*And if Yukina knew the truth.

"About time you came to rescue me," Yukina said as Hiei finished punching out Tarukane, "I thought you'd never come."

Hiei replied as he dropped his dead body, "Finding you wasn't exactly easy. This compound is miles away from other humans. What did he do to you?"

"You shouldn't know," she replied as she hid her burn, "it'll only make you hate him more and I don't want that."

"Tell me," he insisted.

He'll be so mad, she thought nervously. Instead, she started fake crying and said, "The truth is, I don't want to remember! It was all so awful!" She burried her face into his shoulder.

Shocked, Hiei said, "Wait, you don't have to cry about it. I won't ask again, alright? I don't want you crying over him anymore. He's too worthless for that." Koenma better make sure he goes to hell, he thought.

"What did you do to your arm?!" Yukina demanded before Hiei could walk away from her into the forest.

"It's just a burn," he lied, "nothing like I haven't done to myself before. Don't worry about it." He flinched in pain.

She said, "That much worse than the burns you've accidentally given yourself in the past. Here." She walked up to him and started healing it. "You should be more careful."

"I can't afford to," he replied, "Toguro is going to kill us all if I don't get stronger."

Yukina asked, "Getting stronger means doing this to yourself?"

"It helps," he said, "yes." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"There's only one more egg roll," Kuwabara complained. Yukina and Hiei looked at each other before simultatiously grabbing it. "Hey!" Kuwabara shouted.

"You should have grabbed it when you had the chance," Hiei said, then looked at Yukina, "let go."

She said, "No, I want to have the last one!"

Kurama asked, "Why don't you cut it in half?"

Hiei grabbed his sword with his right hand and sliced the egg roll down the middle before Yukina could blink. "Hey!" she said, "you could have cut off my hand!"

"As if I'd ever be so inaccurate," he replied, then ate the egg roll in one bite.