Title: Season 10 Scenarios

Summary: This will be a series of short scenarios to explore what might happen at the beginning of season 10.

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS LA or any of the characters. I simply enjoy writing about them in this forum.

Rating: T - This one is rated T for the sadness and heartache in it. Sorry guys, but it was in my head and begging to be written. I'll warn you right off the bat since it happens pretty early in the story that there is a miscarriage.

Season 10 Scenarios

Slipping Away

As Kensi is waiting for news about Deeks in surgery, she begins to feel an uncomfortable dampness in her underwear. She makes her way to the bathroom wondering if she's just sweaty or if all the memories of her and Deeks running through her mind have made her wet down there. When she checks, there is blood in her underwear. She's not completely shocked because her periods have been sporadic lately. She's had some spotting here and there, nothing that has lasted more than two or three days.

She waits about 10 more minutes until a doctor comes and tells her Deeks will still be in surgery for another hour or so. She doesn't want to leave him, but she isn't feeling quite right; so she leaves her cell phone number with the desk on the surgical floor and heads back down to the floor where she received treatment when they came in. She doesn't want Deeks to wake up from surgery and find out she died from internal bleeding or something random like that.

"Senora, Como puedo ayudarte?" the medical assistant asks how she can help Kensi.

"I was checked out earlier, but I'm having some bleeding. It could be my period, but I'm not feeling quite right. I'm a little lightheaded," Kensi rambles anxious to get back to Deeks.

"Sigueme. Conseguire el doctor que te vio," the assistant assures Kensi in a calming tone as she shows her to an examining room.

"Ms. Blye, I hear you're not feeling quite right," Dr. Perez greets looking over Kensi's paperwork as he enters. The warm spectacled eyes of the older gentleman meet hers as she explains her symptoms again.

Looking back down at her chart he asks, "Ms. Blye did you know you are pregnant?"

Kensi gasps as tears fill her eyes. The pieces begin to come together. Her period hasn't been off the last month or two because she can't have kids; it was because she is carrying a child, her and Deeks's child.

Observing from her reaction that she didn't know, he offers to give her a minute alone. "Why don't you get changed, and I'll come back to examine you."

There's more blood when she removes her underwear. She doesn't need the examination. She already knows this child of theirs is slipping away, just as Deeks may be upstairs. Feeling like the whole world is coming down on her, she lets herself cry for a minute or two.

As she gets herself together, Dr. Perez knocks. He is kind and gentle with the examination just as he was earlier in the day when he spent a half hour with Kensi tending to her injuries.

"The baby is gone, isn't it?" she asks with a shaky voice and teary eyes.

"You went through quite a trauma this morning. Lo siento Mija," he gives his condolences as he pulls the table out further and guides her legs out of the stirrups and into a resting position. "Is there anyone I can find for you?" Dr. Perez offers.

"No, el esta en cirugia," she replies bringing her arm up over her eyes and curling up on her side.

"Take as much time as you need. I'll send Nicole in with some things to make you more comfortable in a few minutes," he offers.

Callen is in the waiting room when she returns. "Where have you been Kens? Are you okay?" he questions concerned.

She can't hold it together and the sobs begin to wrack her body.

"Is it Deeks?" he asks heart sinking. She shakes her head in the negative.


She cries harder, but doesn't answer.

"Kens, you're scaring me. What's wrong?" Callen desperately inquires holding onto her biceps and looking into her eyes trying to determine the source of such anguish.

She wraps her arms around him and holds tight. "Don't let go," she pleads. "I feel like everything important to me in this world is slipping away. I need someone to hold onto."

"I've got you Kens," he promises hugging her tightly.

"Kens," he's calling for her and reaching out for her before he even opens his eyes.

"Hi baby," she soothes grasping his outstretched hand and standing to stroke his head.

"You okay?" he asks caressing her arm.

"No, but I'm better now that you're awake," she responds dropping a kiss in his hair and a few tears too.

"You're still crying," Deeks notes the next time he wakes up. He grazes the back of his finger down her warm, wet cheek. "I'm going to be okay Fern."

"I know, but I have to tell you something," she shares nervously.

"Are you okay?" he asks concerned, taking one of her hands in his.

Her eyes meet his and the words come out in a rush. "Yes, but our baby is not. I was pregnant Deeks and I lost our baby." She can't look him in the eyes any longer and her head drops next to their joined hands on the bed in guilt and shame and sadness.

Deeks takes a minute to process the gargantuan news.

"Did you know before you came?" he asks flatly. He has to know.

She raises her head again, big tears rolling down her cheeks. "No, all the oops and we never got pregnant. Then this last month or two I had so little blood, my mind went the other way, that we were too late to have kids."

Tears are in his eyes as he tries to process.

"I'm sorry Deeks. I'm so, so sorry. You were right when you said that we need to start thinking of ourselves before the case. I've let everything slip away to hang onto what...a job?" she questions herself beginning to feel the anger and pain along with the sadness. "I saved Mosley's boy, but I lost our own," she chokes out.

"Come here," Deeks requests patting the bed beside him as his own hot tears cascade down his face.

"I'm sorry Deeks. I know how much you wanted this. I'd understand if..."

"Don't even think it. You're not getting rid of me that easy," he insists wrapping an arm around her.

She's finally the place she's wanted to be ever since she figured out what was happening.

"All I can think about now is what he or she would have looked like," she sniffles resting her head on his shoulder. "It aches so much inside and has nothing to do with the physical pain. I can't do this without you. I don't want to do life without you. I love you."

"I don't want to do life without you either. I love you Kens. We won't let our love slip away. We'll hang onto each other and climb back from this together," he promises. He kisses her head and they caress and hold each other as they cry together for the child they will never know.

Thanks for reading. I apologize again for the heartache in this one. It was just begging to be put down on paper. I pretty much wrote it in one afternoon. I apologize for the bad Spanish. I haven't figured out accents on my new computer yet. The next one is going to be serious as well, but with a little more room for joking. I also have an idea for a different story set in the future like this one, but with a much happier ending.