I have a poll on my profile page asking a question I really want to have answered. I'm trying to get as many answers as I can, and very few people visit my profile. I've gotten literally one answer in a week, and that's sad. Please answer, and be honest about it.

I only own my OC's!


I'm sitting on the bars in front of Ratchet's computer fearfully, staring at the Cybertronian symbols as the medic talks to me.

Ratchet sighs. "Sweetspark, I know you're scared of this, but it's time for you to take the next step, and leave the base. Optimus told me that we have a new rescue bot arriving soon, and he has requested I offer you the job first. Apparently some man named Taylor wants the job too."

"I know, and I'm happy I'm through my training, but how do you know Aaron won't follow me there?"

"Chief Charlie Burns knows when anyone new arrives on the island. He will protect you."

The two of us turn at the heavy footfalls of the prime. "Sheyenne, you must keep your identity as the Star Healer a secret if you are to take this job. On Griffin Rock, the Rescue Bots are seen as Robots, machines programed to save lives."

"So, hide as a human. Been doing that my whole life." I giggle before becoming serious. "I am more than capable, Optimus."

"Ratchet, open the ground bridge. I must go and prepare Medix for his mission. Ratchet, prepare Sheyenne for her mission."

"But what will I have to tell the Burns? About Aaron?"

"Just tell them the truth, but only when you are ready." Ratchet opens the ground bridge, then turns back to me. "I believe you can do this, Sweetspark. You're ready. Don't let your past dictate your future."

"But…you told me before that the past always matters." I say, sounding confused.

"I did not tell you to forget the past, because it does matter, but don't let it control how you live the rest of your life."

"Charlie, this is Medix. He is going to be joining Heatwave in their mission. I have hand-picked a paramedic to join Medix as his partner. She has many special abilities, and has been trained by our medic in Cybertronian medicine in addition to her paramedic training."

Chief Burns nods. "Welcome to the team, Medix." He looks up to Optimus. "Send the paramedic."

"Flight paramedic. But with a fear of heights, she usually sticks to our medic, and would prefer her flight training to remain secret."

"So, Ratch, what do you know about the Rescue Bots?"

"Not much. Optimus is on his way back."

As if on cue, the heavy footfalls of the prime sound through the base as he comes through the ground bridge. "What did you need, Sheyenne?"

"Um…" I rub the back of my neck. "What are the Rescue Bots like?"

"They are all loyal to their partners, and the citizens of Griffin Rock."

"That's…not exactly what I meant. What are their personalities, do any of them have events in the past that may haunt them—like Ratch and Bee's voice—"

"Heatwave was the guardian of your past life. Seeing the Star Matrix or even knowing your true abilities, could cause him some difficulties with his spark. The guardian bond you and Ratchet share may be smaller than the one Heatwave shared with her, for the Star Healer was always sparked. She never came from the Well. He may have been her Sire, or…"

"Or her Carrier. I know Cybertronian biology. If he was her Carrier, or even her Sire, he would have severe pain in his spark, even NOT thinking about her." The prime nods. "And he may want…dear God." The prime and the medic look down, stunned. I very seldom use the name of God in vain. "He wanted to join you—to fight. To avenge her death."