"Then strip."
The words pierced through her shyness and caused her to freeze, too startled to even breathe, not that her lungs seemed to be working in any case. Her mind raced nearly as fast as her heart. 'What have I done? Hermione couldn't seem to move, couldn't make her hands twitch an inch, not that she would know what to do with them. The fire in her stomach flamed higher at the thought of being naked for him, but it warred with a very intense feeling of embarrassment. No one had ever seen her naked before. What if he found her ugly? Soft in the wrong places, and not in the right? What if he took one look and lost any desire to bed her at all? This was a horrible idea. Why would someone so obviously experienced want anything to do with her?
Severus could see the emotions playing across her face, plain as day. "And here I was under the impression Gryffindors were brave." He drawled, enjoying the blush that swept over her cheeks. With an exasperated sigh, Snape moved. He had her back against the wall and her legs around his waist before she could comprehend what was happening. His mouth covered hers, stealing the moan that escaped as he ground his hips against her. She felt him, the hardness of him, rubbing between her legs, hitting something she hadn't even knew existed as he moved, causing a frisson of electricity to shoot through her. Snape took note of the way she jolted and moved again, finding the spot that made her quiver. His long fingers threaded through the snarl of curls, entangling a handful and pulling her head back harshly, exposing her throat in a way that left her feeling almost afraid of what he would do. The heady mix of desire and fear coursed a path directly to her core. Her breathing hitched and stopped completely as he continued to move, rubbing against the nerve between her legs, the pleasure building and building until at the very height, his teeth latched onto her neck, causing an explosion that wracked her body in waves, leaving her pulsing and shaking against his lean form.
Slowly, after Hermione had regained most of her senses, Snape lowered her feet to the floor once more. "Now, if we're to continue any further, you will need to strip."
Hermione froze for what felt like the tenth time that night. How could she still be shy, after what had just happened? But the fact that he had made her feel like that in such a short time, only heightened the fear she had in her inexperience. Her professor quite obviously knew what he was doing, and she was worried that she would make a fool out of herself with her embarrassing lack of knowledge.
"Sir I... I don't know how... I haven't..."
Fuck, the bloody girl is a virgin. It was just his gods awful luck, getting what had to be the only untouched student in the seventh year. He wasn't going to fool himself though, her status of being unsullied wasn't going to change his mind. In fact there was something a little thrilling about it. Imagining the look on Weasley's face if he ever found out just made it all the sweeter. The girl obviously wanted to be there, and had responded excellently to his attention already. He would just have to be a little gentler. He closed the distance between them once more.
Hermione watched him stand quietly, obviously gleaning from her ramblings just how inexperienced she was. As the seconds stretched out her worry grew. What if he kicked her out? What if she didn't get to feel that delectable passion again? She was so caught up in her silent struggles that she hadn't noticed her professors movements.
"Miss Granger, you have never been one that is slow to learn. I doubt this will be any different." And with that statement he kissed her again, his mouth devouring hers in slow movements, his tongue easing her lips apart only to plunge inside the moment they gave. She found her hands gripping the robes in front of her as she tried to get impossibly closer, tasting the coffee on his breath as it mingled with hers. The heat between her legs that moments ago had been forgotten about flared back to life with a vengeance, causing a moan to escape her throat.
She barely noticed as her professor began to undo her cloak, taking no note as it fell to the floor. She did notice however when she felt his cool hand slide up beneath her blouse, leaving a trail of fire blazing behind it. A gasp flew from her lips when his fingers brushed over the top of her breast, flickering ever so slightly over her nipple through the fabric of her bra. She suddenly came to the decision that being naked would be decidedly better. Stepping back from Snape she removed her top, pausing for a moment before unhooking her bra as well. Stepping out of her skirt and underwear, she finally looked up to meet Snape's black eyes.
He looked from the top of her head to the tip of toes, noting with a raised eyebrow that she had kept her socks and shoes still on. Merlin but she was near perfect. How had she hidden that for so long? The boys in her grade must have no idea, otherwise there wasn't a chance she would be standing in front of him right now.
"Even I would have to give an O for this, Miss Granger." He nearly rolled his eyes at the smile that broke out on her face. Forever wanting to please. He took her hand and led her to his desk, lifting her up without any trouble. The added height left her chest at a rather desirable position, which he took advantage of immediately. He ran his hands over them first, his long fingers feathering over the tips of her nipples, barely touching.
Hermione drew in a breath as his hands teased, moving in tantalising circles, not quite touching where she wanted them to. Her eyes closed as she tilted her head slightly back, enjoying the slow movements. As such, she was taken by surprise when she felt the warm heat of his mouth on her neck, leaving a trail of kisses leading slowly down. His hands slid to her hips as his teeth grazed a nipple, causing her to buck. He drew the nipple in and started to suckle, enjoying the drawn out moan that left her lips. How could something feel so sensitive? Hermione felt the pressure begin to build within her once more, a slow heady feeling in the pit of her stomach.
She felt her professors fingers slide up her thighs, slowly pushing them further apart as he moved his attention to her other breast. She found her own hands on his shoulders, involuntarily digging her fingers in with the pleasure of it all. His fingertips trailed further up, up, up, until they were there. She bit her lip as she felt them ghosting over the entrance before one slipped in. She heard Snape groan for the first time.
"Fuck you're wet girl, so wet." The huskiness of his voice and the raw emotion behind it nearly sent her over the edge again. As it was Snape felt her clench around his finger, causing him to groan again. He slipped in a second, moving them about before flicking his thumb across the nexus of her nerves. Enjoying the way she shuddered, he slowly pushed her shoulder back with his free hand, forcing her to lay flat on the desk. Scores of unmarked scrolls fell to the floor unnoticed as Hermione spread her arms out above her head, thrilled with the feelings those beautiful long fingers were eliciting.
Snape paused to take in the vision before him, before removing his fingers. Ignoring her sudden noise of objection he hooked his hands behind her legs, pulling her across the desk until she was positioned just right. Dropping smoothly to his knees he replaced where his fingers once were with his mouth. Hermione squeaked. She had heard of this before, girls in the dormitory talked about it while discussing midnight fumbling, about how rare it was for their boyfriends to do. All the talk did absolutely no justice to the actual act. She should have known that a tongue that could produce a voice such as his would work just as well on other ministrations.
She found her legs trembling unbidden as he tasted her. Her fingers scrambled across the desktop, needing to grab onto something as his tongue massaged against a spot that was sending her nearly wild. Waves of pleasure were building within her, growing harder and closer with every second. Her head fell back and her mouth open as her body reached the top, only to cry out in frustration when Snape pulled back. She looked at him with accusing eyes before she realised what he was doing. Snape's hands moved cloth aside and she gasped as she took in the sight of him. That's not going to fit at all.
Snape moved forward once more and settled between her legs. Hermione could feel the hardness of him, felt a nearly uncontrollable desire to have him now. He positioned himself at her entrance and caught her eye.
"This will hurt for a moment. It will get better." And with that he thrust, sheathing himself completely to the hilt in one movement. Hermione felt a white hot flash of pain chase away all feelings of pleasure and cried out. Snape caught the cry with a kiss, slow and almost tender as he kept himself still. He brushed sweat streaked hair away from her face as he gave her the time to adjust to the invasion. As he waited he began to whisper in her ear, about how maybe she could find herself in more night detentions with him. About how he thought she looked in those ridiculous school skirts the girls had to wear. About how he would like to see her in that skirt bent over desk in front of him.
Listening to his smooth voice caused the warmth to start building within her once more. Imaging herself bent over her professors desk, presented in such a shameful way, she felt herself starting to loosen. As she adjusted to the girth of him, Snape slowly began to rock his hips back and forward. She gave out a startled "oh" when he hit something just right inside of her. Noting the angle, Snape moved his hips slightly before thrusting in with more force. Hermione groaned as an electric current shot through her body. He began to move in earnest, thrusting harder and faster until he had a rhythm that nearly sent Hermione crazy. Every push hit against that spot, and it wasn't long before she was being swamped with waves of pleasure. Again and again he rocked as she hooked her legs around his back, trying to pull him even deeper. She was nearly there, teetering right in the edge of release when he moved his hand to the top of her sex, rubbing his thumb on just the right spot.
"I want you to come for me Granger." And with that command she tipped over the edge, screaming his name in a haze of pleasure as wave after wave of shock coursed through her body. She felt her professors release moments after her own started, and smiled as he groaned and fell upon her. A sense of utter fulfilment settled around her.
They lay there a moment, completely spent and strangely comfortable, before Snape eased himself out of her and stepped back. Gathering his wand he performed a quick cleansing charm on himself before, to Hermione's surprise, casting one on her as well. He then walked to a cupboard placed along the wall and removed a small glass jar.
"There will be some tenderness. Apply this tonight and once more in the morning." He left the jar on the desk besides her and walked back to his chair, settling his black robes about his lithe form as he sat once more.
Hermione noted the silent dismissal and gathered her wits about her. Sliding rather ungracefully from the desk, she cast an unspoken spell to summon her clothes and dressed somewhat stiffly. Just about everything hurt, but she found she didn't mind at all. She scooped up the glass jar with a quiet thank you, not quite able to meet her professors eye. As she adjusted her robe and headed towards the door, Snape's languid voice rolled out behind her. "And Miss Granger? Ten points from Gryffindor."
"WHAT?" Hermione spun, eyes blazing and a look of indignation set upon her face. "What the bloody hell for!"
A positively evil smirk played its way across his face, "For seducing a teacher."
Her mouth fell open, then snapped shut as she pivoted and stalked out of the room, not even caring that the dungeon door slammed shut behind her. So what if he thought the act was childish, she was never going to speak to the bastard again.
Until Monday that was, when she very much accidentally melted her cauldron, and found herself with night time detention.
AN: And we're done! A rather short last chapter as I don't have the writing skill to drag a sex scene out any longer. I hope it's a good enough ending, it's the first hanky panky I've ever written I have another story I'm thinking of doing, a longer one, so keep an eye out for it. Thank you for all the lovely reviews, I really do appreciate them