Two Sons; Chapter 7: Meanwhile

by That Awesome Dbz Guy

So sorry for not posting in so long. I've recently been getting back on my exercise routine and got the stomach virus. I just couldn't find the time in my day. Sorry!

This chapter's a tad different. This focuses on the villains of this story. So you people who like reading about the bad guys, this chapter is for you!

Disclaimer: I don't own Dbz. But I DO own Yama and Kama. You can use these characters as long as you give me some credit.

Warning: As the chapter name indicates (meanwhile) it means that this focuses completely on the villains. It has nothing to do with Goku, Vegeta, Mirai, or Kid Trunks. Just Yama and Kama. So to those who only care about the "main" characters, then sorry.


"What? You have a plan for me to beat the Sayians?" Yama asked.

Kama nodded. "You heard me right."

"So what is this master plan of yours?" Yama scoffed.

"Let's talk about over some food. I'm sure you're starved by now," Kama replied.

Yama raised an eyebrow. "How do I know you're not poisoning me?"

"You have a serious trust issue," Kama remarked. "But I suppose it can't be helped. Anyway, there's a simple explanation. Like I said, you're an asset to me. Besides, we go way back in working together in the villain business. I wouldn't dare betray you."

Yama reluctant sighed in agreement. "Fine then."


"So..." Yama said as he shoved a piece of meat into his mouth. "About this plan of yours?"

"Oh yes, that," said Kama as he sighed. "You fought the Prince of the Sayians Vegeta, correct."

Yama nodded. "Yeah. Him and some other Sayian are the reason I ended up like this."

"When you kidnapped the Prince's son, he came after you," Kama continued.

"Where the *heck* are you going with this?" Yama narrowed his eyes a bit.

"You see, I'm working on an invention. It's a machine that can absorb power even more than you," Kama smirked. "So, here's my plan. Kidnap the boy. Then lure that stupid Prince and that other Sayian, and absorb their energy."

Yama jumped up from his chair. "That's your master plan? To use some idiot machine?! They're more powerful than you could imagine!" He rammed the back of Kama's head into a wall. "You're such a fool-" He started to cough uncontrollably.

Kama threw Yama to the floor with his tail. "All that shouting and jumping around will do you no good. Remember, you're not completely healed. And my plan will work. I'll do some research on the people you're fighting. With enough training we'll be able to win. So get recovered soon so you can start training."

Yama hardened his features but still nodded.

"Fine, then."

"I'm glad to hear it."


Yama threw a punch at a specially designed punching bag Kama had made. By now, Yama had mostly recovered and been training.

Kama walked in with a smirk. "I have good news."

Yama grunted as he turned his head. "What?"

"I found some news on the Sayians," Kama relayed.

Yama turned full attention to him. "Well, get on with it."

"Such bad manners," muttered Kama. "Anyway, here's what I know. The other Sayian with Vegeta is named Kakarot, although he also goes by Goku. Both Vegeta and Kakarot live on a planet called Earth. Vegeta's spouse is a human named Bulma. So far he has one child named Trunks. I'm not sure about the other older boy, but it could possibly have to do with time travel. Kakarot's spouse is also a human named Chi Chi. He has two children by the name of Gohan and Goten."

"Why would that be important to me?" Yama sneered.

"That's not all. Someone they commonly work with is a Namekian. And he is the reincarnation of Demon King Piccolo, also sharing the name 'Piccolo'."

Yama's eyes widened. "The Namekians again... Now ain't that something..."

"Piccolo has also absorbed another Namekian and the Earth's former guardian Kami. So I'm guessing he'll be quite strong," said Kama.

It was silent a few seconds before Kama spoke. "Well, I suppose I should get back to my research."

"Wait," Yama halted him. "Fight me."

"Huh?" Kama raised an eyebrow. "Fight you? I'd rather not."

"I want to see how strong you are!"Yama shouted powering up. "So fight me, *darnit*!"

"Fine," he sighed. "I won't make it too humiliating for you. Also, you should know, when I fight sometimes I get a little bloodthirsty."

"Save the talking for after!" Yama lunged at him. "DIE!"

Kama blocked his punches one after another as he got pushed back.

"NOW!!!" Yama flung a punch at Kama's cheek.

The punch connected, but instead of being flew back, Kama looked at him with an evil smirk. "Oh, *heck* yeah."

A perplexed look came on Yama's face.

Kama wrapped his tail around Yama's neck and slammed him into the ground over and over. "Show me your BLOOD!!" He laughed sadistically. Kama punched and kneed him in the stomach while holding him with his tail.

Blood began to run down Yama's body. "What... the *heck*... is this *scum*?!"

After a few seconds Kama released his grip and dropped him. "Have to... stop..." A look of struggle came over his face. "Sorry, my sadistic side came out for a second. There's just something about people's pain that makes me happy. And sometimes I get a little out of control, ya know?"

For once fear came over Yama's face as Kama walked away. 'Never have I seen such murderous intent... I don't even know of I've ever seen such power...'

Yama limped to the healing chamber to heal his wounds from the battle.


It had been a few days since then. Yama punched through some mountains. He was using a place with much mountains for training. The mountains there were harder than normal.

Yama swung at another mountain. He turned and shot a mouth blast at one. He saw the outline of Kama through the smoke.

"Well done," Kama softly clapped.

"What do you want this time?" Yama asked gruffly.

"Well," Kama began. "I did some poking around and found out that there's several people scattered around who also have a grudge against Sayians."


"I got them together next brought them here," Kama motioned over to some people behind him.

There were five people. "So, all of you, introduce yourself,"said Kama.

The first one started. He had long black hair with multiple scars on his face. "My name is Musashi. The universe is in danger because of the Sayians. I plan to exterminate them"

The second one followed. She had a black sweater on. She also had dark blue hair with blood red eyes with a smile on her face. "My name is Ryo. I have the same ideals as 'Sashi over there," she said pointing at Musashi. "Although it is fun just to make people bleed..."

"What a pain she is..." said the third one. He had a red and black striped mask on. He had red hair sticking out on the top. He also had a brown robe on. "Name's Cero. The Sayians destroyed my planet and my race and I want to kill them. It's simple."

"Simple minded is more like it," the next one chimed in. He had brown hair with fire completely surrounding him. "My name's Kansai. I was part of a league that bring true justice to the universe. That is until the Sayians killed everyone. The league, my family, but didn't kill me. I want to bring justice and kill the Sayians. There's one other survivor." He motioned to the last one.

The fifths face looked emotionless. She had red hair with dark eyes. She also had a trench black robe. "My name is Yoru. I am part of that league that Kansai spoke of."

"So how about them?" asked Kama.

"So those are the ones," Yama mused.

"Correct," Kama replied.

"Fine then," Yama looked at the five. "All of you, join my group."

The five thought for a second. "Yes, we will."


Important Note: Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but guess who's going on a temporary hiatus for this story? It's me! Okay, I'm doing lots of things lately and I need a break from this story. Although sometime before Christmas I'll be posting the first chapter of a new story. Much Love! Peace!