Chapter 1: Anger

Nessie's POV

I was furious. Beyond furious. Crazy with anger. I stomped on the gas pedal as hard as I could and instantly felt my car react. Probably not a good idea to be flying down the streets of Jacksonville, Florida when I felt like I was going to explode like the atomic bomb but I just had to get the hell away from my house as fast as I could.

Lucky, my golden retriever, sat quietly in the backseat. That dog went pretty much everywhere I did even when I was angry. He whimpered slightly.

I sighed. I eased my foot off the gas pedal. I really shouldn't be driving when I was this angry. I pulled into the nearest parking lot which happened to be at the beach.

I slammed the door as soon as Lucky had jumped off. I took a few deep calming breaths. Until I thought about my parents than I just got all angry again. Biologically speaking they weren't my parents though. That happened to be the source of countless arguments. Today though the argument had reached a whole new level.

When I was little I woke up at a hospital in Washington with very little memories of myself and my life. I have very vague memories of my life before but nothing concrete. I was around five years old when I had woken up in that hospital.

I was adopted about two days later. Then two days after I was adopted we moved here to Jacksonville. It all happened so fast. My parents had been eager to get the hell out of Washington as fast as they could right after they adopted me.

Whenever I asked if they knew anything about my biological family they got super angry. As a little kid I could never understand why they were so angry. As I got older my curiosity and longing to know about my past only grew. The memories I had were vague and I could recall some names but that was it. That was all I knew.

Every time I brought up the topic my mom and dad would start screaming about how ungrateful I was. That they "should be more than enough," family for me. All I wanted was to know the truth but they thought I was being selfish and u grateful for even bringing up my biological family who "clearly didn't want me," as my dad put it numerous times.

Today had been the worst fight of all. Mainly because I let them know exactly how I felt. Exactly how sick and tired I was of asking and never getting an answer. How all I loved them no matter what and all I wanted was to know the truth. I just wanted to know who my biological family was. I wanted to know why they gave me up. I didn't see what the big deal was but apparently it was a huge deal.

Apparently I was the "world's most ungrateful daughter who didn't appreciate the life she'd been given,"

I sat down in the sand and Lucky put his head on my lap. I ran my hand through his fur and felt myself calm down instantly.

I didn't know what the hell to do it anymore. I couldn't exactly go back home. Not yet. I texted my best friend Chelsea about what happened. She asked me where I was and I told her which beach I was at.

I didn't know what the hell to do anymore. I was only seventeen years old so I it's not like I could just run away. I dig through my pockets and fished out my bracelet. It was a solid gold bracelet that I'd been wearing when I woke up at the hospital at the tender age of five. The name had read "Renesmee Carlie C.,"

That's how the doctors knew how to identify me. I felt the tears fall from my eyes when I looked at it. Was it so bad that I wanted to know the truth about myself?


I looked up and saw Chelsea standing behind me. I'd been so caught up in my own thoughts that I hadn't even heard her approaching.

I stood up and we hugged each other tightly. She'd been my best friend ever since I moved here. We'd remained best friends over the years.

"So you asked your parents to tell you the truth again didn't you?"

I nodded my head. "It was really bad this time. I just don't get why they get so upset every time I ask,"

"Maybe it's time you stopped asking,"

I was about to argue back when she said "Look just hear me out okay? I have an idea. What if you just made a video?"

"Huh?" Now I was really confused.

"Make a video where you talk about yourself. Who you are. How you woke up in hospital in Washington with very little memories. Describe the vague memories that you say you have. I mean think about it if you make a video like that and put it online the whole world can see it. Maybe it'll get back to your biological family and they'll want to get in touch with you. Then they call tell you why they gave you up,"

"Chelsea as great as that sounds I don't exactly have a lot of friends or many followers on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter. Every time I post a video I only get like ten views. You're usually like nine of them," I laughed. "For that to work a lot of people would have to see it and pass it on,"

"Look what else have you got to lose?"

"My parents are going to be super pissed,"

"They already are," she said. "Every single time you bring up the topic they get pissed. At least this way you have a better shot of finding out the truth. Look I can record you today. Right now. You can go home and post it online today so the whole world can see your plight. You don't know until you try,"

"You know what Chelsea you're right," I said. "Let's do this,"

We walked to a lonely more private part of the beach where no one would interrupt us. My heart was beating fast whenever I thought of the possibility of this working. For me it felt like a long shot but I had to try.

I stood far enough away from the water where I wouldn't get wet. Lucky was at my side the whole time.

"Okay," Chelsea began. "Ready, set, and action,"

"Hi my name is Renesmee and I was adopted in the state of Washington when I was five years old. I'm here to tell you my story. I woke up in a hospital with very few memories of who I was. I had a bracelet on that day. This bracelet," I held up the bracelet. "It reads Renesmee Carlie. C. I was adopted a few days later and then a few days after that we moved here to Jacksonville, Florida. I've lived a happy life here with my parents and my dog Lucky. However that hasn't stopped me from wanting to know the truth about myself and my past. Asking my family doesn't help so that's why I'm making this video. I'm hoping this will help identify me to someone. I'll tell you what I can vaguely remember. I remember some names. Bella, Edward, Carlisle, Esme, and Jacob. I also remember an Aro, Caius, Marcus, and Jane. I remember something about a Volturi. Maybe that was another relative of mine? Who could say at this point. I remember lots of gold eyes, and ice cold pale skin. Maybe it's silly or maybe I'm just crazy but that's literally all I remember. Names, gold eyes, and ice cold skin. Pleas if any of this information identifies me as the girl you gave up long ago please let me know. I just want to know the truth. I can handle that truth whatever it is. Even if the truth is that you couldn't stand having me around anymore. I just have to know. Thanks. Until we meet again,"

"you did it Nessie,"

I smiled. "Yes. Yes I did,"

Three seconds later I uploaded the video to YouTube. Now the whole world could see my story and hear my plight.

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