Disclaimer: I do not own "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" or its characters. They are property of Hasbro Studios and DHX Media.

"Princess Luna, Mentor"

By TwilightSparkle3562


"I'm so glad that you two could come," Twilight said as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sat down with her in the Castle of Friendship's dining room for breakfast. "It's really nice for the three of us to get together and just relax for once."

"Of course," said Luna, smiling warmly. "It's so rare of us to just relax and visit with you, Twilight Sparkle. After being put in cocoons by the Changeling Queen, we knew we needed to have something like this."

"There is always some crisis we have to deal with," added Celestia. "Somepony always needed our help, but today we can at least have a moment together."

However, Luna noticed that there was somepony missing from the table, somepony who had recently saved them and was awarded for it along with Trixie, Discord and the newly minted Changeling ruler, Thorax.

"Although, there is somepony whom I feel should also be here."

"Who, Luna?"

"Starlight Glimmer," answered the Princess of the Night, shrugging her shoulders in reluctance.

Both Twilight and Celestia listened intently at what Luna had to say. In fact, both of them noticed of the growing bond that was developing between both of them.

"You know, it's funny you talk about how you and Starlight can relate to one another," remarked Twilight as she took a sip of tea. "It's funny how you mention that Starlight should be here with us. I don't know how to say it, but it seems that even though Starlight graduated, I feel that she still has a lot to learn. To me, she needs somepony to look up to for something other than friendship problems. Somepony whom she can turn to for whenever she has her own personal problems. What she needs is just simple, ordinary life lessons."

"Don't you open yourself to Starlight's problems, Twilight?" asked Celestia. "Of course, you are her teacher."

"I was her teacher, Celestia, until now. To me, I can tell you from personal experience that whenever Starlight has a problem, she tends to hide it through her magic. Recently, she cast a series of spells on my friends because she felt uncomfortable about being around them."

"Wasn't this when you were in Canterlot giving that presentation to my students?" wondered Celestia.

"Yes. It was. She was honest about her actions, but I feel that I am sometimes not really that good enough when she has a problem of major proportions. In fact, I've been thinking that maybe she should devote at least once a week to talking to somepony and getting proper guidance. All I did was give her friendship lessons, but I feel she needs lessons that are taught to by somepony else."

With each word that the Princess of Friendship spoke, Luna realized more and more that she was going to be selected as Starlight's mentor.

"And you think that somepony is me?" she asked with Twilight and Celestia nodding that Luna was indeed that somepony. "I'm actually not surprised, yes. In fact, before we were captured, Starlight was having a nightmare and I was there to help her. I told her that she was sort of like me in the sense that our pasts sort of connected."

"Twilight and I think that perhaps," suggested Celestia, drinking another sip of tea. "You should get together and just talk to each other, learning from one another. Would you be willing to devote one day a week for you and Starlight to visit with one another, Luna?"

It didn't take long for Luna to answer her sister's question.

"Yes, if you wish me to help Starlight sister, then I will do whatever I can to help her. You're both right about the fact that we had to overcome our respective pasts to get to where we are today. When would you like me to meet with her?"

"I think we should leave that decision up to you, Luna. You decide when the time is right to meet with Starlight."

As the three alicorns were talking, little did they know that Starlight Glimmer was right outside the dining hall listening in on the conversation.

"Spike, can you believe what I'm hearing?" she asked, catching the baby dragon's attention as he walked down the hallway. "Twilight wants me to be mentored by Princess Luna."

"Well, you do relate in a way. You've both had…"

"Yeah that," interrupted Starlight, suddenly accepting her impending fate. "I feel like I haven't really fully graduated, Spike. You were there when I cried out that I wasn't ready to leave at the party, remember?"

"How could I forget? It was then that Twilight gave you that mirror as a present."

"But, what I feel is that I've only graduated from learning lessons on friendship. I still have a lot to learn about life in general, Spike. And the one pony who is qualified for just that is Princess Luna herself."

As she spoke, Starlight felt that even though she was somewhat honored at the fact that she was now going to be mentored by Princess Luna herself, she couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated.

"After all," Starlight continued, taking in a nervous gulp. "Luna's on a whole other level, on the ranks of Princess Celestia herself."

"So what?" remarked Spike. "Luna is a pony like you. Yes, an alicorn like Celestia, Twilight and Princess Cadence, but a pony nonetheless. Luna may have been intimidating, but she really isn't like that anymore. Not since Twilight and the others reformed her. In fact, she also had to overcome her own obstacles such as punishing herself for becoming Nightmare Moon."

"That's what Luna meant by being helped by Twilight and the others," Starlight whispered to herself. "And why she sees so much of myself in her. Maybe I'm destined to be mentored by Luna. I just hope that it all goes well."

At that moment, the door opened and the three princesses came out of the dining hall.

"Hello, Starlight Glimmer."

"Hello, Princess Luna," answered Starlight, nervously. "So, I hear that you feel that I should…"

But, Luna stopped Starlight as she placed a hoof under her chin.

"Come to Canterlot tomorrow and we will start our weekly time together."

Starlight gulped nervously as she accepted what was in front of her: the chance to be taught life's lessons by Princess Luna herself….