Guest:What the fuck is wrong with you?

Me: I've been doing twelve hour shifts, I've been fired and then hired by the same company in two days, several Aunts and Uncles have passed away in just this past year ,and i have chronic sicknesses.

(Warning fucked up things ahead depressing tale with a ton of unrealistic reactions and occurrences)

What do Matt Murdock and Peter Parker have in common? One thing they both were not unlike nuclear deterrents to criminals. Their alter egos Daredevil and Spider-Man had put away more criminals than any other set of Superheroes on the planet though Spidey tended to put away Super criminals a lot more often than Matthew.

Do you want to know the other things they had in common? Of course you do why would i even ask. They're both devoted to their faiths. Though Peter is a protestant and Matt is a Catholic. They both have a mutual and intense hatred for the new Mayor of New York City Wilson Fisk. But the single most important thing the two had in common was that they knew where each other lived. So it shouldn't surprise people when Matt was woken up by Spider-Man when he said. "So that's Elektra! She's hot."

Matt and his wife jumped up at the ready when they both saw a mask-less Spider-Man peering down at them from the ceiling.

The next thing they knew Peter was babbling about a lot of random things.

"Hold on Peter the Avengers killed your Fiance?" Matt asked as he and Elektra finally started waking up. "You know what Peter just start at the beginning."

"I figured since yesterday was your honeymoon you two hadn't seen the news. By the way this place reeks of sex... Good for you Matt." Peter's standard half joking tone dropped several levels to one of sadness. "You deserve some happiness in your life."

"Spider-Man instead of your constant jokes please get to the point so the two of us can get back to our Honeymoon!" Elektra said as she walked past Peter into Matt's kitchen in a dress shirt and nothing else. Peter just stared at her as she went and got herself and Matt glasses of water. However Matt noticed something, Peter's body language had changed entirely. It was almost like it was a different person. His very breathing pattern had changed. He had changed.

It was here that he saw it for the first time. He could see what the criminals saw when they looked at his friend. He could see all that power trapped in a body that refused to unleash it. He felt true fear while Peter gazed at Matt and his wife. Like Peter could kill them and with all their skills they could do nothing about it. After all these thoughts Peter started pacing but Matt wasn't able to hear him at first.

"I guess I'll start at the beginning..."

(Flashback start)

"That's right never forget the name Daisy." Said woman well said as she blasted nearby Officers with her six shooter. It clearly wasn't a normal one as it blasted out lasers. She was dressed as your stereotypical cowgirl to boot daisy dukes and all. She kept mouthing off villain nonsense until she mentioned becoming New York's most feared super villain. At that everything stopped and person stopped. The cops stopped shooting back at her and even her hired henchmen stopped whatever they were doing and just stared at her almost as if asking "Did this bitch really just say that?" Eventually they game her another look, one that said "My god I think she really just said that. After that there was a moments pause before there was blatant laughter from all except Daisy herself.

She just looked at all the people, in the middle of a street in front of a recently destroyed bank, that clearly were laughing at her expense owlishly. "Hey! What's so funny?"

At that outburst Spider-Man decided to make his presence known. "You that's what's so funny."

Spidey was perched in his classic nonchalant way on a nearby wall overlooking the entire scene.

"Yeah and what's that supposed to mean?" The blonde asked while pointing her six shooters at the hero. Said hero remained against the wall looking down at her.

"It's just you called yourself a super villain and this is New York."

"Shit so?"

With that Spidey sprang into action. And in no time flat Peter had webbed up her goons and the so called villain. He then leaned against her web cocoon while examining her rather impressive guns the arachnid spoke. "Because heroes in New York eat super villains for breakfast and before now you were a super criminal at best but now you're just another person that's been taken down by yours truly. That means your street cred should go through the roof. I'm told it helps in prison"

But as soon as Spidey turned to leave he was greeted by the sight of his fellow heroes and Avengers teleporting out of nowhere and all looking towards him. He figured they were using Silver Surfer to do so since he joined the Avengers not too long ago. Though he wasn't with the assembled heroes.

"Sup guys wonderful day right? What brings so many of you here?" Peter asked once the teleporting continued.

Before long the entire main roster of Avengers stood before him. They consisted of Captain America, Iron Man, Black Panther T'challa, Black Widow, Hawkeye, The incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Scarlett Witch, Ant Man, and the Wasp with Doctor Strange for added measure. Setting him Peter kinda felt like maybe he was the one that was doing all the teleporting. Made now sense to him than it only being the Surfer.

However when the teleporting didn't stop at just the Avengers but kept going until both the Fantastic Four and the X-Men were all present Peter felt concern. You all know the FF members but the X-Men comprised of Wolverine, X-23, Storm, Cyclops, Jean Grey (Phoenix cast out), Emma Frost, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Firestar (Angelica Jones), Jubilee, Rogue, Magik, Colossus, Beast, and most surprisingly of all Charles Xavier himself.

Peter was actually surprised to see the old man walking again. He had heard they figured out how to fix his legs while also maintaining his Powers but part of Peter didn't believe them.

And then one last group appeared the sinister six with it's members being Otto Octavius, Mac Gargan as Venom/Scorpion, Sandman, Kraven the hunter, and another iteration of Hobgoblin.

At first Peter made to arrest them but upon seeing his fellow heroes not even move a muscle to help nor the six tensing in defense Peter paused and looked at the entire assembled groups.

"Okay what gives?"

At that Cap moved forward in front of all present and stood in between the heroes plus six villains and Spidey.

"Spider-Man you're under arrest!" Cap delivered with passion as he tends to do.

Spidey's lenses widened comically at that before he started laughing. "Um that's not a very funny joke Cap. But no seriously why are the six here. Are those LMDs you guys found or something?"

"I wish i were joking son. You're under arrest for the murder of the Black Cat."

At that Peter's lenses narrowed smaller than anyone had ever seen before. Then they zoomed out and returned to normal as Peter spoke.

"Nope not gonna believe it." With that Peter actually made to leave.

"What's that supposed to mean Spidey?" Iron Man asked as he pointed his repulsor gauntlets as Spidey.

"I literally can't handle another tragedy." Spidey said in a tone that was so cold it sent shivers down even Iceman's spine.

With that the Iron avenger began playing a video feed and began explaining how it was unaltered footage showing Spidey and Black Cat enter a building and only Spidey leaving said building. Tony explained how it was given to them by the six and tested in many ways for it's Authenticity. Apparently after checked the body the Avengers determined they had enough evidence to at least arrest Spidey over it.

"Besides what do you know about tragedy?" Iron Man asked.

(Incoming tirade you've been warned)

I want you to imagine the most menacing, dark, sadistic, borderline demonic tone you can imagine. Spider-Man says the following in that tone. "What do i know? More than you. You've have one bad thing happen to you and you think you know tragedy? Most of you couldn't even comprehend true pain. Natasha does. Wolverine and Hulk but the rest of you? You've never experienced true pain.?

"Peter we know about your uncle and yes that's horrible but that doesn't give you an excuse to say the rest of us know nothing about pain." Susan said with a voice it concern.

"Kay let's do a recap of the types of shit I've had to go through shall. You all think you know about what happened to my uncle but let me tell you the whole story as well as the rest." With that Peter's mask peeled away revealing his face to all. Rogue noted that he didn't look half bad all things considered.

"Because of me not succeeding at stopping a robber my Uncle Ben was shot and ended up in a come. What you don't know is that to hurt me Oz sent a suicidal nurse to his hospital with a pack of pumpkin bombs on her. The thing is for years i thought she was just a random suicidal bomber but no event was targeted. Everybody on that floor died including my uncle all because i wouldn't become Oz's partner."

That bit of news left everyone including the villains in shock. Everyone present had met Oz and all hoped to never see that horror again.

So after that I had about three father figures Norman Osborn, Otto Octavius over there, and Captain George Stacy. You all know what happened to Otto but did you know Oz snapped Captain Stacy's neck in front of me. He was in my arms when he died and my Girlfriend, his daughter by the way, Gwen Stacy blamed me well not Peter Parker. You guys get what i mean but guess what? She was cheating on me.

Apparently after Oz framed Harry for the Green Goblin's deeds and had him placed in Ravencroft Asylum Gwen went to visit Norman to return something Harry had given her. From what i understand Norman was really depressed so she decided to go out with him to try and cheer him up. Well that turned into him being balls deep in her that night. Keep in mind I'm her boyfriend at this time and she was a virgin. To put that in perspective she let the same man that murdered her father take her virginity because of a pity date.

Oh but I'm not done. Gwen always wanted to go to Oxford but sure also claimed she loved me and wanted to be with me so she decided to spend two years at ESU to get her basics out of the way and take all her concentrations at Oxford for her latter two years. Guess who was hiding from me in Europe? You guessed it Oz. While she was over there she was letting him fuck her every night and all the while he's running a criminal network over there. Eventually ,thanks to a fight between Doom and Oz, she found out about Oz but at this point she was pregnant with his twins." At that Peter briefly said something while looking at the ground.

"And we were supposed to still be dating for this two years." He then returned his gaze to the heroes. "She acted like nothing was wrong when she came back to the States for the summer but according to Hades some of our phone calls happened while the monster was inside her.

After she came back ,which was at my graduation practice, i proposed to her and she said yes. I'm ignorant to the fact that she's pregnant or any of the other shit at this time. But Oz followed her to the US. And we continued our fight. He finds out who i am and that Gwen is my fiance so he drops her off a bridge and when i go to save her with a webline he throws a pumpkin bomb and blows the webline up killing her and his unborn kids and he had the nerve to blame me.

(Insert Scream and Shout Will.. and Brittney Spears Chorus only version)

Let's see what other sucky things happened oh right Otto here starts dating my Aunt as a ploy to get at me while I'm barely out of college and having just started getting over Gwen's death. But suddenly the two come and tell me their in love and plan to get married. Aunt May shows me a ring i know Otto stole not even a month prior. Well i attacked him and my aunt chews into me like I've never seen. This included disowning me.

Well guess who strikes again. Oz! He and the Octopus were having their gang war in the shadows of this city and i clearly was the only hero fighting it. Well Oz finds out that Otto had a fiance that's pregnant. When he finds out it's my Aunt he sends me a video of him ripping the baby out of Aunt May before letting her bleed to death on the floor all the while watching her and taunting me.

But here's the coup de gras as you all know I've been married for a while now and while I've still has to deal with Otto over there Oz has been out of my life for a while.

My daughter Annie went to Manhattan elementary the same school where all the kids were poisoned. Oz again. He wanted to turn the kids into an army of goblins heroes wouldn't want to fight. All controlled by him. Somehow he found out about my daughter, about my family, and about MJ being pregnant with twins. He targeted that school hoping that it he had my daughter he could force me to become that partner he's always wanted me to be. Instead that poison V3 76 killed her and all those kids. So i go out into the city looking to put a stop to him once and for all. But then we have that Avengers mission to deal with Galactus off world.

When i get back home a video is waiting for me. Oz raped MJ for days only really stopping so he could eat. He didn't let her eat. He didn't let her sleep. He quite literally fucked my wife to death. He then burned my house down so i wouldn't be able to see her body. That day Peter Parker died with her"

That's when it dawned on some of the heroes especially Iron Man who went to check things. Peter Parker has a Death certificate. Peter Parker hadn't been seen since that day almost five years ago. Spidey had been seen plenty usually with Black Cat in tow. But not Peter Parker. Tony wracked his brain to try and remember the last time he had seen spidey without his mask it dawned on him that he hasn't in about six years.

"And then he somehow proves to the world that Oz and Norman Osborn are somehow two different people. And you guys elect him President of these United States." Peter adds on incredulously.

"Do you know what Felicia had to go through to get me not to kill myself. What she had to do to convince me i could marry her and that she wouldn't get killed like the others. Now you expect me to believe that the universe has taken away the only thing i have left in this world that actually matters to me. Not only that you think I would kill my fiance?" At this point they could all see why Peter was pretty much in denial over her death.

He then looked at the sinister six. "If Felicia's dead you're dead."

Cap walked up to Peter and put his hands on Peter's shoulder. "Listen son i get it your just trying to be a decent human being and life (sigh) life keeps-"

"What do you actually know about being a decent human being?" Peter asked in a legitimate curious tone.

to be continued...