It fit her just enough to work for the time being.

"So you saw it fit to run around…...without clothes….even if they were dirty."

"I hadn't washed them in two days and I finally showered! I didn't want them back on!" said the girl, throwing her hands in the air as if to show her exasperation even more.

Jeanne coughed a little and looked directly at her "I'll ask you once, never do that again under this roof" then she quickly rounded on Naruto "As well, don't let her shower without a clean pair of clothes! Even your shirt would have been enough until I arrived. I thought you had more sense than that."

Naruto bowed his head "I'll apologize for my behavior. I should haven't made such a scene." Jeanne looked to Toga who seemed to catch on and bowed, reciting a similar apology before the two raised their heads.

"Himiko-san, please get comfortable in the guest bedroom. I'll be there once I'm done with Naruto." Toga obeyed and bounced on her feet to the room closest to the front as Naruto walked Jeanne to their own in the back of the house. It took up most of the back, being a custom build home set up so Jeanne could have space for whatever was needed when she was just beginning to recover.

"If this is about the train-" A hand stopped Naruto from talking anymore.

"I will speak my peace before you say another word. What you did that day, in front of those children, made me wish I could stand up and give you a proper beating." The shock and confusion etched on his face made gave cause for her to elaborate.

"I know somewhat of what you're really capable of if you don't limit yourself but you seem to take it in your mind to do so in front of everyone. Yes, it's good to not show the enemy every card you have but did you need to hold back as much as you did? You had to use one of MY own moves. Naruto, you only have a few abilities I held when I had my powers and they aren't for a cushion in a fight. Those are your trump cards and you used it as a cushion, insurance in case your little plan backfired. What if that creature had went outside the range of Luminosite Eternelle?" As she spoke she could see his shoulder sag and his face morph into a frown, understanding what she was getting at.

"Bishamon gifted you strength greater than that but you pulled every punch. At first, I thought you were giving it your all then I saw how you moved, how you were thinking. YOU chose to hold back. YOU gave into your desire to test yourself. YOU put the lives of everyone behind you on the whim of a challenge! You are a saint as much as ruler! Neither side is heavier than the other yet you gave into the rulers lust for battle, for a challenge. What is a ruler?"

He didn't say a word, he only stared at her before she leaned in slightly.

"What. Is. A. Ruler?"

"A governing body, a pillar of strength for those under it. Unbreaking, unforgiving, unkind." Jeanne grabbed his shirt and pulled him close in a sudden manner than surprised him.

"You are a saint, your hands have proven that but they have yet to truly show the claws of a ruler! Naruto, the next time something happens you show them your claws. No one can move past you for you are unyielding."

She saw the spark of a raging fire in his eyes as she spoke and he opened his mouth "I am unforgiving against those who are unjust in the eyes of the gods above. I am unkind to any who raise their hands to those seek my protection. My palms are soft, as to cradle the newborn of this world but my body is honed to defend them. I am Naruto Uzumaki, a saint as equally as a ruler. May the gods guide me towards the path I am needed on."

Jeanne let go of his shirt and ruffled his hair a little with a small smile "That's more like it. Let's hope you don't make the same mistake twice, for your sake, and those children." Her headstrong demeanor seemed to dissipate as quickly as it came as her face began to flush red a little.

"I…..um….about what I did on the train. I was just…..I was worried about losing you and then I kept thinking about everything you've done for me. You've never been far away from me since we moved here and even then you always checked up on me. Even though you trained day in and out, you made time. You…." Jeanne turned to him and saw more than she expected in his eyes. She saw his hesitation at her words, his fear of what she was going to say, and his hope but most of all she saw his greatest weakness reflected as clear as day. It made her conviction waiver, if only for a moment, before she steeled herself and spoke.

"I don't want to lose you, ever. You mean more to me than anyone else I've ever held close to my heart. I…" her words stuck in her throat as tears began to brim and fall. As she tried to regain her voice she couldn't react quick enough before his lips claimed her own. Her body moved without a second thought, cupping his cheek as he put his hand behind her head. The two soaked up the love pushed into the singular kiss and as they separated both could almost swear they could hear each other's heartbeats in that single kiss. To them, that was their most open moment between each other. The moment they came to terms with the feelings welled inside each other for the past few years. However, Naruto broke the silence.

"I know just how you feel, Jeanne-chan and I'll promise you this. I'll do everything within my power to protect both those children, and the link between us. I won't break it willingly, not ever. That's a promise of a lifetime." She could only giggle a little and wipe away her tears as she saw his goofy grin and barely restrained tears.

"I'll confess, I don't have much experience in this matter. In the plays of hearts and skinship" said Jeanne, knowing she was the oldest here in age and vastly in experience thanks to her past…..lives.

"You seem to forget, I saw everything then. When you gave me your powers I saw your life, your first life and the countless lives you lived under that…..grail. I know what you've been through and I want you to know I'm here for you now. In this life, I'm here and I won't disappear. I only hope you don't either" said Naruto with a smile and a chuckle at the end.

The woman in front of him once again cupped his cheek and brushed a single fallen tear "As I saw your childhood, the orphanage that took you in when you appeared. We were both cast aside by our world, in circumstances we don't understand. I won't disappear on you, and you better not do the same to me. I'm not above asking your gods favor to let me see you one last time for a little lesson. For now, know I'll be here for you as you are for me." The two hugged, savoring each other before Jeanne spoke.

"So, what does this make us now?" Naruto pulled back and scratched the back of his head nervously, sporting a heavy blush now.

"I-I mean, if you're ok with it, my….girlfriend." Even though she knew it was coming from the start her face still flushed a deep crimson as she averted her gaze in embarrassment.

"O-of course I am!" stammered Jeanne stiffly, trying hard just to get the words out.

"Haha great! I should probably get to fixing up the rest of the house for now."

"I need to tend to our guest as well." The two stood awkwardly, Naruto sliding the door to let out before stepping into the hallway and looking at the ransacked room. Save the table and chairs he fixed, everything else was a battlefield. Footprints where feet were never intended to be. Knives, fork, spoons sticking out of the wall. He made sure Jeanne had a safe walkway set, she could move without any assistance but it was a slow journey

"I've got a lot to do" said the blonde, grabbing a bin as he began to pull out of the projectiles stuck in the room. Just as Jeanne had gotten to the edge of the hallway on the other side of the room she turned to him and spoke.

"If you hurry, I can make us dinner…...boyfriend." She was glad he didn't turn around and just nodded his head. She didn't want him to see her blush before she moved towards the door where Himiko was at. Little known to her, Naruto never turned to hide his own blush and the massive smile he sported hearing those words.

Jeanne knocked softly and waited before hearing the girl invite her in. She opened the door and saw the girl sitting on the bed, looking at a book about acrobatics and its correlation to certain fighting styles. The room in the front was a guest room but Naruto stored a lot of books they had used to study up on a number of things.

"I apologize for leaving you in here for so long. We had a few things to sort out private for a moment. Is there anything in particular you need? I'll send Naruto out tomorrow for things since he'll be off work for the rest of the week."

Toga sat up quickly and set the book down "What can I ask for?"

"I'm not sure I follow. What do you mean?"

"Like, just clothes? I really don't know how long I'll be here so I don't know what to ask for or what I can ask for without costing too much."

Jeanne waved her hand "Money isn't a problem, and expect a long stay. If you don't have any clothes besides those then you need a wardrobe entirely. I'll talk with Naruto and see about letting us go alone soon and getting you an entire wardrobe."

The girls eyes widened at her statement "R-really? I….I don't need all that."

Jeanne smiled "I'm sure you want too though. If he's chosen to keep you under this roof, I'll see to it your taken care of. No matter what has happened before, it's my job to keep things in order and tend to guests here. You are a guest and I'm tending to you as you need. Besides, I think you'll be here for awhile anyway." Toga seemed to still be in mild shock but she stood and hugged Jeanne.

"Thank you" said the girl, muffled in Jeanne's shoulder as the older woman hugged her and rubbed her back softly. Jeanne could tell she lacked much of a parental figure, she seemed to be soaking up every bit of care she was being given. It wasn't something she didn't expect, anyone willing to just go and hunt someone down at her age didn't have much to lose in the first place. Lost souls were the easiest to manipulate for evil's gain. Shortly later, the girl seperated and smiled a toothy grin.

"So now what?"

"I'll go speak with Naruto and get things ready for a trip into town as soon as possible. For now, relax. I need to prepare dinner."

"Can I read in there?" The woman nodded her head and left as Toga picked up her book and moved to sit on the large L shaped couch in the living room. She hummed to herself mostly, mostly speed reading the book and getting a gist of what was in it. She had read a similar book a few months ago but this one looked different sadly all she got was a few new moves to practice. So she stretched out and stood up, seeing Jeanne finishing up the meal as Naruto set the table.

Toga stood quietly and sat down, feeling the atmosphere as Naruto maneuvered around Jeanne to grab what she needed or to clean something she finished using. The sounds around her seemed to wash away as the two started to blur. She never noticed the bowl of stir fry vegetables set down in front of her.

"Toga? Are you ok?" said a soft voice, shaking her out of her mind. She looked forward to see Jeanne sitting down across from her, looking worried while Naruto took his own seat next to her. She wiped her wet eyes and smiled, sharp canines showing off with a bright smile.


Jeanne smiled back "Well then enjoy your food and then get some rest. I'll take you with me to get some clothes tomorrow. He's going to run a few of his own errands while we have a girls shopping trip.

"Have you ever been to a doctor since you got your quirk or have you been examined?" asked Naruto.

Toga shook her head "No, no one knew I even had one. Why?"

"We know someone that can give you a check up and document a few things down. She might be able to help you better understand your quirk since it deals with blood. She an expert in the medical field" said Naruto and the girl bounced a little in her seat.

"Ooohh, she sounds cool! Sure sure!"

"Jeanne, can you take her there before you go shopping?"

"Of course, I'm sure she'd love to see a new quirk like our friends here" said Jeanne and Naruto suppressed the urge to laugh.

"Most certainly, she'll love it."

Toga lit up in a bright smile "Really!? Awesome! I can't wait!"

Next day

Jeanne could only suppress a laugh of her own as she saw Toga squirm under Reina's check up. Taking blood, height, measurements and all other manner of things were being done to a girl that had never had them done before professionally in years. Obviously it was going as well as one could expect.

"STOP TOUCHING ME!" shouted Toga, trying to bite Reina's hand off anytime she got within range which hadn't happened since the first bite.

"I need measurements for proper wellness checkups, please calm down."

"NO! GO DIE!" A sudden familiar cold air washed over her as she heard a voice speak.

"The more cooperative you are, the quicker we can leave and I'll treat you too desert after we finish shopping." Jeanne's tone was even, but carried the cold weight her aura did which seemed to get the girl to stop her struggling.



"...fine, lemme outta here fast then."

"Nearly done" said Reina as she finished up a few more measurements and checks before stepping back and letting Toga run off to where Jeanne was sitting. Her ability to move freely was drastically increasing but even then, she still moved fairly slow and she was forced to move with a set of arm brace crutches because of her legs weak muscles. All the years stuck in bed had done a number on her muscles and nerves but she was lucky enough to have retained almost all of her upper body strength.

"Now that wasn't so hard" said Reina, holding up a few follicles of hair and a vial of blood in one hand and an entire packet of check up sheets and notes in the other. Her only reply was her patient to stick out her tongue from behind Jeanne.

"She's not a very nice lady" said Himiko before Jeanne laughed a little.

"Not many doctors seem nice at first but you'll learn to get used to it. Just think, Naruto's going to be having issues with his errands all day." Himiko smiled at the fact, happy she wasn't the only one suffering but oh how little she, and Jeanne knew.

With Naruto

"Woo! Another win in the bag!" shouted a tall blonde, dressed classier than normal. He'd forgone his usual work attire. It was mostly his normal look but everything looked freshly pressed, well kept and shiny as the day it was made. From his dress shoes too the orange lined suit jacket over the black shirt and orange tie. If there was anything other than winning as his staple, it was his love of orange.

Winning just was a much more noticeable thing right now than his love of orange. In front of him was now a massive stockpile of chips from winning big on the roulette wheel, his favorite one.

"As always sir, your luck knows no bounds. Your funds will be deposited in to your account as per the usual. Would you like to play another?" asked the woman running the wheel. She was the one normally on the wheel when he was around, if not her supervisor when she took breaks. He favored this wheel apparently, as he told her. He just felt luckier here than anywhere else.

"I'm good for today, I've got my slot wins under my belt too so it's time for some refreshments and a nice lunch before I head home. Hope that new car is treating you well!" said Naruto as he walked off, waving behind him.

"Of course sir, and thank you!"

"Anytime!" Naruto quickly shuffled through the crowds, speaking with the cashout clerk about updating his account by tomorrow morning. After a short check up on his most recent funds, she took his play card he used and let him go on his way. He stepped out and enjoyed the atmosphere. It was midday, everyone was mostly at work for the weekday so it was nice to see a less crowded area. He was in the one of the highest class casino's in the city so the rest of the block looked as such, high end restaurants, classy venues and other lavish things Naruto wasn't too concerned about. His attention was set right across from him, the doors to a renowned restaurant.

He quickly crossed the street and walked up to the man standing on the podium outside "Nice to see ya, Len"

"You as well sir, we've got a table available right now if you'd like to dine."

"You know I do!"

"Right this way please." He was led just inside and around the corner to the private booths mostly used for VIP clients and for business deals. However, the blonde was a special exception. He took his seat and a female waiter came by shortly after, handing him his usual glass of whiskey. He didn't really enjoy drinking much but the whiskey here was just too good to pass up!

"The normal or are we feeling adventurous today, Mr. Uzumaki?" said the woman. She was his usual waitress here, the one designated specifically to handle all manner of clients that sat in the reserved area.

"Just the usual but let's get started with beef and pork."

She bowed and smiled "Of course sir, whatever you like." She exited the section and Naruto was left to ponder his next mission. He had stocked up on funds for another few months, so they'd be good there. Jeanne was slowly working off her medicine but it wasn't cheap either way you looked at it. She'd be pampering their new guest for a while and she herself would be out and about here soon so the more she was out, the more money spent. He prayed his luck didn't run dry anytime soon!

He still needed to find more information on who attacked the school but he wasn't in a position to be lurking around right now. Once that group became more active he'd be able to search properly. As it stood now, he couldn't without causing a scene looking for just two people. They'd regroup and they'd appear again, then he'd start to bring the big guns out. There was another matter but this was…...a more pressing one. If he was right on the time, he should be expecting- there! A rough looking bald man walked in, bowing to the host and walking towards Naruto's table.

"You rang?"

Naruto motioned for him to sit "Relax, foods on the way. Let's talk business for a few minutes." The large man sighed and sat down, pouring his own glass from a flask he kept on him and took a hard swig.

"You call me out here on a moments notice for some business meeting? Last I remember, you do business for me." He looked up and nearly choked on his drink, ice cold blue eyes stared back at him.

"If that was the case, I'd be begging to come back into the syndicate. If you forgot already, the missions you paid me for helped build you up to where you are now. Don't play games with me Renshi."

Renshi held his hands up "No no, nothing like that. Just poking a little fun. What did you need?"

Naruto sighed and took a sip of his own drink "I'm sure you heard about the attack on UA. Pretty soon I'll need to get regular information on anything suspicious going on around the city. I know you have a farther reach than you used to and I'm going to rely on your help soon."

Renshi rubbed his temple a bit and sighed "A teacher running an underground informative operation with a well known, and heavily tied in, syndicate. Why does this sound like a bad idea?"

"Excluding my teacher status, I'm registered as a hero so I can keep a flow of information in as part of my job. I've worked my way around the police before, you own a lot of them anyway so I don't need to worry but I'll be careful."

"Are you looking to start up your own crew?" asked the scarred man, leaning in as he spoke quieter.

The taller man shook his head "No, not anytime soon anyway. My plan with this is to get learn in's and out's of the night scene and catch up on what's been going on since All Might stepped away. From there, I'll be able to keep track on possibly future issues regarding the school and other events the students might attend. As I said though, I won't be pushing for this until the turn of the month and it's nothing heavy. Just anything regarding heavy villain movement or anything regarding UA and any other school you hear about."

Renshi took another swig and filled up his glass again "Fine, only because of what you've done for me and out of respect for those you helped train back then. They still ask about you, you know?"

The blonde shook his head "I was different a few years back, I was younger, dumber. Things changed when Jeanne got better and I got this job offer."

"Yeah, you were colder then too. I still remember you scared off half the new recruits one day walking in covered in wounds claiming you'd taken out an entire yakuza group. Acting like any other day, sat down, grabbed a drink and asked when food would arrive."

Naruto let out a hardy laugh "I remember we had a massive influx of the baddest guys you could ask for after that too! We nearly had to start turning people away! How's the old crew by the way?"

"Your crew? Scattered but doing good for themselves. Everyone's still involved but only a few still work full time. Ryu started up that business he wanted, Ahmya settled down for the most part and Utano said she'd found a constant gig she liked downtown. Shin, well, he's been working hard with the new recruits getting them in shape. He took it as his own mission to take over what you'd been doing." As he finished up the waitress came by, dropping off two bowls of ramen before stepping away.

"Take the beef, I'll eat some pork" said Naruto, grabbing his bowl and starting to eat while they finished the conversation.

"So, got address or do I need to go from the most recent one first and start looking?" A sealed envelope was slid his way that he quickly pocketed in his suit jacket.

"I figured you'd want them today but don't go causing a scene. Most of them only work as touch back informants and emergencies. If you don't go trampling them, they'd probably be glad to see you."

"I hope so, I'm not keen to starting a death match with my old crew."

Renshi laughed this time "Not like they'd fair well but it'd be a funny story hearing you get skewered for dropping in on one of them unannounced."

"Once a zero, always a zero."

The bald man coughed "We stopped using that title by the way, for groups. Once yours disbanded, we kept it so they were the only ones with zeros in the front. Everyone still respects the zero's, maybe a bit too much."

"We were the beginning of the golden age for yakuza back then. We mended relations with higher ups and the police all while assisting both heroes and those who deserved the help. Back when Yakuza were nothing but thugs, and most still are, your groups name was a sign not every one of em was out for just some street brawl or protection insurance."

"Demons and dragons alike mean nothing in the face of apostles to the gods themselves. That was the Zero's mantra, if I believe. It did the job well enough. Still funny it only held true for you though, hahaha!"

Naruto chuckled and scratched the back of his head "It did the trick and it stuck with us. Hope the new crew keeps things stable. The Brotherhood isn't something that needs to become a laughing stock." He finished his bowl and stood slowly, setting down the pay for the food and a hefty tip.

"Just one, usually you down a few dozen."

"I've got business to attend to before the night draws near. Give my best to Shin for me, tell him I might need his service soon and I'll reward him well."

Renshi waved him off "Yeah yeah, he'll be happy to hear from you. Take care and give my regards to Jeanne. I'll visit soon and see how she's holding up."

"She'd like that, I'm sure. Don't forget, if things ever get tight you got a zero on your back too so give one of us a ring."

"I won't, see ya."

"Take it easy." Naruto exited quietly and moved to a secluded spot away from prying eyes before he opened the envelope then put in an address in his phone.

"Just down the street, I can walk there. Hope there's someone home."

A woman with long jet black hair hummed softly to herself as she quietly walked through her home. She ascended the stairs with the grace of a ballerina, careful to not make a noise lest the sleeping child in her arms wake. A short walk down the hall and into the far bedroom led her to the kids room, a baby crib and a smaller bed just across lay near each other. Her pitch black hair blew softly from the gentle breeze from the open window on the opposite side. It wasn't too hot so she let the fresh air in just before it was nap time.

Quietly, she set the baby down and smiled to herself. Once the baby was comfortable and covered, she moved to shut the window and secure the lock before heading to the door. She'd only just made it to reach the handle when she heard something creak. Her fingers twitched a little and her eyes narrowed, a split second later a knife was suddenly quickly found the throat of an intruder that had somehow gotten right behind her. Only now did she realize the size difference and his iron grip on her wrist. She'd have to fight to get free, not to mention the baby, she'd-

"It's never good to leave a window open, no matter the season, Ahmya." Her grip on the handle fell as she spun to see a tall blonde man facing her with a sharp smile and an even sharper suit.

"Long time no see. Glad to see you got settled in like you always wanted." Her eyes narrowed when the shock left and she quickly ushered him out of the room. Once she'd moved him to the living room did he get to finally hear her speak for the first time.

"You better have a damn good reason showing up here like this! Nearly made me activate my quirk in front of Tonton!"

Naruto stifled a laugh "You named her Tonton?" A handful of floating blades suddenly surrounded him and her coal black eyes stared at him.

"Is there a problem?"

Naruto shook his head vigorously "No no, not at all!" The blades slowly settled back into their respective hiding spots around the house and she huffed.

"Good, now…...would you like some tea?"

Naruto smiled "I'd love some, I stopped by to catch up with you anyway. I'll be seeing a few others over the coming days too." Ahmya rose a brow as she poured two glasses and sat down at the dining table.

"I assume you know about my new job that I took up. I know everyone's been watching me recently and a few bolder ones shadows me a few days." She had the decency to blush a little in embarrassment before taking a sip.

"We have and everyone's agreed to leave you alone but we also secretly agreed to keep tabs on everything around you. You attract more attention then you realize sometimes and let's face it, none of us really left the crew fully. It's too…."

"Too us, it fits everything we ever wanted until we grew older and life began to set us a new path. The past always comes back to haunt you but if you never leave it, it's easier to see coming" said Naruto, looking around the home. "You've got a lovely home, a little big for someone who never liked anything with too many places to hide."

"My husband does, so I compromised with this place."

"How is it, by the way? Married to someone who knows so little of your past life. Living a civilian life."

The woman sighed "It was boring for a year or so. He knew of my involvement but only recently did Renshi meet him and give him a full rundown. After all, I hid the first kid with your help but the second one had nearly every old crew member and some higher ups from a few corporations stopping by to say hello. He was fine with the idea and he knows I'm active from time to time."

"It helps he works for one of those corporations and they got him a big raise too, haha!" said Naruto, stating clearly he'd kept his own tabs on her.

She looked a little embarrassed by that too "Yeah, it's been interesting but we're doing all we can to make things work. Shin visits a lot these days but Ryu's always busy running his business and Utano only comes down here once every few weeks for dinner with everyone. You've been the only one who's been totally out of contact these past few years."

"I needed too, even popping back up would get my name where I didn't need it. It already is but I've got reason for it to be now. I've got kids to protect and someone else who I swore to protect."

Ahmya looked to the view over the city from the window "I do too, that's why I stay at home now. My husband is a wonderful man and keeps the kids entertained when I go out late at night with Shin or Utano for a job. They've been getting more and more frequent with how things have been shifting recently."

"Don't worry, I'll be working on that soon enough too."

She raised an eyebrow and he smiled "I won't spill that secret just yet, so don't ask. Do wish the best to your husband, I'm sure he's wanted to meet me but I don't have anymore time to waist. I need to head back home, got to beat Jeanne back." He stood and walked towards the balcony, offering a soft prayer as his eyes shifted from blue to gold and he opened the door. He was just about to leap when he heard Ahmya speak.

"You know I used to love you. How caring you were to me, even when you were so cold to everyone else back then."

Naruto turned to her, his golden eyes and shining smile made her heart skip a beat. It felt just like old times when he'd rescue her from anything and anyone. Her superior and her first crush.

"I know, you reminded me of Jeanne a lot back then. I saved you so you could learn to enjoy life like you are now, you deserved it. Just as the rest of us zero's did. Everyone's found some peace, and that means I did a good job leading you all. I've always had mine, but I was lost then. I've got my way and it seems everyone else does too. Take care and you've got my number if you need anything or you just need to chat. See ya!" He took off as he always did, a leap and he disappeared along the rooftops in a speed few could hope to follow.

"You used to be a star in my night sky but now your like the sun beaming down on everyone. I hope you're careful, Naruto. Just don't burn out trying to shoulder everything like you used to."

Boom, some interaction between Toga, Jeanne and Naruto as well as we delve into Naruto's past a little. Think he just trained all day and night? No sir! These are all OC characters I made on my own but they were needed. I didn't want Naruto being involved with any other hero's business but I've basically stated he's been involved with 'hero' work. For this story, this is Naruto's beginning to where he is now.

I wanted this to show mostly what Naruto had done when Jeanne was immobile all those years. He trained of course but he gained a lot of his combat and street skills from being part of the Yakuza group for a few years, and where he gets most of his money. OUR BOIS LUCK STAT IS ALWAYS HIGH IN GAMBLING!

Too add, any chapter under 15 pages, as this one is, will include a little snip of Naruto's past and take place of the character notes I said I'd leave for the time being. This seemed funner and more interesting. These will be mentioned in other chapters from the OC's I created but again, nothing is extremely important as of yet. The only thing you'll get to see is young Naruto in his emo phase running a group of yakuza and beginning to grasp his powers better. Here we go!

The beginning

Naruto sat casually in a room with four others, each of them not saying a word as they starred off the other. The tension was nearly thick enough to taste as each one looked at the other for any sign of movement but nearly everyone was wary of the blonde. His golden eyes and aura set everyone's mind on high alert. It was unspoken between the other four, he was the most dangerous of the four. Suddenly, the door opened and in walked a bald man. His head wrapped in medical bandages and dressed in a suit more expensive than anyone there could hope to afford.

"Seems like you five are what's left of the exercise we conducted yesterday but that was expected. I'm Renshi, as you lot should know but I don't know who you are. Introduce yourselves, name, number, hobbies, likes, dislikes and such. This is your new home after all, your new family, so better learn something so no one goes on killing the other. Raven hair, go first." He pointed to the black haired woman in the corner, sitting against the wall. Her attire was fairly plain, black pants, boots, a white shirt and a grey jacket but everyone could see the glint of blades lining the walls of her jacket.

"I'm Ahmya, number 05. My hobbies are gardening and reading. I like sweet things and fruit but I really hate any kind of spicy foods. That good?" asked Ahmya and the man shrugged before pointing to the next woman.

Her ice white hair was certainly an attention grabber, just like the flute that rested in her hand. She too was dressed fairly plainly, casual pants, boots and a long sleeved, skin tight turtleneck shirt.

"Names Utano, number 08. My hobbies are mostly listening to new music and writing my own pieces. I like to find people who like the music I play and I like candy too much for my own good. I dislike sweaty, nasty pig like men who think they can own whatever they please." Even with her somewhat dark ending she capitalized what she liked by popping a piece of hard candy into her mouth right after speaking.

The circle continued to a boy that everyone had guessed was Utano's brother. White hair, same piercing green eyes but he dressed a little differently. His attire was what people would call traditional. He had on nearly all black kimono, save for the white sleeveless overcoat. A sword completely covered green with gold accents rested on his hip.

"My name is Shin, my number is 04. My likes are my sister here and finding the time to meet anyone well versed in a sword these days. A big hobby of mine currently has been fishing to feed the local orphans that I see around here. I share my sister's dislike and I'll add I won't tolerate any child abuse in my presence."

"No one here should, but moving on to the last two." A burly man stood, his body was bulky and his form was anything but perfect in the eyes of a bodybuilder. It was like looking at a slightly smaller All Might. He kept his outfit plain, well fitting jeans, boots and only a vest.

"I'll go by Ryu and my number is 07. My hobby is mostly keeping up with whatever my younger brother needs help with at his job. I like seeing people smile after I help them and I enjoy hearty meals with friends. I dislike mostly anyone intent to betray my trust or harm my brother."

Renshi looked to Naruto and motioned for him to speak. He shifted a little in his seat, adjusting his shirt a little. He looked like the others, a plain burnt orange long sleeved jacket, black shirt, pants and boots. His orange belt caught the eye along with what looked like an extremely expensive watch on his wrist.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, number 03. I like to help others where possibly and punish those who see it fit to harm the helpless. I dis-no, I despise the vermin of the villain society that sees for nothing but to cause others misery and harm. My hobby is either taking care of my sick friend or hunting down vermin for their bounties. Also, I love ramen so if you ever do me wrong that's a good starting point."

"So it's just zero's on this team?" asked Shin. He was surprised at first but it made sense only those would make it, his sister included.

Renshi nodded his head then Ahmya spoke "Where's 02 and 09 then? Did they not make it?"

This time Naruto spoke "09 is in jail for killing a hero without cause and 02 was seen aiding him. I put 02 down." Everyone but Renshi had a varying manner of surprises but no one was willing to speak against it if he did. 02 was said to be the most powerful member of the group, right next to Renshi himself.

"I'll confirm his story, that was his test. You all were given numbers during your test but 03 died during his test. Naruto has taken that number up after the task I handed to him was completed. I'll introduce myself now. I'm Renshi, number 01. I like order and I like to enjoy a nice cold drink after a good days work. I hate slackers and any other type like em but I hate those who prey on weak even more. My hobby is this, my job. I don't have free time for anything else.

Now, this group is going to be the new face of The Brotherhood. We need to make a better image of Yakuza and you five are the beginning of that. Each mission you do has a purpose, no matter how absurd it may seem at the time so bear with me. Some will be as easy as assisting clean ups for people's destroyed homes and others might be eliminating the ones who destroyed them.

The yakuza image isn't a pretty one and it won't ever be, but we can show we care for the community we live in. We aren't the good guys but we aren't villains either. We're the neutral third party here. I've got high expectations for you five, don't disappoint and keep in mind our end goal is larger than ourselves. Meet back here tomorrow at sundown for your first mission as squad zero."

"Yes sir."

There ya have it, the beginning of Naruto's yakuza run. You'll get his age soon enough, as everyone else's. I didn't think it'd be right just having them go on their entire life story for a short introduction. This won't follow any timeline set line, I'll jump forward to random places but sometimes I'll continue where I left off at. Do keep a read up on this though, you might see some of this mentioned in later chapters. Expect the next chapter to start off in the beginning of the second season. See you all soon and as always I'm here for anyone needed some writer feedback.