I don't own Fairy tail or any of the characters.
Chapter 1
Eighteen year old Lucy, stood in front of her father's study, holding a letter in her hand. Taking a deep breath she knocked on the door.
"Come in." a gruff voice said.
Pushing the door open, Lucy entered the study. "Hello Father it's Lucy."
Barely looking up from his paper, her father answered. "Lucy, what is it? I am quite busy at the moment."
Taking another deep breath, Lucy steadily asked "Papa, I want just ten minutes of your time, without any distractions. If now is not a good time, I will come back another time."
Looking up, Jude Heartfilia frowned, it has been a long time since his daughter had called him Papa. This must be serious "Alright Lucy, you have my attention."
Lucy, not expecting her father to listen to her and was shocked for a moment. Recomposing herself she began her spiel. "Father I know, how much this company meant for you and Mama. Both of you guys worked extremely hard to get it where it is today. I'm aware the plan was for me to start learning about the company and start transitioning into managing it after I turn eighteen. However I would like to go to college."
Lucy held her hand up, interrupting her father obvious objection "I want to earn my position in the company, not because I am the CEO daughter. By having a college degree, the company shareholders can't object my position."
She handed her father the college acceptance letter, which was in previously in her hand. Taking a less authoritative tone, she continued on "I admit I also have a selfish reason to attend college. I would like to minor in Writing, while majoring in Business. During the summer I will come back and do whatever training I must do." She looked at him pleadingly "Please Papa, I am still so young, I promise that after college I will join the company. Just give me four years to study, so I can also grow independently as well." She finished her rant and stared at her father.
Jude stared at her, deeply stunned, he was not expecting that from his daughter. He considered the points she brought up, it would be good for her reputation if she had a college degree. "Lucy this is the acceptance letter for Magnolia University, it is four hours away from here. Why did you choose this University?"
"Father, Magnolia University is the number one for Business in Fiore. They also have the best professors and classes." Lucy replied ready to defend herself.
"Okay Lucy, I will consider your proposal tonight. Is there anything else you would like to add?"
"Actually there is. I want to experience living like a normal college student. I don't want to go by my last name. I also don't want to have security with me and I want to pay my own rent after my first year."
"Lucy, you are asking for a lot. Do you know who you are? You are the sole heir to the Heartfilia Corporation, I can't let you go without security."
Lucy considered this "How about just Loke? I trust him with my life."
Her father started at her for a moment. She had this all planned out, he was impressed. This is the kind of attitude which is needed for the company.
"Okay Lucy, give me three days to research and consider your proposal. You are dismissed."
Lucy beamed "Thank you so much Papa." She left the room in happy spirits.
Jude sighed and looked at the photo frame at his desk, when his daughter smiled, he was reminded of his wife Layla. He missed her so much, if she was still around, their family would still be happy and connected.
Three Days Later
Lucy was in her room reading her book, she looked up when she heard a knock. It was her maid Virgo. "Your father requests your presence in the study" she announced.
Lucy got up right away, she knew this was the moment that would decide what her life was going to be like the next four years.
She entered her father's study and sat down in the chair opposite to him. There was a small table separating the two of them. On the table was a stack of paper and two pens. "Hello father." Lucy said.
Jude chuckled at her impatient expression. Even though she was now a young lady, she still had those childish qualities to her. "Alright Lucy, I have carefully deliberated and I have decided to let you attend the University." Seeing the huge smile on his daughter's face, made him melt. It had been so long since they have talked and even longer since he has seen her so happy.
"Oh thank you Papa. I promise I won't let you down."
"Your welcome Lucy. However I do have quite a few conditions that you must follow." Seeing her nod he continued on "First of all, I have contacted the Dean and he is the only one who knows who you truly are. To the rest of the school, your name will be Lucy Ashley. Go to the Dean if you have any problems with your identity being leaked."
"Lucy Ashley." She tested the name out.
"Second you are to return back home every winter, spring and summer break. I will be teaching you about the company."
"Alright." Lucy agreed.
"Next, I will pay for your yearly tuition and your first year dorm rent. After that you may pay for your apartment for the next three years. However, the apartment must be in a safe neighborhood and I will send Loke to live near you as well. Lucy, don't hesitate to ask for money, if you need it."
"Okay thank you, that will give me enough time to get a job. So Loke won't join me until my second year?" Lucy asked.
"That is correct. I have talked to the Dean and he has assured me that the dorms are perfectly safe."
"Last condition is that after the four years, you must end any romantic relationships, I will choose your future husband. Also this goes without saying, please don't get pregnant."
Lucy sputtered, "Father I would never.." she protested, but he stopped her.
"Lucy this company means so much to your mother, she had always hoped that you would grow to love it as much as she did. I also would appreciate and be proud if my daughter took over the company I have put so much work into." Jude explained.
"Father I have promised Mama, before she died, that I would take over the company and make her proud. Nothing would stop me from doing that." Lucy said confidently.
"Lucy I know how strong your promises are, but I just need some assurance as well. I have created a contract outlining your conditions and mines." Jude pointed to the papers on the table. "Any violations and you will quit college immediately and come back home."
Lucy looked at the contract, she should have known that he would do something like this, her father was a business man all the way. "May I have a day to read through it?"
Jude smiled. "Spoken like a true business person, you must read everything thoroughly before you sign it."
"I will take this to my room and read over it. Thank you so much Father." Lucy left the room with the contract in her hand.
Time Skip towards the end of summer.
Lucy stared at the pile of suitcases in her room. "Virgo!"
Virgo came running gracefully, "Yes Princess?"
"Did you pack all my clothes? I don't need all of them, just the ones we bought recently to fit it with the other students."
"But Princess, you have so many wonderful clothes and accessories." Virgo cried out. She loved dressing Lucy up.
"Virgo, those clothes won't help me fit in." Lucy protested.
"As you wish, princess I will pack your bags again." Virgo relented.
"I have to leave in an hour, please let me know if you need any help."
"Don't worry princess I will have it ready by then." Virgo said determined to pack fast. Lucy chuckled.
This was it. The day she was leaving the mansion and heading off to college. She had barely left the place she grew up in. She had been tutored, so she never went to school before. Lucy was both excited and nervous.
After reading the contract and signing it, she promised herself not to seriously date anyone, as it would end badly for the both of them. However, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to fall in love. She walked around the gardens of the estate once last time and headed back inside.
Her father was waiting for her inside near the entrance of the door. "Lucy, Sagittarius will drive you to the train station. Are you sure you can manage from there?"
"Yes father." Lucy said with tears in her eyes, she didn't dare let them fall.
"Also Lucy, here is a credit card for you. Please use it in emergencies or whenever you need it."
"Thank you, father. For everything." she clarified. "I will be back during the winter break."
She took a small bag and headed outside towards the car. Her father followed her and stood by the entrance of the house, while she continued on. She saw all the maids and butlers watching her leave as well. Lucy was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. She got in the car, with Sagittarius closing the car door. He started the car and Lucy looked out the window. She could see her father watching her.
"Stop the car." Lucy ordered. Sagittarius braked the car suddenly and she ran out the car. With her vision blurring, she ran to her father. She wrapped herself around him and sobbed. "I will miss you so much Papa." She sniffed.
Jude stood awkwardly for a second and then wrapped his arms around her as well. He could feel his shirt getting a little moist and felt her trembling slightly. She was nervous, he thought, she has never been away from home. "Lucy, don't be afraid. If you ever need to come back home, please do. However, your mother would be so proud of you, for stepping out into the world, all by yourself."
Lucy let go of him and stared into his eyes. While she has inherited most of her looks from her mother, she had gotten her father eyes. "Thank you Papa." She wiped her tears and headed back to the car.
Once Sagittarius started the car again, Lucy felt more braver. She would make her father and her mother proud. She looked back, as the mansion gotten smaller and smaller through the distance.
AN: So yeah. The first thing you probably notice, is that Jude isn't a complete jerk like in the manga. I want them to ultimately have a good relationship. She calls Jude "Father" or "Papa", depending on the situation. Papa is a more loving term, so hopefully she will soon be comfortable calling him that all the time. Natsu will make his appearance soon. This is Lucy x Natsu, don't worry lol. Please review what you guys think so far.