Pt. 9
Last time: While Kukui was testing Larvesta strength, Larvesta pushed his hardest, in which he made a blast off to the sky. Now Lana will have to search for the Torch Pokemon, though it may already be found?
Poni Wilds
~? POV
On Poni Island, we find two trainers on top of a hill looking out to the ocean. They planned to train for their next chance to face the Champion of the Alola Region.
"Woo, I'm stoked that VR World really got me hyped now!", a cheery voice was heard.
"Hau c'mon, its not like this will change anything, its only a virtual world you know", a more stern, annoyed voice was heard. The cheery voice is know as Hau.
Gladion! You know you loved going through that level, with the volcanos in the background while we were underwater and stuff", Hau said.
"Ok I get it now you want to tell me how we can prepare for next time we face the champion of the Alola region?", Gladion said.
"Not a clue", Hau simply said.
Gladion sweatdrops, "Hau, when you get serious?", Gladion said.
"When you quit acting like Shadow the Hedgehog", Hau said smiling.
Gladion is gonna have a field day with Hau. "I hate you….".
"Oh you'll be fine, just a bit of a cosmetic change will do for you", Hau said he has not dropped the smile, ok lets not over do it.
"Whatever, anyway I have an idea and it starts with what we can do about that damn Primarina", Gladion said.
"Prim…..oh! You mean Rami?", Hau said.
"Rami?",Gladion said.
"Yeah, Rami the nickmane for his Primarina, what don't tell me you never knew?", Hau said.
"No, he nicknames his pokemon? How wonderful", Gladion sarcastically said in the end.
"Well Rami is Water and Fairy type yes? Simple bring in an electric type, and a strong one like me and my Raichu.", Hau said.
"I don't have and electric type the closest thing I have is Porygon-Z, though with a boast I may be able to heighten its attack", Gladion said.
Hau looks up at the sky, bright as ever, nothing of Interesting to note with clear skys hovering over. "Mmm why not get a Luxray? It matches you quite well actually, I heard it loves getting physical with its moves, and its got some stats to prove it", Hau said, he looks at the sky again and find nothing, nothing, a fireball, and more nothing.
Wait what did it just say?
"Luxray? Thay are only common in Sinnoh. I'd have to go far to look", Gladion said.
"It would be worth it, Rami is slow and cant move much, obviously why of course, Luxray is fast so advantage, to you", Hau said as the fireball got a little bigger.
"Yeah but this is the champion, that Moonblast could probably spank it out like it was never there, you know how destructive a Fairy type move would look like", Gladion said. While your at it, turn around Gladion.
"Hold that thought Gladion, why do I see something orange coming closer to us?", Hau said.
"What? Its clear sky there's nothing interesting anyway", Gladion said. Turn around Shadow.
"Woah, im not lying man that thing is blazing through", Hau said.
Gladion finally turned around and saw something orange too. "Hey your right I can see it now, wait why does it look like its coming towards us?", Gladion said.
Too late by then as the two teen boys tried to run off, but the fireball crashed landed onto near them, it created a small crater.
"Woah! What was that?, Gladion said. First VR and now almost died cause of a crash.
"Wo! Are we about to receive the Omitrix?", Hau asked.
Gladion slaps Hau's head, "Wrong series, and there are a few universes there", Gladion said.
Observing the crater in question, there seems to be nothing to note other than an body in the middle, it looks like a pokemon with a brown back towards the sky, and it's head in the dirt.
"That looks like a pokemon! Quick lets get it out", Hau said. The boys got to work on getting it out of the hole it was stuck in. With enough force they popped out the pokemon from the ground. The pokemon in question resembled a bug with its silk like hair, 4 legs, 2 hands, six scorch like horns. Though it is in a very bad condition at the moment, even some orange sparks are coming off him. It is unconscious as well.
"I have a Super Potion with me", Gladion said as he gave the Potion to the bug pokemon.
"Have Ive seen this before?", Hau questions about this pokemon, "I can't pinpoint to when but I know I've seen this"
"Alright it should do the trick, but what in hell did this come from?", Gladion said. It was very rare that a pokemon would just stop by like that.
"We should find answers, you have ideas", Hau said.
"Who would know info a out a…..bug I guess?", Gladion said.
"I guess we will be going to the champion earlier than we thought", Gladion said.
"Woah! Nice, we will get to see Sun again!", Hau said excitedly.
"Remember Hau, its only business, that's it", Gladion said.
"Hehe, you and Shadow have more of a common than I thought", Hau smiled.
"I'M NOT SHADOW!", Gladion yelled.
It was too late to say anything back as Hau rode on his Noivern.
Gladion had the bug pokemon with him and callled out his Crobat. "The things I do for that fool", he said. He lifted off.
~Meanwhile somewhere else in Alola
~Lana POV
"LARVESTA! LARVESTA WHERE ARE YOU!", Lana keep saying that for awhile now as her search was dragging on. She was at Route 3 trying to see if there is any luck. Obviously, nothing was found so far, expected. Lana was continuously in panic as she would rather not want to lose such pokemon like this for good, thinking out that makes her tear up a bit. Another look around and it does not look like its on the route.
"No Larvesta, please don't be gone for good…Please"
~Pokemon League, Champions League
~General POV
"So what are you up do?", asked a girl with purple hair and a purple worn out dress that looks like it was stitches on it. Her name is Acerola, a ghost user and part time as trial captain and part time elite four member. Acerola does not mind the added responsibility to her role. She was currently not in her room but in the Champions Room. Apparently, she hear about a rumor but she wanted to ask the Champion himself: Sun.
"I'm currently making some sort of bracket, well it's only a concept", Sun said.
Acerola was a bit confused about that, "What bracket?", she said.
"You didn't know? Me and Professor Kukui are going to attempt a bid for next years Pokemon Champions League! I'm working out the plan for that", Sun said.
Now it makes sense for Acerola, "Champions League? Is that the event they do in certain European based regions?", she asked.
"Yes Ace, we are going to attempt to drawn in some challengers over here, it is a big deal you know, 32 of the best challengers come here to duke it out and promote some sort of challenge to Alola, cause we need it badly, for the chance to win the famous Champions League trophy!", Sun said. Sun was not lying when he said that, not since he became champion 2 years ago when challengers were coming left and right seeking the chance to take control over the throne. These last few months had Sun craving a mew challengers, instead of the same people coming and attempted to win the spot, the Champions League will likely fix the problem.
"And what happens when you don't get the bid?", Acerola said. She wouldn't lie when she said she wanted some new challengers too, the Champions League would help but this League can only do so much.
But before Sun could answer that the teleporter started up.
"Who is it this time?", Sun said.
"HEY! ALOLA! Sun, Acerola! We are back!", Hau said. He wanted to see one of his good friends for awhile now.
"Hau will you shut your mouth already, its worst than those damn Zubats at Mt. Moon!", Gladion demanded. Hau just stuck out his tongue.
"Hau! And Gladion? This is new, are you two here to try and dethrone me again?", Sun said. He knows these two would be the ones who always try and claim Sun spot but Hau and Gladion always fail.
"Well I wish I—I mean we could but we are here for something else, Gladion?", Hau said as Gladion came forward with the bug pokemon in its hands.
Sun was taken a back by this crazy realization. 'There's another Larvesta here?', "You guys found a Larvesta? Where?", Sun said
"Well funny story though, it came out of the sky, LITERALY, like a meteor, BOOM! Right next to us, though it was in bad condition we healed it but it's still unconscious for now", Hau said.
"You mean I helped it Hau", Gladion said. He was not going to let Hau take some credit away from him.
"You don't mind if I hold it Gladion", Sun said.
"Go ahead, I don't want to hold this anymore", Gladion said. He passed the Larvesta to Sun.
He grabbed the Larvesta but as soon as he did a split image appeared in Sun's head. 'Why did orange and blue appeared in my head' "Mmm", Sun said.
"Something up?", Acerola said. She never seen this pokemon before, though it had a nice touch to it, however she seen something like that before, just recently.
"How is there can be a Larvesta in this region anyway?", Sun asked.
"Well like we said it just came out of the sky, though another region is far away so what we think is that it came nearby, like another island", Gladion said. It was on the way to the PKMN League that Hau and Gladion can up with that answer.
"Sun you say it like there is no Larvesta here", Hau said.
"Because there are none here in Alola", Sun said.
"What?", Hau and Gladion said. How were they supposed to know that though.
"Larvesta are not native to this region, they are from Unova, and they are rare yo find over there as well", Sun said.
"Hold it then how can you expla—",
"I got help from contacts over there Hau", Sun said.
"Whatever, does it have a trainer, im assuming it does cause if what you said is true then someone is looking for it now", Gladion said.
"Hold up let me check something, yo Rotom get out here and scan this for us", Sun said.
Rotom came out of Sun's bag and processed to scan Larvesta up. "BZZT, what would you like to look up on this Larvesta?", Roto-Dex said.
"Trainer ID", Sun said.
Rotom did a quick scan and found nothing of sort. "This Larvesta does not belong to anyone, its wild", it said.
"So who would like to have this Larvesta?", Sun said.
"Im full and so is Gladion, but maybe we can find someone else to take care of it?", Hau said.
"Good idea, its Bug/Fire type so maybe…..Guzma", Sun said. Gladion deadpanned there.
"Guzma really?, said Gladion.
"It makes sense he likes Bugs", Sun said.
"Well where is he now?", Hau said.
"Hau, have you not seen what he has been doing over at Iki town, he's a kahuna in training right now, or at least from the last time I heard", Sun said.
"What, well then it makes our job easier, lets go Gladion", Hau said excitedly.
"Wha-WHAT, why me?", Gladion said.
"Cmon it not that bad, Woo! Lets go!", Hau said.
Gladion scooted closer to Sun. "Aren't you guys going to help", he said.
"Buisness Hours are not up yet Gladion, so I have to stay for a bit", Sun said. What? Don't explain to me how a Champions Job works.
"Ill go, its been awhile since I done this", Acerola said.
Gladion had that annoyed face. "Great, just great", Galdion said. He already had to put up with Hau and now Acerola, he can just wish to just go home and catch up on some Zzzz's.
The three trainers left the League in search for a home for Larvesta. And Sun went back to his chair. "Why was there another Larvesta here, and why did I see orange and a hint of blue in it?", Sun pondered about.
~Meanwhile on Akala Island
~Mallow's Restaurant
"Oh I see", Mallow started after hearing about what happened to Lana's Larvesta. "Sorry but I have not seen it at all, strange that Larvesta blasted off a treadmill in the first place".
"I looked everywhere on Melemele and I can not find any trace at all Mallow I don't know where to look next", Lana said. The day was dragging on her, she already shows a bit of tiredness in her eyes. But she cannot stop at this rate, she has to find her Larvesta. "But I then realized that Larvesta knows how to get by and he knows what he is doing, maybe he is looking for me too!", she said.
"Well of course he is, Larvesta is not going to just stand there, and I know that he will be doing the same, just don't let yourselves get lost in despair, that's key Lana", Mallow said.
"I know and I will", Lana said. She was not going to lose this yet. "Well I think I know what ill be doing—grumbling—umm", Lana blushed of embarrassment.
"Its ok Lana I already got some food coming up don't worry", Mallow said. She was one step above Lana on this, there was no way her long time friend was gonna leave on an empty stomach.
"Ehhe, thank you Mallow", Lana said. She has to admit without the likes of Mallow, she would have been struggling a lot more than she was in the current times cause of her timid nature.
So now we know that Lana continuously searching foe the Larvesta which she forgot to capture apparently, we learn its now in the hands of Hau and Gladion and along with Acerola is heading to Iki town to see Guzma.
Will Lana finally see her Larvesta again find out next time.
To be Continued….
A slight author notes though:
1: Don't you just love living in the Midwest, it sure must be fun with the weather around…man sure must be fun….
2. Sorry for not updating I don't know whats up with me anymore, so strange, ill still be working on the story though.