First off I am sorry this is so late! If you saw my review on my story you would know that I was unable to update last week and was hoping to update with the next 2 chapters today. Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish the chapter in time so instead you're getting a bit longer chapter. Anyways, I hope you are all still enjoying this fic! This chapter is [pretty heavy and is leading up to the Flashback chapter coming soon to to a PJ Masks Fanfic page near you! Anyways… Enjoy!

Magical20 - Yeah! I've noticed that people really enjoy the Catboy/Owlette ships! I don't necessarily ship them, (I try to stay away from that! Those arguments can get pretty heated!) but I figured I'd put that there as an Easter Egg for all you! I love adding those!

The Not-So-Ultimate Writer - I understand! I'm the same way! My friends get kind of annoyed with it but I can't help it! Don't worry about it! TBH I don't mind if people send me critique privately through DMs, as long as they're not mean! Also WOW lots of questions! I'd say about 3 of those will get answered this chapter, but don't hold me against that! (Seriously I should read these before I go to answer and after I edit it for errors!) Anyways, I am so happy you're enjoying and if you do see any errors feel free to DM. I'm about to edit this and I'll probably still miss something!

Catlette4ever - I am actually really surprised that people loved the Catboy/Owlette part! I guess you just can't get away with shipping! Lol! I am gonna try and work on that cliffhangers part but I LOVE writing them! THE SUSPENSE! Also -Thanks for thinking of me. I've been home for just over 2 weeks now but it's still gonna be hard for my family. Personally, I've been trying to move on and get back to doing things that give me joy (like writing this fic!) Things are slowly getting better, though I am having some trouble finding the time to edit.

Guest - Thanks! I am so happy you are enjoying!

They all stood there, staring at the spot where Catboy left her less than twenty minutes ago.

"Where did she go?" he asked.

"Are you sure you left her here Catboy?" Owlette asked. The moth on her finger drooped down and appeared to be sad, "Aw... It's okay little moth. We'll find her!" This caused the moth to slightly perk up.

Gekko spoke up, "How about we go down the alley, maybe she tried to get away. She couldn't have gotten far."

"Good idea Gekko. Lets go!" Catboy led them down the alley.

"Owl Eyes"

Owlette led them down the alley using her Owl Eyes to see in the dark. The rest of them followed behind with the moth resting on top of her head. After a few minutes of slowly walking down the alley they reached the road connected to it.

"She wasn't in there," Owlette remarked.

The three heroes stood in the road looking in both directions for any sign of the villainess.

"Do you guys see anything?" Owlette asked her companions.

"Nope, nothing," Gekko answered.

"I don't see anything, but maybe I'll be able to hear something... Cat Ears!"

*Whimper *Whimper *Sniffle

"I think I hear someone crying!"

"What? Is it Luna Girl?" Gekko asked.

"I'm not sure, but whoever it is, they seem to be pretty far away. I'll go get the Cat Car be back before you can say, 'Super Cat Speed'!"

He dashed into the alley, leaving the three of them in the street.

After a few seconds of silence, Gekko spoke up, "Owlette, what do you think of this? I mean why did she do that? Or, uh..."

"I know what you mean Gekko. I'm not really sure, on one hand, she's a villain who we've defeated many times, but on the other she sacrificed herself for us. It's kind of confusing but..." she was cut off by the Cat Car roaring towards them and stopping mere feet from hitting them.

"Come on guys!"

Owlette and Gekko jumped in and buckled up. The moth decided to sit on Owlette's lap as they sped off in the direction of the crying.

They drove for ten minutes, eventually they passed the school, then their neighbourhood, until they were nearing the edge of the forest. Catboy parked his cat themed car along the side of the road and opened the roof.

The three of them jumped out and looked around, "I don't see anything," Gekko remarked.

"Yeah where is she?"

"Cat Ears!"

A few seconds later, "Follow me!"

After four minutes of walking through the forest they reached a grown over, yet still there cobblestone path.

"I guess we have to follow this path," Catboy pointed.

They followed the path for a few minutes until they reached a clearing, "Woah!" They all said in unison.

The cobblestone path reached an old metal gate, connected to a intricately designed metal fence, with brick columns on the corners and two on either side of the gated entrance. There were unkept bushes surrounding the inside of the property. The whole property was overgrown. In the back left corner of the property, there was an asphalt driveway leading off to a road roughly one-hundred meters away. Inside the fence in the exact centre of the property was a old, abandoned, brick, Victorian style house. It was two stories high with a tower like bit sticking out from the roof on the front left side. There was a front porch that appeared could use a fresh coat of paint. A majority of the windows seemed to either be covered in cobwebs or cracks and holes where glass should've been. It hadn't appeared anyone had been living in this house for at least a few years.

"Cat Ears!"

Catboy honed his hearing towards the old creepy house, none of them had ever even seen before.

Owlette spoke up, "Hey I've heard of this house!"

Gekko's interest of his friend's knowledge of this spooky house trumped his fear, causing him to speak up, "Wait what?"

"Yeah, I was talking to Taylor one day and she brought up the story of a house out in the woods. Apparently an elderly lady whose husband had just died lived here, and one day a little girl got lost in the woods and found this place. She'd been in the forest for at least six hours and was getting tired and hungry. Anyways... She found the house, and tried knocking on the door. When she knocked the door opened all on it's own. She called out for anyone but no one answered. She called out again when an elderly lady appeared in the doorway. She asked if she was okay and invited her inside. The girl accepted and went inside, only to never be seen again."

"Come on Owlette that just sounds like a ghost story."

"Yeah that doesn't sound real," Gekko mostly said that just to calm his nerves. "There's no way that's true," he told himself.

"Well the sobs are coming from inside, so... Gekko you wanna go first?"

"No way! Get in front of me!" Gekko shoved him forward.

The three of them and the moth, still on her head walked up the stairs to the porch. Catboy stepped forward and went to knock on the front door, however, instead of a knocking sound the door slightly swung forward, as if by a breeze.

"Should we go inside?" Gekko asked, re-adjusting his grip on the board under his right arm.

Instead of a tradition answer, his question was answered by Catboy taking a step inside, Owlette in tow. Reluctantly, he followed.

The interior of the house was very bare, except for the odd piece of misplaced furniture or garbage and odd trinkets covering window sills, counters and the floors. From watching TV this seemed to be just like any other abandoned house you'd see teenagers sneaking into, or police going into to find a drug dealer's hideout. From what he could see, the left side of the house was, probably a living room with an old fashion style couch in the middle of the room, covered in a fine coat of dust. There was also garbage and an old lamp lying across the floor. The right was a large kitchen, cabinet doors either ripped off or falling off. No appliances, garbage and dust across the countertops.

He looked forward, on one side, was a hallway leading to the back of the house and on the right, was a grand staircase leading to the next floor.

The sobs reached his ears. They were coming from somewhere upstairs. He glanced to his friends, and without saying a word they all agreed what they would do next.

Owlette took up the front with her feather shield, Catboy was in the middle, using his 'Cate Ears' to listen for the location of the sobs, and Gekko took the back, using his own shield for any attacks coming from behind. Together, no matter what happened, they'd be ready for it.

They reached the top of the stairs. There were in an 'L' shaped hallway, wrapping around the staircase. There were five doors, two on the wall to the left, one on the wall in front of them, and two more on the two walls at the end of each corridor. The sobs grew louder.

"They're coming from the far room," Catboy whispered to his companions.

They nodded in agreement and tip toed towards the far room. As they got nearer the sobs slowly became louder. They reached the door to the room, it was a white door with what appeared to be covered in old stickers and stains. Owlette stepped forward, retracting her feather shield and twisted the doorknob. The door creaked as she slowly opened it in an attempt to not scare whoever was behind it. That didn't do much as she stepped in and heard someone scamper across the room to a less visible spot in a shadow filled corner.

The three of them walked into a rectangular shaped room, with the door protruding inwards. There was lots of natural light coming into through one of the three windows in the room, two on the wall they were facing, and one along the far wall. The room was completely empty except for a small figure curled into a ball in the back corner, opposite the two windows.

The moth registered who it was before the rest of them could. The little moth flew towards its' friend, landing on her knee. The girl didn't register the added weight on top of her knee as she was trying to hold in her sobs.

Owlette was the first to speak up, "Hello? Luna Girl?"

"Don't call me that!" She said trying her best to stop the tears, without looking up. "Only Granny can call me that!" Another tear fell into her lap.

"Well, what can we call you?" Catboy stepped forward.

She scooted further back into the corner, looking up as she did, "Just go away!"

Her face was stained with tears, eyes a bright red. Her hair was still covered in brambles and branches. Her costume was covered in dirt and leaves, and had rips and tears in many spots. There was a big tear in the left pant leg, showing a patch of skin beginning to bruise. She also had another, smaller, bruise forming on her right cheek.

It was Gekko's turn to speak up, "Are you okay?"

She ducked her head back down, refusing to speak.

The heroes looked at each other, not sure what to do.

Owlette broke free of the group and walked towards the villainess sitting on the ground. She bent down and reached over to give her a hug she clearly needed. The shields she built up around herself fell as she accepted the hug and began to let out all of her tears.

"It's okay. Everything is going to get better," she attempted to soothe.

Catboy and Gekko came over and joined in the hug.

The hug lasted for a couple minutes until the heroes pulled away. Luna Girl stifled her sniffles and her teary eyes began to disappear.

"T-thank y-you," she mumbled just loud enough for them to hear without having to strain to hear.

"No problem. You seem like you really needed it," Owlette smiled at the fragile girl.

She went to stand up only to be helped up by Catboy. She wiped away her final tear and smiled at the people around her. A moth fluttered by and landed on her head, "Ahh! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!" she screamed and attempted to swat the moth off of her.

The moth got spooked and jumped off before it could get swatted at. She landed on Owlette and hid behind the ears of her mask, clearly hurt by what she said.

"Why are you letting that... thing on your head?"

"What?" Owlette asked.

"Yeah, what do you mean? You love moths," Gekko questioned.

She stared at them blankly, "Are you kidding me, I hate bugs! ...And why do you guys think I'd love that disgusting creature?"

The three of them were appalled. "But she loves those moths!" Catboy thought. "They're her only friends in the world!" Owlette reasoned. "How could her, of all people, hate bugs?" Gekko questioned.

They stared at her for an awkward amount of time before she spoke up, "Um, Hello? Are you in there, weird animal kids?"

Catboy was the first to come to, "Oh yeah! We were just a bit... surprised at your reaction," Owlette jumped in awkwardly, "yeah you -uh, just seem like the kind of person who would like moths."

"Are you kidding me? Ew! I hate bugs!"


"Yeah, I mean, just look at them! All those furry legs! Do you even know where they've been? They could be covered in germs and diseases!"

The moth looked out from behind Owlette's mask, sad, tears forming in it's eyes. Owlette turned around and walked to the other side of the room. . She held out her finger for the moth. The moth landed on it and stared sadly into the heroes eyes, "It's okay little moth." She nuzzled the moth and motioned it to go back onto her head.

"You don't know who we are?" This caught her ear and she turned around to see Catboy and Gekko sitting on the floor with Luna Girl, who appeared very confused. She walked over and joined them.

"Should I know who you are?"

"Well, -uh..." Catboy interrupted, "No, I don't think you would," he glanced at Owlette who just sat down next to him, "Uh... Is it okay if I ask you something?"

She stared at the strange girl, "Umm... Okay," she said slightly unsure. Still not sure if she should trust these kids.

"Well, I was wondering why you were crying a moment ago? Are you okay?"

She looked down in her lap, eyes starting to flood with tears again. She looked up and wiped the tears out of her eyes. "I can't believe this happened. One day she's reading me a story, the next she's gone."

"Who's gone?" Catboy interrupted.

She tilted her head back down, avoiding eye contact, "Granny. Granny was my only family. My mom died the day I was born, and once my dad found out my mom was pregnant, he left as fast as he could... My Granny was all I had left."

"I'm so sorry," Catboy spoke up.

She wiped the tears off her face again, "This was where we lived. This was my room. It was just yesterday I was sleeping in my canopy bed right there." A tear fell down her face.

Gekko was confused. She just said she slept in this room yesterday but, judging by the house and yard, it seemed clear that no one had lived here in a long time. "What did Romeo's device do to her?"

He got lost in thought, "How much has she forgot?" "What does she know?" "Is she okay?" but most of all, "Why did she save us? She could've sat there watched at their failure and laughed, but instead, she jumped." No, he thought about this too much! He'd be able to ask her... if she even knew why. "Was this the same villain he knew? The one who would take whatever she wanted. The one who loved the moon. The one he thought could never do good, well, unless the moon was involved.

"Gekko," This pulled him out of his thoughts, "Are you okay?" Owlette tapped his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just," He looked up to see the girl staring at him, wonder and fear on her face. "Who are you?"

She was appalled by this question, "What?"

"Who are you?"

"Gekko?" Catboy looked at his friend.

"The Luna Girl I know loves her moths, her luna board and magnet and hates us, you are nothing like her, who are you?" He said more forcefully than intended, but he didn't care right now, he needed to know who this person was.

"I said don't call me that! You don't get too!"

"Gekko, maybe you should be a bit more careful-" Owlette began.

"Then what do I call you, what's even your name?"

"Hey! I don't barge into your home and demand things of you!" Tears started forming in her eyes again, but she held them in.

Owlette tried to comfort the girl, stop her from crying so they could understand what's happened to her. Try and help somehow. See if Romeo installed a reverse switch on his Forget-Me-A-Tron. They did owe her. However, this wasn't how she thought it should go.

Gekko stood up and started her down, "What is your name? I'll only stop if you just tell us your name."

The girl looked around at the people surrounding her, the girl owl thing was resting her hand on her knee. The cat boy or whatever he called himself was looking up with a questioning face at the lizard boy thing who was really making her upset now. He was was obviously full of rage, though she didn't know why.

'Who were these people? Why did they care? Just let her be here by herself. She didn't need anyone and didn't want anyone. She'd be fine on her own.'

"Who are you?" His words cut into her thoughts.

Why did he care so much? She'd never seen him before, but he seemed to know all about her... well he obviously thought so.

"Who are you?" The words rung in her head again. No one cares about me but Granny, all anyone wants to do with me is laugh, laugh because I'm different, make fun of me because I'm different. No one knows what it's like to be me. To be alone with no one but their grandma in a house in the woods.

"Who are you?"

That's it!

She stood up, knocking the girl's hand aside. She stared into those bright green eyes, "My name is Selene Astra. Now get out!"

And they all lived happily ever after the end! Nah, I'm kidding! Well that's not a cliffhanger, is it? Totally not leaving you in suspense AT ALL! Anyways, I am gonna try and get the next chapter up next weekend (Don't quote me on this!) Once again I want to apologize for not uploading last week but I will try my hardest to do so next weekend. - Anyways I know this is not related, but I am too excited! I am going to be in my school play 'Beauty and the Beast' I am part of the ensemble, but apparently they turned away over a hundred kids! Considering it was my first time auditioning I am pretty proud of myself (patting myself on the back!)

Well… See you next week and I may or may not work harder if certain readers maybe Favourite, Follows and leaves a Review! (I feel like I'm very desperate saying that!)