"It's broken? That's great. Just great." Tony said sarcastically. "Now how are we supposed to get him out of the Quantum Realm?"

Captain Marvel started thinking. How would they get him out of the Quantum Realm? Thankfully, Carol Danvers was a smart woman. "I've got it!" She told Tony.

"What's your plan, Danvers?"

"One of us is going to have to enter the Quantum Realm through the Quantum Tunnel to get him out. Manually. To exit the Realm, you have to grow really large at exponential rates." She explained.

"Yeah, so how are we supposed to do that?" Tony asked.

"Well, I asked the Iron Patriot to gather information about Ant Man, as we need him to stop Thanos." Captain Marvel started. "And I found out that Ant Man has technology that not only allows him to shrink at exponential rates, but also grow."

"Okay. So what are you trying to say?"

"Well, assuming that Scott Lang does not have his shrinking and growing discs at this time, his suit has the Pym Particle technology for it. And if we can extract that energy from his suit, we can get him home."

"That plan is dangerous. First of all, someone else needs to go in and get him, and second, we don't have a way of extracting the power of his suit." Tony said.

"Actually," Captain Marvel was handed a strange looking circle, which was glowing red, by Superior Iron Man. "This disc absorbs energy from any metallic object, such as the Ant Man's suit. attach it to the middle of your hand, where your arc cannon is, and then twist it to activate it."

"Wait, you mean I have to go in there and save him?"

Captain Marvel shrugged. "You have your left arc cannon to ward of enemies, and you can use your feet as propulsion. We've already attached the extraction disc to you. We can't get it out without using it on someone."

Tony sighed. "Fine." He put on his helmet and faced the Quantum Tunnel.

"Your suit can handle the Quantum Realm, Tony, so don't worry." She told him.

Tony faced the Quantum Tunnel. He was going to shrink down and save Lang. He counted in his head.




Tony jumped inside the Quantum Tunnel. He was shrinking down extremely fast. Almost to much to handle. Around him, he saw different layers of the Quantum Realm shift by him. Colors and patterns shifting at impeccable speed. Tony felt like screaming, but too much was going on. Then, he stopped shrinking. He was in the deepest layer of the Quantum Realm. The one where Scott Lang was stuck inside of. He landed on a soft, wavy platform. Tony looked around him, and what he saw was breathtaking. The Quantum Realm was both beautiful with its many colors, and terrifying because of how unstable it was. But enough looking around. He had a job to do.

Tony walked slowly, as if he was on the moon. He kept looking for Ant Man. He tried to call out for him.

"Hello? Scott? Anyone there?"

There was no response. Tony kept looking. He found nothing. Where was Ant Man? He didn't know, and he was starting to loose hope of finding him.

Until he heard a scream.

"HELP!" Screamed a faint noise. Tony turned to his left and saw a small person in the distance. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

It was Scott. Tony activated his feet boosters and flew as fast as he could to Scott.

"I'm coming! Hang on!"

Tony kept going and he saw the Ant Man. But that wasn't the only thing that he saw. Scott was surrounded by three giant monsters (For his size). Tony grabbed Ant Man.

"What the hell are those things?" Tony pointed at the leech like monsters.

"Those are tardigrades. They're extremely small, but now they're going to eat us! We have to get out of here!" Scott explained.

"Don't worry." Tony put his right hand on Scott's shoulder. "I have a plan." Right when he did that, the red power disc started to extract the power from
Ant Man's suit. Not before long, Tony had access to Hank Pym's technology. Almost magically, new data was installed in his suit's database. Tony analyzed the Pym Particles to find a way to grow out the Realm.

"Hurry!" Ant Man yelled. The tardigrades were getting closer, and hungrier.

"I've got it!" Tony announced. "Hold on!"

Tony grabbed on to Scott's arm and both of them started growing. And extremely fast. The Quantum Realm started shifting again, but in reverse. And after a few seconds, Tony and Scott came out of the Quantum Tunnel.

Ant Man was relieved. "Thank you for saving me!" He looked at Tony's head. "Wait a minute. You're- You're Tony Stark!"