Madara's eyes flew open to see what looked like the inside of Naka Shrine? the shrine that his family the Uchiha clan originated from. It's located in Konohagakure's Uchiha District and is the home to the clan's patron deity. Madara noticed that the shrine was covered in flowering vines? That when it hit him, 'this must be my mental realm … now, where's the nine tails fox and my mind core? Madara thought as he walked out of the Naka Shrine and walked through the surrounding forest only for Madara to wince as he saw broken stone buildings under fresh green moss and vines. It was obvious that the destruction was from the war and his life as a ninja, but the plants and butterflies fluttering around had to be a good sign, right? That's what he heard from the Yamanaka clan. Not much longer Madara found himself in a valley "I think that's it" he murmured as he approached an orb in the middle of a quiet pond … yes, he could feel it. The orb was the core of his mind … and apparently, it was a crystal form of himself, Hashirama and Tobirama and Izuna they were all smiling? Building mental defenses were difficult. Madara could easily make a wall of chakra appear, but it collapses right away. His chakra refuses to become a solid wall like the book mentioned.

"my chakra is flexible. My chakra won't make a rigid wall … I need to try a different method … maybe" he focused and soon the pond changed before his eyes …

The orb sank below the water's surface …

The pond became crystal clear and much deeper …

Now Madara tried to apply his chakra to the water instead and this time a powerful whirlpool appeared. This is how he will defend his mind. Of course, he had to keep meditating to make it stronger, but he got the first step down. In your face, Hashirama thought Madara as he Started walking towards Naka Shrine to leave when Madara spotted a black cloud in the distance and went to see what it was. It couldn't be the nine tail fox from what he remembers from the seal that he created was supposed to seal the nine tails completely only accessing its chakra. if the vessel of the said demon dies as well. The demon will die permanently unable to restore itself or be free once again. Madara moved closer he actually started feeling sick and the lightning bolt scar was starting to hurt badly. It was getting to be too much, but he was determined to see what was causing him pain in his own mind. Suddenly Madara slipped fell head over heels.

Letting out a a groan of pain Madara had landed painfully on his back he sat up and looked around. He was right in the area under the ominous black cloud. It was rocky and devoid of life, which was very different from the rest of his mind, but it was a strange shape too. Madara stepped back, over a few fallen dead trees and climbed up the nearest healthy tree … the rocky lifeless area was shaped like a lightning bolt … his lightning bolt!

Madara unconsciously touched the aching scar on his head and looked up at the cloud. A seemingly harmless storm cloud created a face that horrified Madara … it was the face of that man! Who seems to hunt his dreams every night?

Waking up while gasping for air. Madara looked around the area with caution and guarded gaze but was unable to do so for very long as he lost his awareness once again plunging himself back into the abyss. Madara was aware of his body, by the stiff blankets covering him. he could feel what to be a man running his fingers through his long hair, following with a brush. he let the simple repetitive actions soothe his frayed nerves. he drifted off to sleep soon after.

The next time Madara woke, he could smell a spicy scent. he breathed deeper, trying to get as much of it as possible. The smell alone reminded him so much of his home, Konohagakure no Sato. Darkness claimed him again.

Madara woke to the sound of arguing. Who was that? Madara struggled to open his eyes, but they felt like they were glued shut. His mouth refused to open, so he lay there fuming in his inability to do anything. A large hand stroked the side of his face, fingers trailing over his lips if proved to be a sufficient distraction. he would love to know who it was…if only he could open his blasted eyes.

Madara's eyes shot open, whirling wildly in their sockets. His breathing mellowed, his heart slowed. A shadow stretched out over him. Carefully turning his head, Madara sucked in a harsh breath at the sight that greeted him. A beauty is darkly sensual, lustful, and even seductive that was sleeping in the chair next to him. Madara didn't know why but this man has a compelling aura and an intimidating demeanor, that seem to lure the opposite sex to him like moths to a flame. The man that was slouching in a chair, one of his large hands grasping his like a lifeline. A slight smile tugged at his lips, not knowing why? he looked…content. Madara had never seen another man relaxed, like his best friend Hashirama yet here someone who was sound asleep, clutching at his hand like he was about to disappear. Madara didn't know why but he brushed his thumb over the top of his hand gently, a soothing action that he had often used on his Otōto when he was upset or his hand cramping.

He stirred, mumbling something in his sleep. Smile growing, Madara watched him burrow into the cushions of the chair.

looking at the man calculatingly, debating whether or not he could make a break for it. With the feeling of his Chakra levels that were dangerously low, he won't be able to make a break for it if you wanted to. Biting his lip, he stared up at the dark ceiling. It was night, and from the looks of it, a sickle moon based on the amount of light streaming in through the glass windows. he jolted when he spotted the snow on the windowsill. he fought back a groan. So much for escaping outside. Of course, it's winter. The state of my own body is in. let alone my Chakra levels I won't be able to leave this place? Madara thought as he wasn't sure that he wanted that answered.

The sealing ritual was supposed to seal the Kyuubi Forever to be out of the reach of human hands. Madara sighed as he knew that his own body became the prison for the Kyuubi. When he died the Kyuubi will follow him into deaths arms and no one will be able to use the 9 tailed Fox for its power ever again. But Madara had a sinking feeling in his gut. 'With my luck, something always seems to go wrong.'

Deciding that he was still too weak to attempt to flee to leave this place and get home to his village, Madara closed his eyes and began to plot.

I bet I landed somewhere filled with people …that is so typical of my luck. I'm going to kill the Kyuubi or Death if I could. Oh, gods… Izuna is going to kill me when I get back home for scaring him like that. I've changed my mind, I don't want to go home yet!

At the thought of his home Konohagakure no Sato and seeing the faces of his loved ones, Madara retreated deep into his mind. he completely lost it, allowing himself to finally break down over the results of the war and battle with the Kyuubi. In real life, tears streamed from his eyes, glittering in the scarce amount of moonlight filtering in through the windows.

Three days later

Albus began his own explanation as the small army followed him up the gravel path leading to the courtyard. There were exclamations of shock and horror. The reporters shouting out questions, only to be sternly told off by the Head of the DMLE, Amelia Bones. She was anxious to check on Susan, her niece, her brother would never forgive her if she didn't check on her after the ordeal that she'd evidentially been through.

"No one was seriously injured beside the man that the Goblet of Fire had brought into the castle. By the time the small army reached the front doors of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore had completed his tale. It wasn't that long actually, it just took a while to explain it since he had to answer questions or clarify certain points.

Rita Skeeter was particularly interested in Snape's reactions to the guest. All the men present had a brief flash of pity for Snape. Except for James of course. No, he was gleeful at the thought of Rita Skeeter hounding after the man. Maybe he'd get really, really lucky and the two would off each other. Yeah, and Dumbledore would allow him and Sirius to teach together. Never going to happen. If anything, Rita would be annihilated.

Dumbledore watched the Ministry workers as they inspected every inch of the Great Hall, spending a great deal of time around the Goblet of Fire. There were some odd scorch marks where Goblet of Fire had been. Croaker was poking at said scorch marks with some strange instrument. Dumbledore didn't want to know what it was. He'd made the mistake of asking him once, he never did so again. Dumbledore still had nightmares about it. A shudder traveled down his spine.

"Albus, we would like to see the…guest now." Ah, Amelia Bones. Such a fine woman, dedicated to bringing justice, a wonderful role model for young minds.

"My dear, I think it would be best if…"

"No Albus, this is beyond your jurisdiction. Now, am I going to have to charge you with obstructing an investigation?" An arched eyebrow over her monocle had a startling effect on Dumbledore. Looking everywhere but at the monocle, Dumbledore acquiesced with her demand.

Turning, he saw that there were St. Mungo's Healers flocked around the doors of the Great Hall. Pinching the bridge of his nose as several Unspeakables melted out of the shadows, he realized that Minerva must have let them in, seeing as she was standing in front of them, arms crossed and lips pinched. Dumbledore looked like he was sucking on a sour lemon at that moment.

"Ah, Minerva, if you could keep an eye on things down here, that would be wonderful." Minerva sighed tiredly, dearly wanting to slip into bed.

"All right Albus." The two traded places, Dumbledore beating a quick retreat, though not before Rita Skeeter tried to follow.

"I'm sorry Ms. Skeeter, but you cannot enter the Hospital Wing or interview any students without parental consent. You'll have to stay here I'm afraid."

"The public has a right to know about this." Rita's saccharine voice grated on everyone present.

"Not here I'm afraid." Scowling, Rita turned back to the Great Hall. She waited for a few minutes before turning into a small water beetle.

No one noticed the beetle animagus latch onto one of the Healers.

On their way to the hospital wig they heard the Concern voice of one Madam Pomfrey when the group of people entered the hospital wing, they were shocked, to say the least, when. When their unknown guest doing one arm push up's while doing a one arm handstand in completely ignoring Madam Pomfrey concern of overexerting himself when he just got out of his magical coma. The man was extremely handsome with a height of 5'10', a well-toned body, fair-skinned but his body was covered with large battle scars, with spiky black hair that had a slight blue tint to it. and with the physical appearance of a 25-year-old.

The man pushed off his last push up as he did backflip as he landed on his feet in front of the group his black Obsidian eyes showed no emotions. "Err, well, I guess we should get started then." Laughing nervously, James rubbed the back of his neck before dashing to the other side of the infirmary.

"I'll hold off on the questions as much as I can dear." Poppy smiled as the man made his way back to the bed.

Severus couldn't look away from the man once Potter fled. he was exquisite. Even though there's a high chance of this man could be Harry James Potter. the head of the Potter family and the missing son of James Evans.

Lucius Malfoy had been biding his time since yesterday and was on his way to the Headmaster's office when he decided to take a detour. It was early in the morning, far too early for him. He slowed, abruptly changing his course. There was another way to the Headmaster's office that he knew went by the Hospital Wing. He hadn't gotten the chance last time as he was escorted to and from Dumbledore's office. He had no such escort now though.

With a grin, he swept into the Hospital Wing…only to be assaulted by James Evans.

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" James snarled, his hatred for the man overcoming his common sense.

"Obviously I'm here to check on my friend Severus, and the guest." His voice was soft, yet carried an edge of steel that was not to be ignored.

James grit his teeth. "Where's your escort?" The words were forced out. Lucius ignored him and addressed Poppy.

"Ah, Madam Pomphrey, might I converse with my friend for a moment in your infirmary?" Poppy didn't really want Lucius Malfoy in her domain, but the man would no doubt cause problems for the old coot, which was a plus in her book. She was still sore over all the times he'd tried to meddle in her affairs. Glancing at the people behind her, she noted the man's neutral expression and Severus's intrigued eyes. Luckily Lucius couldn't see the guest from the angle he was at.

Poppy gestured for Severus, he reluctantly came over.

"I suppose that is fine Lord Malfoy, so long as you are only talking to Severus. I can't let you see my other patient. I will remain here though, so if you want to talk in private, put up a ward." With the suggestion that he go somewhere else instead remaining unsaid. Disappointment briefly flashed across Lucius's eyes before his expression blanked. Still, at least he could talk to Severus.

Giving the former potter and now Evans a smug look, Lucius glided forward with all the grace of a powerful Pureblood Lord. He came to a stop, ignoring the fuming James Evans stalking up behind him. But in that moment lord, Black and Mr. Lupin chose that moment to come into the Hospital Wing charging and quickly pulling the curtains opened to see if this man was his missing godson.

"Sirius Black!" Poppy screeched at Sirius, incensed that her patient' privacy had just been invaded because of him. Sirius came to a sudden stop, cringing away from the murderous glares Severus and Poppy were shooting him.

Lucius sucked in a harsh breath, his full attention focused on the man staring back just as intensely.

"Ah, Lord Malfoy, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Lucius wanted to curse. Dumbledore always complicated things.

"Dumbledore, I was just visiting Severus. That's not a problem is it?" Having turned his attention to the aging Headmaster, Lucius missed the flash of anger in the man's eyes.

Severus hadn't missed it though.

Dumbledore dearly wished to tell Lucius that, yes, it was a problem but knew he had to be polite to keep things simple.

"Of course not, I was just curious is all. However, checking on our guest is. "Lucius had a faint dusting of pink on his cheeks, caught in his own lie.

Looking at the man who could be the missing son of James and Lilly Evans, Dumbledore barely withheld a flinch. Those eyes were pinning him like a small bug. He hadn't expected that. He cleared his throat.

"And who might you be my boy?" This caused the man to glare at the agent headmaster with so much hate and discuss. As he let out a sigh and said: "Madara, my name is Madara Uchiha."