Two Sons; Chapter 1: Default Chapter

by That Awesome Dbz Guy

Hey, back for some more Dbz fanfics! I KNOW I haven't posted in a while...But for a while now I've been wanting to write this story for a few weeks now... and here I am! So this will be an interesting story... Let's get on to the warnings, disclaimers, and whatnot.

Disclaimer: I don't own Future Trunks (yes Future Trunks is in this story). I don't own Present Trunks either. Don't own Goku, don't own Dragonball in general, etc.

Warning: Sap, lots and lots of sap. If you like sap you'll be kissing your computer screen (not trying to be weird). If you hate too much sap... you'll be running to your bathroom throwing up. Characters can be considered OOC, such as Vegeta.

Warning #2: Words that are meant to be cursing will be underlined. More clearly they'll have these on either side of them*

Warning #3: Story should be fairly long. It'll be multiple chapters. Maybe as long as "A Father's Love."

Warning #4: In this version Future Trunks is 17. Present Trunks is 9.

Note: The term "Arcosian " is used in this chapter and future chapters. You probably know but if by some chance someone doesn't know 'Arcosian' is the official name for Freiza's race.

Okay, let's go!


"Stop it, little brat!" Future Trunks nudged his present self.

"Come on, I just want to touch it!" said Kid Trunks.

"No! You can't touch my sword! It's dangerous for a little brat like you!"

"Shut up..."

Trunks elbowed his past counterpart. "You shut up!

Present Trunks fell to the ground. "Ow..." He rubbed his cheek.

"Trunks!" Vegeta walked in. He turned his head to the Future version. "Er... The older one! What in the *heck* are you doing?!"

"The kid was bugging me!" Trunks looked at his father.

Vegeta scoffed. "You're old enough to know not to behave that way just because of a slight inconvenience!"

Trunks clenched his fists and stormed his way out of the room mumbling. "Spoiled little brat..."

Future Trunks had come to the past to visit a few days. But for him his past self was ruining it. He was just a brat who would go around bugging him. To be honest part of it was that that he was jealous of Present Trunks. Really he craved the attention that his younger self got but he would never admit that. Just like past Trunks he wanted his father to be proud of him although he tried to hide it.


It was a rather normal day at Capsule Corporation with the sun shining and the Z gang having a cookout.

Krillin went over to Future Trunks who was talking to Bulma. "So Trunks, how've you been doing lately?"

"Pretty good lately. It's been nice and peaceful and I'm sure happy about that," he replied.

Suddenly the sky started to get cloudy and started to rain.

"Well, that stinks," Bulma looked up at the sky

Just as that happened a large energy appeared.

Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan immediately stood alert. "This energy... It's insane..." Vegeta said quietly.

Goku looked at his oldest son. "Gohan..."

Gohan nodded. "Yeah. I know."

"What is it?" Bulma asked.

"Hey!" Vegeta called out. "Everyone except me, Kakarot, and Gohan, get inside!

Both Trunks' ran up to Vegeta. "We can help!"

"No," Vegeta answered coldly. "Get inside, now."

"Okay," Future Trunks said. "Maybe that little brat can't but I can! I'm much stronger than I was! Please!"

"No!" Vegeta answered again, this time with more authority. "You sense it too, so you should know that this enemy is too much!"

"Stop treating me like a child! Because I'm not!" he argued. "And instead of me you're letting Gohan fight?!"

"That's Kakarot's choice to let Gohan fight! I don't care if you're from the Future or not! You're just an arrogant 17 year old boy!"

Trunks gritted his teeth. "I'm arrogant?! Not like you are-"

Suddenly the enemy appeared. He looked around. "If this is who I'm up against then I should easily win. How pitiful." His voice was deep and raspy with a rather murderous tone to it. He also had a black robe on and a hood covering his head. "Who's going to fight me first? Or maybe you can all just come at me all at once. You'll need every advantage you can get."

Vegeta powered up to Super Sayian. "You dare insult my power!" He charged at the enemy. "I'll murder you, *dangit!*"

The enemy dodged. "You're fast." He kicked Vegeta into the ground creating a giant crater.

Vegeta flew out of the crater and began rapidly firing blasts. When the smoke had built up he transmitted himself in front of the enemy and punched him into the ground as well.

The enemy got up. "Ha ha ha! How interesting!"

Vegeta powered up to Super Sayian 2 and began to charge up a Final Flash. "Heh... You can laugh all you want... IN HELL!!!!" He shot his Final Flash towards the enemy.

An explosion erupted. Once the dust had somewhat settled Vegeta looked around. "Looks like he's dead."

But someone climbed out of the rubble. "Heh heh... That was impressive..." His black robe was now completely destroyed. Vegeta saw that he had curved horns on his head and a long tail. But this time it wasn't a Sayian's tail. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Kama. And I'm an Arcosian!"

"An... Arcosian?! You mean you're... a member of that *jerk* Freiza's race?!" Vegeta was rather shocked by this.

"Yes," said Kama. "Oh yes. I like your skills. And your Sayian friends skills also. If I remember correctly I heard you call him 'Kakarot ', correct. That's a Sayian name. So you two meet me on Planet Cabban in two months. There we'll settle it all. Be seeing you." He transmitted away in the blink of an eye.

Everyone ran over to Vegeta. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," said Vegeta. "Kakarot, tell Bulma what happened. Me and you are going to Planet Cabban."


It was one week later. Goku and Vegeta were preparing to go to space. Bulma had said that with her spaceship they should get to the planet two days before the battle.

Meanwhile Present Trunks and Future Trunks were secretly packing. "So," said Future Trunks. "If by some miracle, this plan to sneak along works, what are we gonna do when they find us?"

"What to you mean?" asked the younger Trunks.

"I mean, when he finds us, won't Dad just punish us and send us back home?" he replied.

"Well, if he's already far away enough from Earth then he'll decide to just have us along because it'll take up too much time to take us back."

Future Trunks shrugged. "Fine. But if he beats your butt don't come crying to me."

Bulma came in. "Come outside to say goodbye to your Dad and Goku."

When they came outside no one noticed that they had suitcases behind there backs.

"Vegeta, Goku, be careful out there," said Bulma.

"We will," said Goku.

While everyone was saying goodbye the two Trunks' snuck into the back of the ship where no one could see them.

They climbed into the back of the ship. "It's so tight..." said kid Trunks.

"Shush. Be quiet or you'll blow our cover," whispered the older Trunks.

Goku and Vegeta walked into the spaceship. "Bye everyone!" Goku waved.

"Bye!" Everyone waved back.

Vegeta leaned over to Goku. "Wrap it up, Kakarot! We have to leave."

The door closed and in a very short time they had took off and the ship out of sight. Little did they know Future Trunks and Present Trunks were on the ship.


It was about half an hour since Goku and Vegeta had left. Bulma was washing dishes. Hmm. She hadn't seen her two sons since then. Maybe she should go check on them.

Bulma looked in their room but didn't see the in there. She looked in the g.ravity chamber and a few other rooms but didn't find them. She went back into their room and noticed a few items were missing. Wait. Did that mean-? 'No,' she thought. Maybe they were at Chi Chi's place. She called but Chi Chi said they weren't there.

She tried to remember. Wait. Didn't they have some sort of suitcases with them. And she could of swore she heard something from the spaceship before Goku and Vegeta had got in. Bulma double checked the house, even triple checked, but couldn't find them. The realizations hit her. Future Trunks and her Trunks had snuck on the spaceship when she wasn't looking.

She ran to her phone and tried to call Vegeta through the spaceship communication system but it went straight to voicemail. It wasn't charged. Well that figured. And heavens knew when he would think to charge it again. "Darnit!*" she cursed to herself. Her future and present sons were out in space. She was angry but also really hoped they would be okay. "Please be okay."


So that was the first chapter. I know it's a little short but I like to keep my first chapters short. Besides I was determined to post it today so I had to wrap it up quick. Also I only have a very vague idea of where this story is going, so I'm always accepting ideas for this story. You never know. There's a good chance I could be using your idea later on. So please tell me some ideas you have for later. And lastly I'm actually party writing this story for someone who requested a Vegeta/Future Trunks bonding. You know who you are. And I know you're reading because I know you're a VERY dedicated fan. Thanks for sticking around. Anyway I'll try to post the next chapter soon. Much Love! Peace!