*Back by popular demand!

"What a creepy and gross looking insect," Yukina said as she examined the giant demon bug Hiei just killed.

"This is how they look in demon world," he explained, "don't you remember?"

"No," she said, "they don't have bugs in ice world. It's far too cold for them and that's the way I like it."

Hiei said, "Careful or it'll get you!" He threw the bug corpse at her.

She screamed and got it off of her, "Ew! Hiei you're so gross!" She shot ice at him.

"Ah, dammit!" he shouted, "Frost bite! That hurts you know." He rubbed his face where she shot him with an icy blast.

"I'm so sorry!" she said, "Here, let me heal it."

He pushed her away and said, "Don't touch me. You've done enough."

"It's your own fault!" she said, "What kind of brother throws a dead bug at his sister? Stop moving." She healed his face.

"I can't believe you're leaving," Yukina said angrily as the tunnel behind them grew in size for Yusuke's departure.

Hiei said, "I don't belong in this world."

"You think you belong over there?" she asked, "Even I've heard how crazy Mukuro can get. You'll die if you go over there and I don't want that."

"So this is about what you want?" he asked.

"That's not what I meant," she said hastily.

He replied, "It's what you said, which means it's exactly what you mean."

She said, "Stop twisting my words around. What am I supposed to do if you die in demon world?"

"Move on with your life," he answered.

She hugged him before he left and said, "Don't die Hiei, please."

He hugged her back and whispered, "I'm not making any promises since if I break them I know it'll make you cry."

"What are you doing here?" Hiei asked as Yukina approached him.

"I came to see what all of the fuss is about," she replied, "I heard Raizen died but a war didn't break out. That's awesome! And you didn't die!"

"Is this her?" Mukuro asked as she suddenly came up from behind Hiei, "So you're Yukina, and he did die by the way. Don't worry, I brought him back and he's good as new now." She walked away.

Yukina glared at Hiei and said, "What?!"

He growled and said, "She didn't have to say anything."

She hugged him and said, "Well at least you're okay now. Don't die in the arena!"

"I told you-" he started.

She pulled away from him. "Make your promise and if you break it you deserve to see me cry," she said coldly.

He glared at her and said, "I promise I won't die in the arena."